Live coverage - ART - December 29th, 2020 - 01:10 - from Kaanpaşa, FCR

*And, just right after the New Years, all the counts are finished. The results were already ratified way before but, Barbaros and Kaanpaşa have finally finished their counts and they both say YES, making the final vote 55.1% YES to 44.9% NO. President Tülay Elçi will give a speech about the referendum very shortly, as we speak. This referendum decided whether or not Alkharya would have presidential elections and the people said yes to them. Currently, there's a big crowd around Elçi's house and we are expecting her to come outside very shortly. The press is waiting at her door and- Oh! She just came! Okay. Switch the camera, yeah?

(The point of view gets switched to another camera that's closer to the President. After coming out of her house, a bunch of microphones from the media are shoved into her face as the nation waits for her words.)

Thank you. Dear Alkharyans, it's been an honour to see a democratic referendum take place here once again. The fact that we have established democracy with such longevity is enough to make our ancestors proud. I have watched the results progress alongside with you. I have no doubt that the election was done free and fair, as usual. I would like to honour those who worked to make this referendum come true. I would also like to honour those who have voted and made their voices heard. Your decision is the government's command. It is my command to make your decision become reality. It is truly amazing to see Alkharyans taking more control of our democracy. In 2022, The first presidential elections will be held, and I will be one of the candidates. Until then, long live democracy! Long live unity! Long live Alkharya!