Spanish Goverment
On the Upcoming European (Councillor) Elections
The Kingdom of Spain will be heading to the polls within 6 June and 9 June to elect its new European Councillor, who will be in charge of representing the nation in the European Council for the next five years. For these elections, the Kingdom of Spain has opted for the alternative voting day system, which will make the nation attend the polls in different dates, in order to provide the least disruption as possible. The voting days are established as follows:
- 6 June: Clerbonne (Germanium)
- 7 June: Londres
- 8 June: Commonwealth Territories and Puerto Rico
- 9 June: Rest of the Nation
D. Elías Bendodo Benasayag
Minister for Home Affairs -
Spanish Travel Advisories
The Spanish Government, after hearing the suggestions from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, has decided to apply the following Travel Advisories for Spanish Citizens over the countries listed on the map below. This travel advisories will be in place until January 1st, 2025; when the Government, once again advised by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, will elaborate a new map.
A new Orange list has been included into the travel advisories scheme. Countries or regions in the orange list are places that should be avoided and where it is slightly discouraged to go. It is highly reccommended to visit the official webpage of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation ( for more information concerning these and other territories included in travel advisories, as for any nation within the European Union.
Changes Concerning the Previous Map
- United Duchies moved to the Orange list.
- Reitzmag removed from the Yellow list.
On the Californian Commonwealth Membership Request
As Secretary-General of the Spanish Commonwealth, I take note of the membership request from the Government of California. According to our rules and regulations, there is no procedure for the membership acceptance of a foreign, independent nation. As stated in our first meeting, the Spanish Commonwealth was born to co-ordinate the Spanish territories and military bases all around the European Union under the same flag that represents them all.
However, considering the historical ties that unite the Kingdom of Spain and California, it is my duty as Secretary-General to find a way to allow for Californian membership in the Commonwealth. That is why I will be proposing Commonwealth Members the creation of an International Observer status, alongside the entry of California into the Commonwealth. The vote will take place tomorrow, in an online summit that will be chaired from Nueva Antequera.
Patricia Scotland
Secretary-General of the Spanish Commonwealth -
On the Californian Entry to the Commonwealth
Californian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the Secretary-General, Patricia ScotlandIt is with great happiness that I announce the entry of and I welcome the Republic of California into the Spanish Commonwealth as an international observer. The members of the Commonwealth, in an unanimity vote, have accepted the neighbouring country into the organization. Today, we give an historical step towards reuniting, within the same institution, all the regions and nations that share deep ties with the Kingdom of Spain.
After the summit came to an end, I had the chance to meet the Californian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, to whom I have explained the programme I am delivering as Secretary-General of the Spanish Commonwealth. California, as an international observer, will be able to vote on those matters that involve all Commonwealth members, but not on those that concern Spanish territories around the world. Both the Prime Minister and I have discussed the many ideas and proposals that we have to make the Commonwealth a better organization and to deliver for the people even more.
Today, a new era starts for the Spanish Commonwealth and its new international observer, the Republic of California.
Patricia Scotland
Secretary-General of the Spanish Commonwealth -
On the Recently Passed High Speed Railway Projects in Andalucía
Current and projected rail network of Andalucía. Source: ADIFThe Spanish Government has approved the construction of hundreds of kilometers of new high speed lines (Líneas de Alta Velocidad or LAVs) in Andalucía. The decision has been taken after carrying out numerous studies concerning the conventional and high speed rail network in the Autonomous Community. Prior to this massive investment from the Spanish Government and the Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF), the high speed netowork only reached Córdoba, Sevilla, Granada and Málaga. Once all the works have been finished, the High Speed network in Andalucía will reach the eight regional capitals, increasing frecuencies and reducing travel times.
New high speed rail connections will be built between Sevilla and Huelva, as well as between Córdoba and Jaén, via Linares-Baeza. In these two rail lines, the old conventional railways line will be fusioned with the new LAV in some parts only, with the majority of the line being built from scratch. Concerning the Antequera - Sevilla high speed railway, work was already started by the Junta de Andalucía in the 2000s. ADIF and the Ministry of Transport have both agreed on using the built infrastructure, that reaches Marchena, which will save enormous work time, allowing ADIF to focus on the Marchena - Aeropuerto de Sevilla - Sevilla high speed line.
