Factbook: The Commonwealth of Leagio
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List of Leagioan Presidents and their years as President of the Commonwealth as well as their political orientation
(1st) 1904-1910: Jean Huttson (Independent)
(2nd) 1910-1916: Edward Franciso (Civil Populist)
(3rd) 1916-1919: Silvain Bettencourt (Civil Populist)
(4th) 1919-1925: Teo Chistau (Civil Populist)
(5th) 1925-1928: Oliver Richardson (Conservative Reformist)
(6th) 1928-1934: Hayden Cole (Conservative Reformist)
(7th) 1934-1940: Louie Holland (Social Democrat)
(8th) 1940-1942: Memphis Wilson (Social Democrat) [Assasinated]
(9th) 1942-1946: Leo Holland (Social Democrat)
(10th) 1946-1949:t Abel Perne (Civil Populist)
(11th) 1949-1955: Maxime Gauthier (Civil Populist)
(12th) 1955-1958: Jonathan Valenzuela (Conservative Reformist)
(13th) 1958-1961: Noah Valladares (Socialist) [Assassinated]
(14th) 1961-1967: Abel Ortiz (Pact of Democracy)
(15th) 1967-1970: Orion Macdonald (Progressive)
(16th) 1970-1973: Dylan Fidalgo (Conservative Reformist)
(17th) 1973-1979: Abel Ortiz (Pact of Democracy)
(18th) 1979-1985: Atticus Frank (Civil Populist)
(19th) 1985-1991: Jordyn Fields (Social Democrat)
(20th) 1991-1993: Jude Good (Social Democrat) [Died in Office]
(21st) 1993-1994: Dylan Fidalgo (Conservative Reformist)
(22nd) 1994-2000: Alberto Malillos (Civil Populist)
(23rd) 2000-2006: Frank Laurent (Civil Populist)
(24th) 2006-2009: Phil Sardou (Civil Populist)
(25th) 2009-2015: Abril Ariza (Social Democrat)
(26th) 2015-2021: Kenith Lifejumper (Civil Populist)
(27th) 2021-Present Ran Mouri-Kudo (Progressive) -
List of Governor-Generals of the Commonwealth and their years as well as their political orientation.
(1st) 1904-1910: Felix Sule (Independent)
(2nd) 1910-1916: Silvain Bettencourt (Civil Populist)
(3rd) 1916-1922: Richard Vandame (Civil Populist)
(4th) 1922-1928: Hayden Cole (Conservative Reformist)
(5th) 1928-1931: Lionel Ménard (Progressive)
(6th) 1931-1937: Valerio Vayo (Conservative Reformist)
(7th) 1937-1940: Noah Valladares (Socialist)
(8th) 1940-1942: Leo Holland (Social Democrat)
(9th) 1942-1943: Benjamin Scott (Social Democrat)
(10th) 1943-1949: Orion Macdonald (Progressive)
(11th) 1949-1952: Abel Ortiz (Pact of Democracy)
(12th) 1952-1958: Matias Jacobson (Conservative Reformist)
(13th) 1958-1961: Abel Ortiz (Pact of Democracy)
(14th) 1961-1967: Atticus Frank (Civil Populist)
(15th) 1967-1970: Jude Good (Social Democrat)
(16th) 1970-1972: Fabricio Fontanilla (Conservative Reformist) [Impeached for Bribery and Stealing Public Money)
(17th) 1972-1973: Dany Larousse (Conservative Reformist)
(18th) 1973-1979: Brigitte Astier (Pact of Democracy)
(19th) 1979-1982: Jordyn Fields (Social Democrat)
(20th) 1982-1985: Alberto Malillos (Civil Populist)
(21st) 1985-1988: Patrice Chuquet (Progressive)
(22nd) 1988-1993: Abril Ariza (Social Democrat)
(23rd) 1993-1994: Dylan Fidalgo (Conservative Reformist)
(24th) 1994-2000: Atticus Frank (Civil Populist)
(25th) 2000-2006: Francis Plessis (Civil Populist)
(26th)2006-2009: Isabella Carrol (Socialist)
(27th) 2009-2012: Kenith Lifejumper (Civil Populist)
(28th) 2012-2015: Victor Bellegarde (Conservative Reformist)
(29th) 2015-2018: Rylan Hopper (Conservative Reformist)
(30th) 2018-2021: Mark Gorge (Civil Populist) -
Leagioan Line of Succession For the Office of the President of the Commonwealth
The Line of Succession Act, which was passed in 1952 under President Maxime Gauthier, was established as a way to ensure that if the President of the Commonwealth of Leagio was dead, implicated, or removed from office that there would be a person that could be President of the Commonwealth, especially in the worst-case scenario that a large part of the government has been taken out. The Act has been amended many times as the Common Government of Leagio has grown, especially with the move of having Leagio enter into the European Union. This is the current set of the Line of Sucession for the President. Normally in this list, the second person that is alive in the list would become the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Leagio.(1st) Governor-General
