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Members of the European Court of Justice

  • RE: Government of California


    2 September 2024

    The Californian Government wishes to congratulate the governing coalition of the United Duchies on their electoral win. We hope it can deliver for Duchians and act on its democratic mandate.

    Kamala Harris, Prime Minister of California

    posted in Government Offices
  • RE: News Media of Istkalen


    Kalessed resigns

    Ilmaras Kalessed, Head of State of the Republic of Istkalen, has announced her intention to resign her post on 9 October, citing "health issues."

    "I am," she said at the surprise presser where she revealed her decision to the public, "an old woman. 77 years I have to my name, 47 of which I have spent in the active defense of the values of this country, of our Republic, whether as a partisan of the Agrarian Union, a dissident, independent, writing out her indignation from prison, or, yes, as I am now, a Head of State. I regret none of it. There is no higher calling than that of the cause of our Istkalen, no better way to spend the decades given by the divine to each and every one of us, and I wish I had the capacity to continue."

    "But these 47 years of work, these 77 years of life - they have, as they are bound to do, worn me down. I am no longer the quick, agile woman I was in my youth; my age, the stresses I have endured through the years, have caused my body and mind alike to revolt against me. I ache, through the day, through the night, and see and think and hear and feel as though in a perpetual fog, everything indistinct, muddled. I have tried to fight my way through it, to overcome, as has always been my way. But it has become increasingly clear to me, as the struggle thickens, worsens, that the fight is ending. What I was given at birth no longer serves the purpose in life I have found; I have fallen apart, and what once were my capacities are now simply no more. To go on, with an impossible war increasingly farcical, with delusion and what would be sure to be increasingly escalating feats of pageantry - a great collage of lies spiraling outwards, all to mislead the Istkalenic people, to make them believe that headlessness is headedness, that heedlessness is heedful, that black is white and white is black."

    "This I could not consent to. It would be against my nature, against the people, against all good and the dictates set down by the divine. It has therefore become an absolute necessity, moral and physical, that I tender my resignation. I do so with shame, with sadness - but nevertheless with firm conviction, the firmest in my life so full with firm conviction, that it is what is right for the Istkalenic people. I will remain in my position until the legislature can elect a new Head of State, on the 9th of October, in order to prevent disorder in the interim - one final act of service for my nation dear."

    The announcement was received by almost all with shock. Kalessed was widely seen as the guarantor of the Republic, the only political figure with popularity and influence enough to maintain the democracy established with the overthrow of the NSC - and the question of her departure widely discussed, likewise, being the question of the survival of her Republic, entirely unthinkable.

    But the unthinkable - in spite of what seem to be even Kalessed's own concerns of a seizure of power on the part of any of the many anti-republican forces embedded in the Istkalenic state - has, with her decision, become thinkable, close, even, to certainty. And it may now be time to begin ringing the funeral bells for long-belabored, shortlived Istkalenic democracy.

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: Elthic News Media

    The Tribunal


    by Alfred Ingham - August 19, 2024

    President Chai

    President Chai did not mince her words during the parliamentary discussion on gun control. Image credit

    President Melissa Chai's opponents did not hesitate to question her proposed gun control plans at this morning's meeting in the Parliament. The plans include a "buy-back program", meaning the government will compensate its citizens for destroying or delivering their firearms back to the government, as well as stronger checks while buying firearms, and banning certain weapons from civilian use.

    "These laws are an essential part of solving the crime and safety problem in this country," President Chai declared. "Every month, every week, we wake up to the news that more lives have been taken away by people with heavy rifles that they have no business holding. Every day, we are on the brink of another tragedy. And it is cruel that we are desensitised to this. Murders should not be a common part of Elthic life."

    While there are no official statistics, Elthize is predicted to be one of the countries with the highest gun ownership in the European Union, with civilian gun ownership having a history dating back to the start of The State of Elthize and accelerating following the Yosainese occupation. In the last decade, guns have become one of the most controversial topics in Elthize, with an increasing amount of people calling for regulations to be put in place.

