Ruthenish Associated Press
Long-standing political allies, the leaders of the Mutual Workers' Party (left, Speaker Luzrogi Manniltrazen) and Gundyno (right, Lord of State Zgeirtan Hulnkrymnazen) begin to surface tensions this Monday13 July, 2020
KAZMURBIRHA (AP)-- As ministers and representatives begin to set their eyes on the 2021 election, various politicians from the Mutual Workers' Party are beginning to express their dissapointment with the Gundyno-led coalition.
"I am not predicting anything, one way or the other", said Luzrogi. "But as it stands now, the Mutualists have gotten next to nothing in this coalition. And this is despite our relentless advocacy for the concessions we were promised when joining this coalition."
Gundyno formed a minority government in 2016 with the assistance of the Mutual Workers' Party and a few members of Fyrhazdo. In a highly publicized coalition talks, the Mutualist were promised most notably the government's support of Industrial Worker Cooperatives.
Zgeirtan was asked to comment, "Well, if that is what they seriously want. I am not quite sure how Luzrogi thinks he is going to get Worker co-ops if he serious in what he say. I mean, I don't know what he is even thinking, we have had a record number of Worker Co-ops since the 1980's. Apparently that is not good enough for them. If that's the case, well I just don't think they are good coalition partners."
Tensions between Zgeirtan and Luzrogi is not an especially new spectacle in Ruthund. In fact, many consider the two to be archrivals forced into an alliance. Zgeirtan, part of the Gundyno faction, wishes to see an inustralised, but Capitalist nation. Some of his critics however label his policies as Neoliberal. While Luzrogi, a self-described Communist, wishes to see an industrialized Ruthund that along the lines of Market Socialism as a transition towards eventual Communism. Despite this, Luzrogi and Zgeirtan have many traits in common. Both are notoriously known as expert debaters on stage, their vulgar rhetorical style, as well as their as their unconventional attire.
Without the Mutual Workers' Party's support, it is unlikely Gundyno will be able to continue aggressive industralisation policies following the 2021 mid-term elections. In all likelyhood Gundyno, like in previous non-Kangiflank governments, will be forced to form a coalition with Fyrhazdo. Under a Gundyno-Fyrhazdo coalition, Zgeirtan and his faction will likely have to make concessions to the Peasantry, which will significantly slow industrialization for the foreseeable future.
Mynzgonu Zihuruthstukur (Kangiflank) giving a speech in the Feinkusomnring today denouncing the recognition of the UNSR.15 July, 2020
KAZMURBIRHA (AP)-- Following the Riksroja's recognition of the UNSR, opposition forces led by the Kangiflank and the NRP question the constitutionality of the Riksroja decision. In a joint effort, Kangiflank leader Mynzgonu issued a Writ of Contention to the Council of Law this morning. This was followed by a NRP appraisal of the Kangiflank's decision in the Feinkusomnring.
"This is not a not a move of a neutral nation." said Mynzgonu in her speech to the Feinkusomnring. "This is an attack on both our Realm and the freedom of other nations. This overt appraisal to Communism must be stopped."
The UNSR, or the Union of Nicoleizian Socialist Republics, is the current State governing the territory of former Icholasen. The formation of the UNSR was lead by a revolution ousting the current government in exile, while others label it a coup d'etat. The island Communist regime receives little recognition from the rest of the EU, while the government in exile still holds a seat in the European Council.
Many of the EU nations see the UNSR's rise to power as a violent usurpation that has little regard for the democratic process. Moreover, all but a few nations within the EU see the current USNR elections as illegitimate and skewed towards the favor of the current ruling establishment.
Some also point to the ongoing guerrilla campaign organised by people associated with the government in exile as a sign that the ruling government is not yet fully established as legitimate by its people."Its definitely a tough decision for the Riksroja to make", said Vatri Luzrogizen, a foreign policy advisor for the Riksroja. "On one hand we have a neighbor that is universally hated by Europe, but on the other hand would we maintain our neutrality by not recognizing a State just because it is not popular? And then we have an issue of Ruthenish recognition being seen as an endorsement of the regime."