(2nd) Speaker of the House of Councillors
(3rd) Minister of Foreign Affairs
(4th) Minister of Defence
(5th) Minister of the Interior
(6th) Attorney General of the Commonwealth
(7th) Minister of Treasury
(8th) EU Councillor for Leagio
(9th) Minister of Cultural Affairs
(10th) Minister of Education
(11th) Minister of Trade and Industry
(12th) Minister of Health
(13th) Minister of Commerce
(14th) Minister of Digital Technology
(15th) Director of CACT -
Governor-General of the Commonwealth
The creation of the position that is still relevant today called the Governor-General begins back in the old days when Leagio was just a colony. When Leagio was a colony, the colonial government had a legislative assembly that represented the colonists inside the colony. The Governor-General is a position that was appointed by the crown of the mother country. The position of the Governor-General in the colony has the duties of maintaining the interests of the colonists, veto any legislation that was against the interests of the mother country, and ensure that the colony is well protected against any attacks from the Indigenous Karptinezs that occupied the lands previously.
The Governor-General that was around during the War of Independence was Felix Sule, who was strongly against the taxes that the mother country was implementing on the Colony of Leagio. He was removed from his post and the colonial government was replaced with a military government that gave no political freedoms to the people of the colony. As the War of Independence began against the miltiary government and the mother country, Felix Sule became a foreign diplomat for the new provisional government of Leagio.
After the War of Independence where the Constitution of 1904 was drafted, there was a debate on what the new government of the independent Leagio would be. There was debate for a type of Parliamentary Deomcracy, but there was strong motions against that as people wanted to avoid the type of government that the mother country had. Meanwhile, Sule suggested that the country be the Presidential Republic with a mixture of Parliament, where the National Congress (the decided legislative branch of the Commonwealth) would have a senate in the Upper House that represents the states and territories as a whole. this seat would have some Parliamentary powers but is limited on what can be done. This resulted in the creation of the position of Governor-General with powers similar to a Prime Minister but elected by the people separate from the Presidency itself. The Governor-General would be in-charge of the Senate in-terms of procedures. Previously, under the Constitution of 1904, the Governor-General had the ability to cast a vote on legislation in the National Congress, but that was changed and removed.
The idea of the Governor-General existing as a position within the Commonwealth mainly deals with the fact that Sule brought a favorable view of the name through his service in the War of Independence. The Governor-General is seen as a symbol of unity within the Commonwealth as much as the President has. The Commonwealth wanted to ensure that the Governor-General was a position that would have many faces with some of them leaving a mark that would last a lifetime; in order to do that, the position has a three-year term for people that are elected to the position through the Popular Elector College. Initially there was no term limit to the position but that changed ten years into the Commonwealth's independence to a person may only serve two terms as Governor-General.
The Governor-General continues to hold a strong amount of influence on Leagioan society at least symbolically. In addition, it is seen as a stepping stone to the office of President of the Commonwealth.
