Spain News Media
The Spanish Ejército de Tierra
As of know, Spain spent over a 2,22% of the GDP on it's military. With the new budget being passed this afternoon, the budget will be raised to the 10,01%, being a sicnificative change that the army has recived with happiness, but also taking in count that new equipment will come a bit later than expected. The budget also brings some measures to keep Spain in the surplus zone as the Government considers the Economy as a "national matter".
The leader of the oppossition, Pedro Sánchez has said that "he won't support this outrageous budget, which is a mad idea. We need to make the economy grow as we get the Spanish more quality of life, so that's what we need in this budget." As of now, only the Partido Popular and Navarra Suma will support this budget. Still, the absolute majority of the Partido Popular provides that the budget is going to be passed and this changes will be made.
2 Authonomous Communities will be facing elections this year. Galicia and the País Vasco will hold elections on July 12th after the announment of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the President of Galicia and Íñigo Urkullu, Lehendakari of the País Vasco. Both have agreed to hold elections the same day (as it's usual) so they can save money to the Spanish Government but also to their authonomous communities.
In Galicia, the polls give an absolute majority to the President, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, with a 48% of the votes and 41 seats, keeping the same amount of seats. The Partido Socialista Obrero Español would get a 22,6% of the votes and 19 seats, getting 5 more than in 2016. The Bloque Nacionalista Galego would get a 15,3% of the votes and 11 seats, getting 6 more than in 2016 and Galicia en Común - Anova - Mareas gets a 8,4% of the votes and 4 seats, losing 10 compared to 2016. VOX and Ciudadanos wouldn't get any seats but would get a 3,1% and 0,8% of the votes respectively.
In the País Vasco the Lehendakari, Íñigo Urkullu would get a 39,5% of the votes and 30 seats, 1 more than in 2016, but won't get an absolute majority, so they will need to get agreedments in order to remain in power. The pro-ETA and pro-independence party, EHBILDU, would get a 22,8% of the votes and 17 seats, keeping the same amount of seats than in 2016. The Partido Socialista Obrero Español would get a 14,1% of the votes and Elkaerrin Podemos a 10,6%, getting 11 (2 more than 2016) and 9 seats (2 less than in 2016) respectively, which makes them sum up the same number of seats together. The centre-right coalition PP+C's would get a 8,7% of the votes and 7 seats and the far-right party VOX would get a 2,2% of the votes and 1 seat.
The official ball of the Euro 2020, called Uniforia
8 nations have signed up during this week to take part in the Eurocup 2020 that Spain will host. The date to see the first kick-off is still undecided, as inscriptions for the Euro 2020 has not closed yet. At the moment, 4 stadiums have been chosen: Santiago Bernabéu, Camp Nou, Old Trafford and Celtic Park, but some as the Benito Villamarín, Mestalla or the Principality Stadium, which are ready to start preparing theirselves for the Euro 2020 if they are selected. Gallorum, Angleter, Malborya, the Ottoman Empire, Pravoslaviya or Taltovia haven't still confirmed if they will take part on the competition.
Also 5.000 Reitzmic citizens will be allowed to enter Spain in order to cheer their team in this Euro 2020. The Government will publish a guide to explain everything that they will be able to find in Spain and what security protocols will be followed, as Spain applies "special and very specific measures" to the Kingdom of Reitzmag.
Madrid Nuevo Norte, in Virtual Reality
The Madrid Nuevo Norte project, wich pretends to give the borough of Chamartín and the north of the city of Madrid a brand new modern and futuristic look, it's ready to start searching for internatioanl investors. BBVA, ADIF, DUCH (now knows as DCN) and the building enterprise San José are the national investors for this project, which makes the exact amount to pay for it. But, this enterprises has decided to host a bid to allow international investors from all Europe (except those countries that are not allowed to invest in Spain like the Kingdom of Reitzmag) to take part in this project, which will reshape approximately 2,65 million square metres of land and create 241.700 new jobs.
The plans include the construction of at least 3 skyscrapers, at a height of 330 meters and stipulates the creation of 348 new office buildings and 11.700 apartments. The plans include a short additional metro line consisting of three new stations. A new Cercanías station is also to be constructed, most likely above the northernmost of the metro stations. Chamartín railway station will be significantly extended and modernized, turning it once more into the main reference point of the Spanish high velocity rail network AVE (which is currently thought to be Atocha in the south of Madrid).
