The Government of the Commonwealth of Leagio
Joint Congressional Resolution: 2021-10
Concerning the situation occurring in the Union of Syndicates and the government in Kiel unwilling to provide any sort of satisfaction or proof to the Commonwealth of Leagio on the safety of the 21 Leagioans that have now been confirmed to still be trapped, as well as not allowing the governments of Europe to safely get its citizens out, the National Congress of the Commonwealth of Leagio hereby announces the following in Joint Resolution 2021-10:
Economic Sanctions shall now be administered to the Union of Syndicates with vehicles of that nation being confiscated in the Commonwealth of Leagio.
The President of the Commonwealth has both the power and the authority to administer actions that will ensure the return of his citizens trapped in the Union of Syndicates back home.
Senate Vote: 93 - 7
House of Councilors Vote: 490 - 51Speaker of the House of Councilors:
Councilor Shinichi Mouri-KudoPresident of the Senate:
Governor-General Mark GorgeSigned into action:
Kenith Lifejumper
President of the Commonwelth -
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hereby announces that all Leagioan Embassies in the EU are to go under lockdown for the next two days with no one allowed to enter under no circumstances during the crisis that the Commonwealth and the European Union faces at this moment. The Common Government of Leagio will be looking to coordinate with the other nations of Europe to find try to find a solution to the crisis of the stranded foreign nationals trapped in the Union of Sydinicates and calls upon the EU Council to investigate the matter as soon as possible.
In addition, the Common Government announces to its citizenry to report any suspicious activity to the local police or the Ministry of Interior at the number: 0867-53-09. In addition, the President of the Commonwealth asks that for those fellow Leagioans trapped in the Union of Syndicates to remain calm and where you are at the moment, as your government will continue to look at every possible move to it takes through a peaceful manner before any troops are being officially sent to make any sort of rescue.
In addition, the Common Government has given the order for the Army to be moblized to gaurd and protect all government buildings in the Commonwealth, where for the next three days only government employees are allowed to entered.
President Kenith Lifejumper
President of the Commonwealth of LeagioJohn B. Granger
Leagioan Minister of Foreign AffairsCaroline Gerald
Leagioan Minister of the Interior -
The President of the Commonwealth and Minister of Foreign Affairs is excited to announce that it has managed to make open dialogue with the Union of Sydnicates in extracting the confirmed 21 Leagioan citizens that are stranded and will continue to have these talks until the citizens are home in Leagio. In addition, the President will be working to ensure that the safety of the Commonwealth is maintained by extending the deployment of the Leagioan Army in government buildings with only government employees being allowed to enter for the next 2 days. Furthermore, with the advice of the Minister of Interior, the President asks his citzens to continue to report any suspicious activity to the local police or the Ministry of Interior at the number: 0867-53-09.
President Kenith Lifejumper
President of the Commonwealth of LeagioJohn B. Granger
Leagioan Minister of Foreign Affairs -
The President of the Commonwealth of Leagio, Ran Mouri-Kudo, is happy to announce that after reporting to the University of the Commonwealth Hospital that she suffered no serious injury and the bullet from Sunday's assassination attempt went completely through while leaving no fragments at all. She will be reporting back to the Executive Mansion later today to get back to serving the needs of the Commonwealth of Leagio. In addition, she will be making an announcement more about the assassination attempt on her life in the future with representatives of the Inciumius Government present sometime this week.