National Congress of the Commonwealth
House of Councilors
Seat Number: 541 (525 Standard Seats + 16 Aboard seats)
Election Method: Additional Member (210 Constituency Seats + 325 List Seats ) / Proportional Representation for Abroad Seats
-Constituency Seats: First-Past-The Post
-List Seats/Abroad Seats: Proportional Representation under the Modfied Saint Legue Method with a 2% national threshold for individual parties, Alliances must receive 6% national threshold, minority parties or individual parties with 3 constituency seats are excepted from threshold requirements -
Term Length: 2 years currently, 4 year terms starting 2024
Distribution: Home Seats by Population and Abroad Seats equal to at most the least populated State in the Commonwealth
Special Powers:
Issue Articles of Impeachment
Start all bills of Reveune and international sanctions
Make a Territory into a State with a Simple Majority
Accept a President's nomination of Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Defense
Nominates the Comptroller and Auditor General of Leagio to audit and inspect all government accounts and use of funds.
Seat Number: 123 (120 Home Seats + 2 First-Past-The-Post Abroad Seats+ Governor-General)
Election Method: Single-Transferable Vote in Staggered Elections
Term Length: 4 years in Staggered Elections every 2 years (except Abroad Seats are up for election every 2 years)
Distribution: 6 given to States, 4 given to territories, and 2 designated for Leagioans abroad; 1 vote goes to the Governor-General, who also acts as the President of the Senate.
Special Powers:
Accept Presidential Appointments within no later than a month that do not relate to the Council of Ministers and related positions with a simple majority
Hear impeachment hearings and convict with no less than a 2/3's majority with the Supreme Court Chief Justice leading the trial
Joint Powers:
Ratify Treaties
Declare War
How State & Territorial Governments Function
The governments of all states and territories within the Commonwealth have some differences in some areas but work relatively the same. The main differences some of them might have is whether they have a unicameral or bicameral legislature. Each state and territory has a legislature that is elected by the people within their boundaries with the methods of how these legislatures being elected varying from Fast-Past-The-Post, Proportional Representation, Instant Run-Off, or Parallel Voting. The law making houses of these states hold the most power. The system of government that all the states and territories use is a regional version of Sem-Presidential, where the state or territory has a governor that has the power to veto bills, make appointments to certain sectors of the province, and issue executive orders. In addition, under the provisions of the Leagioan Constitution of 2020, the Governor has a seat in the Council of Provinces to discuss and resolve any issues that is hampering their province.
However, the Governor of the state/territory does not have the power to form a cabinet that will implement his policies or head of government. This is a power that resides with the Minister-Governor of the Province, which is the equivalent of a First-Minister or Prime Minister in some countries, is the position with the power to form a government after a election within the legislature, or at least the lower house in some states, where the political parties with seats in the legislature branch acts a parliament and works to form a coalition if they do not have the most seats in the legislature. Then the legislature votes in a person to act as Minister-Governor, who is the head of government within the province, and forms a cabinet to enact his policies. In most states and territories, especially those whose legislature is elected every two-years, the Legislature does have the power to remove the government of the Minister-Governor by a Vote of No-Confidence
The Minister-Governor in a province normally has the power to draft legislation to be presented to the legislature, but the position does not normally hold the power to dissolve the Legislature as they must consult with the Governor. The only provinces that allow this is Arlick, Beika, Gopen, Jullien, and Carolina. Each State and Territory has a judicial branch that interprets the laws and their own as well as the Leagioan Constitution. In some provinces like Huttson, the Judicial Branch might be divided into two sections one of domestic law and criminal law. How the judges of the judicial branches are appointed varies by province. Some have the Governor appoint them with approval by the Legislature or a certain house of the legislature by a certain vote. Other Provinces have the Minister-Governor appoint the judges to the judicial branch with a approval by the legislature. In some but rare provinces like Jullien, the judicial branch judges are elected on a non-partisan ballot.
Established under the Constitution of 2020 and recently given expanded powers, the Council of Provinces made up of the Governors of all the state and territories of the Commonwealth with the Governor-General having a Chairman role in it. All members of the Council are elected every three years during the Executive Elections. The Council of Province's is not actually considered to be a third house of the National Congress nor was it intended to be. The purpose of the Council was to be an advisory body outside of the Federal/Common Government of the Leagio, where all of the Commonwealth's states and Territories have a chance to officially loge their issues for mediation. Until recently, the Council just produced issued a resolution that was submitted to Congress and the President to hear. However, recent amendents to the Constitution had actually gave the Counil power to enact resolutions that can become actual legislation that goes to the National Congress with a priority status to it or an article of amending the constitution. The Council is mandated by the Constitution to meet once a year at least but emergency sessions can be called by the Governor-General.