Jesús Aguilar has been asked today about the Reitzmag's Sanctions by VOX, the far-right party that would like to stop them as soon as possible. Santiago Abascal has said to the President that "Reitzmag is one of the stronger nations in the European Union and we need those sanctions to stop if we don't want to have more problems than we actually have with them", he said as the Parlamentary session went on.
Aguilar then had his turn to answer the far-right party speaker: "Those sanctions are staying for at least, 1 year Mr. Abascal. Spain is not going to RASE, is not sending any exhibitors and also we are not retiring anything as of now. Just look at their councillor elections. No debate, no proposals, just a voting from the deputees. Can we trust on them while this Councillor elections has been a shame? No, we can't. But be sure of one thing: We always keep an eye on those nations thatwe have passed sanctions on." He said.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation has reacted this morning to the actions taken by Mennrimiak and the Kingdom of Reitzmag, after the words in the Congress of the President, Jesús Aguilar, where he said in response to a question made by Santiago Abascal, from VOX, that the sanctions are going to be kept for a year and that Spain was not assisting to RASE, apart from saying that the councillor elections were undemocratic as it wasn't no debate or anything that could make citizens informed about what the candidates had as proposals.
Dastis, who has been asked by the press before entering the Palacio de la Moncloa, has said: "What we have seen last night it's what we have been expecting for months. If you take good measures against someone, you can expect non-reasonable answers. About Mennrimiak, the speech of the Prime Minister just shows they don't have enough reasons to make this, but they need to support the Kingdom of Reitzmag because if not, like the Spanish say "se forma la marimorena". Then, he has been asked about the payments of Mr. Bridges to the Reitzmic enterpirses: "I didn't know bribing in the Kingdom of Reitzmag is legal, but I'm not surprised." He laughed a bit. "Anyway, that proofs what the President said yesterday. If you can't do a propper democratic elections, you can't pretend to make the enterprises leave without any reason. So that's why you need to pay a billion RPS. Anyway, those enterprises weren't operating here, and we don't buy anything to Reitzmag, so then I don't even understand why they've spent a billion euros for nothing. And about the CBC News, I can confirm operations won't cease, because CBC España is different to CBC Reitzmag, which means their money is for nothing. Anyway, I want to thank them for giving money to enterprises that are Spanish. That will make their budget increase, and will make employment grow, so thank you".
Mª Dolores de Cospedal, Minister of Defence, has visited this Sunday the military division that will serve in Nofoaga as it was agreed in the Spanish - Nofoagan Summit in which Spain assumes the defence of the Republic of Nofoaga. Cospedal has congratulated those that have offered theirselves to leave Spain and move to Nofoaga. "You are the example of that empathic and solidary Spanish society, which always gives support to the Fuerzas Armadas, to the Unidad Militar de Emergencias and to every single Fuerzas Armadas' units that helps the Spanish people".
1.025 persons will be sent to Nofoaga in 5 Airbus A-400M. They will be scorted by some fighters and other cargo planes, that will carry to Nofoaga the necessary equipment to protect the Island and the Republic. In their uniforms, the military personnel will wear the Spanish flag and the Nofoagan flag mixed in one, as a sign of cooperation.
The Spanish Army while doing some exercises
The Spanish Army has released a Press Communicate today in which it said that they have bought some new equipment to supply the ones that have gone to Nofoaga as it was said on the Free Military Agreement. New ships and planes have been bought while the Ground division has not recived anything new (as they got it with the last update). The budget has stayed at the same: a 10,01%, which it's one of the EU's lowest defence budgets.
The Minister of Defence, Mª Dolores de Cospedal has confirmed via Twitter that more equipment expansions will come in the future, as a plan of having a bigger army with new and modern equipment.
Manolo Barón, Fernando Martínez-Maíllo and José Guirao will not continue as ministers in the Spanish Government. That has been confirmed by the Ministries accounts on Twitter, which have welcomed the news ministers to their charges. The 3 Ministers are leaving the cabinet after asking for that to the President, but not for political reasons. Mr. Barón, who it's also Antequera's Mayor, has said that being minister supposed a lack of time to dedicate to their city. Guirao was offered to be the General Direction of the Montemadrid organisation, which it's "an offert I could not dimiss". Maíllo refused to continue as he will focus on the Partido Popular politics, which had a lack of attention.
