Spanish Goverment
PERTE of Microelectronics and Semiconductors
In view of the growing demand for semiconductors in key sectors such as automotive and household appliances and the need to accelerate autonomy in chip manufacturing, this PERTE aims to strengthen the design and production capacities of the microelectronics and semiconductor industry in Spain from an integral perspective and to favour national strategic autonomy. This strategic project is expected to mobilise a public investment of 12,250 million emus up to 2027 and will in turn trigger a significant volume of private investment.
PERTE Chip will be developed around four strategic axes that cover the entire value chain of the industry in different phases: conception, design, chip production and boosting the manufacture of ICT electronic products, so that it acts as a generator of demand for the microchips produced, and boosting the semiconductor entrepreneurial ecosystem. This comprehensive vision will have a multiplier effect for the Spanish economy as a whole.
The following actions will be implemented:
Reinforcement of scientific capacity. With actions to strengthen R&D&I on cutting-edge microprocessors and alternative architectures and integrated photonics, develop quantum chips. An investment of €1.165 billion is foreseen for the period 2022-2027.
Design strategy. This includes actions that will boost Spanish capacity in the design of microprocessors through the creation of fabless companies (whose designs can be manufactured by others, without the need to have their own factory) for the design of cutting-edge microprocessors and alternative architectures; test pilot lines; semiconductor training network. 1.33 billion will be earmarked for this axis.
Construction of manufacturing plants. To provide domestic semiconductor production capacity in leading-edge (below 5 nm) and mid-range (above 5 nm) semiconductor manufacturing. The budgeted public investment is 9.35 billion emus.
Revitalisation of the ICT manufacturing industry. This includes actions such as the creation of a capital fund focused on chips to finance start-ups, scale-ups and innovative SMEs in the national semiconductor sector, with an initial public allocation of 200 million emus. It is also aimed at strengthening domestic production in electronics manufacturing - which uses microchips as input - to act as a driver for the semiconductor industry and absorb part of its production. The estimated budget amounts to 400 million emus.
In addition, a special commissioner for the governance of PERTE will be created to ensure the coordination, effectiveness and coherence of the actions between the ministries involved in this strategic project.
D. Luis de Guindos Jurado
Minister of Economy and CompetitivenessD. Víctor Calvo-Sotelo Ibáñez-Martín
Minister of Science, Innovation, Research, Digital Transformation and 2030 AgendaD. Román Escolano Olivares
Minister of Industry and Commerce -
Gobierno de España - Gobierno Aguilar IV
PRESIDENT: D. Jesús Aguilar
- First Vice-President; Minister of the Presidency and Relations with the Cortes: Dña. María Soraya Sánez de Santamaría Antón
- Second Vice-President; Minister for Territorial Administrations: Dña. Marta Merino Muñoz
- Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation: D. Alfonso María Dastis Quecedo
- Minister of Defence: Dña. María Dolores de Cospedal
- Minister of Justice: D. Rafael Catalá Polo
- Minister for Home Affairs: D. Alberto Núñez Feijóo
- Minister of Economy and Competitiveness: D. Pascal Donohoe
- Minister of Finance and Public Function: D. Cristóbal Ricardo Montoro Romero
- Minister of Agriculture, Fishing, Food and Water: Dña. Isabel García Tejerina
- Minister of Climate Change, Environment, Rural Development and Demographic Challenge: D. Jaime Eduardo de Olano Vela
- Minister of Education, FP, Culture and Sport: D. Íñigo Méndez de Vigo y Montojo
- Minister of Universities and Transparency: D. Elías Bendodo Benasayag
- Minister of Employment And National Insurance: Dña. María Fátima Báñez García
- Minister of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare: Dña. Josianne Corneloup
- Minister of Industry, Trade, Tourism and Energy: D. Álvaro María Nadal Belda
- Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda: Dña. Mariastella Gelmini
- Minister of Science, Innovation and Research: Dña. Anja Karliczek
- Minister of Digital Transformation, Cybersecurity and 2030 Agenda: D. Víctor Calvo-Sotelo Ibáñez-Martín
- Minister of Social Affairs, Social Rights, Inclusion, Migrations and Equality: D. Barack Obama
- Minister of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth: Dña. Isabel Plácida Bonig Trigueros
- Minister for the Spanish Commonwealth Affairs, Overseas Missions and Territorial Waters: Dña. Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo Peralta Ramos
Focus Africa 2023: Redefining the Spanish Foreign Approach to African Nations
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation is pleased to announce the creation of Focus Africa 2023, a new foreign policy to be applied during the last months of 2022 and the whole of 2023 in and with Africa, in order to address the challenges facing both the continent and Spain. The Government understands the relevance of the African continent, as well as the strategic relevance and significant economic potential the nations in said region of the European Union have. It is, therefore, a priority for the Kingdom of Spain to push forward this new foreign policy, that will see diplomatic, economic and other bounds with African nations significantly strengthened.