President Ran Mouri-Kudo
President of the Commonwealth of LeagioFederica Mogherini
Leagioan Minister of Foreign AffairsJustin Zoido
Press Secretary for the Government -
The President of the Commonwealth of Leagio hereby announces the issuing of the following Executive Orders that shall take effect immediately today:Executive Order 2021-02
- Establishing a chain of succession for all cabinet positions in the Cabinet of Ministers
Executive Order 2021-03
- Ordering and Directing the Navy of the Commonwealth to stop and seize any ship of the UNSR sailing within Commonwealth waters
Executive Order 2021-04
- Establishing a Presidential Task Force on the current status and integrity of the territories of the Commonwealth of Leagio
Executive Order 2021-05
- Directing the Ministry of the Treasury to pay the first part of the EU Loan to the Commonwealth by September 2021
Executive Order 2021-06
- Directs the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to determine what changes should be made to the Treaty of Tullion by September 2022
Executive Order 2021-07
- Directing the Ministry of Defence to develop and issue an Eastern Haane Humanitarian Service Medal for all Leagioan Troops that served in the Leagioan Humanitarian Mission in Eastern Haane
President Ran Mouri-Kudo
President of the Commonwealth of LeagioFederica Mogherini
Leagioan Minister of Foreign AffairsJustin Zoido
Press Secretary for the Government -
The President of the Commonwealth hereby announces that by the authority granted to her by the Treaty of Tullion and in response of the Reitzmag Government unjustly pulling out of the Treaty of Buckingham issues the following Executive Order which shall take effect immediately today:Executive Order 2021-08
- The Reitzmag discount on Leagioan weapons shall be reduced from 15% to 2% for an indefinite period until the Reitzmic government recommits to the guidelines of the Treaty of Buckingham.
In addition, the President has submitted a petition to the Senate of the Commonwealth to review the possibility of De-Ratifying the Treaty of Tullion in response to concerns on whether or not the Reitzmag Government can keep to its part of the bargain at all after witnessing it unjustly pull out of the Treaty of Buckingham.
President Ran Mouri-Kudo
President of the Commonwealth of LeagioFederica Mogherini
Leagioan Minister of Foreign AffairsJustin Zoido
Press Secretary for the Government -
The President of the Commonwealth of leagio hereby announces that due to issue asrising with the Declaration of War from the Federation of Istakalen, the Army of the Commonwealth is to be moblized for the time being in threat of any internal operations being committeed. All Istkalen citzens within the Commonwealth are required to report to a office of the Leagioan Ministry of the Interior for temporary intervenment throughout the duration of the crisis. Furthermore, the President will not at the moment declare a state of defense but asks for the citzens of the Commonwealth to be prepared in threat of any sort of attack.
Furthermore, the Governor-General of the Commonwealth announces that he will be holding his first session of the Council of Provinces in response to the crisis that is on-going within Europe and determine if the Provinces of the Commonwealth require any necessary security reform.
President Ran Mouri-Kudo
President of the Commonwealth of LeagioGovernor-General Magic Kaito
Governor-General of the Commonwealth of LeagioFederica Mogherini
Leagioan Minister of Foreign AffairsJustin Zoido
Press Secretary for the Government -
The President of the Commonwealth hereby announces that by the authority granted to her by the Constitution of the Commonwealth, the Immigration Refugee Act of 1959, and the Eastern Economic Development Act of 2020 that the following executive orders have been issued and shall take effect immediately at this moment.
Executive Order 2021-09
- Directing the Ministry of the Environment to declare climate change an issue of national security
Executive Order 2021-10
- Directing the Ministry of Education to cancel the student debt (in part or in whole) of Leagioan students between 1990 to 2016 who have completed their degree's and have received degree's in majors that the Ministry of Education deems important to the future of the Commonwealth.
Executive Order 2021-11
- Authorizes the Ministry of Defense to run a pilot program of creating a unit that implements the skills of persons with autism.
Executive Order 2021-12
- Direct the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Commerce to issue limited construction permits to private companies for finishing the expansion to the fresh water transnational pipeline system under the Eastern Economic Development Act.
Executive Order 2021-13
- Directing the Ministry of Racial, Refugee, and Immigration Affairs to grant refugee immigrant status to Nofagans affected by the recent disaster in immigrating to the state of Gopen for a new life through the Immigration Citizenship Program
President Ran Mouri-Kudo
President of the Commonwealth of Leagio -
This post is deleted! -
The President of the Commonwealth of Leagio hereby announces that by the authority granted to her by the Commonwealth of the Commonwealth and the Green Transition Act of 2021 that the following executive orders have been issued and will take effect on December 28th, 2022:
Executive Order 2022 - 01
- Directing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to develop a action transition plan for Leagioan Membership into the Treaty of Teleum by 2024
Executive Order 2022 - 02
- Directing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to determine the need to continue enforcing executive orders 2020-04 (relating to halt of trade between Leagio and UNSR) and 2021-03 (relating to the Leagioan Navy to stop and seizing UNSR ships).