    Currently, there is no restriction on firearms coming from the national government in Forecoaster, leaving the responsibility to the provinces, which are quite divided on the issue. Provinces such as St. Lucas and Forecoaster have already placed strict restrictions on firearms, while others, notably Montgomery and Southern Counties, have not.

    Because of the divided laws, weapon smuggling between provinces has become commonplace. Three years ago, Martha Krystoff, Governor of St. Lucas, had directly blamed Montgomery's relaxed laws for the gun violence in St. Lucas. "Somehow, we are not on the same page together when it comes to preventing gun violence. We can do our best whenever we can, but when the neighbour next door ships the guns used to kill your people, there's not much you can do," she said during an interview with local media.

    Freddie Abbey, leader of the Moderates and an MP for St. Lucas, said that she would support the measures, but demanded clarification on whether the right to self-defence would be protected. This statement was endorsed by Wirt Harland, leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, as well as Merrill Kooben and Liam Zachary, leaders of Democrats for Elthize and Business Party respectively.

    Zachary, who is also an MP for Forecoaster, also opposed the buy-back program, instead demanding a general amnesty for all gun owners and not seizing the weapons unless they are involved in crime.

    Elfiz Party, which was a part of the UnitedLeft coalition, expressed caution about the new laws. Meti Adebayo, the leader of the party, warned that the policies could be used to disproportionately police the Elfiz, bringing further clashes between the indigenous populace and law enforcement. Meanwhile, in a joint statement with Hunter Vance, Governor of Montgomery, Lorraine Devi, leader of the Harmony party, opposed the plans, claiming that Chai is "incapable of reducing crime without intervening in personal freedoms".

    The bills are still being debated in the parliament, with various amendments on the way. Due to the heavy discussion around the issue, they are not expected to become law this year.

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: Leagioan News Agencies


    Civil Populist Party Gains Increased Support For National Election

    The Civil Populist Party has been on a rollercoaster journey in the world of politics, facing ups and downs in recent years. After a somewhat disappointing performance in the 2022 National Legislative elections followed by a loss in the 2023 local elections, the party seemed to be at a crossroads. However, under the leadership of Senator Maria Kerstin, a new dawn seems to be on the horizon as the party gains increased support and momentum.

    Senator Maria Kerstin, who also ran as the EU Internal Affairs Commissioner (ICA) candidate in 2020, took the reins of the party as its President following the setbacks of the previous elections. Recognizing the need for a rejuvenation of the party's image as the 'Party of the People', Senator Kerstin embarked on a journey to reshape the Civil Populist Party by removing right-wing elements and re-establishing its connection with the common people in the Commonwealth of Leagio. One of the key strategies employed by Senator Kerstin was the implementation of a platform creation system that involved not only party members but also independent voters who desired a voice in the government. By opening up the platform creation process to a wider range of voices, the Civil Populist Party aimed to reflect the needs and aspirations of the broader population, thereby solidifying its position as a party that truly represents the interests of the people.

    The efforts of Senator Kerstin and the party members seem to be paying off, as recent polling data indicates a significant surge in support for the Civil Populist Party. Compared to the bleak scenario of 2022 and 2023, where the party struggled to make its mark, the Civil Populists are now positioned at near fourth place with approximately 10% of voter support. This increase in popularity showcases the effectiveness of the new strategies and approaches adopted by the party leadership in engaging with the electorate and addressing their concerns.The rise of the Civil Populist Party can be attributed to a combination of factors. The emphasis on inclusivity and grassroots participation in the platform creation process has garnered widespread appreciation from both party members and independent voters. By fostering a sense of ownership and involvement among the people, the party has successfully tapped into the pulse of the nation and resonated with the aspirations of the populace.

    Additionally, the progressive stance taken by the Civil Populist Party under Senator Maria Kerstin's leadership has also struck a chord with a significant section of the electorate. By championing progressive values, social justice, and equality, the party has distinguished itself as a beacon of hope for those seeking positive change and reform in the political landscape. As the Civil Populist Party continues to gain ground and expand its support base, it stands poised to emerge as a formidable force in the upcoming political landscape of the Commonwealth of Leagio. With Senator Maria Kerstin at the helm, steering the party towards a future defined by inclusivity, progress, and people-centric policies, the Civil Populists are well-positioned to reclaim their title as the true 'Party of the People' and make a lasting impact on the political arena.