Focus Africa 2023 is directed at the Commonwealth of Leagio, the Union of Duxburian Dominions, the State of Elthize, the Federal Republic of Lusitania and Vettonia, the People's Democratic Republic of Svarna Surya and the Kingdom of Huriyah. This new approach of the Spanish foreign policy to said nations will increase ties between us, but also help to understand our nations better. The Kingdom of Spain would like to invite, during 2023, all leaders from these nations to have a summit with Spain.
The Kingdom of Spain will also work harder in order to improve the understanding of said nations and getting to know the concerns of the nations that it does not have intense foreign relations with, like Lusitania and Vettonia or Svarna Surya. When it comes to Elthize, Leagio and the Union of Duxburian Dominions, Focus Africa intends to enhance cooperation and improve, even more, our fluent diplomatic relationships. All the Spanish ambassadors in Africa will attend a summit in Melilla on Friday, 11th November 2022, in order to prepare the deployment of the new approach for Africa.
D. Alfonso Dastis Quecedo
Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation -
On War Refugees
After the War Declaration of the Kingdom of Reitzmag on the People's Democratic Republic of Svarna Surya, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Social Rights, Inclusion, Migrations and Equality has called an urgency meeting of the Immigration Board, presided by Minister Barack Obama, in which the Minister has expressed concern for the ongoing situation in the far east. It has been decided that:
- The Kingdom of Spain will only accept refugees that have a Spanish passport, have cooperated with Spain in the past or have relatives in a legal status in Spain.
- The Kingdom of Spain will also accept athletes, musicians and other Svarnans that may provide the Kingdom of Spain with talent.
- The Spanish Government calls for an agreed European response to this crisis, and announces it will not accept more than 500 general refugees.
D. Barack Obama
Minister for Social Affairs, Social Rights, Inclusion, Migrations and Equality -
Spanish Travel Advisories
The Spanish Government, after hearing the suggestions from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, has decided to apply the following Travel Advisories for Spanish Citizens over the countries listed on the map below. This travel advisories will be in place until August 1st, 2023; when the Government, once again advised by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, will elaborate a new map.
Changes Concerning the Previous Map
- Yosai moved to the Yellow list.
- Reitzmag and the United Duchies added to the Yellow list.
- Svarna Surya added to the Red list.
New Tariffs Imposed in the Strait of Gibraltar for 2023
Following the meeting of the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency, composed of all the members of the Parliament of the Autonomous City of Gibraltar, it was agreed by an absolute majority to review the tariffs and access to the Strait. This review will be in force for the whole year, and may be modified at the discretion of the GSSA itself.
The Gibraltar Strait Security Agency would like to remind that it is an independent and neutral agency under the direction of the Government of the Autonomous City of Gibraltar, and under the control of the Gibraltar Parliament. The GSSA is not dependent on or influenced by bodies of greater or equal power to that of the Gibraltar Parliament and the Government of Gibraltar, thus maintaining the autonomy guaranteed through the Home Rule Charter for the City of Gibraltar, which dates back to 1995. Its actions and decisions are taken by the Government of Gibraltar and approved or rejected by Parliament, which is the guarantor of the neutrality and controller of the proper functioning of this agency, which is based on the pillars of independence, honesty, transparency and security.
Below are the new tariffs that will apply to each country's cargo vessels according to the following criteria:
"I. Cargo vessels' final destination is not the Kingdom of Spain.
II. Cargo vessels do a stopover in the Kingdom of Spain, then resume their route heading east or west of the Strait area.
III. Cargo vessels go through the Strait of Gibraltar, not stopping at the Kingdom of Spain"Tariffs:
Group 0: Inquista, Icholasen, Vayinaod, Fremet, Hellas, Spain, Angleter, Duxburian Union, North Diessen, Inimicus and Mishar.
Group 1: Leagio, California, Elthize, Gadalland & Aspern and Nofoaga.
