Nation Name in RP (full, with short name bolded): The Republic of Austrian Habsburgs
Nation Name on NationStates (short): Austrian Habsburgs
Puppet (if so, of whom?): N/A
Map plot requested: 15
Capital city: Vienna
Currency: Euro if immediate accession to the Eurozone is possible, if not then Schilling
National language(s): German
Head of State (Title + Mr/Ms* + name in bold): Kaiser Christian van der Linde
Head of Government (Title + Mr/Ms* + name in bold): Chancellor Jörg Haider
Governing party: Alliance for the Future of Austria (Bündnis Zukunft Österreich; BZÖ)
European Councillor (Mr/Ms + name in bold): Dr. Martin Oberhauser
Current participation in other regions (if any): N/A
Past participation in other regions (if any): Greater Middle East, Norrland, Norden
My country accepts the Constitution and the Acquis Communautaire (Y/N): Y