Spanish Goverment
I talk on behalf of the Government I preside when I wish every single European citizen, wether his nation might or might not be an European Union member state, a happy Europe Day. During this years as part of the European Union, The Kingdom of Spain has made new friends, sufferend some conflicts which both parties have been able to solve and established new relationships with many historical nations in Europe.
Spain is now friend of many nations we couldn't imagine we would be friends with, has been benefited from the influential sphere the European Union forms around the different nations and has been able to push forward legislation and amendments in the European Council thanks to our Councillor, Donald Tusk. Moreover, the Kingdom of Spain is also protecting other countries, such as Nofoaga, with whose we keep a really friendly relationship. Apart from that, we co-operate with the Empire of Inimicus sharing military bases in both countries in order to enhace mutual protection and to have stronger relationships.
We shall also recognise the hard work that is being made by Commissioners and the European Council, Institutions which are really necessary to make the European Union work, and I hope their work is never disturbed by the interests of nations or certain people which are not members of theirs.
Europe Day shall be a date to celebrate, and so we will do. Since it was announced that Europe Day would be celebrated for the 1st Time ever, the Government announced it would be a free day for all the Spanish, and so it will be every single year that we stay in this necessary and prosperous Union. Donald Tusk and Myself will join the European Commissioners and leaders in the Europe Day celebrations at Europolis. Happy Europe Day everybody.
Jesús Aguilar
Spanish President -
Treaty of Telum
We the nations of this treaty pledge to work together for the good of all nations economically, culturally and in joint defence of democratic values in our countries. We pledge to protect our countries by working together in co-operation for peace and the common good of our nations.
1.1 All members shall have free trade with all other members with no protectionist barriers unless they are implemented for all companies of member nations.
1.2 Any companies registered in member states shall have the right to operate in any other member state as long as they meet national standards.
1.3 State-owned airlines will set an airlines alliance to get joint benefits.
1.4 A Roaming-free zone shall be established between signatory states.
1.5 Free movement of capital within the joint market.
1.6 Joint sharing of information between members regulators and tax agencies may be allowed for regulatory or tax purposes.
1.7 Environmental minimum standards should be standardised among member nations to fight against Climate Change and degradation of the environment.SECTION II - FREE MOVEMENT
2.1 All member nations citizens shall be able to move freely around other member nations and live in any member state.
2.2 If any extreme situation may take place, member states will be able to shut down their borders.
2.3 Security controls are allowed to take place, especially those affecting cargo.SECTION III - MILITARY PACT
3.1 All members shall defend each other in case of attack by any foreign nation.
3.2 Only members shall have military access to the Baltic Canal.
3.3 All members shall be able to co-operate on joint procurement and standardisation of equipment.
3.4 Co-operation shall exist in situations where member nations are in a conflict together.
3.5 Members will get reduced costs when buying military equipment from other nations, except if there’s a treaty between 2 or more members which include other conditions.
3.6 Nations in the Southern Association of Nations will get reduced tax on their cargo when entering Gibraltar, Adventuranza or the Baltic Canal. Agreements can be established to reduce that tax to 0%.SECTION IV - CULTURE AND RESEARCH
4.1 All members shall develop cultural and educational exchange programmes with other member nations
4.2 All members shall co-operate on scientific research between universities for the good of all membersSECTION V - SECURITY
5.1 All members shall allow extradition to another upon a warrant being approved.
5.2 Members shall share intelligence relating to national security of another member with that member unless it results in a national security threat to the nation
5.3 A joint arrest warrant and law enforcement information sharing system should be established between members if necessary.SECTION VI - MEMBERSHIP
