- Nofoagan Press Association
PORT BEAUHARNAIS - Soon, asylum seekers and immigrants will be able to settle in the Caribbean country. Immigration has of course been regulated by national legislation for some time, but what is remarkable is that asylum seekers and migrants have to go through a minimal procedure. For example, newcomers only have to register with the municipal services and indicate a place of residence. The 90-day period will therefore expire and national visas will also disappear. At least, that is the proposal of the Namatatiki cabinet in an attempt to increase the extremely low population figures.The government therefore hopes that the other European countries will offer migrants and asylum seekers the opportunity to express their wish to settle in Nofoaga and to act on it.
Nofoaga currently has about 11 thousand inhabitants.
PORT BEAUHARNAIS - In 72 hours, some 156 people were arrested who broke the curfew, or who gathered more than 3 people. This had been announced by a presidential decree by Lula Namatatiki to ensure a peaceful transition from Jacques Salé's cabinet to her own.
The temporary measures turned out to be absurd. It turned out that several families consisting of more than 4 family members were arrested. Some owners of dogs who walked their four-legged friends after the curfew had gone into effect were also arrested.
However, the NGO Freedom for Nofoaga, which oversees human rights, is disgraceful at the way most people have been detained. Detainees were temporarily locked in cages due to a lack of cells in the few police stations in the country. It sounds unheard of and inhumane to the chairman of the NGO:
"It's a real shame that people are dissolved in cages for animals, even if only for a short time. Lula has just returned to power and immediately shows her true face: repression, inhumane politics and violence." - chairman NGO Freedom for Nofoaga
The measures lasted until this morning and will not be extended, the president's spokesman said. All the detainees have since been released.
CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY OPENS EMBASSY IN INELANDHAUTCOUR, INELAND - The Caribbean Common Community Commission, the political and economic body that represents Gadalland & Aspern and Nofoaga on the international stage, opened its first embassy in Ineland yesterday. That was decided after consultation between the leaders of Gadalland & Aspern and Nofoaga. Citizens from these countries can go to one place and it saves money for both governments. mr. Albert Claydon from Gadalland & Aspern was appointed ambassador for both countries.
Nofoaga also has similar collaborations with Spain in some countries, although this one is special in Ineland: the embassy falls under the Caribbean Common Community Commission flag.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hopes that subsequent openings of new embassies under the CCCC will also happen.
GOVERNMENT PRESENTS NEW SEAL (AND LOGO) FOR NOFOAGA.PORT BEAUHARNAIS - This morning, the Minister of Home Affairs, in the presence of President Lula Namatatiki, presented the new coat of arms of the republic. And we have to correct that immediately. The government went for an official seal. It is therefore no longer possible to speak of a coat of arms.
The official seal shows a column rising from the sea and surrounded by the national flag of Nofoaga. All this stands for the island. The column represents strength, reliability and the great sense of justice that animates the people of Nofoaga and the government. At the bottom is an all-seeing eye, referring to God and the faith of the Nofoaganese.
The official government logo was also presented and also shows the seal, but in a transparent version.
PORT BEAUHARNAIS - President Lula Namatatiki is about to dissolve the National Assembly in the capital, Port Beauharnais. It would be a de facto partial dissolution. For this, the president would confiscate the seats of the deputies of the Mouvement des Gentilles because according to her the MG (party of her predecessor Jacques Salé) is undermining the republic and its legitimate institutions.
At present, the MG has eight seats in the National Assembly (out of 17) and formed a majority with three independent MPs. The seats would not be made available for election by presidential decree, but would be allocated by Lula Namatatiki herself.
Members of the MG have said through their spokesperson that this is an attempt to muzzle any opposition to Lula. Nofoeaga Aoma, Lula's party, says this is nothing more than following the constitution.
LULA ENDORGES NEW PARLIAMENT. SPANISH CITIZEN GETS SEAT ASSIGNEDPORT BEAUHARNAIS - It has just been announced that President Lula Namatatiki has 'reformed' the National Assembly after all. Those rumors had been circulating for several days, but now it has actually happened.
It was assumed that the political group, which is the largest in the country, would lose all its seats in parliament in favor of Lula Namatatiki Nofoeaga Aoma's party. In addition, the MG of former President Salé and the winner of the last parliamentary elections in Nofoaga last year has been lifted due to terrorist activities. Several members of the MG, but also citizens are sounding the alarm and enlist the help of the European Union.
