News Media of Istkalen
The disgraced Weaver-Iahela, who has betrayed our Republic, today proclaimed her undying allegiance to the forces of corruption.
"The forces of the West must be defeated!" she screamed maniacally before a crowd of her mad and traitorous supporters. "Socialism must be purged from this nation, so that it may be made pure! I pledge undying allegiance to capitalism, which birthed this nation and its people, and which shall bring it to its final glory, which shall expel the West and leave us victorious over all the world!
Down with the Westerners, death to them all! They are demons; we must send them to hell, defeat the Carillo-Copala ultra-demonic-satanic complex!
The world shall be pure, it shall be free! Pure, pure, pure!
The West is banished, and our traditions stand! Stand pure! No more! We scream no more! We expel Satan, expel the demons! DOWN WITH THEM ALL! WE SHALL KILL YOU ALL!"
The mass of traitors before her screamed in agreement before again leaving as to further destroy our nation and plunge it into darkness.
Our nation has never fallen victim to the torturous and utterly corrupt barbarism that is called "capitalism," an invention of the West.
We must not allow the puppet Weaver-Iahela to let it arrive here and corrupt us all. We must remain strong in our traditions. We must not allow her corrupting force to infect us all; we must remain vigilant and fight this malignant force.
Down with corruption! The West shall never taint our nation with its lies and tricks! We shall remain free forever!
All of Weaver-Iahela's cronies must be defeated if we are to thrive! Her ideology, her threatening ideology, must be destroyed!
Long live the Union! Long live the Republic! Death to Weaver-Iahela, death to capitalism!
The traitor Weaver-Iahela was today killed by her former supporters as a result of her proclamation of her undying support for the forces of corruption.
As she spoke before the mass of traitors that had gathered to listen to her seditious words, many of that mass came to her and began to beat her to death, with such materials as:
- a canvas purse
- a large bottle of hand soap
- a table lamp
- improvised clubs.
They would then run back and forth across her treasonous body in an attempt to defile her, trampling upon her until her appearance reflected her actions against our glorious Republic; as a dirtied and monstrous blob of bloodied flesh.
They took her body and threw it into the sea, condemning her remains to total oblivion, as they rightfully should be.
Citizens, rejoice! Our victory has begun! The traitor Weaver-Iahela is dead; her reign of terror shall collapse!
Just as we freed ourselves from Areai, from the People's Assemblies, we shall free ourselves of her, her supporters, and her ideology!
Down with fascism, down with insanity! Long live socialism, long live our Union!
Former Head of State Kalju Aasmäe dead of natural causes
The former Head of State, who founded the now-dissolved and illegitimate National Salvation Government, Kalju Aasmäe, was found dead today of natural causes, at the age of 49
He was found by an intern after he failed to respond to a summons from the State Elder in the late morning, still in his bed. It appears as though he had been dead for several hours before hand, likely having passed at midnight.
Per his own wishes, no autopsy will be performed on his body; it will be cremated later today.
Aasmäe had no living relatives; his personal belongings will be, per his wishes, passed to the state.
The State Elder released a short statement:
"I mourn, for Kalju Aasmäe, once my friend, and, so long ago, when we were both but students, my lover. He sacrificed so much for his nation; came near to death as he fought alongside those martyrs we honor to this day on the 30th of September; who led our forces against the evil of the Assemblies, of Weaver-Iahela."
The bloody campaign of the dictator Kalju Lepik has ground to a halt following the near total massacre of all those considered "terrorists," in a purge to compete with those of Areai.
Bloodied bodies could be seen piled in the gutters of every street; everywhere did the sounds of war ring. Screaming abounded from every corner of the city as the innocent, who simply happened to be on the streets as Lepik's thugs committed their tyrannical sweep of the city.
Drone striking was seen as his forces attempted to complete their campaign of thuggery and absolute murder, destroying our roads, several public squares as Lepik attempted to squash every last cry of patriotism that existed in our nation.