Group 2: Lusitania & Vettonia, Ineland, Pravoslaviya, Brickston, United Duchies, Strathae, Blue Croatia, Istkalen, Czech Slavia, Federal Republic of Icholasen, Bulgaria and Oregon.
Group 3: Reitzmag, Yosai, United Kingdom and Huriyah.
Group 4: Union of Nicoleizian Soviet Republics, Neo Venetia and Svarna Surya.
Access criteria is as follows:
I. Military assets from the members of the Treaty of Telum will be allowed to the Strait of Gibraltar, and will have full access to it.
II. The Apostolic Kingdom of Angleter, the Archrepublic of Vayinaod, the Republic of Fremet, the Kingdom of Hellas, the Mishar Republic and the United Dominions of Icholasen are granted a licence to go through the Strait of Gibraltar.
III. No other European nation’s military assets shall be allowed to enter the Gibraltar Strait.D. Albert Issola
GSSA Director -
On the Rotatory Direction of the ASMSA
Rebeca Torró Soler, first woman to ever occupy the Direction of the Adventuranza Sea Maritime Security AgencyThe Adventuranza Sea Maritime Security Agency wishes to thank D. Francisco Martín Gallego, from Cantabria, for his hard job and commitment while directing the agency for two years, after last year's rotation could not take place. Martín Gallego's role has been crucial in order to maintain peace in the area, and to find a new status for the region that would appeal both the Kingdom of Spain and its neighbours. The ASMSA would like to remember that, since April 2022, the Kingdom of Spain does not recognise Adventuranza as a Strait but rather as a sea, and that it has dropped any claim on the other half.
Due to the agreement between Ceuta, the Canary Islands, Escocia, Cantabria and the Comunitat Valenciana, the head of the ASMSA changes every year, rotating in a circle from west to east. The new Adventuranza Sea Maritime Security Agency is Doña Rebeca Torró Soler, Councillor for Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility in the Comunitat Valenciana.
The Adventuranza Sea Maritime Security Agency has also discussed the possible adhesion of Puerto Rico to the agency. However, the Government of Puerto Rico has declined the invite, therefore the agency members have rejected this possibility.
Dña. Rebeca Torró Soler
ASMSA Director -
President Aguilar New Year Eve Address
Good afternoon my dear compatriots,
As has been my custom since I took office as Prime Minister, I am addressing you on yet another New Year's Eve to assess from a personal point of view what the year we are leaving behind today has meant for Spain. Before entering into any assessment, I would like to thank you once again for listening to this speech and for allowing me to enter your homes via television. I do not want to begin without first sending warm greetings to all Spaniards abroad, as well as to the victims of the new war in Europe, which has taken place in Svarna Surya.
This year I would first like to salute the Spanish soldiers deployed in the Spanish military bases abroad, specifically in Aether, Gadalland, Nofoaga, Ineland, Mishar, Montenbourg, the United Kingdom, Leagio and Inimicus; as well as those who are currently patrolling the seas and oceans of our world. Their efforts and commitment to Spain should not be forgotten in a year in which their role has been key to strengthening Spain's international image. In June, the military sphere became a major presence in our lives as our capital, Madrid, hosted the first-ever summit of the Treaty of Telum. During this summit, the members of the alliance had the historic opportunity to lay the foundations of the new treaty, of our strategic concept and to define the roadmap for the years to come. Madrid and its citizens dressed up to welcome four high-profile foreign leaders, and we gave an image to the world that very few expected. Spain is an open country, a friend to its friends, that will always ensure security and peace, not only for its citizens, but also for those countries that trust us.
Also during 2022, Spain has strengthened its presence abroad: Jean-Claude Juncker was elected this summer as Premier Commissioner of the European Union, and Luis de Guindos was elected as President of the European Central Bank, an institution of great prestige and importance at the head of which he will do a great job. I have also had the opportunity to welcome many foreign leaders this year, and to travel to new countries around the Union: Lusitania and Vettonia, Leagio, Ineland, Elthize, Aether, Hellas, California or the United Kingdom, among many others. Our kingdom has also had some run-ins with other countries during these 12 months, but these have been resolved swiftly and effectively. Although we no longer believe that Adventuranza is a strait, but a sea, I would like to insist that Spain will never be cowed by anyone, and that a concession does not mean that we will allow Spain to be limited by countries that use weapons instead of words as a solution to the hijacking of ships, or that make demands to Europolis about who they can or cannot be at the same negotiating table with. Our country and I myself know who we can trust, who we can call allies, who we can call friends, who we can call partners, and who we can only call by name. I take this opportunity to send warm and affectionate greetings to our Telum Treaty allies, as well as to Spain's friends, who know who they are.
