• RE: RTD 24

    alt text
    Moderate security pledges
    The Moderate Party today unveiled its security policy going forward for the Duchies. The party has been on a journey since the Red Attacks and terrorist attacks in the last few years in the Duchies. The party stopped the rollback of the smart CCTV system.

    The party pledged the following policies:

    1. Increasing smart cctv network to at least 7 million Smart CCTV facial recognition cameras within 3 years from election and creation of a unified Duchies Guard smart CCTV network.
    2. Linking up private CCTV cameras in publically accessible places into a Duchies Guard smart CCTV network.
    3. Installation of smart CCTV cameras into all sensitive locations for national security.
    4. Incentivise residents to ingetrate private CCTV feeds facing public streets and corridors into a Duchies Guard smart CCTV network.
    5. Increase policing around the nation by boosting police officer numbers by at least25% over 4 years.

    The policies have been opposed by the Liberal Party who described the policies as "an assualt on liberty and privacy of all Duchians totally disproportionate to the threat from crime and violence" and pledging to remove smart CCTV at the first chance it gets. Meanwhile the Moderate Party rebuffed this statement saying "We believe smart CCTV expansion is a vital tool in our crime fighting arsenal. We believe that the safety and security benefits it brings to the public cannot be overstated." The PSD are officially supportive of a "smart CCTV policy with safeguards" while Unus support more security and tougher sentencing than the Moderate Policy with Unus saying "Just increasing smart CCTV is not enough. We need to increase background checks on immigrants , stop politically correct policing and institute a random stop and search policy with no right to refuse the stop and search and requirement for all citizens to identify themselves to police when asked. The Moderate Party and the UoD are frankly weak on this issue."

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: The Government of the Commonwealth of Leagio

    The President of the Commonwealth of Leagio hereby announces that by the authority granted to them by the Constitution of the Commonwealth and varies laws of the commonwealth that the following executive orders have been issued. These executive orders shall take effect tomorrow July 25th, 2024:

    Executive Order 2024-01

    • Authorizing the Ministry of Research & Development and Ministry of Defense to advance progress on the Leagioan Drone Defense Program for the Airforce

    Executive Order 2024-02

    • Authorizing the Ministry of Digital Technology to develop a third public non-partisan news channel that covers the politics occurring within all provinces within the Commonwealth

    Executive Order 2024-03

    • Directing with the advice of the Prime Minister that the Ministry of Cultural Affairs to determine a list of historical sites that need additional funding within the Commonwealth

    Executive Order 2024-04

    • Directing with the advice of the Prime Minister that the Ministry of Agriculture to establish a welfare program that focuses on low-income minority farmers

    Executive Order 2024-05

    • Authorize the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation to develop plans to expand the Common Highway System in the Eastern States of the Commonwealth in a safe and effective way.

    Executive Order 2024-06

    • Authorize the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to develop within itself an Office of European Affairs.

    Executive Order 2024-07

    • Directing the Minister of Public Works and Transportation to develop a plan and design for a new capitol building within Tullion that shall appropriately house the new sizes of the National Congress with office space for each member of the National Congress. This plan shall be done in coordination with the appropriate committees within the National Congress.

    Executive Order 2024-08

    • Authorize the Minister of Defense to cordinate with the Minister of Public Works & Transportation on increasing the size and capacity of the upcoming new shipyard in Oko City under the Project Wayside Act.

    President Ran Mouri-Kudo
    President of the Commonwealth of Leagio

    With the Approval of the following:
    Prime Minister: Marie Lahaye

    posted in Government Offices
  • RE: RTD 24

    Election poll of polls 24/07/2024

    Party % Seats Now % of Seats now Projected Seats Increase Decrease % of Seats Projection Seat % Change
    The left 0.37% 29 3.57% 2 -27 0.27% -3.30%
    IUAC 0.09% 1 0.12% 0 -1 0.00% -0.12%
    PSD*: 22.41% 158 19.46% 169 11 22.53% 3.08%
    Liberal Party*: 9.10% 102 12.56% 68 -34 9.07% -3.49%
    Moderate Party*: 34.32% 232 28.57% 258 26 34.40% 5.83%
    Union of Democrats: 0.15% 111 13.67% 1 -110 0.13% -13.54%
    Unus 17.83% 90 11.08% 134 44 17.87% 6.78%
    AFD 15.73% 88 10.84% 118 30 15.73% 4.90%
    Total: 100.00% 812 100.00% 750 -62 100.00% -
    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: The Wind Rose

    "We much appreciate that Spain is so willing to be a strong partner in these increasingly trying times. The shipping arrangement you've mentioned would be perfect for us, as well."

