Net Neutrality Act 2020
Proposed by Cllr. Edward Firoux (Inquista) :: Passed (8-1), July 28th, 2020 :: Unamended
An Act to protect the freedom of internet use and the free flow of internet communication.
I. Source address: an address of a device’s network location, synonymous with a device's Internet Protocol address (IP address).
II. Source destination: an address of a source’s network location, synonymous with a source's Internet Protocol address (IP address), which is hosting or being accessed by a device.
I. Internet service providers shall treat all internet communication and traffic equally, without the ability to decrease, increase or prioritize the speed of transmission based on platform, application, user, website, source address or source destination.
II. Internet service providers shall treat all internet communication and traffic equally without any discrimination or distinction based on any fees, charges, service options or payments. Internet service providers shall not be permitted to charge fees or offer services which better or prioritize the speed of internet communication and traffic.
III. Internet service providers may not block any platform, application or website unless it is regulated to do so by the relevant governmental authority of the member state.
IV. Internet service providers may not block any user from accessing any platform, application or website based on their source address or source destination.
I. All member states of the European Union are required to harmonize their national law(s) with this Act in 6 months of time from its approval by the European Council.
II. Breaches of this Act shall be considered a punishable offense in member states. Failure of member states to enforce this Act may be tried in the European Court of Justice.