Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone Establishment Act 2024
Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone Establishment Act
Proposed by Premier Commissioner Akem Linek (Istkalen) :: Passed (4-0), January 1st, 2024 :: Unamended
An act to establish a special zone of countries committed to a global reduction in carbon emissions.
I. A Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone shall be established.
II. The Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone shall be composed of all those member-states of the European Union that both communicate to the European Commission their intention to enter the zone and meet the requirements for entry and membership set out in Section II as determined by a majority vote of the Commission.
III. At least half a percent for each member-state composing the Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone, up to a maximum of seven percent of all future budgets of the European Union, will be set aside to be redistributed to each of the member-states that compose the Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone in proportion to their population.
IV. The Commission may, by majority vote, determine that a member-state within the Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone is no longer meeting the requirements set out by Section II. If such a determination is made, the Internal Affairs Commissioner, or in their absence, the Premier Commissioner, must propose a motion to the Council to expel the member-state from the Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone. Approval of said motion is by simple majority of those present in the Council, and results in the expulsion of the member-state from the Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone.
I. To enter and remain a member of the Carbon Emissions Reduction Zone, a member-state must have:
a) Adopted a tax, to be paid either by consumers or producers, levied on the final consumption of goods according to the estimated amount of carbon dioxide released by the production of said goods, with the tax increasing the price of the emission of one ton of carbon dioxide by the equivalent of at least 40 euros.
b) Established a national plan, or equivalent, to eliminate positive net emissions from domestic electricity production by 2040 at the latest.
c) Established a national plan, or equivalent, to eliminate positive net emissions from domestic manufacturing by 2055 at the latest. -