Thank you all for your confidence in our little nation. Thanks to the protection conferred by article VI, the main goal of our army will be entirely redirected towards humanitarian aid. From now on, she will go to the field with drugs instead of weapons. Our planes will no longer unleash terror but money to rebuild countries affected by war or natural disasters. All this will be done without distinction, without discrimination. Because everyone has the right to live in good conditions. On the diplomatic level, we will not accept any alliance, but any nation to our friendship, as long as it does not betray our confidence. In this case, we believe that a peaceful solution can be found. In a short time, we will officially declare our neutrality.
Our Republic thanks you from the bottom of our hearts for the help you bring us. We owe you. We hope that our decision is the right one and that it will only bring good to the UE.
"A better world is built together" Siredor's motto

The National and Democratic Assembly of Siredor
And from the ruling party, the Siredor Fraternels