Spanish Marian Fonseca becomes a member of parliament (but does not have the nationality)
And then there is this striking decision: from now on Spanish citizens, even if they do not have the Nofoaganese nationality, can hold a seat in the National Assembly. They are also automatically part of the majority.
Marian Fonseca lives and works in Nofoaga but has not the Nofoaganese nationality. According to the cabinet of the president, that is of no importance.
"The Territories subject to Spanish jurisdiction in Nofoaga are as much a part as eg our indigenous population who is allocated two seats. Europe can use this as an example of how to protect minorities, let them participate in legislation and representation."
ROYAUME-DE-FRANCE - Today, in the country's largest settlement, the new road infrastructure was presented by the minister of Public works, Mr. Adrien Goloché, and the minister of Transport Mr. Bidé Jatiki.
The vast majority of the connecting roads are not yet paved, but consist of rammed gravel and earth. The new road that connects Tuagavale to Royaume-de-France is paved and consists of concrete slabs. The road between Tuagavale and the capital Port Beauharnais will be given the code RP1 (Route Pavée 1).
The section between Port Beauharnais and Royaume-de-France RP2. The coastline near Fort d'Espagne also got a paved road. The connection between the northern point and the western point near Fort d'Espagne will be coded RP3. The small section from the south is coded RP4.
What is also new is that for the first time there is a speed limit on the island. At least on the RP roads. You can't go faster than 45 km/h there.
New skyline of Port Beauharnais...PORT BEAUHARNAIS - All residents of the capital of Nofoaga once again have a roof over their heads. The Ministry of Home Affairs released this statement this morning.
After six months of hard work by the government services and citizens, people can finally pat themselves on the back. Every resident of Port Beauharnais has a new home. The operation cost a lot of money. Thanks in part to international support from friendly countries, the city was able to be rebuilt after the devastating volcanic eruption in 2021. The eruption of the Mauga'afi, which formed the center of the island, destroyed almost the entire island. Nearly 100,000 people lost their lives.
Port Beauharnais has been completely redrawn. The capital today has about 300 inhabitants, making it the smallest capital of the European Union.
Despite the applause from the government, there is also criticism from the Namatatiki cabinet:
"We can hardly call Port Beauharnais, our capital, a capital. Let alone a city. Today it is a small village that happens to be home to the National Assembly. This is also not okay for the appearance of our country. Perhaps we should look to the south of the island and move the parliament to Royaume-de-France, which is the largest settlement in the country. Royaume-de-France is also economically the most important place of our country with its port and international airport." - Spokesman of the president
PORT BEAUHARNAIS - In a speech, President Lula Namatatiki surprised friend and foe by apologizing on behalf of the government to indigenous peoples for the colonial past. Nofoaga was part of France from 1791 to 1995. In that year the island became independent. But during that period, with the support of Nofoaganese of French and European descent, many atrocities were committed against the native population. For example, certain tribes were systematically discriminated against, harassed and, in one case, exterminated.
Lula Namatatiki herself descends from such an indigenous tribe and has always made it a point in the past to offer an official apology. That did not happen under the pro-French presidents. So now she takes matters into her own hands.
"Respect is a basic principle. Not only in Nofoaga but also throughout the world. Minorities must be protected at all times and at all costs from that evil that is always lurking around the corner." - President Lula Namatatiki
The president wants to give more space to the indigenous culture on the island but also in the European Union. She is opposed to so-called reservations: "Reservations arise from an animalistic view of fellow human beings and are therefore inhumane from the outset."
ROYAUME-DE-FRANCE - One day after President Namatatiki's official apologies for the colonial past to the indigenous people of Nofoaga, from which they themselves descend, opposition party Mouvement des Gentilles shocked those in power. In protest against the expulsion of the largest party in the National Assembly (Mouvement des Gentilles) and the silence of some opposition, the opposition raises the colonial flag from Nofoaga, which has also been the flag of the independent country since 1995, to Lula Namatatiki. came to power for the first time. She replaced it with the current blue hummingbird flag.
Other opponents of the current president also join the action and raise the pro-French flag.