In total as of May 2021, the Council of Provinces is composed of 19 governors and the Governor-General. The following are part of the Council with their title and political affiliation attached to them:
Governor-General of the Commonwealth: Magic Kaito (Pact of Democracy)
Governor of Beika: Enos Buchanon (Pact of Democracy)
Governor of Arlick: Roy Elliot (Civil Populist)
Governor of Freedonia: Kelly Idiotus (Socialist)
Governor of Jullien: Sara Nixon (Progressive)
Governor of Muale: Kenith Lifejumper (Civil Populist)
Governor of Sule: Alina Palacio (Progressive)
Governor of Huttson: Sarah Gigot (Conservative Reformist)
Governor of Fiowa: Teddy Fremot (Social Democrat)
Governor of Gopen: William Fort (Civil Populist)
Governor of Niose: Hendrix Dyer (Socialist)
Governor of Carolina: Billy Nulle (Social Democrat)
Governor of Wilson: Victor Reese (Progressive)
Governor of Vernach: Ronald Frese (Conservative Reformist)
Governor of Karptniz: Wilfred Bonaparte (Progressive)
Governor of Condris: Axel Grisen (Progressive)
Governor of Diamond Heart: Luez Vengas (Conservative Reformist)
History of the Commonwealth of Leagio
The history of the Commonwealth starts in around 1824 around the same time as the founding of Elthize. The United Kingdom was looking to expand its colonial holdings in Africa by building outposts and towns that would eventually be developed into money making colonies. The location of the Leagioan Colony was very unique compared to Elthize as it had the Muton River in the middle, where it was deep enough for ships to traverse closer to the valuable diamond mines in both Leagio and Elthize. Leagio was founded first with the establishment of Port Hilson in the modern day Leagioan State of Arlick with a population of around 5,000 that grew in size and population with parts of its being divided into what is now Elthize. The two colonies were given their own colonial governments that were elected with some overrides from the United Kingdom. Eventually things began to change by 1892 in what became called the Great Supression by Leagio, where the United Kingom began to start taxing the Colony of Leagio for every Sulia without its consent. Although, Leagioans did not mind taxes as much as it was not new, but the amount was simply too much that it was not put in place with their permission.
Eventually the Government of Colonial Leagio under Governor-General Felix Sule sent the UK Parliament a direct appeal for a reduction on the taxes, but instead it achieved the opposite as the not long afterwards the United Kingdom declared the Self-Governing Charter of Leagio to be repealed and resulted in the replacement of colonial government with the institution of military government lead by a military governor appointed by the UK Parliament that formed a milita with the UK Army called the Antiparasite (a Leagio French Term for suppressors). The Antiparasite committed tyrannical acts that were brutal with any opposition losing their hands and legs. Eventually, the people of Leagio had enough and rebellion under the leadership of the great orator known as Jean Huttson, who was one of the richest men in the colony and was also affected by the Antiparasite through the loss of his son, who was a newspaper printer that printed articles illustrating the crimes of the Antiparasite.
Huttson convened with the remain representatives of the Colony that opposed the Antiparasite to discuss the best course and outcome that they should reach for. Eventually, the committee filled with Leagioan representatives agreed on the decision to declare independence from the United Kingdom with the creation of a Declaration of Independence. The Colonial Government in the colony of Elithize was asked to join in the War for Independence but the government in Forecaster declined and pledged loyalty to the crown. Although, Elithize was on the side of the Uk, there were volunteers in Forecoaster that wanted a independent Elthize from the UK and joined the Leagioan Liberation Army as the Elthizic Division. The War For Leagioan Independence, which officially began October 4th, 1895, would be a long and painful struggle for the people of the newly established Commonwealth of Leagio. The turning point of the war would be at the Battle of Geaqi in the state of Diamond Heart, where the main army of the Antiparasite and UK colonial forces were decisively defeated and forced to surrender after being surrounded. By 1902, the war was won for the Commonwealth as the United Kingdom agreed to give them independence.