In addition, works are being done in order to improve the whole network in the region. In 2025, the Almodóvar del Río bypass will open, allowing regional high speed trains from Málaga and Granada heading to Sevilla to skip a stop in Córdoba, saving some minutes. In 2026, it is expected that the High Speed rail line to Almería from Murcia is finished, connecting Almería and its port with the high speed railway and the Corredor Mediterráneo. Concerning the conventional rail netowork, improvement works will be carried out in the Almería - Moreda - Granada line, the Antequera - Algeciras line, and the Moreda - Linares line. A new link will also be built with Málaga Airport, and a new high speed rail has also been approved for the Costa del Sol, starting in Algeciras (Cádiz), going across the entire coast of Málaga and finishing in Motril (Granada). Finally, a conventional rail line is still being studied between Almería and El Ejido, via Roquetas de Mar.
D. Pedro Muñoz Abrines
Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda -
Gobierno de España - Gobierno Feijóo I (Reshuffle)
PRESIDENT: D. Alberto Núñez Feijóo
- First Vicepresident; Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Cortes and Territorial Administrations: Dña. Roberta Metsola Tedesco Triccas
- Second Vicepresident; Minister of Economy and Competitiveness: D. Pablo Hernández de Cos
- Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation: D. Sebastián Rubio Rodríguez
- Minister of Justice: Dña. Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo Peralta Ramos
- Minister of Defence: Dña. Penny Mordaunt
- Minister of Finance and Public Function: D. Juan Bravo Baena
- Minister for Home Affairs: D. Elías Bendodo Benasayag
- Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda: Dña. Mariastella Gelmini
- Minister of Education, Culture and Sport: D. Borja Sémper Pascual
- Minister of Employment And National Insurance: Dña. María Fátima Báñez García
- Minister of Industry, Trade, Tourism and Energy: D. Thierry Breton
- Minister of Agriculture, Fishing, Food and Water: Dña. Maria da Assunção de Oliveira Cristas Machado da Graça
- Minister of Environment, Rural Development and Demographic Challenge: D. Jaime Eduardo de Olano Vela
- Minister of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare: Dña. Barbara Jean Lee
- Minister of Science, Innovation and Research: Dña. Anja Karliczek
On the Spanish Mission to the Moon
The Official Poster for the Spanish Mission to the MoonThe Spanish Government, the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Research and the Agencia Espacial Española - Spanish Space Agency (AEE - SSA) officially revealed today the poster for the Spanish Mission to the Moon, beginning on 3 January 2025. The Miura I will be launched from the Spaceport located in Sertia, at 05.00 Local Time. Their Majesties the King and the Queen, Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias, the President of the Spanish Government, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, the Minister of Science, Innovation and Research, the Spanish Councillor and Speaker of the European Council, the Secretary-General of the Spanish Commonwealth and Former Presidents Jean-Claude Juncker and Jesús Aguilar, will attend the launch on Sertia, travelling on 2 January 2025. General Carlos Brown and General Laura Potter will join them at Sertia, alonside Sertian and Nofoagan authorities, including the Head of the Braetha Fornithias Cranst, President Lula Namatatiki or the Spanish Representative in the Nofoagan Parliament, Marian Fonseca; amongst other authorities.
Four astronauts will travel to the Moon in the first Spanish mission, aboard the Miura I: Spanish Astronauts Pablo Álvarez Fernández and Sara García Alonso will be joined by Nofoagan astronaut Christopher Huie and a Sertian astronaut. The four members of the crew will set foot on the Moon, and plant their respective national flags, alongside the AEE-SSA flag and another representing the mission. If everything goes as it should, the Agencia Espacial Española expects that the Miura I will touchdown on 7 January 2025, 06.00 Local Time of Sertia. Their return to the Earth is expected to take place on 11 January 2025, with the exact time being unknown, depending on the mission development.
The Agencia Espacial Española - Spanish Space Agency (AEE-SSA), together with the Spanish, Sertian and Nofoagan Governments, and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Research, invite the entire world to follow the Mission to the Moon, that will be broadcasted by the AEE's official YouTube channel and Radiotelevisión Española, offering international coverage of the event.
Dña. Anja Karliczek
Minister of Science, Innovation and ResearchFrancisco-Javier Benedicto Ruiz
AEE's Director General -
Regarding Tarification of the Strait of Gibraltar for 2025
Following the meeting of the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency, composed of the Spanish and Hellenic Directors of the GSSA, the Agency has approved the following tariffs for the new year, effective since the publication of such:
Group 0: Inquista, Icholasen, Istkalen, Vayinaod, Fremet, Red Croatia, Hellas, Spain, Angleter, Anastocopala, Duxburian Union, North Diessen, Inimicus and Mishar.