    According to sources within the United People’s Front (UPF) alliance headquarters in Moraben, Jullien, this increase has been concerning for the Left-wing alliance as they fear that it cause them to lose the support that they enjoyed from the 2022 election voters that shifted from the Civil Populist Part and steal 56 seats from them. Currently, the UPF is trying to find a way to spin this around where they can make the Civil Populists seem as an unfunctional party and reliable on its platform by referencing its failures in previous years. On the other hand, the Social-Progressives (run by President Mouri-Kudo) have remained silent. Although, some members within the party’s representation in the National Congress have voiced concerns that the shift might force them to coliation with the Civil Populists again. A feeling that they are uneasy about as memories of the CPP’s betrayal is still strong from 2021/2022 and some sources close to the President say that she is willing to work with Maria Kerstin (who is also running as the party’s candidate for Prime Minister) but with a laundry list of conditions to ensure the Civil Populists don’t screw with her again.

    When referencing back to the new platform that was created by the creation system that Senator Kerstin developed for the Civil Populist Party called UR-Platform, this is what was established:
    • Create an Agency of Rent Management that would manage rent prices for apartment housing throughout the Commonwealth
    • A new election formation of the EU-Councilor where the National Congress and President appoint a representative but follow a council system similar to what Ritzmag uses with at least 20 representatives elected every local election cycle through a STV system.
    • An amendment to the Constitution where the President is free to appoint a Prime Minister without Congressional Approval to ensure a true presidential system
    • Increased investment plans on energy and infrastructure, with a special interest in constructing nuclear plants in the Commonwealth and the expansion of the National Highway system
    • Reduced military spending down to 3.5% from 5% where the extra funds can be diverted to Energy and Infrastructure to expand mentioned projects
    • Maintain membership with Telum and support military endeavors that threaten the security/interests of the Commonwealth
    • Expand educational opportunities abroad opportunities for all children regardless of race, socio-economic status, etc.
    • Maintain a neutral balance in foreign policy with all nations, including Telum
    2024 Polling - Alliances & Parties.png

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: California News Media


    Breaking: Los Angeles Feels a 4.0 Earthquake

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: Factbook: The Commonwealth of Leagio

    The Political Parties of Leagio

    Social Workers Party (SWP): Carved from the SUP's radical wing, the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) burns with revolutionary fervor. They denounce the SUP's "betrayal" of true socialism, rejecting both moderate reforms and the perceived failures of the UNSR. Their unwavering goal: a complete Leagioan overhaul through worker control and overthrow of existing systems. This uncompromising stance attracts ardent supporters yearning for radical change but isolates moderates wary of upheaval. While the SUP navigates the political system, the SWP remains an outsider, a fiery voice for total transformation.

    Socialist Union Party (SUP): stands as a beacon for many on the left, advocating for transformative change within Leagio and beyond. At its core, the SUP champions economic equality and the empowerment of the working class. They believe in democratic control of the means of production, arguing that Leagio's resources should serve the people, not private interests. Though historically advocating for internationalism and workers' revolution, the SUP under James Moriarty's leadership has undergone a strategic shift. They now emphasize pragmatic social democracy, focusing on achievable reforms within Leagio. This includes prioritizing cooperative endeavors, encouraging citizen participation in decision-making, and strengthening social safety nets. The party aims to decentralize power by establishing a confederal system of republics within Leagio, granting greater autonomy to local communities. Their vision is one of shared prosperity and collective ownership, where Leagio's progress is driven by the collaborative efforts of its citizens. However, the SUP's past association with radical leftist ideals continues to draw scrutiny. Critics highlight potential economic challenges of nationalizing industries and question the practicality of their proposed confederation. Others find their toned-down approach overly cautious, advocating for bolder action.