Executive Order 2022 - 03
- Directing the Ministry of Defense to develop a new naming convention for new ships in the Leagioan Navy.
Executive Order 2022 - 04
- Directing the Ministry of Agriculture to list the needed states requiring funding for farm aid between 2023-2024.
Executive Order 2022 - 05
- Directing the Ministry of Interior to develop a plan to encourage higher voter turnout for 2024 and future elections.
Executive Order 2022 - 06
- Requiring the Ministry of Interior to review the spending of the 2022 Common election and determines areas of concern regarding campaign spending.
Executive Order 2022 - 07
- Directing the Ministry of the Environment to develop an action plan for companies that are financially unable to meet the guidelines of the Green Transition Act.
President Ran Mouri-Kudo
President of the Commonwealth of LeagioWith the Approval of the following:
Prime Minister: Marie Lahaye
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Federica Mogherini
Minister of Defence: (PAP) Councilor Xavier Millet
Minister of the Environment: (GP) Senator Harper Dawson
Minister of Agriculture: (PAP) Senator Valentin Hulin -
The President of the Commonwealth of Leagio and its government having been notified of the state of war that exists between the ECON (and such aligned nations) and hereby proclaims at the moment a state of neutrality between the two sides. Furthermore, as provisions that were intended to be in place during the deterioration of the situation in Svarna Surya, the President with the authority of Chapter 6, Article 5, Section 3 relating to pathways to citizenship and the Immigrant Refugee Act of 1960 implements Executive Order 2022 - 08, which shall do the following:-
Grant Svarna Suryians that are persecuted by their government and fleeing the ongoing war a right to immigrate to the Commonwealth as refugees that will be granted citizenship through a citizenship path of two years at most with said settlement being provided in the State of Loors.
Direct the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Cultural Affairs to coordinate with other European Nations that are unable to take in refugees and direct them to send willing refugees to the Commonwealth.
President Ran Mouri-Kudo
President of the Commonwealth of LeagioWith the Approval of the following:
Prime Minister: Marie Lahaye
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Federica Mogherini
Minister of Cultural Affairs: (SUP) Councilor William Vazquez -
Second Lahaye Government (2023-2025)
Position Name Party / Position in National Congress Picture Prime Minister Marie-Laura Lahaye PAP / Councilor Deputy Prime Minister Wilhelm Duran SUP / Councilor Minister of Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini PAP / None Minister of Education Leo Goodheart SUP / Councilor Attorney General Ethel Hearson SDP / Councilor Minister of Defense Mary Scott SUP / Senator Minister of Health Mark Dime GP / Senator Minister of Economy and Treasury Tom Kelly PAP / Councilor Minister of the Interior William Develder GP / Councilor Minister of Digital Technology Ramerra Moody PAP / Councilor Minister of Public Works and Transportation Shinji Ikari PAP / None Minister of the Environment Harper Dawson SUP / Senator Minister of Agriculture Kathleen Wood SDP / Councilor Minister of Cultural Affairs William Vazquez SUP / Councilor Minister of Social Services Souma Kayuza SUP / Councilor Minister of Research Dr. Ritsuko Akagi PAP / None -
The President of the Commonwealth of Leagio hereby announces that by the authority granted to them by the Constitution of the Commonwealth and varies laws of the commonwealth that the following executive orders have been issued. These executive orders shall take effect tomorrow January 30, 2023:
Executive Order 2023-01
- Authorizing the planning for the development of the Leagioan 1st Army into the state of Loors for annual combat training during the month of March.
Executive Order 2023-02
- Directing the Ministry of the Interior to submit a list of recommendations to the National Congress on improving public transparency over data collection from the National Intelligence Agency.