    "With regards to Telum: Istkalenic foreign policy remains non-aligned. Our focus, for the time being, is on obtaining security guarantees from our independent partners and neighbors: Czech Slavia, and perhaps even Vayinaod. While we are interested in reinforced cooperation, economic and military, with the Telum bloc, we do not think that membership would be ideal or realistic for us."

    "The agreement on trade remains in place - I would actually like the broach the question of whether an expansion, ideally to full, free trade for all but the agricultural sector, is possible."

    "As for rare-earth metals, while we are willing to provide an additional supply to Spain, we will not do so without discussing the issue with the other signatories of the Treaty of Yokohama.:"

    posted in Politics and Incidents
  • RE: A Social Call at the Mutin River

    Mouri-Kudo smiled in response as she shook hands with President Feijóo.

    "It is an honor to finally have the chance to meet you as well, President Feijóo and I have been looking forward to this summit as well. Please do forgive me for having this summit here in Elmena Estate in Arlick, normally it would be held in my nation's capital of Tullion. But I felt that the need for a change of scenery in this time of the year. Is there anything that I can get you? Like some tea for example?"

    posted in Politics and Incidents
  • Most Serene State of Curosant 2024 General Election

    (Please note that I backdated the news story by several hours because releasing such momentous news in the wee hours of the morning (00:11, in this case) would look horrible.)

    Primat Urbain V Announces General Election

    Former theocracy transitioning to more secular government

    Avignon (21 July 17:35 CST; Coularon) The Most Serene State of Curosant will be holding its first ever open General Election over a minimum of two rounds on 3 August 2024 and 17 August 2024, with round one’s top three vote-getters advancing to round two and a third round to be held on 31 August 2024 in the event of round two’s results being within a 3% margin of error. Additionally, unless a party’s leader is otherwise specified, its leader and candidate are the same person. While the Head of State from another nation may cast a representative ballot for that nation in each round, those votes will have minimal impact on the final vote percentages. Finally, the Mouvement pour l’indépendance Nationale, or National Independence Movement, elected not to participate in the General Election due to lack of nationwide support for its core tenant of leaving the European Union.

    Coalition Royaliste (CR) (Royalist Coalition) (Reds)
    Views: Deeply pro-EU royalists who want to permanently separate the Church of Curosant from the State and transition Curosant from the nuiem [nɥɛ̃] to the euro
    Candidate: Jeanne-Marie Valcher
    Resulting government: Principality with Grand Prince as monarch
    Proposed name: Principauté Très Sérénissime de Curosant [pʁɛ̃.si.po.te tʁɛ se.ʁe.ni.sim də ky.ʁɔ.sɑ̃] (Most Serene Principality of Curosant)

    Front Republicain National (FRN) (National Republican Front) (Yellows)
    Views: Anti-royalist wanting to turn Curosant into a semi-presidential republic and permanently separate the Church of Curosant from the State
    Candidate: Charlène-Xavier Robespierre
    Resulting government: Semi-presidential republic with President as Executive
    Proposed name: République Très Sérénissime de Curosant [ʁe.py.blik] (Most Serene Republic of Curosant)

    Ligue Socialiste du Travail (LST) (Socialist Labour League) (Violets)
    Views: TML Thought (Ho Chi Minh thought but continental unionist; want to have the euro as Curosant's currency)
    Candidate: Thierry-Maxime Leroux
    Resulting government: One-party communist state with General Secretary as Executive
    Proposed name: République des Travailleurs Très Sérénissime de Curosant [də tʁa.va.jœʁ] (Most Serene Workers’ Republic of Curosant)

    Parti Vert (PV) (Greens)
    Views: Environmentalist
    Candidate: Avril-Antoinette Jalvert
    Resulting government: Principality with Grand Prince as monarch
    Proposed name: Principauté Très Sérénissime de Curosant

    Toularon [tu.la.ʁɔ̃] (Oranges)
    Views: Church of Curosant-unaffiliated conservatives who want to turn Curosant into a hereditary absolute monarchy and keep the nuiem as Curosant's currency
    Candidate: Ariel-Robert-Charles Benoît
    Resulting government: Kingdom with King as monarch
    Proposed name: Royaume Très Serein de Curosant [ʁwa.jɔm ... sə.ʁɛ̃] (Most Serene Kingdom of Curosant)

    Union des Saints (US) (Saints’ Union) (Whites)
    Views: Conservatives who want to keep the Church of Curosant entwined with the State to some extent
    Leader: Primat Urbain V
    Candidate: Canon Jacques-Michel Pétain, Évêque de Québec
    Resulting government: Principality with Grand Prince as monarch
    Proposed name: Principauté Très Sérénissime de Curosant
    Note: If the Union des Saints wins, there’s a mechanism in place to install Grand-Prince Jacques I as Primat de Curosant without the otherwise necessary Conclave for avoidance of a schism in the Church of Curosant

    posted in Politics and Incidents
  • RE: Feeling the Caribbean Breeze

    Alberto laughed when Fornithias mentioned how often he eats Iberian Ham, as he found it funny. He wanted to clarify that, despite the strange arrival the Sertians had performed, there had been no inconvenients: «The creative entry has not been an inconvenient to anyone, Mr. Cranst. The Gibraltarean Government even told me you gave them less trouble than some ships do when going through the Strait!», Feijóo added, laughing.