In addition, the opposition is calling on the population to stand up and resist what they call 'dictatorship disguised as rationality'. The demonstration is scheduled for tomorrow.
The government has already announced that the demonstration is allowed as long as it proceeds peacefully 'as befits a democracy'. It is requested that the colonial flag be removed out of respect for the indigenous population and towards the Republic.
The opposition will not respond at this request, which the president regrets.
ROYAUME-DE-FRANCE - Yesterday in Royaume-de-France, some 2,000 protesters took to the streets to express their displeasure at President Lula Namatatiki. The opposition had called for it. The reason for the protest is what the opposition members call the 'Lula coup'. The president banned the pro-French party and seized their seats in the National Assembly.
The demonstrators called for a real democracy where the law is respected by the government.
Many demonstrators also carried the colonial flag during the protest. Several buildings belonging to the opposition also hoisted this flag.
The demonstration was peaceful. President Lula Namatatiki responds: "It is good that people stand up for their opinion and that they therefore want to send a strong signal to politicians. This way we can join forces to let Nofoaga become the best of themselves."
NOFOAGA GOES ONE STEP FURTHER IN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: TRADITIONAL FISHING WILL BE PROHIBITEDPORT BEAUHARNAIS - Nofoaga's government is going one step further in the fight to preserve its wildlife and precarious ecosystem. For example, traditional fishing is banned and punishable. Traditional fishing ensures that the upper coral layers around the island are heavily damaged by the harpoons. The fact that in this practice people break coral to get to the fish also causes a lot of damage. The government now wants to prevent that.
Nofoaga has already taken measures to protect its waters. For example, in 2020 cruise ships were banned and illegal dumping was restricted. Protecting the coral belt around the island also fits in with the strategy of protecting the land from further erosion and the threat of rising sea levels.
PORT BEAUHARNAIS - Nofoaga may soon look completely different. At least the administrative bodies at the highest level. President Lula Namatatiki announced this. The drastic reforms should serve to safeguard the laws and their application from any form of corruption. For that reason, the presidency in its current form could be abolished, according to Namatatiki. Nofoaga has a presidential system. So that could change soon.
The National Assembly would also not escape the reforms that Lula Namatatiki has in mind. This should make parliament stronger, says the president. Critics of Lula Namatatiki have long criticized the erosion of the institution. The president's party holds almost all the seats.
The concrete reform with press conference is planned for the end of this or the beginning of next week.
NOFOAGA/GADALLAND & ASPERN - The Caribbean island states of Nofoaga and Gadalland & Aspern are taking steps towards further integration of the Caribbean Common Community Commission. That reported a government source in Port Beauharnais, the capital of Nofoaga.
For example, both countries are working on a common intelligence service that should merge the current two. The personal criminal law in both countries would also be harmonized so that the same sentence is pronounced for the same crime.
The Caribbean Common Community Commission has already been given a great deal of powers by both countries, taking over the role of both nations, especially in foreign policy. Nofoaga and Gadalland & Aspern want to have more clout within the European Union and against larger players on the continent. In the diagram below you can see on which cases Nofoaga and Gadalland & Aspern already operate as one. The possible new powers. The personal criminal law and a common intelligence service were also included in the scheme.
Another element in the further integration of both countries is that Gadalland & Aspern will have a permanent seat in the National Assembly of Nofoaga. In turn, Nofoaga gets a special position in the CLC of Gadalland & Aspern.
Finally, both countries will also adopt a common official anthem to strengthen Caribbean integration among the population.
The Caribbean Common Community Commission is proof that within the EU, where there is a lot of discord and extremism between nations today, a good and friendly relation with a focus on positive development for both partner countries is indeed possible.
PORT BEAUHARNAIS - President Lula Namatatiki today announced a series of reforms. Already two weeks ago, the President's Office announced that changes were in the pipeline to improve the involvement of the people in the democratic system.
Part of the government and existing levels of government will also be further reformed. This is a result of the closer collaborations between Nofoaga and neighbouring country Gadalland & Aspern.
Layers of government focused on efficiency services.
