Eurocorps Commander Appointment, European Order of Merit Nomination, European Security Review, and EU Welcome Packages

Firstly, I want to once again thank the European people and the European Union's member states for placing their faith in me and for entrusting me as your Foreign Affairs Commissioner. It is both an honour and a duty that I shall take seriously, and will endeavour in with the best of my abilities. Thank you.

Keeping the European Union safe is one of my responsibilities as your Foreign Affairs Commissioner, and it also so happens to be my top priority. It is outlined in the Act to Establish the European Corps that it is my duty as the Commissioner of Foreign Affairs to appoint a Eurocrops Commander to serve for the duration of my term in office. As promised, I shall once again appoint our incumbent Eurocorps Commander, Vincent Drake am Weisshaupt of the Duxburian Union, to continue to serve as the Commander of the Eurocorps.

Commander Drake has served as the Commander of the Eurocorps since its inception, and has been unwavering and diligent in his duties. Commander Drake has been steadfast in keeping our region safe, and has been crucial in safeguarding allied lands from encroachment, occupation, and annexation. Commander Drake has received global recognition and commendation for his efforts and contributions towards international peace, and so it is only fitting that we acknowledge his achievements at home as well with a European Order of Merit for his service. I shall be nominating Commander Drake for a European Order of Merit before the European Council shortly.

I shall also be working with the Eurocorps and the European Union's member states in reviewing regional security, and in ensuring that our entire region is on the same page when it comes to keeping the EU's borders secure. The EU's current border defense strategy requires greater cooperation and endorsement from the member states ((OOC: our new WA delegate is severely lacking in endorsements)), which requires immediate attention.

Communication and information dissemination is another cornerstone of the Foreign Affairs Commissioner's responsibilities. I have already taken the liberty of making sure that the relevant EU websites, portals and the EU App have been updated to reflect the new and current government composition.

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Supplying newly acceded EU member states, their governments, and their relevant national organisations with information and welcome packages regarding the European Union has been integral in our strategy to engage new member states, and in making sure that member states can navigate their ascension to the EU more smoothly and easily. The European Union used to supply such information and welcome packages, but has stopped in recent months ((OOC: due to Occoron CTEing)). In the coming days, I shall also be ensuring that new welcome packages are put into place.

I hope everyone has been enjoying the warm summer weather, and that you all have been staying hydrated. I can't believe we're approaching August already! Take good care.

Your boy,
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