    Then, the Spanish President proceeded to address the immigration topic: «I am pretty aware of the Sertian potential, and specially of its capabilities to go through an industrial revolution. Spain is open to any investment in the region, I must say, and certain enterprises like Iberdrola are interested in bringing clean sources of energy into the island. You know, useful things for everyone that also save the planet. But as we both know, we need to adapt to the Caribbean needs, and it is known by mostly everyone in Spain that there is a slower rythym there than here. I can see why many new soliders choose Sertia as their destinarion, and the feedback we are receiving is good, right General Brown?». Carlos then nodded at the question the President asked, and smiled.

    «However, and as you may be aware of, I cannot force anyone to move into Sertia, Mr. Cranst. Yet, there are certain ways to make the move to Sertia more attractive than it is right now. Maybe some tax deductions for those willing to move there and work might be useful, at least for the first year, whatever you can afford. Also, we could increase conectivity between Spain and Sertia, with more flights between our nations. Sadly, ferries are not over the table, due to the long distance between us. It is also important to mention that there is free movement and trade between our nations, thanks to the agreements that Spain signed with Nofoaga and that were then taken by the CCCC once your nation and Nofoaga unified certain political matters, so that is also an advantage. Have you thought on something else? Is this okay to you?», Feijóo inquired.

    Then, Feijóo put another topic over the table, as he thought that using turns to speak about the topics on the agenda was the best way to handle a summit: «I believe I have introduced you before, but in case I haven't, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Benedicto, the Director-General of the Spanish Space Agency. He is accompaning us today as he wanted to meet the Sertian astronaut that alongside the two Spanish astronauts and the Nofoagan astronaut, is going to be on that rocket that we will launch from Sertia to the Moon. He also insisted on allowing him to explain to you some mission details», Feijóo said.

    Francisco then started to speak: «Mr. Cranst, first allow me to express my gratitude on behalf of the whole AEE for allowing Spain to build a spaceport in Sertia, as well as for the trust you Government has deposited on us. That said, it is an honour to meet you, as it is to meet the astronaut that will represent your country in this adventure, and as President Feijóo said, I wanted to give you some details of our Mission to the Moon. As you might have already seen on the news, the mission will take place on January 2025. I can now tell you that we will make our first attempt on January 11th, and if weather conditions allow us, that will be the start date. On January 15th, we expect that the crew lands in the Moon, placing the Spanish, Nofoagan, Sertian and the Spanish Space Agency flags, as well as a commemorative flag designed for the occasion. The day after, on January 16th, after approximately 20 hours on the Moon and performing some tests and collecting some rocks, the crew will take off from the Moon. They are expected to land on January 19th in any sea of the European Union, but our intention is that they land somewhere where we will not be disturbed, that is, the Atlantic or the Pacific Oceans. If you want to know anything more, make any objections or add anything, your comments are really welcomed», Francisco said, proceeding to drink some water from his glass.

    posted in Politics and Incidents
  • RE: Feeling the Caribbean Breeze

    "I am terribly sorry for any inconvenience our creative entry posed to you, Señor Feijóo. I appreciate your willingness to accommodate some extra bodies. You see, I've simply learned to listen to my wife more than myself", Mr Cranst said. "It's lovely to meet you all, and I must say, Señor Feijóo, the only time I eat Iberian ham is when I'm in Spain". He let out a hearty laugh, careless as to whether anyone else laughed along.

    "I also", he added, "wanted to thank you personally for the assurance of our continued cooperation.

    "I think we both are in a position to recognise that Sertia is at a point in its history at the brink of industrialisation. For many years we've been a fishing country, many of us come from humble origins. We go on months'-long voyages across the country just to vote, we send our youngsters away to get an education abroad. But now we're in the economic position to provide so much more for our people. Sertia is capable of an industrial revolution now.

    "So what I'm really here discuss with you, Señor Feijóo, is that Sertia needs workers. Unfortunately the number of people from Spain, besides the military, who are immigrating into Sertia, is quite low. Shall we brainstorm how to fix this?"

    posted in Politics and Incidents

    On behalf of the United Kingdom, I vote for the budget.

    Caroline Lucas

    posted in European Council
  • RE: The Commonwealth of California-Factbook

    California Federal Parliament

    House of Representatives




    posted in The European Factbook