National Salvation Government of the Union of Syndicates
The declaration of that of Josephine Areai is that of a deranged and reactionary woman. She must be removed from her illegitimate power as soon as possible. We strongly advise all citizens to act against her regime, and order her death.
On the front of the violence, we must stand for unity, against reactionary elements. The revolution must be everywhere and in every person, unending.
Eva van der Bijl
President of the Soviet Republic of Eastern Haane(OOC: Soviet Republic and People's State are not a part of the Union of Syndicates' canon. Please ignore all posts before 19th of February, 2021)
The recent constitution disturbs our government greatly. For 102 years has our nation fought for the preservation of democracy in all matters; now, with the constitution of Josephine Areai, this has ended. She has created a monstrosity of a constitution; she will lead a reign of tyranny. We again implore all Haaneans to fight against this regime. We have had to flee from her band of thugs, into the forest; you will someday have to as well.
We must form a resistance; ours in the wilderness and yours in the city. We must overthrow this fascist government.
Eva van der Bijl
President of the Soviet Republic of Eastern Haane -
We must stand against the government of Josephine Areai. We have fought her ilk for so many years; we shall fight them for years more. Her appointments must be reversed; her government must be overthrown. She must face the fury of the people, who she has terrorized and murdered. Bring her to justice, o Haaneans. Our fight is becoming ever more successful; we are ever approaching the jugular of the fascist government of Areai; we shall cut it, and her government will die the undignified death it deserves.
We are all united; we must stand in resistance.
Eva van der Bijl
President of the Soviet Republic of Eastern Haane -
Your forces currently occupy the city of Kiel, which has resulted in the displacement of 200,000 people. We cannot ignore the plight of so many of our citizens, nor can we ignore the fact that your actions have violated our sovereignty over our own territory.
You have, for example, established a surveillance network across Eastern Haane, as far as our own forces can tell. At the same time, you have near-completely entrenched yourselves in the territory, with tens of thousands of soldiers, in addition to massive amounts of military equipment.
We thus ask you to begin the process of leaving the area within the next twenty-four hours. We are monitoring the situation in the area carefully, and will act if compliance is not made.
In the name and with the consent of the people,
The Governing Council of the People's State of Eastern Haane -
I have recently been elected the representative for the Kiel Region, and have now assumed the title of Speaker of the People's State of Eastern Haane. However, it is now that I must make a statement.
You in Europe; you have all been ever-so hypocritical. When our civil conflict ended and we had no food but that stored in those few warehouses that survived; you did nothing. We slowly starved, many of us going insane. In this insanity of terrible hunger, the people rose up, but at the same time lost hope in survival. Morality broke down; and so many people, friends, relatives, colleagues, died horribly, crucified, and then eaten.
We were taken captive by a mad empress, who is now fortunately dead, her body being fed to pigs on livestream, and forced to work for hours upon hours farming, praising her endlessly.
Meanwhile, ten million people fled the country in droves. Stampedes at borders killed hundreds; others were shot or executed by the insane.
Those who could not escape killed themselves in mass numbers. We have heard stories about events in which up to 10,000 people did so en masse; from what we know, the fields of the south are covered endlessly in rotting bodies.
Meanwhile, people have begun to starve to death. There has been no food there for the past three weeks; people, as far as we know, are now truly beginning to die of starvation. Bodies with distended stomachs litter the sides of the roads and the buildings, carted away to fields where they are simply dumped. There are no farms or infrastructure of any sort in the south; all that was destroyed in the conflict. The insane have tried to rebuild them; but it is too late. The winter is to come soon; no crops will grow. They will have expended their energy on useless projects, and will now have died.
Not even those practicing cannibalism will survive. They are now suffering from vitamin deficiencies; health is poor there, with many dying.
With the total destruction of near everything, there is no protection from the elements whatsoever. The rains have come; many, I assume, have died from disease.
Nor is there clean water. During the short time of the Republic, Eastern Haane began to experience a massive rise in cases of cholera; now, I cannot imagine the situation in the south, where nothing is left.
In the south, we expect that at least 3 million are dead, and that millions more will die. In the north, around 700,000 people perished under Areai's short regime.
All of this, all of this, could have been avoided if aid had been sent. Yet it was not. Now, however, when you see an opportunity for regime change, when the capitalists have found another nation to exploit; you wish to intervene.
Kalju Aasmäe
Speaker of the People's State of Eastern Haane -
This post is deleted! -
On the National Salvation GovernmentThe Union has fallen into total chaos. The central government has all but collapsed; the economy has ground to a complete halt.
Order must be restored if it is to survive.
On the 18th of September, I acted in service of the Union and the New Society that came, acted for their preservation.
The old has fallen; the new, which shall endure forever, has risen.
Kalju Aasmäe
Head of State in the Union of Syndicates -
On the New Economic MeasuresThe National Salvation Government has approved the following legislation regarding the economy, summarized below:
Labor vouchers will replace the current system of distribution. However, healthcare, housing, communications, transportation and a livable ration of food will remain free.
The means of production are distributed. The means of production that can be will be distributed between all workers, except for that which must be used in common - for example, machinery.
The syndicates as they are are abolished. It is the prerogative of this government to replace them. Ten laws, one for each of the former syndicates, have been drafted as to accomplish this.
This replacement is ongoing. Orders for the creation of new syndicates shall continue throughout the day.
The syndicates shall simply coordinate and regulate production from this point onwards.
The Workers' Congress has been abolished. It shall be replaced with ten appointed individuals, one for each former syndicate, which will simply monitor the elected syndicates.
Other details may be found directly in the legislation passed, which has been promulgated.
Kalju Aasmäe
Head of State in the Union of Syndicates -
On the Provisions for the Maintenance of National Unity and OrderIn recognition of the Provisions adopted by the Workers' Congress, I hereby disband this government, as its purpose is no more in existence.
Kalju Aasmäe
Head of State in the Union of Syndicates