The 3 new ministers are María Soledad Cruz-Guzmán, from Sevilla, who has a lot of experience with the Spanish Culture and Diversity, Teresa Jiménez Becerril, who will supply Manolo Barón in fron t of the Tourism Ministry and Víctor Calvo-Sotelo, who leaded the Secretariat of Telecomunicaciones.
By the newspaper's director, Jordi JuanThe last events in Nofoaga are concerning to anyone that believes on democracy. It doesn't matter how much you believe on it, the question is: Did the pro-French people need to do that? Sometimes, you need to start thinking on what you want to do, instead of, as they wanted to show the world, attacking the police, and those attacking the rioters back. But that isn't the crossroads we are on at the moment. Let's focus on the "interests" that the Kingdom of Spain has in the Republic of Nofoaga, and why what is going on there interests us more than we believe.
The question that you are thinking on could be this: "Wait, do we actually have things with that tiny island?" The answer is that we have some things with them, yeah. First of all, we have a free trade and movement agreement, which you won't care about just to go into there and watch lots of turtles and coconuts. Of course, if there are coconuts, there are palms. But you will find turtles all around the island, or that is what the ads on the TV says. But, what else does Spain have in Nofoaga? The army. The Republic of Nofoaga has not former army, so Spain took the management of the army into there while the Government gets some money.
At the moment, it has been known that the Nofoagan Government has asked the Spanish Government to deploy the army just to protect important buildings, to which the Government has said yes but with some conditions: The army won't kill anyone or won't take part on pushing-back the rioters. Also, they will negociate with the rioters to cease their actions and to get the curfew lifted and the Government has made a recommendation about politicians that have been arrested. According to a secret document, the Spanih Government has said the Nofoagan one that they should be released. Nofoaga will need some help, but it won't need a war. Meanwhile, Juncker thinks on how to stop these riots while populism and revolutions start spreading all around Europe.
Demonstrations in Glasgow has inspired the country; movement leader saysThe recent Spanish Government application to the ENAA has not felt very good in the Spanish society. Demonstrations has started in Glasgow (Escocia) and extended around the capital city of all the authonomous communities and regions all around Spain. Europa Press has interviewed the "No to Nukes" movement leader, who has asked us to call her Miley and keep his identity completely secret:
Q: Why don't you want the Kingdom of Spain to have nukes?
A: We don't need nukes to self-protect ourselves. We don't even need an army. The European Union is a peaceful nation, we are against of war, the Government is. Why do we need nukes at all? I think we just need to stop investing on defence and start investing on other things that are better for the Spanish citizens.
Q: If we don't need nukes, and we don't need an army, where do you think this aim to spend more and more on defence comes?
A: From capitalists-pig nations such as Inquista, Fremet or Gallorum. They want us to have nukes because they want a European War to take place. Don't you see them hating nations such as the UNSR? The UNSR it's the example of how we should do things. I encourage Podemos, specially Izquierda Unida, and all the Republican parties to set on a revolution. We need to get freedom from this authoritarian regime that it's called monarchy, and from this absurd President.
Q: So, I assume you'll vote Unidas Podemos in the next election, right?
A: No I won't. I'm an anarchist, I just vote inserting a slice of chorizo into the envelope and a short note where I say: "You're all slaves of capitalists". I believe on a society in which everyone can do what they want without a police officer arresting me for stealing food from my local supermarket.
Q: Last question, do you think that ENAA will approve Spain to have nukes?
A: They are all capitalist nations, so they will. But if they don't, I will personally try to meet with every single guy that voted against it. GO ANARCHISTS! GO ANARCHISM!
Donald Tusk, before entering the CouncilIt's been 2 long years, but Spain, thank to its councillor in Europolis, Donald Tusk, has submitted its first proposal to the Council. During these 2 years, we only have taken part in debates to pass or reject proposals from other councillors. But now, our councillor is going under a different situation. The Council will debate an amendment to the European Heritage Site Act 2010, which has been made by our councillor.
In that amendment, Tusk has proposed that the European Commission accepts or declines applications, which would happen 2 times a year (one every 6 months). Countries could only submit one application per each round, and the lucky monuments that get onto it would be funded with European and National funds. At the moment, only the European Funds worked for that.
We'll see if the amendment gets passed or not. Hux Stevens, live from Europolis, EUnews.
The First Encierro of this Sanfermines have delighted us with a fast and mostly fair encierro in which there have only been 4 persons injured. The first one is a famous runner in la Cuesta de Santo Domingo, which has a broken arm. He won't be able to run an encierro once again this year. The second injured is a Nicoleizian that avoided any police ontrol and entered the encierro without permission. He was apparently drunk and he ran in the opposite direction. He got gored by one of the bulls in his chest. He's out of danger at the moment, and he will spend at least 2 days in Pamplona's Hospital. Luckily, he had the European Health Insurance Card.
The other 2 injured persons are from Spain. The first one has a craniocerebral trauma, and the second one has a trauma in his leg, but he has been discharged this afternoon. Tomorrow, the bulls from Victoriano del Río's stockbreeding will take Pamplona streets.
Jon Ola Sand has been announced as the new Eurovoice Spain manager for the next 3 years. The official Twitter Account has welcome him today at 9AM. The Minister of Culture, María Soledad Cruz Guzmán has declared to be proud of the Public Broadcaster for signing such an expert. Mr. Ola Sand has organized lots of festivals in Spain, about 100, for 10 years, which makes 10 festivals per year. Now, he will be incharge of getting us to the highest position in EuroVoice.
He will now have to start working on a project that it's giving some results. Last edition, Spain scored a 2nd Place in EuroVoice just behind Icholasen, who won the contest. Jon has confirmed he is not running for being the new EuroVoice director because he is now icharge of the best thing he could choose. His country's EuroVoice delegation.
The bulls from the Victoriano del Río's stockbreeding have taken Pamplona's streets at 8 o'clock to get a clean encierro with no one being injured, but lots of people falling when they were being pushed by other runners to get in front of the bulls' heads. This encierro has also been fast, with the time being set at 01:59. If you don't knew or remembered this, the bulls need to go down 800 metres from the Corrales de Santo Domingo to the bullring. Tomorrow, we will have a very exciting encierro, as we have had during these 2.
The GSSA (Gibraltar Strait Security Agency), which will be incharge of setting the sound taxes on the StraitThe Spanish Government and the Gibraltar's President, Fabián Picardo, are planning to establish sound taxes in the Strait of Gibraltar. It's been known that a huge majority of European Countries which their cargo ships go trough the Strait would be subject to a 2 percent tax of the Cargo value on board. But not always these conditions will apply. The Spanish Government is planning to set different taxes for some nations. At the moment, it's been filtered that Inquista or the Duxburian Union would get a disccount, and some other nations would pay even more than the rest of Europe.
The official sound taxes list will be revealed on Monday 13th July and it's expected to create polemic about it. Meanwhile, in Gibraltar, we think that we will be richer, or how knows, we will keep the same money. The expectation grows as time flies away. On Monday, we will know everything about the first sound tax of Spain. Also, a second one for the Strait of Aventuranza is being planned, in which we have been able to know that Angleter and Duxburian Union wouldn't pay, and Inimicous would pay only a 1%.
The Spanish Anniversary Day was pretty sucessful last year, but also very confusing. The old-existing nation of Derecta got his Prime Minister kidnapped by "El Trisha", from Red Croatia, the Romanovs opened a Bar & Grill in Ibiza and the fancy Archbishop of Inquista, Mikaela Klienberg got married with Juan Bernardo Fernández-Velázquez, who left la Legión without telling anyone and then was searched by the Spanish Armed Forces for months. This year, the Spanish Government is planning something different, and there's a fun thing: We are not paying for it!
People from Fremet, Vayinaod, Icholasen, Gallorum, Inquista and other nations that would like to join the party would be invited, but maybe some are not welcomed to it as Reitzmag. This means that the Spanish Government would have to decide if they let Reitzmic Celebrities (or whoever who attends the party) to enter Ibiza as we did with their fans for the EURO 2020, we are doing in summer and also, we did with Atty. Winston. The President would pay everything as it's a private party, so don't need to worry about your money being spent on a party to see Angela Merkel completely drunk or another kidnap like Cayetana's or Sanders'. The party will start the 14th August, as last year. Telecinco will set a special programme to let you know everything about the party we could see, thank to Cazamariposas, our celebrity journalism programme.
One year ago only the Spanish people knew Jean-Claude Juncker. Now, he is the Internal Affairs Commissioner, and mostly everyone (exceptions have to be made to those isolated or with no Internet Connection, TV and a mobile phone) knows him. And this had led into something I wanted to ask: Is Juncker, at the moment, the most hated person in the European Union? Where did this hate come from? Do they really know him and his ways? Or is this all a complot from the ELDRs, which are like a real pain in the neck?