6.1 Signatories shall be members of the Southern Association of Nations
6.2 Members may leave at any time following an agreement between the SAN and the member state wishing to leave.
6.3 Members shall meet twice a year to discuss progress and joint issues
6.4 New members may be admitted upon a vote of 75% or more in favour.
6.5 All member nations must have democratic elections. -
Gobierno de España - New Cabinet
PRESIDENT: D. Jesús Aguilar
- First Vice-President of the Government; Minister of the Presidency and Relationships with the Institutions: Dña. María Soraya Sánez de Santamaría Antón
- Second Vice-President of the Government; Minister of Territorial Administrations: Dña. Marta Merino Muñoz
- Minister Of Agriculture, Fishing and Food: Dña. Isabel García Tejerina
- Minister of Climate Change, Environment, Rural Development and Demographic Challenge: D. Jaime Eduardo de Olano Vela
- Minister of Culture and Sport: Dña. María Soledad Cruz-Guzmán García
- Minister of Education, Professsional Formation and Universities: D. Íñigo Méndez de Vigo y Montojo
- Minister Of Employment And National Insurance: Dña. María Fátima Báñez García
- Minister of Health: Dña. Dolors Montserrat Montserrat
- Minister of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda: D. Álvaro María Nadal Belda
- Minister of External Affairs, European Union and Cooperation: D. Alfonso María Dastis Quecedo
- Minister of Local Government: Dña. Ana María Beltrán Villalba
- Minister of Justice: D. Rafael Catalá Polo
- Minister of Defence: D. Pedro Baños Bajo
- Minister of Finances and Public Function: D. Cristobal Ricardo Montoro Romero
- Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda: D. Íñigo Joaquín de la Serna Hernáiz
- Minister of Consumption: Dña. María Dolores de Cospedal García
- Minister of Science, Innovation, Research, Digital Transformation and 2030 Agenda: D. Víctor Calvo-Sotelo Ibáñez-Martín
- Minister of Economy and Competitiveness: D. Luis de Guindos Jurado
- Minister of Industry and Commerce: D. Román Escolano Olivares
- Minister of Social Affairs, Social Rights, Inclusion, Migrations and Equality: D. Barack Obama
- Minister of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth: Dña. Amber Rudd
- Minister for the Spanish Commonwealth, of Overseas Missions and Straits: D. Teodoro García Egea
Statement - On Nofoagan Elections
The Ministry of Overseas Missions, Territories and Straits, in charge of supervising the Spanish Army task to protect the Republic Nofoaga, has been allowed by the Acting Nofoagan Government to use the military as observers in the elections. On election day, the military, which won't be wearing their uniforms or carrying weapons, will be on every single polling station supervising everything is done between the legal framework of the Nofoagan laws and Constitution. Once the results have been called, Gen. Brown will send a report about the Nofoagan Elections.
We also welcome the help and presence of other international observers in polling stations, and we are open to cooperating with them and the Nofoagan Government to guarantee a fair election.
D. Teodoro García Egea
Minister of Overseas Missions, Territories and Straits -
Statement - Maneuvers Over Adventuranza Strait
The Spanish Army wants to advice the bordering nations about expected maneuvers over the Strait of Adventuranza and the Cantabric Sea. These maneuvers will last for, at least, one week, with the only purpose of training. The Spanish Air Traffic Control Service has issued a restriction of air traffic between Flight Levels 020 and 040, this being between 2,000 and 4,000 metres.
D. Pedro Baños
Minister of Defence -
President Aguilar Statement - Nofoagan Elections
After the results of the Nofoagan Elections have come out, I would like to congratulate my counterpart and friend, Lula Namatatiki, for her victory. I hope we can continue our great relationship and work together in many projects to come between 2 nation which consider eachother as friends we can relay on.
D. Jesús Aguilar
President of Spain -
Statement - Alexandra Kovářová
The Spanish Government wishes to confirm the arrival of Alexandra Kovářová to the Kingdom of Spain on a good condition. Ms. Kovářová arrived yesterday to Adolfo Suárez - Madrid Barajas Airport, where she was welcomed by the Spanish Councillor, Donald Tusk, the Minister of Social Affairs, Social Rights, Inclusion, Migrations and Equality, Barack Obama and the Second Vice-President of the Government and the Minister of Territorial Administrations, Marta Merino.
Alexandra Kovářová's location will be secret as there's no certainty of her safety until the situation in Czech Slavia evolves to a better one, and she will be protected by special guards with knowledges of the Czech language and ready to defend Ms. Kovářová if needed.
D. Alfonso Dastis
Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Co-operation -
Statement - Tariffs on Gibraltar and Adventuranza Straits
The Minister of Overseas Missions, Territories and Straits, along with the Gibraltar Strait Security Agency and the Adventuranza Strait Maritime Security Agency (GSSA & ASMSA), have published today the tariffs for the year 2021. These tariffs won't change unless the Parliament of Gibraltar and the ASMSA comittee approve the request from the Government to change them. Every group is equal to the percent of tax of the cargo value on board, from 0% (free access) to 4% (highest tariff).