Children cried as their homes shook with every shot, ever bomb, that Lepik's murderes made.
Information is forthcoming.
The Voice of Truth: Vūjkur, Juvinal, Kulis, Teimasenvou, Becker, van Beek, demand repeal of Provisions, constitutional convention
As Lepik's popularity plummets, six major political figures, largely of the pre-1993 state, although some have regained prominence in recent years, have made a public joint statement demanding the repeal of the Provisions for Order and National Unity, as well as the holding of a constitutional convention.
"The Provisions for Order and National Unity are an affront to the liberty that is at the very foundation of this nation," said the six. "If it and its values are to survive, the Provisions must be repealed. Our country cannot and must never be authoritarian."
They continued by attacking the Constitution in force, theoretically to be subject to a referendum in June. "The Constitution has a legal basis; that is true. But the fact that it gave legitimacy to the Provisions, which by all means violate our ancient principles of liberty and republican governance, is intolerable. It cannot be allowed to remain in place lest someone far worse than Lepik, lest the next Areai, is able to hijack it for their own use."
The State Elder has not issued a response; however, the Presidium of the People's Front for the National Salvation of the Union, the sole legal party in the Union, has called the statement "preposterous" and "illegal," in that all political activity now must be organized through the People's Front.
"This vile behavior should not be tolerated," said a spokesman at a press conference following the release of the statement. "National unity and order must come first. We affirm that all political activity must be organized through the People's Front, and that, as such, this utterly rogue and disgusting statement is entirely illegal. We strongly believe in freedom of expression and of opinion; however, this would, should not, and cannot not be accepted. This is inflammatory and would lead to the descent of our nation into chaos once again. We must always prevail, and must ensure that that which would keep us back is kept silent. We petition the Council of the Union for the arrest of these seditionists and traitors, for if they are allowed to remain free, everything that we have accomplished will come crashing down. Liberty must prevail; those who threaten it must not."
Members of the public have filed applications for demonstrations; the People's Front has signaled that none will be approved.
"If anyone tries to spread this sedition, they will be arrested. The Union, the Republic, and liberty - they must stand forever. We cannot allow an evil few to destroy them all in the name of a false deity," stated the spokesman at the aforementioned press conference when asked about the decision.
In response, one contributor to the original statement, Helga Becker, former head of the Social Democratic Party who went into hiding in early 1993, has spoken:
"This is terrifying. Authoritarian ideology has its grip upon our nation. The People's Front wishes to silence dissent - they call us, who call for respect for the founding principles of our nation, seditionists and traitors, want our immediate arrest; the State Elder and the Council of the Union, responsible for its foundation and the appointment of its Presidium, do nothing. For the people of the Union, I ask the Council of the Union to repeal these provisions and hold elections to a constituent assembly. We cannot allow this madness to continue any longer."
Becker is now being investigated for treason by the Kiel Police as a result of this statement.
"We cannot ignore the significance of her words. She is trying to incite a rebellion against the established state, against the principles of the Constitution and our nation. While more investigation is necessary, it is almost entirely clear to us that she at the very least supports treasonous acts," stated a spokesperson of the force today.
The High Court, led by Vūjkur, says that it has begun an investigation into the legality of such an arrest; however, the People's Front says that such an investigation is illegal simply because the High Court is not empowered to release advisory opinions.
The remainder of those involved in the statement: Juvinal, the Union's European Councillor and the former Minister of Labor under the Haanean State of 1993; Kulis and Teimasenvou, both former State Elders of the now defunct State of the Haane; and van Beek, the head of the Agrarian-Green Party between 1990 and 1993; have not made any subsequent actions as of now.
The Voice of Truth: Juvinal recalled from Europolis, High Court dissolved; Becker, van Beek, Kulis, Teimasenvou arrested
In response to the statement of the 26th of February, the State Elder has dissolved the High Court, recalled Councillor Juvinal, and arrested four others on suspicion of treason.
All are refusing to budge.
