• RE: Government of California


    6 March/Marzo 2025

    To the Government of the Kingdom of Spain/ El Reino de España,

    I, on behalf of the peeople of California, express the Commonwealth's dismay of the reports of the desire to annex Nofaga. We cannot stress enough that you cannot just annex territory without mandate of their people. The whole thing is distressing.

    The Hon. Kamala Harris, MP
    Prime Minister

    posted in Government Offices
  • RE: Vícras Ammayawr Serdria


    6 March, 12:27 SST

    Key points

    • The referendum, asking the public what the government stance on the Spanish annexation of Nofoaga should be, has seen quite low turnout since the polls opened yesterday, with only about 5% of eligible voters turning out to vote. Polls close at 12pm on 10 March 2025.

    • The Brætha have scheduled a full meeting in the War Rooms for Monday, 10 March when the polls close, although they report they are currently meeting remotely in an emergency session. There are a few things the Brætha can do after the referendum. Will they voice the people's opinion?

    • Demonstrations have begun in major cities such as Hemberdale and Osperfey, where members of the Brætha live. They have mostly been peaceful, but there are reports demonstrators have been targeting the Spanish Military peacekeepers, who are under the command of the Brætha.

    • Questions in government linger, such what may happen to the CCCC free travel agreement between Nofoaga and Sertia? Where would the annexation leave the nationality of the Nofoagans? Is this endeavour by Spain simply a matter of convenience for the state, or a matter of developing good relations with the Caribbean? Finally, do Sertians in the West Olves and outlying regions have to worry about becoming Spanish?

    Please watch this space.

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: Factbook of Fayrrendel

    Politics of Fayrrendel

    Fayrrendel is a Republic (Ostridish: Bylawship) under the framework of a theocracy which was established by the overthrow of the Old Bylawship in 1979. The official state religion is Hallowdom, the ethnic religion of the Ostridish population. Minority religions are legally tolerated, but are reported to be under constant surveillance. Regular and frequent elections are held in local offices as well of the Lower House of the Greatmoot, the Sondrede. However much of the high executive political positions are controlled by the Alderrede, which consists mostly of appointees from the Hallow Clergy.

    The Head of State and Government in the Republic is the Steward, who is elected by the Alderrede alongside all other high executive offices. The Steward is always, but not legally required to be, a member of the Hallowed Society’s ruling council, the main clerical organ of Hallowdom. The Steward is the Commander-in-Chief of all of the military forces in Fayrrendel, heads the executive organs of the state, the chief diplomat of the Republic, as well has the ability to issue decrees on foreign policy and religious issues. The Steward serves with the confidence of the Alderrede, but generally, the Alderrede gives deference to the priorities of the Steward, thus making it in practice a lifetime appointment.

    The Greatmoot is the Legislature of the Republic. The Lower House, the Sondrede, is elected by universal suffrage by all citizens of Fayrrendel every 3 years. It the the sole house that can propose laws and Acts of the Greatmoot, as well as propose new taxes. The Sodrede’s consent is also required in cases of Declaring War, as well as approving the annual budget made by the Alderrede. All constitutional changes must be approved by the Sondrede by a 2/3rds majority. The Upper House, the Alderrede, is a council of current and sometimes former government ministers, appointees from the Hallowed Society, and occasionally respected experts on niche issues. They appoint all of the ministers of the government, as well as recall them, are the highest Judicial Organ in the country, as well have veto-power over any laws the Sondrede proposes.

    Political Parties

    Torchbearer’s Society of the Holy Revolution
    Political Position: Center to Right-wing
    This party is the dominant party in the Sondrede and is regarded as an extension of the Hallowed Society. They have always been the ruling party of the Sondrede since the founding of the current regime. Their ideology supports the theocratic system and generally supports the agenda of the ruling Steward. The Party has two factions, the Moderates and the Hard-Liners. The Moderates have been the majority of the Party since the partial liberalisation in the 2000’s, although the Hard-liners have significant influence in the clergy. Moderates typically are more conciliatory towards other European powers and prefer a more open Fayrrendel while the Hard-liners are more isolationist and prefer Fayrrendel to make more unilateral decisions.

    Hallow Democratic Group
    Political Position: Center-Left
    This party was founded as a coalition of dissident clergy and the surviving liberals from the Old Bylawship. They are a small minority in the Sondrede but are the only political party in the Sondrede receiving representation besides the Torchbearer’s Society. They advocate reform to the system and the complete liberalisation of the country, including the end of the prohibition of non-Ostriders from entering Norshire and Sudshire. Though they do not openly oppose the theocratic system, they are regarded as the party that dissidents to the system flock to. Their views on the European Union are mixed, but generally supportive.

    posted in The European Factbook
  • Government of the Holy and Federated Republic of Fayrrendel

    Statement from the Steward of the Republic

    We have recently become aware of the alleged intentions of the Spanish Government to annex the Republic of Nofoaga. These developments are concerning and my government is monitoring the situation closely. Though the Spanish Government officially denies of any intention of annexation, I wish to make the government's position clear: Fayrrendel is opposed to any annexation of territory in the Western Hemisphere by any power overseas, including the Kingdom of Spain. That will be all.

    posted in Government Offices
  • RE: Elthic News Media

    The Tribunal


    by Alfred Ingham - March 5, 2025

    An image of Melissa Chai.