After the Presidency of Jean Huttson, the nation would continue to develop itself, particular in the western portion, as more and more immigrated to the Commonwealth with the formation of new states and territories. The expansion of the Commonwealth began to show the stablity and prosperity of the new independent government. Eventually with backdoor helping of President Louie Holland, the dream of an independent Elthize came by harboring and supplying the revolutionaries in Forecaster that would bring a independent Elthize in 1937. However, by 1940, the first of the many weakness of the Constitution of 1904 began to show as the guidelines of what roles of the Chamber of Councils were in comparison to the Senate were never fully defined by the Constitution of 1904. The Senate began to take over roles that was assumed to be for the Chamber of Councilor. The issue became even more glaring by 1945, when the Senate passed a bill that limited the roles of the Chamber of Councilors to the point that it was only added space within the National Congress. The debacle almost resulted a civil war with the Commonwealth until the President at the time, Leo Holland intervened between the two houses.
President Holland convinced the Senate to repeal the law limiting the powers and abilities of the Chamber of Councilors. In addition, he was able to settle an agreement on what the roles were between each House of the National Congress. The two houses of the National Congress followed with the agreement until it was ultimately declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Leagio in 1987. This move by the Supreme Court would reignite the tensions between the two houses of the National Congress, became one of the main reasons for a reform within the Leagioan Government.Another conflicting issue with the Constitution was the hardline guidelines that Territories need to follow in order to have their status to be upgraded into a State within the Commonwealth. The guidelines were vague, particularly the part that required that territorial governments be not oppressive to its people. This issue mainly affected the Eastern Territories, which have been under Leagioan administration since the founding of the Commonwealth. Territories do no have as much representation within the Congress than a state does, which is an issue as it hard for them to be prominent within Leagioan politics. The problems from this have brought in concerns within Tulion that the Eastern territories might try to secceede from the Commonwealth.
There are other issues with the Consitution and particularly the popular voting system that elects the President of the Commonwealth because it was not meant for elections that would have more than three candidates. The smallest percentage that a winning Candidate received within the Presidential election was 28% in 1973. There are currently calls to reform the Presidential election towhere there is the second round of elections for the Presidential race with the highest-ranking candidates placed in the ballots.When the economic crash that occurred in April of 2020 happened, the President of the Commonwealth with the support of the Governor-General called for the National Congress to vote on a resolution where the Commonwealth should join the European Union as a way to help lessen the economic crisis that the nation was facing. However, in order for the resolution of such importance to be passed, an approval of 2/3's Majority was needed for it to be implmented. Although, the Civil Populists were the leading party of the National Congress in terms of seats in the leagislative branch, they did not have a 2/3's majority of all the seats in both houses. This issue resulted in the Civil Populist Party agreeing to negiotate with the other political parties within the National Congress. Reform would come through the Constitution of 2020, but it would be amended again 2022 to be more Parliamentary for Leagio.
The Political Parties of Leagio
Social Workers Party (SWP): Carved from the SUP's radical wing, the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) burns with revolutionary fervor. They denounce the SUP's "betrayal" of true socialism, rejecting both moderate reforms and the perceived failures of the UNSR. Their unwavering goal: a complete Leagioan overhaul through worker control and overthrow of existing systems. This uncompromising stance attracts ardent supporters yearning for radical change but isolates moderates wary of upheaval. While the SUP navigates the political system, the SWP remains an outsider, a fiery voice for total transformation.
Socialist Union Party (SUP): stands as a beacon for many on the left, advocating for transformative change within Leagio and beyond. At its core, the SUP champions economic equality and the empowerment of the working class. They believe in democratic control of the means of production, arguing that Leagio's resources should serve the people, not private interests. Though historically advocating for internationalism and workers' revolution, the SUP under James Moriarty's leadership has undergone a strategic shift. They now emphasize pragmatic social democracy, focusing on achievable reforms within Leagio. This includes prioritizing cooperative endeavors, encouraging citizen participation in decision-making, and strengthening social safety nets. The party aims to decentralize power by establishing a confederal system of republics within Leagio, granting greater autonomy to local communities. Their vision is one of shared prosperity and collective ownership, where Leagio's progress is driven by the collaborative efforts of its citizens. However, the SUP's past association with radical leftist ideals continues to draw scrutiny. Critics highlight potential economic challenges of nationalizing industries and question the practicality of their proposed confederation. Others find their toned-down approach overly cautious, advocating for bolder action.
