2020 EU Councilor Special Election, Ruthund
[MEGA- Kangiflank] Jomziha LuzrogizenJomziha is a former member of the Feinkusomnring serving the Bunaland (2012-2018). Born into an Orthodox Zdardro family in Galbirn, Jomziha was set to become a Zdardro Priest and studied Theology at the Bunaland College of the High Arts. However his interests shifted towards politics following the Kenlontar Uprising and the removal of the Monarchy. Jomziha would spend most of his early political career as a local leader for the Conservative movement in the Bunaland. In 2003, he would become the Deputy Rif (Governor) of the Bunaland until 2006. Though his election bid for Rif of the Bunaland failed in 2006, he would later represent the Bunaland in the Feinkusomnring. After his retirement from the Feinkusomnring, he was assigned on the European Entrance Negotiation Team as a liaison from the Kangiflank.
Jomziha is an outspoken Eurosceptic and a Monarchist. Jomziha believes that European Union is an oppressive institution to Ruthund and has given the country unwanted attention. Jomziha also believes that the European government is decadent, corrupt, and beholden to multinational corporations he calls ‘globalists’. He was a supporter of the MEGA movements and spoke favorably of Trympov during the Commission Elections. Jomziha has pledged to work with Councilors to form MEGA as a Eurogroup in the Council.
[Ind.- Fyrhazdo] Lauslydi HrimustukurLauslydi is a former Rif of North Hykon (1997-2009) where she oversaw the integration of Rangentazav, a former Special Port City, into the Region. She was known for her early support for joining the European Union and her opposition to the Conservative policies of continued isolationism. Lauslydi spent her childhood in the fishing town of Rudhtor, where her father ran a successful Fishing business. Though middle-class by Ruthenish standards, Lauslydi took notice as a young adult of the abject poverty and lack of medicine and sanitization of rural Ruthund. Lauslydi believed that Agrarianism was to blame and became a dedicated activist for the old Republican faction, who advocated for liberal reforms, industrialisation, and the abolition of the monarchy. Becoming prominent among Repubican circles, she became part of the Faction Leadership in the Democratic Alliance for the Republic, the anti-Kangiflank coalition during the Kenlontar Uprising. Shortly after the establishment of the Republic, she ran successfully for Rif of North Hykon. After her Rifship, she retired from public life until recently to become an EU Councilor, hoping to win out against what she described as ‘extreme candidates’.
Lauslydi spoke favorably of the EPA until this year, where she believes the EPA has been too aggressive in attempting to curtail the UNSR, favoring a regional detente as an alternative. She has been especially critical of Edward Firoux, accusing him of attempting to destabilize the Northern Region of Europe. Generally speaking, Lauslydi is in favor of Ruthund’s further integration in the EU. She is endorsed by leaders of the Gundyno and Fyrhazdo factons.
[Ind.- New Republican] Zatoni OdhinazenZatoni “Tony” Odhinazen is an incumbent member of the Feinkusomnring serving Lukandal. Zatoni serves as the current Chairman of the Feinkusomnring’s European Affairs Committee. One of the early members of the New Republican Party, Zatoni is a self-described Democratic Socialist and a hard-line Republican. Zatoni has distinguished himself quite recently as a climate change activist and his opposition to what he calls ‘the EPA’s neoliberal policies’. Born in Rangentazav, Zatoni lived in a working class family with his mother and father working at Manufacturing Facilities found throughout the city. Also a pro-union family, Zatoni was exposed to the ideas of Socialism and Workers’ Rights in his childhood. In the 90’s, he studied law at Rangentazav State College and became a Labour Advocate. Shortly after Rangentazav was granted its own Regional Parliament, Zatoni became a member of the first Parliament in 1996. In 2007, Zatoni moved to Nokthur due to rising housing prices and his aspirations to move to a less urban area. In 2015 Zatoni ran successfully as a candidate for a member of the Feinkusoring and quickly rose through the ranks of the party leadership. After the resignation of Helhuan Ziharuthstukur, Zatoni volunteered to be the party’s replacement candidate to which he received no opposition.
Zatoni is critical of all the current Eurogroups in the EU Council. From the ‘Neoliberal’ EPA, to the ‘tankie’ PEL, and rejecting ELDR as “no different from the EPA”. Zatoni is in favor of economic integration into the EU, but is also critical of “the striking inequality throughout Europe”. Alongside redistribution polices, Zatoni pledges to introduce tougher regulations on Climate Change.