HM Government
16 January 2022
The Government is reforming social care across the country with a new National Social Care Service. Statistics put out by the various NHS boards suggest it would be greatly helped by increasing the social care staff and beds. Each part of the United Kingdom will be run regionally but we will grant funds.
24 January 2023
On behalf of the Government, we withdraw from and rescind the Treaty of Telum.
26 January 2023
We have been deeply concerned by the recent attitude of the Spanish government. Its cavalier disregard for potential European law with wide support begs the question: what else will they disregard? This attitude is dangerous and the United Kingdom is prepared to use all options including reliberating Gibraltar. Even though we are friends, this behaviour must not be tolerated.
Sir Keir Starmer
27 January 2023
The Spanish government likes European law applies to every other member state but them. We want to see them back this talk up. Copying Duxburian foreign policy without the capability is ridiculous. It just makes the Kingdom of Spain look whinging, desperate and insecure.
Sir Keir Starmer
10 February 2023
Spain sabre rattling about Gibraltar is wrong. The people of Gibraltar should have self-determination as Britain and Spain agreed. Yet, clearly it gets some sort of deal involving the ludicrous tax and claims it's Gibraltar wants it. This gall will be met by the United Kingdom ignoring any levy and escorting the Merchant Navy with gunboats.
11 Februrary 2023
From today, all Spanish assets will be both banned from and is frozen in the United Kingdom and all companies are not permitted to operate in the United Kingdom.
13 February 2023
If the Spanish Government actually listened and took one of the many chances to communicate, this situation would not have happened. First, where is the GSSA? This is supposedly their will yet Spain does all the answering. How peculiar. Second, we take direct issue with this sham autonomy. Gibraltar is run by Spanish puppets under the gguise of Spanish Commonwealth. California is part of the British Commonwealth yet is completely divorced from British interest. Is Gibraltar? Third, Britain has an FTA with several Mediterranean nations and will send gunboat escorts with the Merchant Navy to ensure continuity.
The government has put out a warning against travel to Gadalland and Aspern.
The government has put forward legislation banning discrimination based on hairstyles and ethnic garments in public spaces. Studies have shown that issues based on this starts at the primary school age and permeates all all of society. We must act to end this.
04 March 2023
Following informative talks with the Spanish government, The United Kingdom allows Spanish firms to resume business in its territory and announce the rejoining of SWIFT.
9 June 2023
The Government has decided to ensure a streamline the process of seeking political asylum in the UK for citizens of Istkalen. While we took military action off the table for now, options remain open. -
26 June 2023
His Majesty's Government fully condemns the coup makers in Istkalen and sanction the illegal entity. We have concluded that instead of claiming the moral high ground while excusing undemocratic entities in the name of rare earth metals, we would rather take a firm, principled stance.
08 July 2023
The United Kingdom recognises the self-determinance of Aspern and fully recognise Aspern.
11 July 2023
HM Government will always support the ability of any peoples to self-determine their destiny. We reject the Braetha's words and continue to recognise Aspern.
15 July 2023
Effective immediately, all travel will be banned between Sertia and the United Kingdom. Additionally, all economic activity and assets will be frozen. We also condemn the Braetha and their rhetoric. Aspern has the right to chose to be in a union as do any people anywhere.
16 August 2023
Effective immediately, The United Kingdom will officially withdraw all participation in Operation Hercules and all military support to the Kingdom of Spain. We also end any sharing any defence technology and hardware. They must develop any improvements on their own. Any company caught selling arms to Spain, performing maintenance on its assets will be fined significantly. If they want to enforce this controvertial tariff, The United Kingdom will not participate.
22 August 2023
The Government recognises the policies of the Kingdom of Spain and the Federal Republic of Yosai and will not get involved. We have maintained for years that this "protection" may technically be legal, flies in the face of free trade. Essentially, it's a government sponsored cartel that the Union justifies. We, however, wish that both parties compromise.
19 January 2024
The Government hereby makes the Royal Navy and RAF and Royal Navy. The Cabinet will also make response to any Sertian actions. The United Kingdom will not sit idly but also would respond positively to a diplomatic solution.
Sir Keir Starmer
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom -
27 June 2024
In conjunction with Soccer California, the Football Association seek to clarify our position regarding hooliganism. First, we do not under any circumstance condone or support such activities. We completely follow UEFA guidelines. Wesimply allow Duchian authorities to monitor their own citizens and not expect us to participate in their endeavour.