Green Party (GP): A minor party that began in 1990's as a movement to protect the environment in Leagio, but began to shift into a left-wing movement that became strongly anti-capitalist. It blames Capitalism for the fact that the Eastern territories have a huge burdon of development in order to become economically sufficient at levels at that might as well be impossible. The small party believes that with the implementation of Green Politics for the environment, Communalism, and Eco-Socialism then Leagio would become a strong green nation in Europe.
Civil Populist Party (CPP): A centre-left party that historically has represented the will of the people. It is a party that tends to hear the cries of demands of the people and work to resolve it in any way that they can. The party represents the interests of the common man. The party believes that the nation should respond to the needs of its constituents and lend them a helping hand. People that have long supported the party tend to refer it to the 'Party of the Common Man.' Although, the party has met criticism of not being effective in enacting the will of the people that it represents. In addition, the Party advocates for equal rights and naturalization of peoples coming to the Commonwealth.
Social Democratic Party (SDP):A party that was as one of the original five parties established in the Commonwealth following its founding, embodying a rich tradition of political engagement. Positioned firmly within the centre-left spectrum, the SDP adheres to a social democratic philosophy that seeks to address societal inequalities and promote social justice. The party envisions a Commonwealth where democracy and a mixed economy form the pillars of a progressive and inclusive society. At the heart of the SDP's ideology lies a commitment to reducing inequality through a carefully regulated yet capitalist economic framework. The party believes in the importance of industry regulation to ensure fairness and sustainability, while concurrently endorsing the continuation of a capitalist system that encourages innovation and economic growth. Furthermore, the SDP champions the idea that access to social services should be recognized as an inherent right for all Leagioans. This commitment aligns with the party's broader vision of creating a society where the benefits of economic prosperity are shared equitably, and essential services, such as healthcare and education, are accessible to every citizen.
Progressive Alliance Party (PAP): A left-center to right-center party that wants to protect social welfare, promoting moral improvement, creating economic reform and fostering industrial efficiency within the Commonwealth. The Party has a neutral stance toward the European Union, because they see the European Union as a chance to economically expand the Commonwealth but feel that the EU needs to have some changes within its laws. Historically, the Progressive Alliance tends to align with the Conservative Reform Party in a coalition to form a government whenever possible but that has not been done in over 35 years as the party began to shift away from conservative politics to a more centered but progressive platform of their own.
Federal Constitutional Conservative Party (FCCP): A political party that was formed in 2015 that is in the Centre-right and supports the ideas of paternalistic conservativism, direct democracy, economic liberalism, pirate politics, and anti-corruption. Federal Constitutional Conservative Party was founded by Henry Fontaine, who was once part of the Progressive Alliance Party as a member in the House of Councilors in 2018, who left his party in 2020 and founded the FCCP to provide more transparency and openness of the Leagioan government to its citizens. The party is Pro-European Union that wants more transparency and oversight on member-states.
Federation of Centrist Democrats (FCD): A merger of the Eastern Leagio Party, Leagioan Pact of Democracy, and the Free Democratic Party that occurred in 2023, where the merged party sits in the Centre-Right that supports Localism, Fiscal Federalism, and Classical Liberalism. The FCD is against the Leagioan Model of a Social Market Economy and prefers a free market economy system with minimal interference from the government on the economy. In addition, the party thinks that states and local leaders should be allowed to have more power in their own issues to resolve instead of the government solving everything. Furthermore, members of the Federation believe that spending within the Commonwealth’s government budget should be limited and should only input certain policies by offering grants to provincial as well as municipal governments.
