Mennrimiak News Media
National Threat alarms go off in Mennrimiak
After the terrorist attacks that occured in mainland Europe, many high ranking officials from the High Command of the Royal Mennrimian Armed Forces (RMAF) have met at the building of the Ministry of National Defence to disscuss the next moves of Mennrimiak to protect its citizens at home and abroad.
Ministry of National Defence buildingSome hours after, the Prime Minister adressed the Nation on the following comunicate:
"Mine kjære landsmenn, Today i talk to you after a wave of terrorist attacs hit Europe following the collapse of the government of the Union Of Syndicates, many people died on this attacks and worried that our citizens would get harmed i met with the Minister of Defence and with the approval of The Storting, we decided to enact order 54 of the Plan of National Security that will efectively and imediatly raise the alert level of the Royal Navy and Royal Airforce to 4 and will put the Agency of Travel and Trade Security to start constant checks at everything entering and leaving the country, the RMAF however, will start patroling our national airspace and national waters in search of a threat to national security.
Concerning Mennrimians currently abroad, The Ministry of Foreing Affairs Tells all Mennrimians to report themselves to its nearest Embassy or at the phone line and internet page that the government set up for them, The recommendations that they must follow after reporting themselves are:
1,Stay inside your Hotel or place of stay as long as possible
2,Prepare all your doccuments and important supplies in case of an Emergency Evacuation
3,In case of seeing any suspicious activity make a report to the local police
4,Stay always together with all your famillyMore information is available at the internet page of the Ministry of Foreing affairs.
See us when this challenging times finish, Stay Safe."
This is all the news for the moment, see us later with more info!
New Enemy?
Today the parliament made use of the economic regulation laws and pased an anti trust bill that would prohibit companies based on the United Duchies from expanding to a different sector than what they already occupy, this bill was passed on concerns over economic compentence that people says, would limit Mennrimian local bussniess.
Today a Big protest has taken the streets of Hannkkara asking for a Referendum for Mennrimiak to leave the European Union,
The protest organized by members of the MKP (Mennrimiak Communist party ) has however managed to get support from the far right politicians, this alliance argues that the EU is not longer reliable to help Mennrimiak at the world stage.The protest has not turned violent at the moment and authorities expect a similar protest at the city of Bergen
Mennrimiak's new addition to the Terror List
Today the Foreign Affairs Ministry has announced their descition to add the newly admitted country on the EU named Strathae to the Terror List with other countries like Dromund kaas and Neo Venetia. The Terror List is a list of countries that the UKM Prohibits ANY type of trade or travel to, this means that no Strathae citizen can enter Mennrimian waters or land, in case of that ever happening they will be arrested and deported immediatly back to their home country, from now on the only planes or boats coming directly from strathae to Mennrimiak will be serving as transport for any Mennrimian citizen or any EU allied nation citizen that has its passport, and that any ship or plane containing strathaean products will be inmediatly inspected to identify possible threats and then handled as the local customs authority sees fit most of the time being either destroying the cargo identified as procedent from strathae or returning the plane or ship back to its registered point of exit.
This is all the government has declared concerning strathae, keep looking at us if you wanna have the best news as they happen! 24Nordjyske out
Hannkkara's brand new Skyscarper finally inagurated
Today an event held in the center of Hannkkara attracted the attenttion of many people as the Himnaríki hlið or Heavens Gate Tower finally opened after 11 years since the start of its construction.
The 456 meters tall obelisk shaped tower is based on the ancient Mennrimian myth of a tall stone obelisk that guards the entrance of heaven and will only be revealed to the worthy, hence its name.The tower built by Norðurverk inc, is a green project that gets 80% of its energy and produces 20% within its own complex, The massive glass tower also has an interior garden spanning 3 floors.
This new sky scarper is expected to become a new Mennrimian landmark and a great adittion to the Hannkkaran Skyline.
Himnaríki hlið in the evening -
The Mennrimian Speed Rail Delayed again?
The on construction high spees rail line that will connect the capital city of Hannkkara with the city of Bergen has anounced another 2 year delay.
The new line that will be operated by the Mennrímiæk ríkissamgöngur that has been on building for years and whos inauguration was scheduled for next year has announced a two year delay as problems with the connection of the line between the mainland and the island on which Bergen is situated have apeared.The Mennrimiak people just waits and hopes the service is useful as it has taken 20 million euros off the national budget for its construction
Velaro model trains expected to run on the line
Opinber tilkynning hins virðulega konunglega ríkisstjórnar Manræmiak
Official Communicate of the Honourable Royal Government of MennrimiakToday the we have decided to use this method of communication to express our concern to the recent spanish announcement of descition to seize by force any ship that refuses to pay their imposed taxes on the strait of Gibraltar and Adventuranza, two of the most important waterways of europe that efectively connect all of europe from north to south, and their claim to the entirety of the straits efectively leaving the new EU Country of the Republic of Yosai.
The United Kingdoms of Mennrimiak insist to the Government of @Spain to step back from its violent measures and from the occupation of Yosaian Waters, If the Government of Spain descides not to step back the Kingdom of Mennrimiak might seen itself obligated to cut diplomatic ties with the Kingdom of Spain and its exit from the treaty among both nations. -
Opinber tilkynning hins virðulega konunglega ríkisstjórnar Manræmiak
Official Communicate of the Honourable Royal Government of MennrimiakToday we have been informed that the spanish have decided to pause our agreement and have started to pull their military forces from their established base on Mennrimiak
To this the Government of Mennrimiak has decided to send an ultimatum, all Spanish armed forces must leave within a week if they fail to comply they will be arrested for possesion of military grade weapons not registered in the kingdom of Mennrimiak -
After a month of election preparations and other matters the Mennrimian Election Commission has revealed that the winner of the voting and new European Councillor for Mennrimiak is:
Ville Niinistö
Yes that is right, the candidate for Premier Commissioner has won the confidence of the Mernnrimians and will now be representing us in the European Council
Good Bye Spain!
Yesterday the Ministry of National Defense announced its intention of closing the Spanish Military base that has been the center of some disputes, The MND said that the spanish base is a threat to Mennrimian sovereingty as the governments of both countries have diferent views that could in the future be bigger, the Minister of Defense then urged the national government to close the base and renegotiate the terms of the treaty that established the base.
Today in an emergency parliament session the MPs voted to freeze the treaty with spain and remove the base, the vote passed with an 80% of aproval,
its biggest supporters being the National party and the Comunist party, The Progressive conservative party that holds the mayority although divided voted on favor of the removal,
The Prime Minister adressed the matter in a press conference an hour later and declared the vote a step back on the betterment of relations with the Kingdom Of Spain, then urged the MFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to contact the spanish authorities to prepare the closing of the base and to renegotiate the terms of the treaty
Building of the Ministry of National Defense
Parliament of Mennrimiak