At the national level, Spain has voted this year that we are now seeing leave, once again giving me its confidence to occupy the post of President of the Government. This position, which I have held since 2016, is demanding and hard to assume, but I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks, as I did in July, for the support of many Spaniards who trusted me to continue leading this country from the executive branch. Spain has proven to be a democratic country, in which on the very night of election day we are able to obtain the definitive results of our elections, eliminating uncertainty and suspicions of rigging. Democracy in Spain is not at risk, nor is it called into question by anyone: we are a fully democratic country with a particular legal system, which does not oppress but includes all the historical nationalities, regions and other regional bodies that make it up. Our cultural, linguistic and even ethnic diversity is what makes our country unique, and respecting it, as well as working to advance the inclusion of these regions in the autonomous state, must be priorities to be taken into account during 2023.
Moreover, we should congratulate ourselves for the great work we have done this year, not only on a personal level, but on a collective level: Spain has become this year the fifth largest economy in Europe, and the third richest country per capita, with a GDP growth of more than 4 billion euros. This growth, which is not only due to the good work of the technicians of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, as well as Luis de Guindos and Pascal Donohoe, is also due to the economic activity in which you, the Spaniards, play a great role. Our GDP now stands at almost 7.2 billion euros, and the target for this day in a year's time is to reach 9 billion, in the most conservative scenario, and 10 billion in the most optimistic one. But not only the economy has been a factor to take into account this year: so has our development of the Spanish Space Agency, which will inaugurate a second spaceport in Gadalland in January next year, which will join the one in Nofoaga and the one we already have on national territory; or the social and technological advances that have taken place this year. We will continue working to move forward and make 2023 a year that very few will forget.
I conclude by wishing you a happy entry into 2023 and that the year that will begin this midnight after eating 12 grapes and listening to the clock at the Puerta del Sol will be a year full of happiness and good times with your family and friends; as well as a great year for our country. Best wishes to all of you, Feliz Año 2023, Happy New Year 2023.
On the War Threats of the United Kingdom
The Kingdom of Spain condemns the war threats of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland on a recent statement issued by their Government, in which it was stated that "reliberating Gibraltar" was over the table. The Spanish Government would like to remind that Gibraltar has never been subjugated by any country and that is has always been under Spanish sovereignty, and that the British Empire era the United Kingdom once went through has been over for years. The Spanish Government has called the British Ambassador for inquiries, in order to receive a formal apology and obtain the needed explanations after these unberable threats that put in risk the Mediterrean Sea stability and peace in the European Union.
Dña. Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría Antón
First Vice-President of the Kingdom of Spain
Minister of the Presidency and Relations with the Cortes -
Statement - On the United Kingdom
The Kingdom of Spain rejects and condemns the sanctions imposed by the United Kingdom Government, without prior approval of said nation's Parliament, in which Spanish assets are both banned and frozen, alongside with a operation ban for Spanish companies in the United Kingdom. These sanctions, however, do not come as a surprise for the Spanish Government, that has seen how its British Counterparts and the British Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, have taken the decision to deteriorate the excellent relationship between both countries during the past weeks, using the Strait of Gibraltar taxation system as a excuse.
The Kingdom of Spain, once again, insists that the Strait of Gibraltar waters are Spanish property, and that the Spanish Government position will not change on the matter, as the Strait of Gibraltar current status is undisputed and enforced by the Spanish Armada in the framework of the Operación Columnas de Hércules. The territorial integrity of Gibraltar and its surrounding waters, including those of the Strait, remain a Spanish red line on both its internal and foreign policy, and has been backed by several nations since its establishment back in 2020. No nation sanctions or threats will change this position the Kingdom of Spain has had since the establishment of a taxation system in the area, a position that has been backed by several Mediterranean nations. The Spanish Government would also like to remind that both the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency and the Ministry for the Spanish Commonwealth Affairs, Overseas Missions and Territorial Waters are always up for summits and meetings in order to discuss tax-related matters with any European nation.