"The recall is illegal," said Councillor Juvinal to a small crowd gathered outside her apartment in Europolis. "But with it, the State Elder has shown himself to be an authoritarian. But it is of no matter. I am and will remain the sole legal representative of the Union on the European Council until the end of my term. I will not, and cannot, move. I will stand forever for the preservation of democracy."
Lepik claims that he has become the highest legislative body in the country, and thus does have the right to recall and temporarily replace Juvinal.
Regardless, Councillor Bauer, her replacement, is currently traveling to Europolis.
Meanwhile, the High Court has barricaded itself in its chambers. Utilities have been cut to the building; but the Court and its aides refuse to move.
"This is our duty; we will not forsake it!" shouted a clerk from an open window.
The Kiel Police is currently trying to enter the building as to arrest the members of the High Court, who have been declared traitors.
"The High Court is evidently attempting to bring down our Union, our Republic," said a spokesperson earlier today. "They thus will be arrested as the traitorous pigs they are. I wish them a horrible death!"
Becker, van Beek, Kulis, and Teimasenvou, the other writers of the statement of 26th February, were arrested quietly, taken by the police to an as of yet unknown detention center.
"They will stand trial tomorrow," said a spokesman for the Kiel General Court. "When judgement is pronounced, they will face their fate, whether it is freedom or death, immediately."
None are allowed to speak with or even see them; according to the police, they have "lost their sanity, become raving lunatics, seemingly rabid," biting all those who come near them; at the same time, if they for some reason regain their sanity, they may "disseminate their traitorous views and allow for the return of the darkness of Areai."
Several protests have again been applied for in defense of the writers of the statement; these again have been denied by the People's Front.
"We will not allow for these to be held," stated the Presidium of the party. "Traitorous Areaist monsters have no rights; they deserve to be burnt alive and thrown into the sea. The names of those who applied for the protests have been sent to the police; we have hope that they will all be detained and executed for treason, and eagerly await their deaths. Crucify them, burn them, or better yet, dip them into baths of acid! That is what they deserve, the seditious bastards!"
Static. A voice.
Citizens living in the ninth sector of Kiel have reported that a body appears to have been carried out of the former home of Kalju Aasmäe. Guarded heavily by the military, the identity of the deceased is unknown. Because of the high level of security given to the body, as well as its location, the incident is heavily suspicious.
But onwards. The military is everywhere. They are free to do as they wish. They have looted, they have done far worse. Within a day, everything lays in shambles.
But we must wait, for the day of the liberation, just as it was with the Areai matriarch, is to come someday.
We must wait, and we must hope.
Who rules our nation?
The people will prevail.
(Liberties have been taken with the translation into English.)
The sound of static; then a throat being cleared.
"Citizens, we are under an unprecedented attack on our democracy. I believed that I had been betrayed by a man who I still loved deeply; a man who still held that same love for me. I was not."
A pause; a soft banging can be heard.
"On the 20th of February we shared - one "last" night with each other. I, with great shame, planned to kill him, for I believed him to be a great danger to democracy. But I did not, for I could not. Could any of you, I ask you, kill someone you have loved deeply since your very childhood?"
"We were so close that when the time of the Naming came, we chose to take the same name. All those years ago, before the death, before Areai, so very long ago. I could not kill him; and thus we spent our final night together in - the passion of our youth."
"They came for us in the morning. Rebirth, Rebirth, none of us knew that they had that power. For how long they've been waiting we don't know. But they acted then, at the weakest point. Neither of us are dead; I don't know about Becker and the others, but perhaps they are still imprisoned. It would be absolutely idiotic for them to kill them, but then again, they are all idiots."
"Do you know how far money can take you? I had a few - well, quite a few - Euros with me - in our money-less country, I had absolutely no idea that people were that desperate for such things! Or perhaps that is simply Rebirth, that would make complete sense. No one I know or have ever known believes in the concept of money as a whole."
"But that is over. Why they call us dead I don't know - but in any case, their leadership is entirely brain-dead. One would have to be to believe that we are a capitalistic people, that we would ever accept it!"