Group 1: Leagio, Elthize, Gadalland & Aspern and Nofoaga.
Group 2: United Duchies, Montenbourg, Ineland, Pravoslaviya, Brickston, California, Czech Slavia, Federal Republic of Icholasen, Bulgaria, Reitzmag and Wimaland.
Group 3: United Kingdom.
Group 4: Union of Nicoleizian Soviet Republics, Neo Venetia and Svarna Surya.
Group 5: YosaiConcerning the new system applied to the United Duchies and Yosai, the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency has decided to return the United Duchies to the common system applied to all nations except Yosai. The "alternative system" consists on taxing based on the country of origin of the goods on a ship, charging them with a certain percentage of the total value of all the goods. In addition, if the goods from these two nations are transported in ships from taxed nations, an additional tax based on the group tha nation where the ship is registered will be added up to the calculation.
The Gibraltar Strait Security Agency wishes to remain that for ships to be allowed to go through the Strait of Gibraltar, shipping companies owning ships wishing to enter or exit the Mediterranean Sea should issue a inventory statement to the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency 48 hours prior to their arrival to the Gibraltar Strait area. Access may be denied if the inventory statement is not filled and delivered correctly. In that inventory, companies must declare the distributors they are working on behalf of, as well as the estimated value of the goods they are shipping. They must also add the registration of the ship, the nation where the ship is registered and the name of the shipping company itself. The Gibraltar Strait Security Agency will not allow transit through the Strait if the tax is not paid duly.
Concerning military access to the Mediterranean Sea, the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency will only allow the entry into the Strait waters and, therefore, the Mediterranean, to the navies of the Mediterranean countries (Spain, Hellas, Red Croatia, Anastocopala, Inquista and Mishar), as well as to the members of the Treaty of Telum that are not Mediterranean nations (Inimicus, North Diessen, Duxburian Union, Leagio) and the Vardic, Fremetian and Angleteric navies. Transit of said nations ships through the Strait will be surveyed by the Spanish Armada. The Gibraltar Strait Security Agency and the Spanish Government reserve themselves the right to respond to any non-welcomed military incursion into the Strait of Gibraltar or the Mediterranean Sea.
The Gibraltar Strait Security Agency wishes to pay tribute to the work of D. Albert Issola, former Director and the Spanish Director of the GSSA since the entry of Hellas into the Security Agency. Issola has contributed to the development and growth of the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency, and we wish him a happy retirement. We welcome Dña. Gemma Arias-Vasquez as the new Spanish Director of the GSSA. Finally, the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency wishes everyone a Happy New Year.
Dña. Gemma Arias-Vasquez
Spanish Director of the GSSAMr. Lysander Athanasiou
Hellenic Director of the GSSA -
On the Rotatory Direction of the ASMSA
The Adventuranza Sea Maritime Security Agency wishes to thank D. Alejandro Ramírez Hurtado, from Ceuta, for his services and commitment during the year he has served as the Director of the Agency.
Due to the agreement between Ceuta, the Canary Islands, Escocia, Cantabria and the Comunitat Valenciana, the head of the ASMSA changes every year, rotating in a circle from west to east. The new Adventuranza Sea Maritime Security Agency Director is Don Manuel Miranda Medina, Councillor for Territorial Policy, Territorial Cohesion and Waters in the Canary Islands.
The new director wishes everyone a Happy New Year, and is committed to stability and progress for the Adventuranza Sea, as well as environmental conservation.
Statement - On the News about a Possible Spanish Annexation of the Republic Nofoaga
The Spanish Government and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, after the publication of a news article on the Sertian press that accuses the Kingdom of Spain and its Government to be preparing itself to annex the Republic Nofoaga and its territory, would like to refute these accusations, which are based on false reports and misleading statements from, allegedly, Spanish officials.
The Kingdom of Spain respects Sertian sovereignty and its Government, remaining a reliable partner and ally for Caribbean nations. As a nation with military bases and leased territories in the region, the Kingdom is committed with stability in the area, as it has proven over the past years in both the Kingdom of Sertia and in the Republic Nofoaga, remaining a good and trusted neighbour. These unfounded claims come as a surprise to the Spanish Government, that feels forced to deny that it is currently preparing to annex the territory of the Republic Nofoaga. This Cabinet clearly supports freedom of press, however; we believe that every publication should be verified before being divulged.
The Spanish Government is always open to attend to journalists that wish to verify or contact the Cabinet for any matter they deem convenient.
D. Sebastián Rubio Rodríguez
Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation