The Government of the State of Haane-Keste
The Government of the State of Haane-Keste is headed by the Presiding Citizen (Aoe-t-Evaan; literally 'High Caretaker' in native Haanean) and the Mediator (Vahemees in Kestean), who rule jointly over the realms of Haane and Keste, which otherwise are self-governing. Each has absolute power over their respective realms, but can be overruled by either the legislature, the judiciary, or what is called the "Council for the Public Defense," (CPD) which acts on the legislature's behalf in its absence. They also exercise this power over the state as a whole, although they may be vetoes by their counterpart as well as the organs previously mentioned.
The following are the members of the Government:
Presiding Citizen: Iuliha Teimasenvou
Mediator: Kaja Kallas
CPD of the Haanean Realm:
Cllr. Evais Taeias
Cllr. Iasis Iovmaisen
Cllr. Iuli Teimasenvou
Cllr. Veia Veive-t-Iveava
Cllr. Iavilis Vevai-t-Eis
CPD of the Kestean Realm:
Cllr. Mailis Reps
Cllr. Kersti Kaljulaid
Cllr. Kadri Simson
Cllr. Sven Mikser
Cllr. Riina Sikkut
The State of Haane-Keste is itself predicated on religious principles adapted for a more secular setting. Yet at the same time we have maintained a revolutionary outlook; maintained the core of our ideology.
What Ms. van der Bijl proposes, as such, is dangerous. She is attempting to convince the masses of a lie - that national self-determination is not important when compared to the need to keep clerical elements out of the movement. Her words are alluring; many will fall into her traps. But make no mistake; she wishes for the destruction of everything, and to rule upon the ashes.
Our administration is known for its stringent defence of the integrity of the sovereignty of the many different peoples who live on the Haane. We will not betray this simply to gain standing among the communists of Eastern Haane.
It is the right of any nation or any people to decide their own matters; their right to be capitalist or socialist, their right to be religious, secular, or state atheist, so long as the basic principle of the equality of all individuals is respected. In our view, the decision of the Presidium neither harms nor gives special treatment to anyone, and thus is a legitimate expression of sovereignty.
They will decry us as revisionists, as reactionaries, as the betrayers of the movement. But this does not matter, for we will stand by our principles until the world ends.
Iuliha Teimasenvou, Presiding Citizen, Haanean Realm
Kaja Kallas, Mediator, Kestean Realm -
Statement on the Mass Arrest of the ARKG Leadership
The State of Haane-Keste condemns the extremism of the ARKG, which purposely misinterprets simple folktales as to pursue an agenda of hate against a wide number of people.
Yet even then, we must condemn the mass arrests that occurred today. They were made by an Eastern Haanean force without authorization from native authorities on native citizens.
Investigations conducted by our authorities were repeatedly impeded; what evidence was given to them was of dubious source. Conclusions drawn that did not match the scenario that the Militia wished to be true were rejected with threats of violence.
It is obvious that there was a concerted effort to implicate the ARKG in the attack; yet we find it unlikely that anything will ever be done. When it was discovered that the militia in Kiel was torturing prisoners, no regulation was passed; the same is likely to happen here.
Yet we still hold hope that Eastern Haane will take action on the subject, and thus plea that these monsters will be made accountable.
Kaja Kallas, Mediator, Kestean Realm.
Iuliha Teimasenvou, Presiding Citizen, Haanean Realm. -
Statement on the Division in Eastern Haane
The State of Haane-Keste, as of now, cannot support either side of the currently existing conflict.
We are of the belief that the People's Confederation has completely abandoned the 1899 Treaty in their previous actions; no amount of explanation or handwaving will change this view. By even the most basic of democratic standards, the arrest of foreign nationals on their own territory on the basis of falsified evidence is awful.
At the same time, however, the new Confederation seems entirely unwilling to acknowledge the right of nations to self-determination. Under the brand of decentralization have they completely stripped this from them, giving it instead to ill-defined geographical groups. This is a robbery, and a sign of things to come. We ourselves are not a geographically but a more linguistically defined group; it is certainly possible that we will be subsumed into these so-called 'cantons,' despite our possession of an entirely different culture, tradition, and law.
At the same time, we must ask a question on behalf of our comrades in Eastern Haane. What of their decisions. Are they to be dismantled like that, robbing them of their work? It appears that the answer is yes.
There is no way out of this; yet we hope that one will come.
Iuliha Teimasenvou, Presiding Citizen, Haanean Realm.
Kaja Kallas, Mediator, Kestean Realm. -
The declaration of Josephine Areai has no effect on the government or the citizens of Haane-Keste. It is reprehensible and unnecessary, and we urge all citizens to act against it using whatever means necessary.
This act is the latest of a number of acts against the sovereignty of our nation and our people; it is the last straw. We thus formally declare war on the Confederation of Eastern Haane, our united citizenry, stalwart in the defence of their rights, our bulwark against them.
The Patriarch, we have deemed, is incapable of his office. We thus assume our claim, from the royal power transferred to this office, to serve as the sole and undisputable heads of the United Apostolic Church.
Kaja Kallas, Mediator, Kestean Realm.
Iuliha Teimasenvou, Presiding Citizen, Haanean Realm. -
The constitution promulgated today is another assault on the rights of Haaneans. It is illegitimate and must be rejected. We again urge our citizens to fight against this regime with all their force, in our righteous war.
However, many of you may be worried as to why we have imprisoned the Patriarch. He is no longer the patriarch; we both have assumed his former role. This is not an usurpation; it is a natural consequence of the inability of the Patriarch to govern and lead his church. By making a vague declaration that caused chaos, he brought it into the depths of darkness, and thus became illegitimate. His attempts to reassume the office, as an anti-Patriarch, proved to the Apostolic Church that he had become an agent of Satan, the reason for his current imprisonment.
Iuliha Teimasenvou, Presiding Citizen, Haanean Realm.
Kaja Kallas, Mediator, Kestean Realm. -
Josephine Areai has made a mockery of everything that makes this nation this nation. She has trampled democracy under her feet; now, she condemns democratic governments, elected by the people, as terrorist organizations. She is the greatest hypocrite ever to live; her very existence is an affront to God. She must be eliminated from this world as soon as possible so that she may experience the purifying flames of hell and be saved in a shorter amount of time; so that she does not murder any more innocents and instead is redeemed.
Citizens of Haane-Keste, you must stand against her government, for the preservation of our nation and of the Earth. She is a destructive force, who would kill us all. This is your holy duty, to send her to Hell, so that she may be redeemed and our mission continued. Her representatives are innocent; but they must be condemned and rehabilitated on this Earth, for they have still committed sin, albeit not as great as those of Areai.
Iuliha Teimasenvou
Kaja Kallas