Former president Romain Guichard abolished the municipalities. What took its place were local regions where villages were merged on paper. The cabinet of Lula Namatatiki will implement this and set up the 'Communautés Urbaines' for this purpose. Nofoaga will thus be divided into two 'Communautés Urbaines'. A third 'Communauté des territoires soumis à la République'. All other levels of government with the exception of the national government will disappear.Parliament and presidential elections
In the National Assembly, the parliament of Nofoaga, nothing changes. Except that just like Spain also Gadalland & Aspern gets a permanent seat. It is up to that country to appoint a representative of the people and to determine the modalities for this.What does change is the election of the head of state. At the moment it is on theparliament to appoint one of its members as president of Nofoaga. This requires a two-thirds majority. When the post is vacant, the President of parliament takes on the task. All this disappears.
The Nofoaganese will have the opportunity to appoint their president themselves, through universal suffrage from the age of 18. What is even more remarkable is that a president can only take two terms in office, without succession. This should serve to counter political dynasties and oblige the leaders to carry out their work properly.
The president can also no longer dissolve parliament or call elections himself. The power here will lie with the parliament.
These reforms are quite remarkable. Lula Namatatiki, who recently completely controlled the parliament, prevents herself from being president any longer. But for now... she stays.
PORT BEAUHARNAIS - Soon there will be virtually no plastic to be found on the island state of Nofoaga. This must be demonstrated by the intention of the government and various environmental organisations that concluded a pact together.
The ban applies to various packaging such as disposable plastic bags, meat and fish packaging, straws, disposable cups and others.
The government will also change its garbage policy. For example, households will receive two tons from the government to get everyone sorting. Garbage will also be picked up daily to avoid pests. In this way, the government wants to shift up a gear in the transition to a sustainable society.
The measure builds on the decisions already taken. For example, cruise ships are banned from national waters and the penalties for illegal dumping have been significantly increased.
NOFOAGA/GADALLAND & ASPERN - The two Caribbean island states of Nofoaga and Gadalland & Aspern adopt the same official national anthem to strengthen their unity. The anthem also bears witness to this and will be played on official occasions such as state visits and sports matches.
The new national anthem was written on Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, Ode to Joy, which is also the European national anthem. The national anthem is titled 'Rise, O voices of the ocean'.
Official lyrics
Rise, O voices of the ocean
Both, our peoples side by side.
Conquering mighty waters and, yes,
Standing victory, bearing’s flag.
Together Sertia and the Gentilles,
Ever of their grace aware,
Oh, let our hearts beat always bravely
For our lands that we do share.Rise, O voices of the ocean
Both, our peoples side by side.
Conquering mighty waters and, yes,
Standing victory, bearing’s flag.
Roaring through the vivid waters,
Joining in one grand refrain.
Ascending to the sunlit heavens,
Telling both their honoured names. -
SAINT DOMINICO, INQUISTA - Yesterday it became known that the Archbishop of Inquista, Mikaela Kligenberg, has adopted a child from Nofoaga. The child, who now bears the name Tyceon, lost his family in the volcanic eruption in 2021.
In itself, the adoption of a child from Nofoaga is not a problem. But it does expose a major pain point in the management of well-being, particularly that of children and young people in the Caribbean island nation.
Official documents that was able to view at the competent authorities shows that 1 in 4 children is orphaned by young people under the age of 13. Most of the orphans are of black-nofoaganesis origin and face discrimination and racism at a very young age. For example, former employees say that the adoption files of black-nofoaganese children were sabotaged in a systematic way or remained untreated.
When confronted with this, the minister strongly denies it. In a brief response, which was also supported and reiterated later today by President Lula Namatatiki, the minister said that adoption is always a sad thing and that governments and leaders of other countries would work better together on projects that combat all forms of child suffering. -
PORT BEAUHARNAIS- The government in Port Beauharnais is stepping up the fight against the degradation of the natural habitat of local marine life. For a year and a half, cruise ships are no longer welcome in the national waters of the island state. A while ago, the traditional way of fishing was also restricted to protect the brittle coral around the island. This traditional way of fishing uses long iron harpoons with which fishermen ford the coral and prick it in the coral.
The government is now going a step further and from 2025 prohibit the use of boats and ships that run on diesel, oil and gas that cannot be collected within the ship itself in case of a leak. In practice, this means that only ships powered by electricity or hydrogen can pass through the national waters of Nofoaga.
The measure applies to ships registered in Nofoaga as well as to all other ships from outside Nofoaga.