The Writ of Contention that Mynzgonu issued will be reviewed by the Council of Law on Monday. A Writ of Contention is issued when at least a 1/3rd of the Feinkusomnring believe that the Riksroja either took action against the laws made by the Feinkusomring or the action concerned is believed to be contrary to the Act of Basic Law. In this case, Kangiflank will be arguing the Riksroja's action goes against the Act of Basic Law of the Realm of Ruthund, adopted in 1995.
28 August, 2020
Ruthund EU Commission Elections: Preferred Europarty
Question: Which of the following Eurogroups or EU political movements do you most support?ELDR: 11.9%
EPA: 19.2%
MEGA: 36.7%
PEL: 13.2%
No Preference/ Refuse to Answer: 19%Ruthund EU Commission Elections: Premiership Election
Question: Which of the following candidates is your current first choice for the upcoming EU Premier Commissioner Election?Cocx: 4.1%
Čikarová: 11%
Kerstin: 17.4%
Merkel: 18.9%
Trympov: 41%
No Preference/ Refuse to Answer: 7.6%Ruthund EU Commission Elections: Internal Affairs Commissioner Election
Question: Which of the following candidates is your current first choice for the upcoming EU Internal Affairs Commissioner Election?Juncker: 22.3%
Oliver: 50.4%
Weber: 6.6%
Winston: 10.9%
No Preference/ Refuse to Answer: 9.6% -
New Poll: New Insights into Ruthenish Society revealedGlasnathar Polling Agency realeased its monthly results for January polling on key political issues in Ruthund. Glasnazar until very recently had not been polling on issues that concerned the European Union, since knowledge on foreign affairs were limited in Ruthund. Though 2021 marked a new turn for the monthly polls with it being first time asking questions about the European Union and European-wide elections. The results are as follows:
Which political viewpoint do you most identify with?
Conservatism: 31.9%
Liberalism: 24.6%
Socialism/Social Democracy: 13.2%
None of the above: 30.3%What is your opinion on European Integration (also known as Eurofederalism)?
Overall Positive: 32.6%
Overall Negative: 45.7%
No opinion/ don’t know: 21.7%Which Eurogroup do you most favorably view?
EPA (European Progressive Alliance): 19.7%
EDLR (European Liberal Democrats): 9.3%
MEGA (Make Europe Great Again): 29.3%
PEL (Party of the European Left): 14.1%
Don’t know/ None: 39.9%What is your overall assessment of the work that Internal Affairs Commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker during his term?
Overall Positive: 43.7%
Overall Negative: 24.9%
No Opinion/ Not familiar: 31.4%Which candidate do you most support to be the next Internal Affairs Commissioner:
Birdane: 42.2%
Winston: 29.1%
Don’t know/ None of the above: 28.7%Which candidate do you most support to be the next Foreign Affairs Commissioner:
Am Lind: 53.1%
Reagan: 38.7%
Don’t know/None of the above: 8.2%Which candidate do you most support to be the next Premier Commissioner:
Cocx: 30.6%
Leeson: 18.3%
Le Berre: 25.9%
Don’t know/ None of the above: 25.2%The European Union currently represents Ruthund’s best interests:
Agree: 33.1%
Disagree: 58.6%
Don’t know: 8.3%It would be best for Ruthund to return to its former policy of isolationism:
Agree: 20.4%
Disagree: 61.5%
Don’t know: 18.1%Ruthund should leave the European Union:
Agree: 34.7%
Disagree: 52.6%
Don’t know: 12.7%EU institutions ought to be responsible for addressing Climate Change:
Agree: 39.2%
Disagree: 42.1%
Don’t know: 18.7%Climate Change is best addressed through a EU-wide Green New Deal:
Agree: 38.4%
Disagree: 47.9%
Don’t know: 13.7%Ruthund should be a secular nation:
Agree: 27.8%
Disagree: 53.6%
Don’t know: 18.6%Ruthund should continue its armament program:
Agree: 51.3%
Disagree: 26.5%
Don’t know: 22.2%Industrialisation of Ruthund, thusfar, has been a good thing for Ruthens:
Agree: 38.8%
Disagree: 40.1%
Don’t know: 21.0%The Gapethulzo (Trade Cliques), or megacorporations that formerly had privileges as Guilds before the Liberal Reforms of 1994, should be disbanded:
Agree: 46.2%
Disagree: 43.1%
