Kalessed resigns
Ilmaras Kalessed, Head of State of the Republic of Istkalen, has announced her intention to resign her post on 9 October, citing "health issues."
"I am," she said at the surprise presser where she revealed her decision to the public, "an old woman. 77 years I have to my name, 47 of which I have spent in the active defense of the values of this country, of our Republic, whether as a partisan of the Agrarian Union, a dissident, independent, writing out her indignation from prison, or, yes, as I am now, a Head of State. I regret none of it. There is no higher calling than that of the cause of our Istkalen, no better way to spend the decades given by the divine to each and every one of us, and I wish I had the capacity to continue."
"But these 47 years of work, these 77 years of life - they have, as they are bound to do, worn me down. I am no longer the quick, agile woman I was in my youth; my age, the stresses I have endured through the years, have caused my body and mind alike to revolt against me. I ache, through the day, through the night, and see and think and hear and feel as though in a perpetual fog, everything indistinct, muddled. I have tried to fight my way through it, to overcome, as has always been my way. But it has become increasingly clear to me, as the struggle thickens, worsens, that the fight is ending. What I was given at birth no longer serves the purpose in life I have found; I have fallen apart, and what once were my capacities are now simply no more. To go on, with an impossible war increasingly farcical, with delusion and what would be sure to be increasingly escalating feats of pageantry - a great collage of lies spiraling outwards, all to mislead the Istkalenic people, to make them believe that headlessness is headedness, that heedlessness is heedful, that black is white and white is black."
"This I could not consent to. It would be against my nature, against the people, against all good and the dictates set down by the divine. It has therefore become an absolute necessity, moral and physical, that I tender my resignation. I do so with shame, with sadness - but nevertheless with firm conviction, the firmest in my life so full with firm conviction, that it is what is right for the Istkalenic people. I will remain in my position until the legislature can elect a new Head of State, on the 9th of October, in order to prevent disorder in the interim - one final act of service for my nation dear."
The announcement was received by almost all with shock. Kalessed was widely seen as the guarantor of the Republic, the only political figure with popularity and influence enough to maintain the democracy established with the overthrow of the NSC - and the question of her departure widely discussed, likewise, being the question of the survival of her Republic, entirely unthinkable.
But the unthinkable - in spite of what seem to be even Kalessed's own concerns of a seizure of power on the part of any of the many anti-republican forces embedded in the Istkalenic state - has, with her decision, become thinkable, close, even, to certainty. And it may now be time to begin ringing the funeral bells for long-belabored, shortlived Istkalenic democracy.