The Spanish Government reserves its right to respond to these sanctions in due time, without retorting to war, but employing the legal resources available in the Spanish Legal Order, such as the Royal Decree, and hearing the Congreso de los Diputados and the Senado de España as it has always done. The Kingdom of Spain remains a democratical nation and still respects the role of Parliament in its democracy, considering both chambers as key to the well-functioning of the State. In addition, the Spanish Government has called the British Ambassador to Spain for inquiries.
D. Alfonso María Dastis Quecedo
Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation -
Statement - On Gadalland and Aspern
The Kingdom of Spain follows with special interest the developing events in Gadalland and Aspern, a very valuable ally of Spain where the Spanish Armed Forces hold significant military presence and with which Spain has a Defensive Agreement that entitles the Spanish Military to defend Sertia in times of need. The President of the Kingdom of Spain, Jesús Aguilar; the Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Alfonso Dastis; the Minister of Defence, María Dolores de Cospedal; and the Minister for the Spanish Commonwealth Affairs, Overseas Missions and Territorial Waters, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, are meeting in the Palacio de la Moncloa to discuss the situation.
The Spanish Government does not support the declaration of independence issued by Aspern and the West Olves, and recognises the Government of Sertia led by Fornithias Cranst as the sole authority over the island. This position has also been adapted by the Spanish Commander for the Caribbean and the Pacific, General Carlos Brown, who is monitoring the events with his team and the troops deployed in Gadalland and Aspern. In a diplomatic telegram sent by the Spanish Government, President Jesús Aguilar has told Fornithias Cranst that "Spanish troops are ready to serve in any situation that requires their aid".
The Spanish Government does also call Guthrun Wond to abide by the legal order of Gadalland and Aspern, as he has done during the term he served as the Head of the Braetha, and to cease with his intentions to break up Gadalland and Aspern, a nation he used to have huge love for when he was in office. The Kingdom of Spain also offers its mediation to both parties and hopes that a peaceful and diplomatic answer is reached soon.
D. Alfonso Dastis Quecedo
Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and CooperationDña. María Dolores de Cospedal
Minister of DefenceDña. Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo Peralta Ramos
Minister for the Spanish Commonwealth Affairs, Overseas Missions and Territorial Waters -
Joint Statement between the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
The Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland have agreed to carry together the duties of the 'Operación Columnas de Hércules' in exchange of a military base lease to the United Kingdom in the city of Gibraltar, after a meeting between the President of the Spanish Government, D. Jesús Aguilar, and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Sir Keir Starmer, that was held in the city of Gibraltar on the 3rd of April, 2023.
Both leaders have underlined their will to cooperate to achieve a safer Mediterranean Sea, that now faces "a critical moment in history" after the passage of the Freedom of Navigation Act. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Sir Keir Starmer, has shown his support for the taxation system applied by the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency as for the territorial waters claim that the Kingdom of Spain holds in the Strait of Gibraltar, both complying with European law. In addition, Jesús Aguilar has thanked the British Prime Minister for his "sincere, honest apology" and has welcomed the United Kingdom's will to help Spain at keeping the Mediterranean safe from "modern day threats that are not far from Spain".
D. Jesús Aguilar
President of the Kingdom of SpainSir Keir Starmer
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland -
On the Hellenic entry into the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency
The Gibraltar Strait Security Agency wishes to announce that the Hellesthalassa Kingdom, commonly known as Hellas, has joined the Gibraltar agreement today at 0:00 CEST, effectively becoming a member of the GSSA. The President of the Gibraltarean Government, Mr. Fabián Picardo; alongisde the Spanish-Gibraltarean Director of the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency, D. Albert Issola, have both welcomed Hellas to the agency and stated that "a new time for Gibraltar begins today".
Due to this agreement, the fuctioning and governance of the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency changes. From today, the GSSA has two directors: one appointed by the Kingdom of Spain, who has delegated said function to the Government of Gibraltar; and another appointed by the Government of Hellas. Both directors will be in charge of making decisions, requiring unanimous agreement to adapt any decision. In addition, the Strait of Gibraltar has been divided in two equal parts, seven kilometres each.
After their first meeting, both directors have agreed to keep the current tariffs and access criteria, which was released in a statement published on December 27th, 2022.
