From LA to Tokyo
Tokyo, Yosai
PM Kamala Harris had never been to Tokyo until now. Sure, she'd seen Spain, the United Kingdom and Duchies, the Duxburian Union...even Osaka. Tokyo was like Verington. Minus the subterranian level. The sheer amount of buildings was daunting; Los Angeles was a little less concentrated.
"Wow," she gasped breathlessly. One of her aids could tell Tokyo was a lot.
General Secretary Watanabe in his signature navy blue business suit and red tie tapped Prime Minister Kamala Harris on the shoulder "Well, well, this is a suprise, it seems, a world leader has appeared" He said with a comedic tone. He was accompanied by 10 other blue suited body guards around him. "So, Honourable Prime Minister, what brings you over to the land of the Rising Sun?"
Kamala jumped from the surprise.
"General Secretary Watanabe, Toukyou ni shoutai shite kurete, arigatou. I studied Yosainese in undergraduate studies but I'm rusty," she said. "Ueno Park is so beautiful, I didn't mind the mild infarto (heart attack)."