ECB Credit Worthiness Evaluation
This is meant to indicate the impact of RP decisions' impact on the economy. Each designation will be accompanied by an explanation. We be following a modified S&P/Moody's rating system (AAA-SD). This is meant to give advice to players as they make economic decisions and political decisions (OOC: you communist revolutions...). As we in the RP have not figured out exactly how to enforce debt, trade deficits, budgets (beyond the military)...this is mostly an indication on the following criteria of RP that we can evaluate:
- Economic stability (demonstration that budgets are happening, the economy is largely running without major interruptions)
- Political stability (governments are stable, not-risky. They demonstrate clear checks and balances. Systems are in place to keep government running smoothly)
- Economic activity and growth (is there evidence of steady growth; as long as population is increasing, usually that is the case. But but you want to grow more than just at population growth)
- Investment opportunities (is there enough evidence of the top three to make the case for investment by the market)
- Gross capital fixtures (are people saving enough that there's a collection of capital savings in the economy accruing wealth? Is that too much in relation to the economy?)
- Government spending in real terms (is the government doing activity in the economy? The sweet spot % of this in the economic system is somewhere between
This rating is reserved for the highest credit worthiness. Traditionally, these economies are run solidly with only slight ideological differences between different governments of political persuasion. Exemplary stability in political systems, clear standards, and dependable election schedules are present. The have an excellent mix of gross capital fixtures, government spending, and private sector consumption. The following economies are AAA credit rated. Their government bonds and debt hold no sovereign risk as far as we know:
- Angleter - AAA
- The Duxburian Union - AAA
- Inquista - AAA (currently under review from revolution - trending negative)
This rating is reserved for very respectable nations with high credit worthiness. They have stable political systems and standards, and stable election procedures (though they can be abused at times. They have a good mix of private sector consumption, gross capital and government consumption. They could do various things to improve their situations. This ratings level divides by + (positive) or - (negative)
- Fremet - AA+ (steadily improving)
- Gallorum - AA+ (steadily improving; newcomer)
- New Zealand - AA+ (steadily improving; newcomer)
- Rhine Ruhr - AA+ (steadily improving; newcomer)
This rating is reserved for respectable nations with medium-high credit worthiness. They have political systems with checks and balances, though there are vulnerabilities to be found. There is the presence of all three elements of GDP in fairly good balance, though some can be a little off.
- Malborya - A+ (GFCI is a little high)
- Spain - A+ (multi-ethnic polity is hard to govern; large cities seem to dominate which means there's little rural population or activity)
- Vayinaod - A+ (distance from the rest of Europe, plenty of oil but demonstrate economy is diversifying)
This rating is for nations who are classified as developing. They may have most criteria between political stability, economic stability and others present, but they are new or fragile. Things still need significant work.
- Red Croatia - B+ (not sure if the economy is solely social media/fashion based or not)
This rating is for nations who are not in good stead. They may have had a major event happen that significantly changed the nation. It is still hard to tell what is going on, but this is important to the development of the nation that more insight is given or events get fixed.
- UNSR - C+ (more information is needed on elections, structure, reforms, etc.)
- Reitzmag - C+ (political system seems to be in shambles; government engaged in illegal activity)
These economies are largely imploded and they need help. Nothing else to say.
*The Ottoman Empire - D+ (multiethnic polity that also needs a lot of economic help)
- Pravoslaviya - D- (Wow. Okay. Ummmmmm. Nope)