• RE: Government of California


    2 September 2024

    The Californian Government wishes to congratulate the governing coalition of the United Duchies on their electoral win. We hope it can deliver for Duchians and act on its democratic mandate.

    Kamala Harris, Prime Minister of California

    posted in Government Offices
  • RE: RTD 24

    Moderate- Centre Left Coalition confirmed
    Today a Moderate , Liberal and PSD coalition has been confirmed after the election results last week with the three party government having a majority of 145 in the house of Commons and 22 in the House of Duchies. The new government is to focus on the increase of public services using economic growth , simplifying international trade through treaties and EU laws and increased labour protections for workers. The coalition are to commit to a raising of minimum wage increase to 22 Dux Libra or 6.2% increase , an increase of Paternity and Maternity leave to 15 weeks within 1 year of birth of a child and increase to 11 weeks of paid time off. The lack of lowering the hours before overtime cap is a notable and it is understood the Moderate Party was concerned lowering this would impact the economy too significantly believing the current cap is set at the right place. The coalition government will also result in a network of 7 million plus linked up DuchiesGuard Smart CCTV network with residents able to recieve payment to integrate private residence street facing CCTV and doorbells into the network to fight security risks and reduce incidence of crime. A priority of the government is to prepare for the summit with Leagio within the next week.The Liberal party secured the ending of non-public owned prisons and more priority of community sentences for less serious crimes as well as less severe prison sentences in return for the smart cctv and stricter punishments of more violent crimes,

    The election resulted in the election of Aviv Rubenstein-Roscoe, Uri Mizachi-Roscoe and Jade Abbott Durham into the House of commons for the Brummagem South , Southwest and South East seats for the Moderate party. The election ha also resulted in the resignation of the UoD leader after their loss of 94 of their 111 House of Commons seats and 32 of ther 39 House of Duchies seats to the Moderate Party and Unus.The party is rumoured to be in civil war with a potential collapse of the party in the near future.

    The election results are as follows:
    House of Commons:

    Party % Local Seats List Seats Seats Increase Decrease % of Seats Seat % Change Votes
    The left 2.38% 5 12 17 -12 2.27% -1.30% 1811415
    IUAC 0.01% 0 0 0 -1 0.00% -0.12% 5026
    PSD:* 21.14% 134 25 159 1 21.20% 1.74% 16089625
    Liberal Party:* 13.10% 69 29 98 -4 13.07% 0.51% 9970392
    Moderate Party:* 35.01% 234 29 263 31 35.07% 6.50% 26646064
    Union of Democrats: 2.35% 16 1 17 -94 2.27% -11.40% 1788582
    Unus 16.45% 102 22 124 34 16.53% 5.45% 12520073
    AFD 9.56% 40 32 72 -16 9.60% -1.24% 7278688
    Total: 100.00% 600 150 750 -62 100.00% - 76109865

    House of Duchies 2024:

    Party Seats before election % of Seats New Seats Increase Decrease % of new seats Seat % Change % of vote House of Duchies Votes House of Duchies
    The left 8 2.96% 3 -5 1.25% -1.71% 2.40% 1833353
    IUAC 9 3.33% 0 -9 0.00% -3.33% 0.01% 5047
    PSD:* 46 17.04% 42 -4 17.50% 0.46% 21.11% 16133889
    Liberal Party:* 34 12.59% 24 -10 10.00% -2.59% 13.64% 10424066
    Moderate Party:* 76 28.15% 76 0 31.67% 3.52% 34.26% 26182484
    Union of Democrats: 39 14.44% 7 -32 2.92% -11.53% 2.84% 2174026
    Unus 45 16.67% 56 11 23.33% 6.67% 16.63% 12708797
    AFD 10 3.70% 32 22 13.33% 9.63% 9.12% 6968893
    Total: 270 100.00% 240 -30 100.00% - 100.00% 76430555
    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: News Media of Istkalen


    Kalessed resigns

    Ilmaras Kalessed, Head of State of the Republic of Istkalen, has announced her intention to resign her post on 9 October, citing "health issues."

    "I am," she said at the surprise presser where she revealed her decision to the public, "an old woman. 77 years I have to my name, 47 of which I have spent in the active defense of the values of this country, of our Republic, whether as a partisan of the Agrarian Union, a dissident, independent, writing out her indignation from prison, or, yes, as I am now, a Head of State. I regret none of it. There is no higher calling than that of the cause of our Istkalen, no better way to spend the decades given by the divine to each and every one of us, and I wish I had the capacity to continue."

