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Members of the European Court of Justice

  • RE: The Government of the Commonwealth of Leagio

    The President of the Commonwealth of Leagio hereby announces that by the authority granted to them by the Constitution of the Commonwealth and varies laws of the commonwealth that the following executive orders have been issued. These executive orders shall take effect tomorrow July 25th, 2024:

    Executive Order 2024-01

    • Authorizing the Ministry of Research & Development and Ministry of Defense to advance progress on the Leagioan Drone Defense Program for the Airforce

    Executive Order 2024-02

    • Authorizing the Ministry of Digital Technology to develop a third public non-partisan news channel that covers the politics occurring within all provinces within the Commonwealth

    Executive Order 2024-03

    • Directing with the advice of the Prime Minister that the Ministry of Cultural Affairs to determine a list of historical sites that need additional funding within the Commonwealth

    Executive Order 2024-04

    • Directing with the advice of the Prime Minister that the Ministry of Agriculture to establish a welfare program that focuses on low-income minority farmers

    Executive Order 2024-05

    • Authorize the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation to develop plans to expand the Common Highway System in the Eastern States of the Commonwealth in a safe and effective way.

    Executive Order 2024-06

    • Authorize the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to develop within itself an Office of European Affairs.

    Executive Order 2024-07

    • Directing the Minister of Public Works and Transportation to develop a plan and design for a new capitol building within Tullion that shall appropriately house the new sizes of the National Congress with office space for each member of the National Congress. This plan shall be done in coordination with the appropriate committees within the National Congress.

    Executive Order 2024-08

    • Authorize the Minister of Defense to cordinate with the Minister of Public Works & Transportation on increasing the size and capacity of the upcoming new shipyard in Oko City under the Project Wayside Act.

    President Ran Mouri-Kudo
    President of the Commonwealth of Leagio

    With the Approval of the following:
    Prime Minister: Marie Lahaye

    posted in Government Offices
  • RE: The Wind Rose

    "We much appreciate that Spain is so willing to be a strong partner in these increasingly trying times. The shipping arrangement you've mentioned would be perfect for us, as well."

    "With regards to Telum: Istkalenic foreign policy remains non-aligned. Our focus, for the time being, is on obtaining security guarantees from our independent partners and neighbors: Czech Slavia, and perhaps even Vayinaod. While we are interested in reinforced cooperation, economic and military, with the Telum bloc, we do not think that membership would be ideal or realistic for us."

    "The agreement on trade remains in place - I would actually like the broach the question of whether an expansion, ideally to full, free trade for all but the agricultural sector, is possible."

    "As for rare-earth metals, while we are willing to provide an additional supply to Spain, we will not do so without discussing the issue with the other signatories of the Treaty of Yokohama.:"

    posted in Politics and Incidents
  • RE: A Social Call at the Mutin River

    Mouri-Kudo smiled in response as she shook hands with President Feijóo.

    "It is an honor to finally have the chance to meet you as well, President Feijóo and I have been looking forward to this summit as well. Please do forgive me for having this summit here in Elmena Estate in Arlick, normally it would be held in my nation's capital of Tullion. But I felt that the need for a change of scenery in this time of the year. Is there anything that I can get you? Like some tea for example?"

    posted in Politics and Incidents

    On behalf of the United Kingdom, I vote for the budget.

    Caroline Lucas

    posted in European Council
  • RE: The Commonwealth of California-Factbook

    California Federal Parliament

    House of Representatives




    posted in The European Factbook
  • RE: The Wind Rose

    "It's lovely," said Íkrat, flicking the fan open with a little laugh before gently folding it closed. "Yes, very lovely."

    "The Inimican base is doing quite well," she said later, in response to Feijóo. "They are well-supplied, from what I understand, there have, thankfully, been no incidents with regards to the local population - my country is, after all, my country, its reputation is not unearned - and the controversies around it have long since died down. We have settled into rather a comfortable relationship, which is good for Istkalen's autonomy in the post-Svarnan intervention era - and certainly in the post-Krexit era that might come, for what Simon Bridges might do in the absence of any European Council to restrain his government, is, in my eyes, a great unknown, an uncertainty, something that only harder power and harder security guarantees, like the base, can give us insurance against."

    "The same uncertainty is what gives me so much pause about the Duchian election. We both know that Key is - well, he is someone who will do whatever, give concessions to this or that organization or party, to remain as Prime Minister. There's simply no other realistic way to keep a party that has been in government for forty-odd years ruling. If it seems that public sentiment in the UD is pointing towards something like the abrogation of the Caspian Treaty, or, more dangerously, in a reality with a nuclear Reitzmag outside of the EU, fullthroated support for whatever plans Bridges may have for the region, he will simply go along with it for the sake of holding on to power and popularity. That is the danger: that some group which would like to destabilize the Caspian and Eastern Europe gains some amount of support, scares the perpetually anxious Key, and causes him to adopt the most radical possible version of their opinions."

    "Simply put, an era of regime-change, an era of treaty-breaking, and an era of a weak EU approaches, and that deeply concerns me."

    "This brings me to what I wanted to discuss with you. We live, as you've just said, as your minister Mordaunt said, in a world that has become increasingly defined by lies - and yes, I agree, we must try to combat them - and therefore a world where the international order that protects us may soon come crashing down. In the face of this threat, now almost an inevitability, my government has made its focus security - on ensuring that Istkalen remains safe against international instability. I therefore wanted, in particular, to see whether or not Spain was open to increased military coordination with us - joint exercises, for example, or allowing us to purchase new arms and other military products from your companies more easily. Preparation, modernization - these are simply absolute necessities in this new era."

    posted in Politics and Incidents

    May we move to final voting?

    Iras Tilkanas
    Councillor for the Republic of Istkalen

    posted in European Council
  • RE: Amendment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Assembly for the European Council

    The Kingdom of Reitzmag's Assembly for the European Council has decided through a vote with the presence of all members as follows:

    Question: Support the 2024 Amendment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the Right to Marriage.

    Ayes - 0
    Noes - 10
    Abtentions - 1

    The Ayes have it. The Ayes have it.

    Therefore, the Kingdom of Reitzmag votes AGAINST this act.

    Dame Yuridiana Yahontov GCC
    Councilor, Kingdom of Reitzmag

    posted in European Council
  • RE: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, The-Factbook

    Flags of the Constituent Nations




    Scotland Nordic Saltire.png


    Nordic Ireland.png


    Nordic Wales.png

    posted in The European Factbook