Christian Farmers Union (CFU): A Centre-right political party that follows Christian Democracy, Liberalism Conservativism, and Agrarianism. The Party was founded in 2007 as an attempt to be an alternative to the former Eastern Leagio Party to provide support to farmers and rural communities through the approach of Christian democracy. The Party supports a free market mixed with economic liberalism, environmental development for farmers, and supports the construction of a national river development project that runs through the Commonwealth to support rural communities and farms while also providing hydro electric power. They especially support the idea of tax cuts that benefit farmers and small business, while favoring the Leagioan Model of the economic system that was developed by the Mouri-Kudo Administration. Although, Conservative economically, the party is socially liberal somewhat as they support same-sex marriage and contraption but are against abortions.
Conservative Reformist Party (CRP): Standing tall on the center-right at first but has shifted to be more Right-Wing in recent years, the Conservative Reform Party (CRP) champions fiscal responsibility and limited government intervention. They advocate for slashing the sprawling welfare programs implemented by the Civil Populist Party and Progressive Alliance Party, viewing them as unsustainable drains on the national purse. Their ultimate goal is to reshape Leagio's government, seeking a return to stability through a new constitution that surpasses the often-criticized 1904 document. Fiercely independent, the CRP champions Leagio's autonomy, advocating for a clean break from European Union regulations it deems restrictive and meddling. They believe Leagio's economic and political destiny lies in its own hands, not dictated from Europolis. Yet, the world remains a dangerous place, and the CRP sees strength as critical. They push for robust military spending, advocating for cutting-edge weapons and equipment to bolster the Commonwealth Armed Forces. A well-armed and prepared military, they argue, is the cornerstone of national security and freedom.
African-Leagioan Unity Party (ALUP):A political party that was established in 1948, stands as a progressive force dedicated to championing the rights and interests of African-Leagioans. With a distinctly left-wing orientation, ALUP places a strong emphasis on minority rights and envisions a more egalitarian society within the Commonwealth. Committed to rectifying historical injustices, the party advocates for enhanced representation of African-Leagioans in political institutions and society at large. ALUP's left-leaning agenda reflects its dedication to fostering social equality, justice, and a more inclusive future for a marginalized society for African-Leagioans within the Commonwealth.
Karpitiz Solidarity Party (KSP): A political party that was founded in 1931 to represent the interests of Desert Karpitizes in Leagio that were once one of the many native groups that settled in what is today the Commonwealth of Leagio. The party runs typically as a Centre-Left social democratic party wanting to provide additional development to the state of Karpitniz and the surrounding states that have a strong population of Karpitniz descent individuals. In 2023, the party was officially recognized as a minority party that would be given additional subsidies to boost its cause.
Alternative for Leagio (AfL): The Alternative for Leagio (AfL) is a right-wing populist political party that champions national sovereignty, cultural preservation, and economic reform. The AfL advocates for strict immigration control, reduced influence of the European Union, and prioritization of welfare benefits for native Leagians. The party emphasizes conservative values, including law and order, family values, and national pride, while expressing concerns about the influence of foreign cultures in Leagio. The AfL aims to provide a distinct political alternative for voters who feel that traditional parties do not adequately represent their views on national identity and cultural preservation. Orginally before hand, the party had been under different names such as the National Patriot Party, the Common Nationalists, and the Leagio United Together Front.
The Structure of the Leagioan Education System
Education in the Commonwealth of Leagio has evolved significantly over the years, adapting to the needs of a growing and diverse society. Through various reforms and initiatives, the nation has established a robust education system aimed at fostering academic achievement, personal growth, and preparation for post-secondary opportunities. The Leagioan education system is organized into three main levels: Elementary, Middle, and Secondary education, with a strong emphasis on post-secondary planning at the high school level.
Elementary Education
Elementary education in Leagio typically begins at age six and spans six years, covering grades 1 through 6. This foundational stage is designed to instill basic literacy, numeracy, and critical thinking skills in students. The curriculum includes core subjects such as mathematics, Leagioan history, science, and language arts, as well as supplementary subjects like physical education and the arts. Teachers aim to create a nurturing and inclusive environment to encourage curiosity and a love for learning. Additionally, early standardized assessments are introduced to identify areas where students may need extra support.