- Group 0: Inquista, Icholasen, Vayinaod, Fremet, Montenbourg, Spain, Angleter, Duxburian Union, United Duchies, North Diessen, Inimicus and Gallorum.
- Group 1: Nofoaga, Alkharya, Red Croatia.
- Group 2: Leagio, Ruthund, Pravoslaviya, Brickston, Gadalland & Aspern, Huriyah, Yosai, Strathae, Istkalen.
- Group 3: Mennrimiak, Reitzmag.
- Group 4: USNR.
- Group 0: Inquista, Icholasen, Vayinaod, Fremet, Montenbourg, Spain, Angleter, Duxburian Union, United Duchies, North Diessen, Inimicus, Yosai and Gallorum.
- Group 1: Leagio, Nofoaga.
- Group 2: Alkharya, Ruthund, Pravoslaviya, Brickston, Gadalland & Aspern, Huriyah, Strathae, Red Croatia, Istkalen.
- Group 3: Mennrimiak, Reitzmag.
- Group 4: USNR.
Statement - Concerning Spacenet from Reitzmag
The Ministry of Defence manifests its nonconformity with the Spacenet project, and hereby bans Spacenet satellites to fly over the Kingdom of Spain as we consider the satellites and the project as a thread to our country and our citizens. The orbit ban includes the Spanish controlled airspace, and we will search for support coming from other European Union countries to destroy any satellite that flies over the Kingdom of Spain once detected.
D. Pedro Baños
Minister of Defence -
Statement - New ASMSA President
The Adventuranza Strait Maritime Security Agency wishes to thank Mister Michael Matheson, from Escocia, for its hard job directing this Agency. Because of the agreement between Ceuta, Islas Canarias, Escocia, Cantabria and the Comunitat Valenciana, the head of the ASMSA changes every year, rotating in a circle from west to east. The new Adventuranza Strait Maritime Security Agency is D. Francisco Martín Gallego, Councillor for Innovation, Industry, Transport and Commerce of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria.
Statement - Granada's Earthquakes
The Spanish Government wishes to thank the foreign governments and the European Commission for their interest on the ongoing situation at Granada, Santa Fe, Chauchina and Atarfe. At the moment, no other earthqueakes have been registered since 2 hours ago, the last one stricking Santa Fe with a 2.1 magnitude. We strongly advice everyone to follow the advices from the local and autonomical authorities, to call the emergency services (112) if needed. For foreign citizens evacuation, the Federico García Lorca Granada-Jaén airport is ready to welcome any evacuation flight.
As everybody knows, earthquakes are unpredictable. The Mayor of Granada, Luis Salvador, has recommended everyone to stay inside. If the earthquakes strickes while you are on the street, stay away from buildings and run to clear areas, like parks or vacant lots. Right now, the President of the Government and the President of the Junta de Andalucía are evaluating the damages in Santa Fe, then evaluating the damage in Atarfe, Chauchina, Vegas del Geni, Cúllar Vega and Granada.
Finally, the Alhambra will remain closed for 5 days to check if there is any damage in the walls or buildings inside the Alhambra. The Culture Office of Andalucía has announced they will give a full refund to those requesting it.
Dña. Ana María Beltrán Villalba
Minister of Local GovernmentD. Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla
President of the Junta de AndalucíaD. Agustín Muñoz Martín
General Director of Emergencies and Civil ProtectionD. Luis Salvador
Mayor of Granada -
Statement - Spanish Military Deployment & New Equipment for 2021
The Spanish Government has been negotiating with the Commonwealth of Leagio in order to keep security and increase the cooperation between both nations when it comes to the military. As part of the "Plan de Cooperación Atlántica - Atlantic Cooperation Plan", Leagioan Army will be trained in the city of Revo by Spanish officials and the Spanish Army will have access and permission to use Port Hilson military base. The Leagioan Government has also been invited to request any presence in Spain as part of this cooperation plan.
Along with that, the Spanish Army, composed by the Ejército de Tierra, the Ejército del Aire and the Marina are continuing their foreign missions in Inimicus and Nofoaga. Concerning Inimicus, this year a joint military training will take part as signed in the Madrid Pact in Spain this year. On Nofoaga, the military presence on the country will stay the same unless the Nofoagan Government requests the opposite. Also, we have received the Airbus A400-M which will be parked on Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) and will fly under the Nofoagan flag.