Don’t know: 10.7%I approve of the work that Lord Zgeirtan’s government has been doing during their current term:
Agree: 55.2%
Disagree: 43.7%
Don’t know: 1.1% -
Chairwoman Brynhild making a public address following the resignation of the former ChairmanBrynhild takes leadership of the New Republicans
16 February, 2021Former Chairman and Member of the Feinkusomring Halkrymn Luzrogizen resigned yesterday following calls from his party to resign from his post. Facing a vote to oust him from the Central Committee of the NRP, he resigned Monday from his post saying that he has become a ‘liability’ to his party. The calls for resignation followed an Feinkusomring ethics investigation that found Halkrymn abused his power for sexual favors.
As Halkrymn resigned, Deputy Chairwoman Brynhild Kotuztukur of the NRP Central Committee took the helm on Tuesday. In a public statement, Brynhild promised to ‘restore public trust in the party’ as new elections approached in October this year. Brynhild has also promised to distinguish the party as ‘the party for working families’.
Brynhild, a long time Republican, has been a major proponent within the party of a proposed political system for Ruthund known as Neo-Ruthenish Democracy, which seeks to establish a Republic based on the pre-Monarchy democratic traditions of the Ruthenish tribes. These practices centered around local popular councils known as Þangi. Some observers note its similarities to Athenian democracy and to an extent, the principles of Soviet Democracy.
Brynhild’s accession to NRP chairwoman is likely to change the tone of the party. Halkrymn was a Ruthen from one of the coastal towns in Northstrand, taking a more centre-left and social democratic approach. His appeal was to the Peasantry who have largely yet to see the effects of industrialisation in their communities. In contrast, Brynhild has a more radical vision for the party hoping to make Ruthund an example of a truly democratic socialist society. Also frequently mislabeled a foreigner (due to her Spanish accent), she is one of the few Ruthens born outside the country with both of her parents residing in Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain at the time of her birth in 1960. When she returned in 1996, after the ban was lifted on Ruthenish exiles, she lived in the Cosmopolitan city of Rangentazav, further dissociating her with the rural and agrarian communities.
Speaker Luzrogi, a leader of the Mutual Workers’ Party said he was ‘elated’ in an interview with AP. He further hinted that he is open to a meeting to merge the two parties into one “if the campaign season warranted it”. The decision would have to be made by August of this year with the two parties were to merge and be on ballot this election.
Brynhild, as a lawmaker thus far, has worked primarily on transparency laws surrounding donations from companies. Earlier this year, her primary goal was to push through the Feinkusomring a bill that would establish a committee to surveille the activities of the Gapethulzo, or the Mega-Corporations in Ruthund. She has also been one of the vocal leaders in the Feinkusomring against the increased armament program.
Though Brynhild’s political career does not come without criticism. In 2018, she came under criticism from her party when she joined the Kangiflank’s proposal to postpone the entrance process into the European Union citing that ‘Ruthund isn’t ready for Europe and neither is Europe with Ruthund.’ She also was one of the few in her party that did not condemn the Riksroja’s decision to recognize the UNSR in 2020, praising the government’s commitment towards neutrality and regional stability.
The party meets in June, shortly after Ruthenish New Year, to discuss the New Party platform that the NRP will campaign on for the 2021 elections. Brynhild has previously campaigned on anti-Gapethulzo measures, decommodification of certain industries (such as the Healthcare industry), and more aggressive measures to secularize Ruthenish society.