Executive Order 2023-03
- Approving and directing the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Research to hire highly qualified refugees into needed areas of national defense development for the Commonwealth.
Executive Order 2023-04
- Authorizing the new naming convention for ships of the Leagioan Navy developed by the Ministry of Defense
Ship Type Naming Convention Submarines Words of Province, Defense, and Liberty Patrol Ship Named After Famous Soldiers Frigate Presidents of the Commonwealth Corvette Governor-Generals of the Commonwealth Destroyer Provinces of the Commonwealth Cruiser Famous Congressman Carriers Capitals and Large Cities Auxillary Ships Rivers, Mountains, Famous Officers Signed:
President Ran Mouri-Kudo
President of the Commonwealth of LeagioWith the Approval of the following:
Prime Minister: Marie Lahaye -
The President of the Commonwealth of Leagio hereby announces that by the authority granted to them by the Constitution of the Commonwealth and varies laws of the commonwealth that the following executive orders have been issued. These executive orders shall take effect tomorrow June 2nd, 2023:Executive Order 2023-05
- Authorizing the rescinding of Executive Order 2021-03 relating to the seizing of UNSR ships in Leagioan waters
Executive Order 2023-06
- Directing the Ministry of Social Services to develop a program of medical loan forgiveness for low-income families
Executive Order 2023-07
- Authorizing the Ministry of the Interior to submit to the National Congress a list of recommendations for future elections in the House of Councilors that would reduce cost and maintain the values of Leagioan Democracy.
Executive Order 2023-08
- Directing the Ministry of the Environment to submit to the National Congress it's two-yearly findings on the state of the environment of the Commonwealth.
Executive Order 2023-09
- Directing the Ministry of Health to review the life expectancy and other health descriptions of the Commonwealth this year and since 2015.
Executive Order 2023-10
- Directing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to present a bill to the Foreign Affairs Committee's within both Houses of the National Congress to begin the official process of Leagioan membership in joining the Treaty of Telum.
Executive Order 2023-11
- Authorizing the Ministry of Public Works to come up with a more streamlined work visa program.
Executive Order 2023-12
- Directing the Ministry of the Environment to coordinate with the Ministry of Research to develop a project for the expansion of the National Water River System that will help the Environment in the East.
President Ran Mouri-Kudo
President of the Commonwealth of LeagioWith the Approval of the following:
Prime Minister: Marie Lahaye -
The President of the Commonwealth of Leagio hereby announces that by the authority granted to them by the Constitution of the Commonwealth and varies laws of the commonwealth that the following executive orders have been issued. These executive orders shall take effect tomorrow July 25th, 2024:Executive Order 2024-01
- Authorizing the Ministry of Research & Development and Ministry of Defense to advance progress on the Leagioan Drone Defense Program for the Airforce
Executive Order 2024-02
- Authorizing the Ministry of Digital Technology to develop a third public non-partisan news channel that covers the politics occurring within all provinces within the Commonwealth
Executive Order 2024-03
- Directing with the advice of the Prime Minister that the Ministry of Cultural Affairs to determine a list of historical sites that need additional funding within the Commonwealth
Executive Order 2024-04
- Directing with the advice of the Prime Minister that the Ministry of Agriculture to establish a welfare program that focuses on low-income minority farmers
Executive Order 2024-05
- Authorize the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation to develop plans to expand the Common Highway System in the Eastern States of the Commonwealth in a safe and effective way.
Executive Order 2024-06
- Authorize the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to develop within itself an Office of European Affairs.
Executive Order 2024-07
- Directing the Minister of Public Works and Transportation to develop a plan and design for a new capitol building within Tullion that shall appropriately house the new sizes of the National Congress with office space for each member of the National Congress. This plan shall be done in coordination with the appropriate committees within the National Congress.
Executive Order 2024-08
- Authorize the Minister of Defense to cordinate with the Minister of Public Works & Transportation on increasing the size and capacity of the upcoming new shipyard in Oko City under the Project Wayside Act.