D. Albert Issola
Spanish Director of the GSSAMr. Lysander Athanasiou
Hellenic Director of the GSSA -
On the Capture of Guthurn Wond
The Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation wishes to congratulate Sertian authorities for the capture of Guthurn Wond, which has been possible thanks to the great training and professionality of these. The Spanish Government, as the nation in charge of the defence of Gadalland and Aspern, and Sertia, wants to outline this successful operation within the cooperation that both Spanish and Sertian authorities established a few years back and that remains untouched up to this date. Spain also wishes to reaffirm its compromise with this and other agreements signed with Gadalland and Aspern, and offers its support to Sertian authorities in whatever they need, as to the Head of the Braetha, Fornithias Cranst.
D. Alfonso Dastis
Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation -
Gobierno de España - Gobierno Juncker I
PRESIDENT: D. Jean-Claude Juncker
- Vicepresident; Minister of the Presidency and for the Territorial Administrations: D. Alberto Núñez Feijóo
- Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation: D. Esteban González Pons
- Minister of Justice: D. Rafael Catalá Polo
- Minister of Defence: Dña. Penny Mordaunt
- Minister of Finance and Public Function: D. Juan Bravo Baena
- Minister for Home Affairs: D. Elías Bendodo Benasayag
- Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda: Dña. Mariastella Gelmini
- Minister of Education, Culture and Sport: Dña. Marta Rivera de la Cruz
- Minister of Employment And National Insurance: Dña. María Fátima Báñez García
- Minister of Industry, Trade, Tourism and Energy: Dña. Jennifer Granholm
- Minister of Agriculture, Fishing, Food and Water: Dña. Rosa María Quintana Carballo
- Minister of Climate Change, Environment, Rural Development and Demographic Challenge: Dña. Cristina Agüera Gago
- Minister of Economy and Competitiveness: D. Pablo Hernández de Cos
- Minister of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare: Dña. Cuca Gamarra
- Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth: D. Diego José Gago Bugarín
- Minister of Science, Innovation and Research: Dña. Anja Karliczek
- Minister of Digital Transformation, Cybersecurity and 2030 Agenda: D. Luis Alberto Marín González
Statement of the Banco de España
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 24.1 of Law 13/1994 of 1st June 1994 on the Autonomy of the Banco de España, following a report to the Congress of Deputies and at the proposal of the President of the Government, D. Pascal Donohoe is appointed as the new Governor of the Banco de España.
Felipe VI, Rey
D. Jean-Claude Juncker
President of the Kingdom of Spain -
On the Direction of the ASMSA
Due to the changes in the Government of the Comunitat Valenciana, the Direction of the Adventuranza Sea Maritime Security Agency is now held by Doña Salomé Pradas Ten, Councillor for the Environment, Water, Infrastructures and Tourism. The ASMSA wishes to thank Doña Rebeca Torró Soler for her services in the direction of the Agency since December 2022, becoming the first woman ever to hold such a significant position.
Despite this being the first time a change on the leadership takes place in the middle of the Director's term, the Adventuranza Sea Maritime Security Agency members have decided not to interrupt the Comunitat Valenciana's term in a unanimous vote. A change of the Agency's direction will take place at the end of the year, in December, when Ceuta is expected to take over from the Comunitat Valenciana in the direction duties.
On the Implementation of the New Taxing System
Beginning on Monday, 21st August 2023, the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency will implement a new system that will be tested until the end of 2023. This new procedure has been approved on the GSSA meeting held today in Gibraltar, Spain, with consensus between both Directors, as the Treaty of Functionment of the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency requires. In said meeting, the Agency has approved the following changes:
- Tariff Changes: The Gibraltar Strait Security Agency has approved a change on some nations' tariffs. The Republic of Istkalen is moved to Group 0, California is now allocated in Group 2 and the United Duchies is moved to Group 3. Until the new revision on December 2023, tariffs are as follows:
Group 0: Inquista, Icholasen, Istkalen, Vayinaod, Fremet, Red Croatia, Hellas, Spain, Angleter, Anastocopala, Duxburian Union, North Diessen, Inimicus and Mishar.
Group 1: Leagio, Elthize, Gadalland & Aspern and Nofoaga.
Group 2: Lusitania & Vettonia, Ineland, Pravoslaviya, Brickston, Reich Hungary, California, Czech Slavia, Federal Republic of Icholasen, Bulgaria and Oregon.
Group 3: Reitzmag, Yosai, United Duchies and the United Kingdom.