Lastly, the Spanish Army has bought new equipment which will enter operation between the first and 2nd trimester of the year. We are also looking forward to a common project with the United Duchies, further details will be given soon.
D. Pedro Baños Bajo
Minister of Defence -
Statement - Concerning Foreign Embassies
The Spanish Government met last Friday in the weekly cabinet meeting. As a result, it was proposed by the President, D. Jesús Aguilar, to move the embassies into Madrid and close the ones being used in Antequera. The proposal was approved, and we are now going to start the procedures to move as many embassies as possible to Madrid. Still, the Spanish Government wishes to make clear that any country which refuses moving their embassy to Madrid will be able to keep their embassy in the city of Nueva Antequera.
D. Alfonso Dastis
Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation -
Concerning the last news from the Union of Syndicates
After the breaking news from the Union of Syndicates of a huge crowd running towards the airport and trying to book flights with Spain as their final destination, the Kingdom of Spain has decided to take the following measures until the last flight from the Union of Syndicates, expected to land at Adolfo Suárez - Madrid Barajas Airport at 0:35 CET, lands in Madrid:
- Raising the Terrorist Alert Level (Nivel de Alerta Antiterrorista) to Level 5 - Maximum Thread.
- The deployment of the army in the international airports with programmed flights from the Union of Syndicates (Barcelona-El Prat, Madrid Barajas, London Heathrow, Antequera International).
- The deployment of the borders patrol and control in the listed airports, to deport those citizens with the Union of Syndicates passport.
- Only nationals coming from the Union of Syndicates will be allowed to enter the country. We are able to affirm around 134 nationals were in the Union of Syndicates until today, and they are all returning on the listed flights. A exception on Syndicates citizens will be made under the following conditions:
a) The Syndical Police can affirm the citizen has no intention to attack Spain or the citizen hasn't got any links with Terrorist organizations.
b) If the citizen is a refugee, businessman or has family here, after checking the prerequisites listed on section A.
D. Alfonso Dastis
Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and CooperationD. Pedro Baños
Minister for Defence -
Press Conference - Alfonso Dastis
Good evening,
Today, I'm addresing the million of Spaniards whom might be listening to this press conference, apart from you, the press and every European that could be interested on this statement I will read. The press conference today is about, as you might suppose, the current situation at the Union of Syndicates, the threads coming from several citizens and a woman who seems to be leading this dangerous movement apart from the repatriation of those trapped there.
Firstly, I would like to give further details on the security deployment we had yesterday in our airports. 13 Syndicates' citizens were arrested, after an advisory note from the Union of Syndicates' police. After registering them, we found several suspicious objects, along with bladed weapons made of clay, which are undetectable for the security gates. The 134 Spaniards that were in the Union of Syndicates came back on time and they are safe. As of now, I can affirm they are back with their families. Last night, we also received a call from the Nofoaganese Government asking to check if 5 Nofoaganese people had came from the Union of Syndicates on the last flight, which we can confirm. The 5 Nofoaganese people were allowed to enter Spain and they are currently on their way to Nofoaga.
Secondly, we are imposing the following measures to protect our country as the Spanish people security, which is our main concern right now. These measures are similar to those adopted by many European countries and similar to those the European countries have taken in the last 24 hours:
- All citizens of the Union of Syndicates are banned from entering the Kingdom of Spain.
- Travel to the Union of Syndicates shall be suspended indefintiely.
- All flights to and from the Union of Syndicates shall be immediately suspended.
- The Kingdom of Spain suspends the rights of abode and immigration to any citizen of the Union of Syndicates indefinitely.
- Spanish enterprises must suspend any business plans with any Syndicates' enterprise.
Apart from these measures, we have decided to keep the Terrorist Thread Level on 5, which means there a very high risk of attack. To those watching us right now, the Level 5 is just as the level 4 but it deploys the army on the critical infrastructure of the country. The army has received instructions to protect their bases as airports, train stations, bus stations, tourist attractions, embassies and Government's buildings. Apart from that, the police forces and the army have been allowed to shoot down anybody making an attempt on somebody's life.
I know these measures are critical and might seem really worrying, but I want to tell everyone, those thinking to visit our country, those visiting it and our citizens to keep calm. We have the most professional police forces, one of the most professional armies, and we are ready to protect every single person from these midless and crazy people. Spain is safe, and we will be cautious, we will be there for you, and for everybody. Thank you very much, good afternoon.