    The statement comes after allegations that Spain intends to annex Nofoaga. Image credit

    President Melissa Chai has given a speech this afternoon regarding the recent allegations that Spain plans to annex Nofoaga in the near future, which were first revealed by Sertian media yesterday. In her speech, Chai stated that she would oppose any attempt at annexation and reaffirmed Elthize's recognition of Nofoagan sovereignty.

    "Elthize will not support any powergrab or annexation attempt," Chai stated. "We will once again reiterate our recognition of the Republic of Nofoaga as an independent state, as well as a member of the European Union."

    According to the Sertian report, an unidentified source in the Spanish government has given a detailed rundown regarding Spanish intentions to annex and occupy Nofoaga. The report has also stated that a possible annexation may cause further disorder between Aspernian separatists in the country, who will oppose such a move.

    Nofoaga and Spain have had a close relationship over the years following Nofoaga joining the European Union in April 2019, with Spain holding a military base on the island since 2021. Spain had greatly supported the country through a disasterous volcano eruption on July 2021, which killed 80% of the island's population.

    In response, the Spanish government released a statement denying the allegations. "The Kingdom is committed with stability in the area, as it has proven over the past years in both Sertia and Nofoaga, remaining a good and trusted neighbour," the statement reads. "These unfounded claims come as a surprise to the Spanish Government, that feels forced to deny that it is currently preparing to annex the territory of the Republic [of] Nofoaga."

    Meanwhile, the Sertian government has released a statement recognizing a possible annexation: "The Braetha are confident at this time that any decision by the Government of Spain to control Nofoaga has been done with the full consent of the Nofoagan government, through democratic and legal means." The government has also started a referendum on whether or not to support the Spanish government's actions, which will last from today to March 10th.

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: Sertian Government

    alt text

    Office for the Braetha - Government of Sertia
    5 March 2025

    The government of Sertia recognises the political sovereignty of the Republic of Nofoaga. The Braetha are confident at this time that any decision by the Government of Spain to control Nofoaga has been done with the full consent of the Nofoagan government, through democratic and legal means.

    However, the Braetha recognise that we do not speak for all our people. Therefore, we are holding an official referendum regarding giving our full endorsement to the Spanish government of their actions.

    The referendum will be open for voting between today, 5 March 2025 and Monday, 10 March 2025.


    posted in Government Offices
  • RE: Spanish Goverment

    Statement - On the News about a Possible Spanish Annexation of the Republic Nofoaga

    The Spanish Government and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, after the publication of a news article on the Sertian press that accuses the Kingdom of Spain and its Government to be preparing itself to annex the Republic Nofoaga and its territory, would like to refute these accusations, which are based on false reports and misleading statements from, allegedly, Spanish officials.

    The Kingdom of Spain respects Sertian sovereignty and its Government, remaining a reliable partner and ally for Caribbean nations. As a nation with military bases and leased territories in the region, the Kingdom is committed with stability in the area, as it has proven over the past years in both the Kingdom of Sertia and in the Republic Nofoaga, remaining a good and trusted neighbour. These unfounded claims come as a surprise to the Spanish Government, that feels forced to deny that it is currently preparing to annex the territory of the Republic Nofoaga. This Cabinet clearly supports freedom of press, however; we believe that every publication should be verified before being divulged.

    The Spanish Government is always open to attend to journalists that wish to verify or contact the Cabinet for any matter they deem convenient.

    D. Sebastián Rubio Rodríguez
    Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation

    posted in Government Offices
  • RE: Brickston News Cooperation (BNC, English Regional)

    Brickston rises from the dead temporarily
    Special Edition
    Yes, it has. But it'll probably vanish again.

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: Eurovoice 47: Tower of Babel

    Nation Name: The Most Blessed State of Inquista
    Artist: IU
    Song: Lilac
    Link to youtube: LINK
    Vote deliverer with their image linked: Madame Marco
    Link to your flag: LINK

    posted in Culture and Sport
  • RE: California Federal Election 2025


    Los Angeles, Angeles

    Enrique Peña Nieto (CDP): Californians, this has been a trying four years. We have seen the state balloon as the private sector shrinks and struggles. More people and businesses bear a heavy tax burden. But we don't have to accept this Kamala Harris government. We can seek common sense regulation. A lower tax society where we aren't tired of government overreach; a CDP government.

    posted in Politics and Incidents