California News Media
Espanicito Election: State Government Leads Polling
LOS ANGELES---The CDU Government looks to win reelection for a third straight time. It currently enjoys a 40% rating; it's a marked difference between state and national polling. Here the CDU is very popular while the CLP is popular for national election. Maria Teresa Jimenez Esquivel, the Premier of Espanicito, is well-liked among voters here and the CDU leads significantly.
ICP-3% -
Napa Gov't Study Show Growth In Muslim Pop.
SAN JOSE---A recent study commissioned by the state government, run by the University of California, Berkeley showed that Sikh, Muslim and Hindi populations increased. On average, about 200,000 have moved to the state of Napa. The booming tech industry has attracted most from Svarna, with California's tax free remittances. The opportunities afforded in La Nacion de Oro is pretty available, despite what some consider a robust tax burden.
Sierra Elections Set for April 13
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE---Premier Victor Manuel Castro Casio went to the Govenor-General of the Sierra Territory to dissolve the territory parliament to call an election. Traditionally, both major parties use the 'Country' label and technically their candidates are usually field more rural candidates. The parliament hinges, most likely, the right and left independents (referred to as the Teals and Pinks.)
Sierra Elections: CDP coalition with The Teals likely
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE---As the elections carry on, both parties continue drumming up support. CDP currently has 35% support, the CLP has 30%, the Teals have 15%, and the Pinks have 12%. It would be the federal CLP has two CDP state government since 1995, and in general since 2014. The federal government looks concerned about the implications for the 2025 election.
Sierra Superior Court Affirms Vote Collecting, Student I.D. valid To Vote
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE---Today, the Sierra Superior Court handed down a crucial ruling that is set to impact the election. They have upheld the vote collection scheme which is disproportionately affected the native voters of Sierra. The scheme allows the Sierra Board of Elections to go around the state to collect votes and machines which in a state that is mostly mountainous and rural makes sense. The CLP and the Pinks would largely benefit from the votes collected. It also confirmed the validity and legality of student identification cards as voter I.D.
Government Approval Is Essentially Neutral
SYMONE SANDERS-TOWNSEND---The Albanese government has now sits at 46% approval versus 47% disapprove and 7% don't know or neutral. This is slightly lower than a month ago but reflects that Californians generally aren't feeling the positives. But it's still better than the CDP, who have 75% against them. With almost 28% going with smaller parties, it's clear the mixed member system of voting (adopted in 1996) has resulted in people feeling comfortable with generalized coalitions. The CLP-Green coalition is just as popular as the majoritarian governments before 1996.
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Federal Government Struggles With Housing
SACRAMENTO---The Albanese Government is struggling to deal with its approach to the housing crisis. They have found that local governments are fighting with state and federal government rezoning. The position has also reached the Christian Democrats. Peña Nieto has framed the many disputes as an idealogical dispute against big government. The extent of the homeless problem is 43 people per 10,000. That makes the number to the crisis 361,200. The CLP proposed more high-density residential zones.
Victoria Election: Liberal Wing Polling Well
SAN DIEGO---The more liberal, left leaning bloc, including the current CLP government lead in the polls. The state election is September 7. Here's how the latest CNN poll looks:
CDE---2% -
Federal Gov't Works With Independents to Pass Environment Regulations
SACRAMENTO---The Commonwealth Government worked to negotiate in the House with independents to pass more environment regulations. The new regulations, which are bill proposals, are meant to streamline the 2030 zero carbon transition. Those bills now are in the Senate and will need the support of the Liberal Party.
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Commonwealth Bans Private Equity Property Buying
SACRAMENTO---The Commonwealth has passed through the House and Senate to ban the sale of residential properties to private equity firms. this proposal is the governing partner, the Greens in their coalition agreement with the CLP. That proposed bill got enacted with the CLP bargaining power. Prime Minister Harris and the Leader of the Greens, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez championed this policy
Breaking: Los Angeles Feels a 4.0 Earthquake
Sonoma Wildfire Spreads Largely Unchecked
SONOMA---The County of Sonoma is experiencing an ever increasing wildfire. The San Fernando Valley fire and Sierra fire in conjunction with this is spreading CalFire thin. Prime Minister Kamala Harris has declared states of emergency in those areas. Several Spanish and Duchies have been sent to aid in the fires.
Breaking: 7.0 Earthquake Rocks the LA Metro
LOS ANGELES---A 7.0 earthquake rocked the LA Metro area. The San Andreas has been more active as of late and has resulted in many micro-tremors. This was the first larger tremor. It could be felt from Huntington Beach to Oceanside, sparking tsunami warnings..
Westwood Accord to be Ratified
SACRAMENTO---The meeting with Prime Minister Harris and Leagioan President Mouri-Kado, who was recently re-elected, on the UCLA campus has resulted in a treaty. As it has been for fifty years, it will go for ratification on Monday. All leaders except far-right Lauren Bobert of the CONP agree. It is expected to be a rubber stamp.
Stabbing Attack in San Diego
SAN DIEGO---A stabbing attack occurred in the San Diego State area as clubs closed at 2:30 a.m. Reports of a disgruntled altercation outside of a nightclub was known. San Diego Police and the CFP are investigating. Prime Minister Harris, with her attorney general background, has been watching keenly.