    "But these 47 years of work, these 77 years of life - they have, as they are bound to do, worn me down. I am no longer the quick, agile woman I was in my youth; my age, the stresses I have endured through the years, have caused my body and mind alike to revolt against me. I ache, through the day, through the night, and see and think and hear and feel as though in a perpetual fog, everything indistinct, muddled. I have tried to fight my way through it, to overcome, as has always been my way. But it has become increasingly clear to me, as the struggle thickens, worsens, that the fight is ending. What I was given at birth no longer serves the purpose in life I have found; I have fallen apart, and what once were my capacities are now simply no more. To go on, with an impossible war increasingly farcical, with delusion and what would be sure to be increasingly escalating feats of pageantry - a great collage of lies spiraling outwards, all to mislead the Istkalenic people, to make them believe that headlessness is headedness, that heedlessness is heedful, that black is white and white is black."

    "This I could not consent to. It would be against my nature, against the people, against all good and the dictates set down by the divine. It has therefore become an absolute necessity, moral and physical, that I tender my resignation. I do so with shame, with sadness - but nevertheless with firm conviction, the firmest in my life so full with firm conviction, that it is what is right for the Istkalenic people. I will remain in my position until the legislature can elect a new Head of State, on the 9th of October, in order to prevent disorder in the interim - one final act of service for my nation dear."

    The announcement was received by almost all with shock. Kalessed was widely seen as the guarantor of the Republic, the only political figure with popularity and influence enough to maintain the democracy established with the overthrow of the NSC - and the question of her departure widely discussed, likewise, being the question of the survival of her Republic, entirely unthinkable.

    But the unthinkable - in spite of what seem to be even Kalessed's own concerns of a seizure of power on the part of any of the many anti-republican forces embedded in the Istkalenic state - has, with her decision, become thinkable, close, even, to certainty. And it may now be time to begin ringing the funeral bells for long-belabored, shortlived Istkalenic democracy.

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: Vícras Ammayawr Serdria


    It appears that the idea of term limits on a sitting Braetha causes scepticism among its own members. Though there was some support, the idea has quickly died.

    Additionally, Mr Draynooth's proposal has gained some traction. But, the others ask him, is a single annual election convention sufficient to measure the public's desire for an election? Some Braethan have said there should be two, three, four, and even five referendums each year.

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: Feeling the Caribbean Breeze

    "That sounds like a wonderful plan, and a way to really show our cooperation as countries. I will ask our Brætha to mark 15 January as an official state holiday, and I'm sure they'll commission some extra festivals and celebrations.

    "The Sertian astronauts we have chosen for this campaign are people who have shown an outstanding dedication to fostering international relationships, such as the one our two nations have."

    posted in Politics and Incidents
  • RE: United Duchies Election 2024

    Breakdown House of Duchies:

    Duchy/Constituency The left IUAC PSD Liberal Party: Moderate Party: Union of Democrats: Unus AFD Total
    Cair Para 3.84% 0.00% 19.75% 11.02% 31.91% 0.38% 15.31% 17.79% 100.00%
    Supseaxe 4.56% 0.00% 24.15% 18.78% 34.63% 0.76% 12.92% 4.20% 100.00%
    Westseaxna 0.49% 0.00% 12.25% 6.01% 31.66% 4.73% 29.97% 14.89% 100.00%
    Baltica 0.57% 0.03% 27.55% 17.90% 39.66% 0.78% 5.12% 8.40% 100.00%
    Albion 1.21% 0.00% 6.88% 9.07% 23.84% 2.09% 33.88% 23.02% 100.00%
    Doornevale 0.83% 0.00% 6.82% 3.33% 19.41% 3.16% 47.83% 18.62% 100.00%
    Aranvale 1.13% 0.00% 13.54% 7.44% 15.83% 3.84% 33.60% 24.63% 100.00%
    Overseas 4.06% 0.00% 28.18% 9.00% 41.58% 12.90% 3.58% 0.70% 100.00%
    Total: 2.40% 0.01% 21.11% 13.64% 34.26% 2.84% 16.63% 9.12% 100.00%


    Duchy/Constituency The left IUAC PSD Liberal Party: Moderate Party: Union of Democrats: Unus AFD Total
    Cair Para 69726 0 358489 199912 579062 6910 277774 322838 1814712
    Supseaxe 1258335 0 6670657 5187448 9566873 210212 3569306 1161557 27624387
    Westseaxna 84346 0 2103887 1031679 5437117 812791 5147169 2557946 17174936
    Baltica 96597 5047 4634217 3011720 6671254 131221 860625 1412525 16823207
    Albion 25202 0 143110 188619 495580 43556 704382 478606 2079054
    Doornevale 21159 0 174002 85041 495547 80680 1221230 475361 2553020
    Aranvale 23730 0 283598 155857 331625 80500 703882 515988 2095180
    Overseas 254257 0 1765930 563791 2605425 808155 224429 44072 6266059
    Total 1833353 5047 16133889 10424066 26182484 2174026 12708797 6968893 76430555


