Inquista, The Most Blessed State of
Official name: The Most Blessed State of Inquista
Shortened name: Inquista
Abbreviation: INQ
Demonym: Inquistan (noun), inquistan (adjective)
Capital city: Saint Dominico (only city)
National motto: “For Holy Justice We March Forward!”
National anthem: Inquista Triumphantis
National colours: Yellow, black, whiteGOVERNMENT:
Government type: Theocratic ecclesiastical republic
Legislature: College of Bishops
Legislature type: Unicameral assembly
Head of State: Archbishop Mikaela Kligenberg (also Head of Government)
Highest court: Supreme Tribunal of InquistaGEOGRAPHY & CLIMATE:
Location: Located upon the centre of the northern shoreline of the Mediterranean basin, with Red Croatia to the west
Total area: 3,870 km2
Terrain and landscape: Dominated by urban landscapes; southern Inquista consists of coastal lowlands, but rugged hills begin to emerge in central Inquista and elevation gradually increases towards the mountainous northern border
Climate: Mediterranean climate; summers tend to be long, dry and hot, while winters are typically short and mild
Average daily mean: 15.9°C
Average total precipitation per year: 804 mmPEOPLE & SOCIETY:
Population: 141.68 million
Population density: 36,610/1 km2
Urban population: 100%
Literacy rate: 99.8%
Official languages: English and Latin
Ethnicity: White Inquistan 73.9%, Black Inquistan 14.5%, Mixed 5.6%, Sahrawi 3.7%, other European 2.3% (predominantly Czech, Red Croatian, Nicoleizian)
Official religion: Inquistan Orthodoxy
Religion: Inquistan Orthodoxy 97.6%, non-religious 1.3%, other religion 1.1%
Suffrage: 18 years of age (age of adulthood); universalECONOMY:
National currency: Inquisto (Ꮠ) and EMU (₠)
National currency exchange rate: Ꮠ1 = €1.62
GDP: €15.9 trillion
GDP per capita: €112,250
Average salary: €84,700
Unemployment rate: 3.2%
Economy by sector: Services 81.3%, industry 18.7%
Major exports: Textiles and clothing, glass and glass luxury goods, industrial machinery, motor vehicles and motor engines, transport equipment, telecommunication equipment, electronics, pharmaceuticals and other chemicals, foodstuffs and beverages
Major imports: Raw materials, minerals, sand, unrefined agricultural products, biofuel, natural gas, plastics, foodstuffs and beverages
Major trade partners: Spain, Red Croatia, Czech Slavia, Gallorum, MontenbourgOTHER FACTS:
Time zone: Central European Time (CET) (UTC+1); Central European Summer Time (CEST) (UTC+2)
Date format: DD-MM-YYYY
Calling Code: +25
Drives on the: Right
Internet code: .inq -
National Anthem of Inquista - Inquista Triumphantis
Lyrics (Latin):
Salve, invicta Justitia formosa,
Patriae splendor spes nostrae salutis, salutis.
Summae norma tu vere virtutis,
Eris semper in mundo gloriosa.
Debellato sic barbaro impius,
Triumphatrix sit Maris Regina, Regina.
Et placata sic ira divina,
Inquista vivat, et regnet in pace.
Vivat, vivat, vivat,
In pace.Lyrics (English):
Hail, unbeaten fair Justice,
Splendor of our Motherland, hope of our salvation! Salvation!
You are the greatest virtue,
You will always be the most glorious in the world!
Defeating the godless barbarian,
May the Queen of the Sea triumph! The Queen!
And with divine wrath thus placated,
May Inquista live and reign in peace!
Live, live, live,
In peace!
Anthem of the Inquistan Military - Carmen de bello
Lyrics (Latin):
Arma, cædes, vindictæ, furores,
angustiæ, timores,
precedite nos.
O bellicæ sortes,
mille plagas,
mille mortes,
adducite vos.Lyrics (English):
Weapons, carnage, vengeance, fury,
famine and fear,
precede us!
Give battle!
Oh fates of War,
a thousand wounds,
a thousand deaths,
inflict you! -
Familia primum // Family First
The Kligenbergs emerged as a minor banking family during the middle stages of the Inquistan Renaissance. The Kligenbergs initially conducted their banking business under the auspices of the Falcona, one of the Five Great Families of Inquista, before then earning the patronage of the Maletta, another Great Family. By the late stages of the Inquistan Renaissance, the Kligenbergs became one of the members of the Great Families in their own right, prompting the Struggle of the Six Great Families. The Kligenbergs eventually managed to eclipse the power and wealth of the other Great Families, which culminated in Doge Tristus I (Kligenberg) being elected as Doge of Inquista in 1638, who became the first Kligenberg doge of the Serene Republic. The Kligenbergs managed to suppress the power and influence of the other Great Families, leading to the Kligenbergs becoming the First Family of Inquista and ending the Struggle of the Six Great Families. The Kligenbergs were elected as the doges of Inquista for an uninterrupted period of 160 years, from 1638 until 1798, a time known as the Kligenbergian Period, which coincided (and became synonymous) with the Inquistan Enlightenment.In 1798, the Kligenbergs were ousted from power by a united alliance of remaining Inquistan merchant families, whom elected a new doge in the midst of a succession crisis. The other merchant families conducted a sudden and brutal campaign of uprooting Kligenberg influence and business from Saint Dominico, causing the Kligenbergs to flee Inquista and scatter themselves abroad in self-imposed exile. The Kligenbergs managed to plant roots and build new banks and businesses across Europe, particularly in the Duxburian Union and the United Kingdom, where the family established cadet branches. The main branch of the Kligenberg family returned to Inquista from their self-imposed exile in 1881, under the protection of Doge Ludovico II (the Magnificent). The Kligenbergs were quick to regain an economic stronghold in Inquista, but they kept themselves out of Republic politics, and instead became dedicated and significant members of the Inquistan Orthodox Church. Since then, many Kligenbergs have become prominent members of the clergy, and numerous Kligenbergs have been elected as Archbishop of the Inquistan Orthodox Church. In recent history, the Kligenbergs played a decisive role in facilitating the establishment of a theocracy in Inquista, ending the Serene Republic, and were integral in uniting Inquista and the Inquistan Orthodox Church.
Since the 19th and 20th century, the Kligenberg family has dwindled greatly in size, and the Inquistan branch of the family is only carried on by Heron Kligenberg and his descendants.