    Green Party (GP): A minor party that began in 1990's as a movement to protect the environment in Leagio, but began to shift into a left-wing movement that became strongly anti-capitalist. It blames Capitalism for the fact that the Eastern territories have a huge burdon of development in order to become economically sufficient at levels at that might as well be impossible. The small party believes that with the implementation of Green Politics for the environment, Communalism, and Eco-Socialism then Leagio would become a strong green nation in Europe.

    Civil Populist Party (CPP): A centre-left party that historically has represented the will of the people. It is a party that tends to hear the cries of demands of the people and work to resolve it in any way that they can. The party represents the interests of the common man. The party believes that the nation should respond to the needs of its constituents and lend them a helping hand. People that have long supported the party tend to refer it to the 'Party of the Common Man.' Although, the party has met criticism of not being effective in enacting the will of the people that it represents. In addition, the Party advocates for equal rights and naturalization of peoples coming to the Commonwealth.

    Social Democratic Party (SDP):A party that was as one of the original five parties established in the Commonwealth following its founding, embodying a rich tradition of political engagement. Positioned firmly within the centre-left spectrum, the SDP adheres to a social democratic philosophy that seeks to address societal inequalities and promote social justice. The party envisions a Commonwealth where democracy and a mixed economy form the pillars of a progressive and inclusive society. At the heart of the SDP's ideology lies a commitment to reducing inequality through a carefully regulated yet capitalist economic framework. The party believes in the importance of industry regulation to ensure fairness and sustainability, while concurrently endorsing the continuation of a capitalist system that encourages innovation and economic growth. Furthermore, the SDP champions the idea that access to social services should be recognized as an inherent right for all Leagioans. This commitment aligns with the party's broader vision of creating a society where the benefits of economic prosperity are shared equitably, and essential services, such as healthcare and education, are accessible to every citizen.

    Progressive Alliance Party (PAP): A left-center to right-center party that wants to protect social welfare, promoting moral improvement, creating economic reform and fostering industrial efficiency within the Commonwealth. The Party has a neutral stance toward the European Union, because they see the European Union as a chance to economically expand the Commonwealth but feel that the EU needs to have some changes within its laws. Historically, the Progressive Alliance tends to align with the Conservative Reform Party in a coalition to form a government whenever possible but that has not been done in over 35 years as the party began to shift away from conservative politics to a more centered but progressive platform of their own.

    Federal Constitutional Conservative Party (FCCP): A political party that was formed in 2015 that is in the Centre-right and supports the ideas of paternalistic conservativism, direct democracy, economic liberalism, pirate politics, and anti-corruption. Federal Constitutional Conservative Party was founded by Henry Fontaine, who was once part of the Progressive Alliance Party as a member in the House of Councilors in 2018, who left his party in 2020 and founded the FCCP to provide more transparency and openness of the Leagioan government to its citizens. The party is Pro-European Union that wants more transparency and oversight on member-states.

    Federation of Centrist Democrats (FCD): A merger of the Eastern Leagio Party, Leagioan Pact of Democracy, and the Free Democratic Party that occurred in 2023, where the merged party sits in the Centre-Right that supports Localism, Fiscal Federalism, and Classical Liberalism. The FCD is against the Leagioan Model of a Social Market Economy and prefers a free market economy system with minimal interference from the government on the economy. In addition, the party thinks that states and local leaders should be allowed to have more power in their own issues to resolve instead of the government solving everything. Furthermore, members of the Federation believe that spending within the Commonwealth’s government budget should be limited and should only input certain policies by offering grants to provincial as well as municipal governments.

    Christian Farmers Union (CFU): A Centre-right political party that follows Christian Democracy, Liberalism Conservativism, and Agrarianism. The Party was founded in 2007 as an attempt to be an alternative to the former Eastern Leagio Party to provide support to farmers and rural communities through the approach of Christian democracy. The Party supports a free market mixed with economic liberalism, environmental development for farmers, and supports the construction of a national river development project that runs through the Commonwealth to support rural communities and farms while also providing hydro electric power. They especially support the idea of tax cuts that benefit farmers and small business, while favoring the Leagioan Model of the economic system that was developed by the Mouri-Kudo Administration. Although, Conservative economically, the party is socially liberal somewhat as they support same-sex marriage and contraption but are against abortions.

