The United Kingdom of Valia and Gallia-Factbook
Full Name: The United Kingdom of Valia and Gallia
Conventional Name: The United Kingdom
Demonym(s): Breton(s), British
Capitol and Largest City: Kingsminster
System of Government: Federal constitutional monarchy
Constituent nations: Valia, Gallia
Head of State: King Charles III (House of Bourbon-Windsor)
Head of Government: Prime Minister/Première Ministre Éiisabeth Baschet (Labour/Socialiste)
Legislature: Parliament/Parlement
Lower House: National Assembly/Assemblée Nationale
Upper House: Senate/Sénat
Councillor: Jean-Noel Barrot
Drives on the: right -
National Flag
Coat of Arms
National Anthem
National Assembly/Assemblée Nationale
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