Middle Education
Middle school in Leagio lasts three years, encompassing ages 12 to 14 and covering grades 7 through 9. This stage bridges the gap between elementary and secondary education. During this stage, students delve deeper into core academic subjects while also exploring new areas such as foreign languages, technology, and career awareness. The Lifejumper Administration introduced the Leagioan End of Year Exam (LEYE) at this level to assess student proficiency in key subjects such as mathematics, science, and Leagioan history. These assessments help teachers and policymakers tailor educational strategies to enhance student outcomes. Middle school also begins to prepare students for the transition to secondary education, emphasizing study skills and personal responsibility.
Secondary Education
Secondary education in Leagio spans four years, from ages 15 to 18, and covers grades 10 through 12. High schools are designed to cater to a wide range of academic interests and career goals, offering a combination of mandatory and elective courses. The curriculum ensures students have a solid foundation in traditional subjects while allowing for specialization in areas such as STEM, the humanities, or the arts.
The Leagioan End of Year Exam (LEYE) is also a critical component of secondary education. Administered annually, the LEYE assesses students’ mastery of core subjects and helps guide them toward appropriate post-secondary pathways. Performance on the LEYE can influence opportunities for enrollment in Merit Enrichment Courses (MEC) and other advanced programs. The exam serves as a benchmark for both academic progress and readiness for higher education or vocational training.
A distinctive feature of Leagioan high schools is their strong focus on post-secondary planning and development. This includes programs and initiatives to help students identify and pursue their career aspirations. Career counseling is a cornerstone of the high school experience, with counselors working closely with students to develop personalized post-secondary plans. Options include preparing for higher education, trade schools, military service, or direct entry into the workforce. Schools often host career fairs, college visits, and workshops on resume building and financial literacy to equip students with the tools they need for success.
Post-Secondary Preparation Programs
In alignment with national education goals, Leagioan high schools provide multiple pathways to support students in achieving their post-secondary ambitions. Merit Enrichment Courses (MEC) and dual enrollment opportunities allow students to earn college credits while still in high school.
The MEC program is a hallmark of the Leagioan commitment to academic excellence. These courses are designed for high-achieving students who wish to challenge themselves with advanced content. MEC classes cover a wide range of subjects, from advanced mathematics and sciences to in-depth studies in literature and social sciences. They emphasize critical thinking, independent research, and rigorous assessment. Successful completion of MEC courses often grants students credits that can be applied to higher education institutions in Leagio and abroad, giving them a competitive edge in college admissions.
Vocational training programs are also widely available, offering certifications in fields such as healthcare, information technology, and skilled trades. Examples of vocational training institutions include the Leagioan Technical Institute for Advanced Manufacturing (LTIAM), which specializes in CNC machining and robotics; the Commonwealth Academy of Healthcare Professions (CAHP), which offers certifications for nursing assistants, paramedics, and medical technicians; and the National Center for Renewable Energy Trades (NCRET), which trains students in solar panel installation, wind turbine maintenance, and energy efficiency technologies. Additionally, trade schools such as the Leagio School of Culinary Arts (LSCA) and the Federal Institute of Automotive Technology (FIAT) provide hands-on training for aspiring chefs and automotive specialists, respectively. These programs ensure students have the skills and credentials necessary to enter high-demand careers directly after graduation.
Higher education in Leagio is supported by a network of community colleges and universities. Examples of community colleges include the Eastern Commonwealth Community College (ECCC), which focuses on associate degrees in business administration and computer science, and the Muale Regional Technical College (MRTC), known for its programs in engineering technology and healthcare. Universities such as the University of the Commonwealth (UC), the nation’s flagship institution, and the Western Commonwealth University (WCU) offer a broad range of undergraduate and graduate programs. Specialized institutions like the Leagio Institute of the Arts (LIA) and the Commonwealth Agricultural and Technical University (CATU) provide focused education in fine arts and agricultural sciences, respectively. These institutions play a vital role in fostering innovation and preparing students for advanced careers in their chosen fields.
For students pursuing higher education, preparatory courses for university entrance exams are integrated into the curriculum. Additionally, internships and cooperative education programs provide hands-on experience in professional settings, further bridging the gap between secondary education and the workforce.