President Jesús Aguilar - Press Conference
Good afternoon, my dear citizens.
Today, the Kingdom of Spain is the newest victim of hostility and provocation in the European Union, a victim of those attempting to blow up any form of peaceful coexistence in the South of Europe and trying to involve in every single regional affair with military pressence, instead of using diplomacy and great-worded statements to make their stance clear. This is globally known as an act of agression, a provocation, the worse of the many choices Reitzmag and Yosai could have taken to reach an agreement. And the Kingdom of Spain takes these actions and maneuvers as I described, feeling very dissapointed by such.
We also note how the Republic of Yosai, in an attempt to blow up negotiations and make the Kingdom of Spain look as the one playing the villain role, has allowed a nation from the other side of Europe to intervene in this conflict. This demonstrates the null willing of our neighbours to find a solution to this crisis, but also that they are not interested on solving this resorting to diplomatic ways, but rather to military and hostile ones. This victimising attitude and the mask our neighbour has been wearing since the start of the crisis, offering itself to Europe as a nation disrespected by the Kingdom of Spain, has both gone away now we have seen the true face of the newest European Union member state. I want to send a message to them, and to Mister Bridges, whose childish behaviour has blinded him at the time of taking responsible and good decisions: Spain will never enter a war for a mass of water, no matter how many provocations you decide to do. Unlike the Kingdom of Reitzmag, we are ware of the meaning of diplomacy and common sense, rather than resorting to the victim role one of the other side's components has been playing; or sending ships to escalate tensions as their real motivation.
To my European colleagues, I want to transmit a message of peace and tranquility, and I will say this as many times as needed: Spain will never risk the region's peace, or people's life, or both, for the Strait of Adventuranza. We note the concern from Ruthund, a nation we have high esteem for, and I want to personally address Lord Zgeirtanaz Hulnkimnazen to say that we have been trying, since this crisis started, to achieve a positive relationship with Yosai and we are still searching for an agreement. However, we believe the other part is interested on the opposite, according to their most recent actions. We also note the words coming from the United Duchies, to whom I say the same: we are giving our best to reach an agreement.
To the Empire of Inimicus, I call them not to shoot any foreign military ship, and I trust Inimicus enough to assure this will not happen. We are really thankful for their support, and I want to express my deepest compromise on avoiding a bloodshed on the Strait of Adventuranza. The Empure is one of Spain's most loyal allies, and we still hope for a pacific solution, despite we both know what Reitzmag usually brings to this region. To our friends in Inquista, Icholasen and the Kingdom of Montenbourg, who have transmited me their support to our country on the matter, I can just say thank you for being always next to Spain and proving your loyalty, a loyalty Spain will always proof in the future and has proved during its existance.
I also want to send some words to Mister Bridges: you are the European leader who is less capable about giving lessons on waters to the Kingdom of Spain, after building islands on the Caspian or discretely annexing Istaklen that, according to their European Councillor, your country is expoiling. If you are willing to help your friends from the Republic of Yosai, you are achieving the opposite and it would not be wrong to consider Reitzmag as the aggresor on this situation, along with their allies on this crisis.
The Strait of Adventuranza, which name comes from the adventures the Spanish explorers did in the past has always been a special place for this nation, and no matter who or what, the Kingdom of Spain will always defend its claim over it. Nonetheless, we will always be willing to negotiate and search for an agreement that keeps the tax, and that brings calm and stability to the region. No matter what, no matter who, Spain will always aim for diplomacy. And despite this Strait has a special meaning to us, we believe and we are seating on the negotiation table to open a new era for our beloved Strait, where both nations can co-exist together. Do not take me wrong, I as President of this nation I love will never accept an humilliating agreement, and will not take part in any show to allow the other part to justify a victim role. Spain is open to share the Strait, but if we see no real aim to reach an agreement, it will be impossible.
We are trying our best, doing our best and aiming for the best agreement possible. But we need to see the same compromise from the other part to trust on these negotiations. Europe knows what our priniciples are, and we will always stick to them.
Thank you very much, and always, ¡Viva España!"