President Aguilar Statement
Today, I have received very bad news, as 102 Spanish have died in the massive attacks the United Duchies have suffered today. The Kingdom of Spain is working along the embassy team to repatriate the victims as soon as possible. The Spanish Government has enabled a special phone number +40-1-672-1465 in the United Duchies for Spanish people in the Kingdom and there to ask for their relatives. Our thoughts are with those affected by these cruel and infamous acts, as with the Duchies' society, which is going through a hard moment at the moment. You are not alone and you can count with your Spanish friends.
Apart from that, I wanted to inform the Governments of the European Union about the current situation in Spain: 5 people were arrested yesterday in the city of París, when they were transporting several gas cylinders of butane, bottles of oxygen and 3 jugs of acetone. We suspect they were transporting these materials to make some bombs to attack around Spain. We will continue investigating, as border controls will be established with every EU member state.
D. Jesús Aguilar
President of Spain -
Statement - On the Nivel de Alerta Terrorista (Terrorist Attack Thread Level)
After the weekly meeting between the Minister for Local Government, Dña. Ana María Beltrán Villalba, the chiefs of the Spanish Police Forces, the Jefe del Estado Mayor de la Defensa, D. Miguel Ángel Villarroya, the Minister for Defence, D. Pedro Baños and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, D. Alfonso Dastis, have agreed to lower the Nivel de Alerta Antiterrorista to Nivel 4 - Level 4, as it was just before the Syndicates' events. The measures concerning the Union of Syndicates will be kept as they are, as the Kingdom of Spain can't guarantee the security of its nationals if they travel to the Union.
Dña. Ana Beltrán Villalba
Minister for Local Government -
Statement - On the recent attack to the President of the Commonwealth of Leagio
The Spanish Ministry for Defence condemns the attack against the new President of the Commonwealth of Leagio, Ms. Ran Mouri-Kudo. The Kingdom of Spain considers Leagio as a very important neighbour and strategical ally, and so proves this point their participation in the Treaty of Finisterre's talks and the presence of the Spanish Army in Leagio for training and protection purposes only. After the attack, the Minister for Defence, D. Pedro Baños, has ordered the high ranks deployed in Leagio to provide and guarantee the security of the army personnel deployed in the Commonwealth, as well as to the military personnel being trained. The Spanish Army has been authorised to receive extra equipment from the Government in order to guarantee the security of the 2 military bases they are deployed at. The Government of the Commonwealth has Spain's full support and we can guarantee we won't do anything without their permission.
D. Pedro Baños
Minister for Defence -
Summit with the First Minister of Copala City, George Maxwells
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation has met with the First Minister of the Autonomous Territory of Copala City, George Maxwells. During the summit, held at the office of the Foreign Affairs Minister in Madrid, Dastis and Maxwells have talked about the possible arrival of Spanish investors into the city, the latest political events and also the independence wish the Government of Copala City has. The summit has lasted 2 hours and 30 minutes, and the First Minister has gifted a book to Alfonso Dastis. The Minister has then given a press conference to explain the summit: "We have been talking for a long time and we have agreed in many things, but we need to be cautious. Spain won't invest in Copala City right now, basically because there's a huge risk of that money not ending up well. About a possible recognition, Spain doesn't discard that if some prerequisites are accomplished by Reitzmag, and these are already known by everyone: Not pulling out from the Treaty, returning the autonomy to the Copalan Government and reaching an agreement on the Caspian. We hope we can see this things happening, but if something does not happen. then Copala City will be recognised."
D. Alfonso Dastis Quecedo
Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation -
Statement - Hespérides Research Mission on Antarctica
The Hespérides Boat has departed from Cartagena (Región de Murcia) to the Antarctic Ocean and Antarctica, in order to do new research missions about the South Pole of our planet and the impact global warming and by thus, climate change, is having over the ice caps on that area. The Hespérides boat is expected to come back to Spain in October 2021, and will send monthly reports about the findings the tripulation makes. Apart from climate-related missions, the Hespérides will help on the tracking and identification of penguins and other species living at Antarctica and will keep an eye on their reproduction, behaviour and relation with the environment.
D. Víctor Calvo-Sotelo Ibáñez-Martín
Minister of Science, Innovation, Research, Digital Transformation and 2030 Agenda