Let's start with the first question: "Is Juncker, at the moment, the most hated person in the European Union?" This journalist thinks he isn't the most hated in the European Union, but he is hated by many. If we had to do a ranking, first is Tympov, second is Craticus, third is Winston and fouth would be Jean-Claude Juncker. So, no, he isn't the most hated in the European Union, or that's what I think. At all, this is only an opinion article, so you can obviously have your own opinion. And if someone tells I'm a centre-right voter, I've always voted the Partido Socialista, but I support Juncker. Can't I?
I will let the 2nd question for the last paragraph. So, the 3rd question is next: "Do we really know him and his ways?" That depends of 2 things. Firtsly, if you have red his biography, and secondly, if you has followed his campaign all around Europe. Jean-Claude is a fan of the "Diplomacy First", and he has had 2 summits: Individual one with Czech Slavia, which he promissed to visit, and the European Heads of Government / State meeting, in which we have seen many to join in, while others just announced a boicot and sent their EU Councillor even knowing that he won't be allowed.
And last but not least. Is this a complot from the ELDR? If you ask me, then I'll say yes. Mennrudemiak and Embarraitzmag are the European member-states I hate the most. While the first tell we have an arrogant leader, and we don't invest in welfare like they were perfect, they send a councillor to a summit he won't enter because of his position and they get angry! Who's now arrogant Mennrudemiak, you or the Spanish Politicians? And finally, we have Embarraitzmag (Reitzmag for those that don't understand my joke), which just tries to continue an old enough feud against every single Spanish that does not let Reitzmag "grow". I would like to remember they sank their own navy alone, but hey, sometimes is great to make others responsible of your mistakes and failures. That's why some hate Juncker, because he didn't let Winston win (even if many EU nations voted for him, but it will be always Juncker's fault).
The reasons are clear: If Atty. Winston would have won, Europe would be now in war, while the ELDR would be just having a good time. But, we got Juncker as an Internal Affairs Commissioner, and for some, that's horrible. But for me, it's great, because we could finally see the real ways and values of the ELDR.
The Spanish Government has got a new economical assesor into their team. It's Paschal Donohoe, who recently was incharge of the vigilance of the Ireland region in the Autonomous Community of Londres. This decision has still got no reason, but the Government says that he will be very important in some days. CBC News hasn't got access to those informations, but we are still on the search of the main reason, that for sure, the Spanish Government is hiding. The Minister of Economy, Luis de Guindos, has not said anything but "Mr. Donohoe is a great assesor that will help the Spanish Government in its future economical objectives".
Other news. Corinna Larsen, the King Juan Carlos' secret lover, has been affected by the release of t¡her talks with the corrupt Police Officer, Villarejo. Those talks were forced by Villarejo when he kidnapped Corinna in Saint Dominico, where she is been living since Juan Carlos' let her alone. In 2012, the King haunted elefants in another region, but broke his hip and photos were released in which he appeared with Corinna and behind, a dead elephant was lying on the floor. Villarejo has made a statement in which he has said: "I have more to release, and I will if they don't get me out of the jail."
The Partido Nacionalista Vasco has won with 30 seats on the Basque Country, 2 more than in 2016, when the last elections took place. The Lehendakari, íñigo Urkullu, will probably repeat on the Presidency as there's no other alternative to kick him out from the Lehendakaritza. The pro-ETA and Basque secessionist party, EH BILDU, has got 21 seats, an historic result for them. The Partido Socialista de Euskadi has got 10 seats, 1 more than in 2016, and the coalition PP+C's has kept all the seats they had in 2016, 9. Podemos has been the big loser on this elections, losing 7 seats and just getting 4. Finally, VOX, the far-right party, has entered the Basque Parliament with a seat.
In Galicia, not much has changed since 2016. Podemos - Anova - Mareas has completely dissapeared from the Galician Parliament, losing 14 seats they earned back in 2016. Alberto Núñez Feijóo has got an absolute majority of 42 seats, earning 1 more than in 2016. In 2nd place it's the Bloque Nacionalista Galego, that has overpassed the Partido Socialista and gained 13 seats, getting a total of 19. On 3rd and last place, the Partido Socialista de Galicia, which has kept their 14 seats.