    Duchy/Constituency The left IUAC PSD Liberal Party: Moderate Party: Union of Democrats: Unus AFD Total
    Cair Para 1 0 6 3 10 0 5 5 30
    Supseaxe 1 0 7 6 11 0 4 1 30
    Westseaxna 0 0 4 2 10 1 9 4 30
    Baltica 0 0 9 5 13 0 1 2 30
    Albion 0 0 2 3 7 0 11 7 30
    Doornevale 0 0 2 1 6 1 15 5 30
    Aranvale 0 0 4 2 5 1 10 8 30
    Overseas 1 0 8 2 14 4 1 0 30
    Total 3 0 42 24 76 7 56 32 240
    posted in Politics and Incidents
  • United Duchies Election 2024

    House of Commons:

    Party % Local Seats List Seats Seats Increase Decrease % of Seats Seat % Change Votes
    The left 2.38% 5 12 17 -12 2.27% -1.30% 1811415
    IUAC 0.01% 0 0 0 -1 0.00% -0.12% 5026
    PSD*: 21.14% 134 25 159 1 21.20% 1.74% 16089625
    Liberal Party*: 13.10% 69 29 98 -4 13.07% 0.51% 9970392
    Moderate Party*: 35.01% 234 29 263 31 35.07% 6.50% 26646064
    Union of Democrats: 2.35% 16 1 17 -94 2.27% -11.40% 1788582
    Unus 16.45% 102 22 124 34 16.53% 5.45% 12520073
    AFD 9.56% 40 32 72 -16 9.60% -1.24% 7278688
    Total: 100.00% 600 150 750 -62 100.00% - 76109865

    House of Duchies 2024:

    Party Seats before election % of Seats New Seats Increase Decrease % of new seats Seat % Change % of vote House of Duchies Votes House of Duchies
    The left 8 2.96% 3 -5 1.25% -1.71% 2.40% 1833353
    IUAC 9 3.33% 0 -9 0.00% -3.33% 0.01% 5047
    PSD*: 46 17.04% 42 -4 17.50% 0.46% 21.11% 16133889
    Liberal Party*: 34 12.59% 24 -10 10.00% -2.59% 13.64% 10424066
    Moderate Party*: 76 28.15% 76 0 31.67% 3.52% 34.26% 26182484
    Union of Democrats: 39 14.44% 7 -32 2.92% -11.53% 2.84% 2174026
    Unus 45 16.67% 56 11 23.33% 6.67% 16.63% 12708797
    AFD 10 3.70% 32 22 13.33% 9.63% 9.12% 6968893
    Total: 270 100.00% 240 -30 100.00% - 100.00% 76430555

    Paths to Power:

    Possible Coalition Seats HoC Majority Seats HoD Majority
    Mod+PSD+Lib 520 145 142 22
    Mod+UoD+Unus 404 29 139 19
    posted in Politics and Incidents
  • RE: Office of James Mizrachi-Roscoe , IAC

    Council Gridlock
    I must state my absolute disappointment in the council gridlock caused by officials not moving acts through on time or on schedule. The people of Europe and governments of Europe voted for a council that works and actually proceeds with legislation. I have limited time in office and want to use this time to benefit the European people by continuing to harmonises standards through acts. This is being obstructed by obstructionists and inefficient council procedures and beaurocracy. I urge the council to vote on legislation in good time and work with my commission to pass acts that benefit the European people through harmonisation of policies on trade, quality standards and safety to ensure cheaper more affordable goods for all in the EU through simplifying of red tape.The commission cannot do its job if the council is not sticking to times set out in the constitution and efficiently moving legislation through the council.

    posted in Internal Affairs Commissioner
  • RE: RTD 24

    Roscoes released without charge from Czechslavia
    Today news has come through that the Roscoes arrested in Czechslavia Yohanna, Danya and Mathias have been released and are now in the United Duchies. Reports indicate no charges were pursued in the end by Czechslavia in what was seen by many as a political arrest to distract from domestic issues in the country. It is not known if a deal was struck for the release and what was in the deal if one exists.

    However recently the Duchian Business Council has revised its stance on Czechslavia. The Duchian Business Council has now said "We do not believe buying goods from Czechslavia is a risky venture and partnerships of limited nature for production of goods in Czechslavia is a safe investment. We still believe there is work to be done if Czechslavia is to be considered safe for foreign owned assets fully but business with Czechslavian companies in the context of importing goods not of sensitive IP nature from Czechslavia is safe for businesses to do."It is not known whether Roscoes intend to conduct any business with Czechslavia in the future.

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: Most Serene State of Curosant 2024 General Election

    Round Two General Election Results, as reported at 22:45 on 17 August

    Union des Saints: 41.42%
    Ligue Socialiste du Travail: 33.32%
    Front Republicain National: 25.26%

    posted in Politics and Incidents