    Conservative Reformist Party (CRP): Standing tall on the center-right at first but has shifted to be more Right-Wing in recent years, the Conservative Reform Party (CRP) champions fiscal responsibility and limited government intervention. They advocate for slashing the sprawling welfare programs implemented by the Civil Populist Party and Progressive Alliance Party, viewing them as unsustainable drains on the national purse. Their ultimate goal is to reshape Leagio's government, seeking a return to stability through a new constitution that surpasses the often-criticized 1904 document. Fiercely independent, the CRP champions Leagio's autonomy, advocating for a clean break from European Union regulations it deems restrictive and meddling. They believe Leagio's economic and political destiny lies in its own hands, not dictated from Europolis. Yet, the world remains a dangerous place, and the CRP sees strength as critical. They push for robust military spending, advocating for cutting-edge weapons and equipment to bolster the Commonwealth Armed Forces. A well-armed and prepared military, they argue, is the cornerstone of national security and freedom.

    African-Leagioan Unity Party (ALUP):A political party that was established in 1948, stands as a progressive force dedicated to championing the rights and interests of African-Leagioans. With a distinctly left-wing orientation, ALUP places a strong emphasis on minority rights and envisions a more egalitarian society within the Commonwealth. Committed to rectifying historical injustices, the party advocates for enhanced representation of African-Leagioans in political institutions and society at large. ALUP's left-leaning agenda reflects its dedication to fostering social equality, justice, and a more inclusive future for a marginalized society for African-Leagioans within the Commonwealth.

    Karpitiz Solidarity Party (KSP): A political party that was founded in 1931 to represent the interests of Desert Karpitizes in Leagio that were once one of the many native groups that settled in what is today the Commonwealth of Leagio. The party runs typically as a Centre-Left social democratic party wanting to provide additional development to the state of Karpitniz and the surrounding states that have a strong population of Karpitniz descent individuals. In 2023, the party was officially recognized as a minority party that would be given additional subsidies to boost its cause.

    Alternative for Leagio (AfL): The Alternative for Leagio (AfL) is a right-wing populist political party that champions national sovereignty, cultural preservation, and economic reform. The AfL advocates for strict immigration control, reduced influence of the European Union, and prioritization of welfare benefits for native Leagians. The party emphasizes conservative values, including law and order, family values, and national pride, while expressing concerns about the influence of foreign cultures in Leagio. The AfL aims to provide a distinct political alternative for voters who feel that traditional parties do not adequately represent their views on national identity and cultural preservation. Orginally before hand, the party had been under different names such as the National Patriot Party, the Common Nationalists, and the Leagio United Together Front.

    posted in The European Factbook
  • RE: California News Media


    Commonwealth Bans Private Equity Property Buying

    SACRAMENTO---The Commonwealth has passed through the House and Senate to ban the sale of residential properties to private equity firms. this proposal is the governing partner, the Greens in their coalition agreement with the CLP. That proposed bill got enacted with the CLP bargaining power. Prime Minister Harris and the Leader of the Greens, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez championed this policy

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: Government of California


    08 August 2024

    The Commonwealth is planning to streamline our zero carbon energy and public transport agenda. The package of legislative proposals include budgeted bike infrastructure in California's major cities, construction of charging for electric vehicles, mandating all energy being produced by renewable means, the promotion of the development of advanced EV air travel vehicles, increased budget for tertiary and vocational education. This is an important step not only for preparing for a zero carbon future; it also provides the means to create a maintenance industry.

    posted in Government Offices
  • RE: California News Media


    Federal Gov't Works With Independents to Pass Environment Regulations

    SACRAMENTO---The Commonwealth Government worked to negotiate in the House with independents to pass more environment regulations. The new regulations, which are bill proposals, are meant to streamline the 2030 zero carbon transition. Those bills now are in the Senate and will need the support of the Liberal Party.

    posted in European News Consortium