Group 4: Union of Nicoleizian Soviet Republics, Neo Venetia and Svarna Surya.-
Access Prequisites: For ships to be allowed to go through the Strait of Gibraltar, shipping companies owning ships wishing to enter or exit the Mediterranean Sea should issue a inventory statement to the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency 48 hours prior to their arrival to the Gibraltar Strait area. Access may be denied if the inventory statement is not filled and delivered correctly. In that inventory, companies must declare the distributors they are working on behalf of, as well as the estimated value of the goods they are shipping. They must also add the registration of the ship, the nation where the ship is registered and the name of the shipping company itself.
New System: The Gibraltar Strait Security Agency has passed a new system that will be tested until the end of 2023, when the Agency will make a decision concerning the new procedure after analyzing the results of the test. With this system, the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency will directly tax countries based on the country of origin of the goods on a ship, charging them with a certain percentage of the total value of all the goods. Until the end of the test, the goods produced in or with origin in the United Duchies and the Federal Republic of Yosai will see its tax calculated through this system. In addition, if the goods from these two nations are transported in ships from taxed nations, an additional tax based on the group tha nation where the ship is registered will be added up to the calculation.
These new measures will enter in place on Monday, 21st August 2023, at 0:00 CEST.
D. Albert Issola
Spanish Director of the GSSAMr. Lysander Athanasiou
Hellenic Director of the GSSA -
Statement on the Strait of Gibraltar
The Kingdom of Spain rejects a new attempt from the Federal Republic of Yosai to blow up peace in the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar, by defying the current rule of law that the Spanish and Hellenic Government agreed for the Strait of Gibraltar in their recently signed Treaty, on which the Kingdom of Hellas joined the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency while the area was split in two equal halves, of 7 kilometres each; and which included the conservation of the current measures and taxation system that was recently updated after the agreement reached by the Spanish and Hellenic directors of the Agency; alongside the Freedom of Navigation Act 2023, passed by the European Council.
The Federal Republic of Yosai has, however, helped the Kingdom of Spain to prove that they are interested on bringing death, explosions and conflict to the European Union, by publicly stating their will to go through the Strait of Gibraltar with a military convoy escort. This convoy contravenes the access criteria established by the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency, and the Kingdom of Spain reserves its right to apply the necessary measures to enforce these measures alongside the GSSA. Furthermore, it risks peace and the so-long pursued stability in the Mediterranean Sea, that has remained peaceful in a very tense World. Yosai intends to bring tensions to a peaceful sea, and Spain, as the nation in charge of protecting the Mediterranean, will not allow this to happen. Today, Yosai has removed its mask and shown its real face, attacking Spain and the Mediterranean nations using one of them as hostage.
In addition, and in application of the Freedom of Navigation Act 2023, Section II, Article VII, which explicitly says "Member States may deny military passage through their territorial waters", the Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Hellas deny the right of the Federal Republic of Yosai's military ships. The Kingdom of Spain and the Spanish Government believe on the rule of law of the European Union, and will not hesitate to act in order to keep the European rule of law wherever it is up to our nation to protect it.
D. Esteban González Pons
Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation -
Statement on the Newly Introduced Tariffs by the United Duchies
The Kingdom of Spain rejects the start of a Trade War between the United Duchies and the Kingdom of Spain, after the former raised Spanish tariffs to Schedule 5, establishing a 35% tariff on national products. The decision allegedly comes after the United Duchies considered there is an ongoing crisis between the two countries, something that was certainly untrue until tonight. The lack of a summit between the two nations follows a decision from the Spanish Government in which it does not wish to establish free trade or travel with the United Duchies at the moment, and which the United Duchies seems to be attempting to force a change to.
The United Duchies has, as stated before, decided that the best move was to begin a trade war between our nations, in order to force the Spanish Government to capitulate to Cair Para's exigences. The Spanish Government will not put its knees to the ground, as we believe the United Duchies interests go further beyond free commerce and movement. The Government at Cair Para clearly provoked instability in the Caspian and Red Seas, and their extortion attempts go further from Spain, involving two allied nations of Spain and whose trust has been earned and continues to be firm: Inimicus and North Diessen.
In response to this tariff changes, the Kingdom of Spain therefore rises the Duchian tariff to a 40%. Nevertheless, the Spanish Government will be glad to lower these tariffs if the United Duchies does so. The relationship between the two nations, against what was stated by the Cair Para's Government, was formal and fine; and it should have remained like this if the United Duchies would not have acted in a hostile maneer against Spanish products and companies.
Dña. Jeniffer Granholm
Minister of Industry, Trade, Tourism and Energy