President Ran Mouri-Kudo
President of the Commonwealth of LeagioWith the Approval of the following:
Prime Minister: Marie Lahaye -
First Robertson Government (2025-2029)
Position Name Party / Position in National Congress Picture Prime Minister Revy Robertson PAP / Councilor Deputy Prime Minister Kenith Lifejumper FCD / Councilor Minister of Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini PAP / Councilor Minister of Education Lesile Leloup FCD / Councilor Attorney General Ethel Hearson SDP / Councilor Minister of Defense German Molinero FCD / Senator Minister of Health Dr. Kenzo Tenma PAP / Councilor Minister of Economy and Treasury Tom Kelly PAP / Councilor Minister of the Interior Katara Nix PAP / Councilor Minister of Digital Technology Ramerra Moody PAP / Councilor Minister of Public Works and Transportation Jullien Treduea FCD / Councilor Minister of the Environment Ash Knopp PAP / Councilor Minister of Agriculture Kathleen Wood SDP / Councilor Minister of Cultural Affairs Victor Nikiforov PAP / Councilor Minister of Social Services Michael Scott FCD / Councilor Minister of Research Dr. Ritsuko Akagi PAP / None -
The President of the Commonwealth of Leagio hereby announces that by the authority granted to them by the Constitution of the Commonwealth and varies laws of the commonwealth that the following executive orders have been issued. These executive orders shall take effect by February 1st, 2025:
Executive Order 2025-01: STEM and Green Jobs Training Initiative
- To strengthen Leagio’s workforce and support its transition to a sustainable economy, the Ministry of Education and Ministry of the Environment shall develop vocational training programs focused on renewable energy, digital technology, and sustainable engineering. Grants will be provided to institutions that integrate these fields into their curricula.
Executive Order 2025-02: Expansion of Farming Subsidies
- To enhance food security and economic growth in rural provinces, the Office of Eastern Economic Development shall increase subsidies for sustainable farming techniques, water conservation projects, and eco-friendly agricultural equipment. Special priority will be given to small-scale farmers and cooperatives in the eastern states.
Executive Order 2025-03: Public Transportation Modernization Program
- In alignment with the Green Transition Act of 2021, the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation shall accelerate the transition to low-emission buses, electric rail, and other green transit systems. Funding will be prioritized for cities committing to phasing out fossil-fuel-based transport by 2028.
Executive Order 2025-04: Digital Economy Expansion Initiative
- To promote innovation and improve digital infrastructure, the Ministry of Digital Technology shall establish a National Digital Hub Program to assist businesses in adopting cybersecurity measures, AI integration, and e-commerce platforms. Rural broadband expansion projects will receive additional state-backed funding to bridge the digital divide.
President Ran Mouri-Kudo
President of the Commonwealth of LeagioWith the approval of the following:
Prime Minister: Revy Robertson
Deputy Prime Minister: Kenith Lifejumper
Minister of Public Works and Transportation: Jullien Treduea
Minister of the Environment: Ash Knopp
Minister of Education: Lesile Leloup
Minister of Digital Technology: Ramerra Moody -
The Commonwealth of Leagio expresses deep concern over the ongoing violence and loss of life in Elthize related to the protests against the proposed Political Etiquette Act. We extend our condolences to the families of those who have lost their lives and urge all parties involved to seek a peaceful resolution to the crisis.Leagio upholds the fundamental principles of democracy, freedom of expression, and the rule of law. We firmly believe that peaceful protests and open dialogue are essential components of a healthy democratic society. The reports of civilian casualties and the use of excessive force in some areas are troubling, and we call upon all authorities in Elthize to ensure that human rights and civil liberties are respected.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises all Leagioan citizens currently in Elthize to exercise extreme caution, avoid areas of unrest, and follow local authorities' safety instructions. For those seeking assistance, the Leagioan consulate remains available for support and, if necessary, will coordinate safe return options.
We urge all stakeholders in Elthize to work toward a resolution that prioritizes the safety and rights of its citizens and prevents further escalation of violence.
President Ran Mouri-Kudo
President of the Commonwealth of Leagio
Prime Minister Revy Robertson
Federica Mogherini
Minister of Foreign Affairs