The Government of the Republic of Eastern Haane
Mulhouse is liberated, and from it shall democracy spring. Our government stands not for vague principles of national unity but for democracy and stability, as exist in Austria and so many other countries.
But we must stand against the Areai regime if we wish this to happen, if we wish to live in a democratic, united, and harmonious state. We must resist it with all our might. The Republic, our Republic, will not come into being if we do not.
Areai wants a hellish, fascist regime. We want a secular, socialist, and corporatist republic, a republic for everyone.
The Interim National Executive of the Republic of Eastern Haane
The Republic of Eastern Haane declares itself as the primary successor state to the Confederation of Eastern Haane. It thus inherits its EU membership as well as its European Councillor. All individuals currently in place as liason between Eastern Haane and the European Union shall remain in place; no changes shall be made.
The Interim National Executive of the Republic of Eastern Haane
The Republic of Eastern Haane at this time rejects foreign aid, as we cannot in any way trust a coalition of virulently anti-communist states to in any way respect our national self-determination.
The Interim National Executive of the Republic of Eastern Haane
A message from Agnes Obel
Our politicians have been murdered by our countrymen, and our homeland is in disarray. But we, the diaspora of Eastern Haane; we are still here, we are still strong, we are still sane. We are ten million strong, and are still a nation.
I am no one to say this. I am a simple singer. Yet I feel as though I must do one thing for my beloved nation in my life-time. We must create a new Republic, one that will remain strong despite all. I thus create a new National Convention, made up of volunteers from the diaspora, which shall govern until the crisis in Eastern Haane has abated.
Agnes Obel
Citizen of the Republic of Eastern Haane -
The National Convention has received a number of disturbing reports from the territory of Eastern Haane, which allege atrocities on the behalf of Reitzmic soldiers.
According to these reports, a number of rockets were used on a scattered guerilla force less than fifty members in size. There is evidence to show that an order of no quarter was given, although we are not assured that this is entirely true. At the same time, tanks repeatedly fired into a protected wilderness in an attempt to kill a guerilla force of thirty.
As an aside, we are also worried about human experimentation in Reitzmag. According to our sources, soldiers managed to
- astrally project
- phase through walls
- predict the future.
While these may seem ridiculous, these are the only explanation as to, for example, why sabotage was repaired within an instant using machinery that would not have been brought in any reasonable circumstance, how Reitzmic soldiers managed to find a base that was kept in the utmost secrecy, how they managed to enter buildings not through the entrances but without creating any sort of tunnels or visible damage. These are not normal abilities; our only conclusion is that, if they exist, they came into existence through the usage of human experimentation.