"This dictatorship must be resisted. Even if you must pay with your lives, resist it! We are not a people which give in; we have throughout all our existence fought every tyranny with all our hearts. Go into the streets, into the hills, into Ixe, our Last Citadel. They may shoot you down, but the world will remember it. Do everything in your power to drive away this second incarnation of Areai. For we are at war."
(Several piercing beeps. A calm female voice over the radio begins to speak.)
We are the sailors, the soldiers, the defenders of Kiel; we are loyal to the people and the people alone. Those above are not those we entrusted with power. We do not know who they are, except for that they have betrayed us, they have tried to murder us.
We can uphold their reign of terror no more. The deportations and the injustices must stop; the corrupt patriarchs and matriarchs which occupy the ancient House of the Union must be killed.
The Union has fallen; it shall be reborn.
We, the Soldiers' Council of Kiel, in the interests of the maintenance of order and liberty until such time as regular constitutional order can be restored, and in the recognition of Kalju Lepik, not the imposter within the House of the Union but the fugitive, as State Elder, proclaim the following constitution:
I. Rights of the People.
i. All individuals are born and remain free and equal in rights.
ii. All individuals have the right to life and to dignity.
iii. All individuals have the right to express their thoughts and beliefs freely in any way, without fear of reprisal.
iv. All have the freedom to believe as they wish, and the freedom to be free of belief.
v. All individuals have the right to petition the government of the Union.
vi. No individual may be found guilty of a crime simply through association with one who has been found guilty of a crime.
vii. All individuals have the right to move freely, without fear of reprisal.
viii. All individuals have the right to freely act, insofar as these acts do not cause harm.
ix. The homes and personal property of individuals shall not be violated. Searches may only be performed with due cause, to be ascertained by an impartial judge or a delegated authority.
x. Arrests may only occur on the authorization of an impartial judge, or a delegated authority.
a) In extraordinary cases, those with the authority to conduct arrests may do so without an authorization; however, the arrested must be
released if no authorization is given within the next 24 hours.
xi. All individuals have the right to a fair trial by an impartial judge and jury of their peers.
xii. The right to strike and to unionize are inviolable.
xiii. The right to form associations, so long as they are not engaged in behavior that threatens the common safety, as to be determined by an impartial judge or a delegated authority, is inviolable.
xiv. All individuals have the right to public order.
xv. All individuals have the right to labor. They have full control over the purpose and function of their labor, and are guaranteed employment.
xvi. Labor is at its core creative; no attempt must be made to divide labor from creativity.
xvii. Labor is not a commodity but an expression of humanity.
xviii. The worker is not an instrument but a person.
xix. All individuals have the right to personal property. However, no individual has the right to private property, which may only be held and managed by syndicates, colleges, and other collectives as to be defined by the law.
xx. All syndicates, colleges and collectives have full ownership over their collective workplaces, implements, and products, in so far as their usage of them does not violate the law. The government does not have the right to requisition any object that falls under the domain of the syndicates and the collectives. All that which is collective is used or a product of a collective effort, not that of one person.
xxi. The syndicates and collectives may not interfere with the right of the individual of ownership over their own implements, products, and workplaces.
xxii. The syndicates, the collectives, and the individual have the sole right to engage in economic activity.II. Duties of the People
i. It is the duty of all able-bodied citizens as to labor.
ii. It is the duty of all able-bodied citizens - all citizens who undertake labor - to participate both directly and indirectly in the governance of the Republic through the syndicates and other bodies defined by law.
iii. It is the duty of all able-bodied citizens as to defend the Union against internal and external threat.
iv. It is the duty of all able-bodied citizens as to assist in the maintenance of public order.III. The State Elder
i. The State Elder is elected by all able-bodied citizens for an indefinite period of time.
ii. By initiative of 5% of the population, the State Elder may be subject to a recall election, in which continued rule is subject to a referendum in which it is mandatory for all able-bodied citizens to vote. To vote yes in such a referendum is to vote for continued rule; no to vote against continued rule. In the case of a simple majority for yes, then the State Elder continues to rule; in the case of a majority for no, then the State Elder is to be removed following a free election open to all able-bodied citizens to register themselves in that is mandatory for all able-bodied citizens.
iii. The State Elder is the highest magistrate of the Union, and is responsible for the negotiation between recognized legal groups in the case of dispute as to reach an agreement.
iv. The State Elder has the responsibility of appointing and presiding over a High Court, which shall be the final court of appeal and the highest authority on the constitution required to discern the constitutionality of laws and other ordinances, with the power to nullify them in the case that they do breach the principles of this Constitution.
v. The State Elder has the responsibility of representing the Union abroad and of coordinating and harmonizing the work of the Government, its constituent bodies, and the other legally-defined bodies that play a part in the governance of the Union.
vi. The State Elder shall have the responsibility of creating bodies for the work of governance, as well as appointing individuals as to maintain these bodies. These bodies and the individuals responsible for the heading and maintenance are collectively the Government of the Union.
vii. The State Elder is the highest executive of the Union, and is responsible for the enforcement of the laws, the maintenance of public order and safety, and the upholding of the Constitution and republican principles through the creation and promulgation of orders for such purposes.
viii. The State Elder oversees all legally-defined bodies created by this Constitution or the Union by law.IV. Legislation
I. Legislation may be proposed by initiative of 5% of the population, by the State Elder, or by a syndicate or college.
II. Legislation must be approved by a simple majority in a mandatory referendum. If legislation involves the amendment of the Constitution, then it must garner a supermajority, defined as a 70% majority.V. The Syndicates
I. Syndicates are created by the State Elder or by a High Elder.
II. There exist nine recognized "orders" to which all syndicates belong to. These nine orders are agriculture, professional labor, trade labor, general labor, artisan labor, artistic labor, commerce, administration, and independent labor. Each order is headed by one High Elder, elected by the total number of workers in said order as according to the mechanisms set out for the State Elder. The High Elder of an order has the responsibility of overseeing it, coordinating its activity, harmonizing its constituent groupings, and settling disputes between its constituent groupings.
III. Per area of economic activity, there may be only one syndicate, to whom all those involved in said area must be a member of in order to engage in it.
IV. Syndicates regulate and coordinate the area of economic activity they represent. -
I remain the State Elder of this Union; not whoever may claim to be me, whoever sits in the House of the Union trying to bring misery to us all.
But a new government must be appointed; the old has fallen to pieces. It will remain in place until elections can be held to a Constituent Assembly which will elect a new government and draft a new, more permanent constitution.
The State Elder of the Union of Syndicates: Kalju Lepik, non-partisan.
First Minister of the Union of Syndicates: Andries van Beek, of the Agrarian-Green Party
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Mille Vilitsej, of the Party for Humanity
Minister of Rural Affairs: Kjusil Kulis, of the Agrarian-Green Party
Minister of Urban Affairs: Iuliha Teimasenvou, of the Popular Socialist Party
Minister of the Interior: Veia Veive-t-Iveva, of the Popular Socialist Party
Minister of Progress: Ilse Meier, of the Party for Humanity
Minister of the Economy: Tsein Lunavin, of the Popular Socialist Party
Minister of Education: Kelarōn Keujlis, of the Party for Humanity
Minister of Communications: Meliroia Netser, of the Agrarian-Green Party
Minister of Transportation: Andres Kask, of the Party for Humanity
Minister of Health: Aleksander Tamm, non-partisan
Minister of Defense and the Second Elder: Kalju Aasmäe, non-partisan
Minister of Justice: Kūsim Vūjkur, non-partisan
Interim Councillor: Mathilde Comtois
High Elder of the Order of Agriculture: Sebastian Kask
High Elder of the Order of Professional Labor: Dr. Eduk Illves, PhD.
High Elder of the Order of Trade Labor: Inge Kligenberg
High Elder of the Order of General Labor: Tsilits Neirul
High Elder of the Order of Artisan Labor: Ilits Merel
High Elder of the Order of Artistic Labor: Meilur Juris
High Elder of the Order of Commerce: Neirek Helles
High Elder of the Order of Administration: Seirili Meruts
High Elder of the Order of Independent Labor: Xeler Neunes
Elder-President of the Chamber of Agriculture - Sebastian Kask
Elder-President of the Chamber of the Arts - Meilur Julis
Elder-President of the Chamber of Engineering - Jean Moureaux
Elder-President of the Chamber of Medicine -the Dr. Emilie Varinoux, MD
Elder-President of the Chamber of Science - the Dr. Eduk Illves, PhD.
Elder-President of the Chamber of Education - Hannah Toepfer
Elder-President of the Chamber of the Economy - the Dr. Keitus Levironel, PhD.
Elder-President of the Chamber of Society - Eva van der Bijl
Elder-President of the Chamber of Political and International Affairs - Ijli Meiler
Elder-President of the Chamber of Urban Policy - Luserem Keilin
Elder-President of the Chamber for the Environment - the Dr. Heiler Juvinal, PhD.
Elder-President of the Chamber of Labor - Inge Kligenberg
Elder-President of the Chamber of Municipalities: Serili Meruts
Elder-President of the Chamber for Reconciliation: Kūsim Vūjkur
Elder-President of the Chamber of Religion: Jean-Pierre Antoine
Elder-President of the Chamber of Culture: Ilits Merel
Elder-President of the Chamber for the Public Defense: Kalju Aasmäe
Elder-President of the Chamber of Public Works: Helek Teles
Elder-President of the Chamber for the Public Safety: Ulles Kulin -
The Voice of Truth: Citizens joyfully listen to their leader and take themselves to heaven
Citizens cried at the sound of their leader's voice as he exhorted them to commit the final act for the glorification act, the final and greatest act.
They cried, and they laughed, for finally they would become martyrs, the greatest fate, for their most glorious nation!
And so, with great joy, they took themselves to heaven! They celebrated as they slowly pushed themselves towards that bright and beautiful place, becoming ever happier as they began to see it, the laughter of all those they had lost.
We are coming! they shouted happily. We are coming! For they were to arrive in heaven as martyrs for their nation, and would be celebrated as they reunited with their loved ones!
We will soon all feel this joy, this love! We must all take ourselves to heaven!
We shall all meet again as friends, as martyrs!
The Dissidents' Journal: Citizens of the New, Rural Territories rage against insanity in Kiel
A simplified map of the divisions of the Union of SyndicatesWith the near constant levels of chaos in Kiel, citizens of the New and Rural Territories (green and yellow) are demanding greater autonomy.
While isolated and previously beset by terrorist attacks, the recent formation of "armed militias" following the expulsion from Kiel has allowed for an unprecedented level of safety, creating in the Territories the tranquility of the Provisional Revolutionary State of 1965-1993, when the country was not an international pariah or a failed state and was, in fact, quite stable and a relatively popular tourist destination.
In the cities of Rosa Luxemburg and Alexandra Kollontai - cities in the New Territories are named largely after female leftists, without the addition of the word "city" - the largest protests were held against "Kieler insanity."
"Let the Kielers kill themselves, don't get us involved in it!" participants chanted.
Other slogans of theirs include:
"Cast the hell of Kiel off; leave us alone!"
"We are not Kielers! We have kept our sanity!"
"The Union has not failed - Kiel has!"
"Get rid of Kiel and you would have a wonderful country!"
"There is something wrong with Kiel's water treatment plants; fortunately, we maintain ours quite well!"Journalists for this Journal interviewed a participant in the protests in Alexandra Kollontai, who responded as follows:
"The whole world sees our country as delusional, as an unpleasant and violent place to live. That is Kiel; that is not Alexandra Kollontai, nor any other part of the New Territories - not Sophie Liebknecht, not even Maria Spiridonova, and that is absolutely run down! Perhaps the Rural Territories are a bit like that - last I heard, they had deported the People's Assemblies there - but I heard from an old school friend that it has calmed down, and is certainly nothing like the ****tery in Kiel."
The New and Rural Territories have long been culturally separate from Kiel. During the time of the State of the Haane, they had a large German minority, as a result of the persecution of Arians elsewhere in Europe at the time; a few hundred years later, "Estonians" came to near-dominate, having fled from some still-unknown terror from the northeast.
They remained generally rebellious during the occupation, and were the first to be liberated in 1916; under the new Union, they became the homes of "experimental cities" designed generally by natives and Europeans, unlike Kiel, designed entirely by Le Corbusier, who would later be banned from entering the country during the Anti-Fascist Internal Revolution of 1940-1943.
Free of the horrendous architecture and planning of Kiel, which sought to plan ahead of time every single movement of every citizen, they were freer of the social problems that would plague that unfortunate city - they did not, for example, have the same issue with constant uprisings, nor did they ever experience the 'racial laws' creating what amounted to racial segregation that Kiel would have for most of its existence under the first Union.
Perhaps most importantly, they are considered to be mostly younger and more "bohemian" than an "uptight" and "suppressed" Kiel, largely because they are the centers of movements such as Ulsiel - a collective for a merger of mass production and artisan work often compared to the Bauhaus of old, carrying as its name a nonsense word - as well as the home of other experimental work in almost all of the country's sectors. This is generally only applied to the New Territories; however, it also is very true of the Rural Territories, which, while considered conservative, also skews young, progressive, and avant-garde.
The difference is so pronounced that even casual visitors to the country notice it: in 1983, a tourist famously remarked that "Kiel is hell; everything else is heaven."
Where the anger produced by it will go, however, is yet unknown. Kiel continues to recover from the instability of the Ueliohen government, during which local committees in the New and Rural Territories took over the work of governance, unlike in Kiel, where everyone seemed almost entirely helpless.
The Voice of Truth: Government flees Kiel
This is our first publication following the liberation of presses from the rogue forces previously loyal to Tsilias Ueliohen.
As the suicides continue without seeming abatement; as rogue soldiers continue to kill all those that they see in some twisted "mission of mercy," as some have said, screaming into the darkness of the night and the suffocating light of midday; the Government of the Union of Syndicates has fled Kiel.
This marks the sole time that any government ruling the territory of the Haane has fled the House of the Union, (HoU) or, to the native people, the Citadel of the Immortal Republic (CIR). Even during the final days of the fall of the State of the Haane in 1834, neither the State Elder nor the Assembly fled, choosing instead to defend "the State; our Republic" - words taken directly from the last address of the final State Elder of the indigenous state to the Assembly as the forces of the West approached.
The departure took place but a few hours ago, as, surrounded by members of the "loyal military" - somewhat ironically, those who mutinied from the illegitimate government of Tsilias Ueliohen - the forty-two members of the Government, including the State Elder and excluding the Deputy Councillor Mathilde Comtois, followed by the members of the many interim assemblies, from the consultative chambers to those of the economic orders, entered vehicles, largely buses from the Kiel branch of the College of Mass Public Transportation's fleet of armored vehicles for the use of politicians.
Escorted by a military convoy which, bizarrely, but perhaps in a show of force, included several tanks, the buses proceeded from the the HoU/CIR onto a road, type SZ1, at which point they vanished from view.
Their destination is unknown; where they currently are, as well as whether they even remain intact and alive, are in question.
Some have theorized that, given increased levels of militarization seen at the currently-closed "Gate" - a large, wall-like fortification blocking the sole road and pass into the New and Rural Territories, the Government is fleeing for said territories; this, however, is but conjecture. Some attempted to gather at the border; however, most were driven away by soldiers.
Attempts to penetrate the border elsewhere have not occurred; the remainder of the border is demarcated by the Ixe Formations, near-impassable karst formations that have spelled death for many who have attempted to pass outside of the sole pass.