Sofie Čikarová for Premier | EU Commission Elections
Launch event, Rally in Prague, Czech Slavia
"Comrades, sisters and brothers I can't possibly tell you how incredibly happy I am to once again have a chance to stand here before you as a candidate for the position of Premier Commissioner, that I have a chance to represent you. With my first campaign we, together, managed to create such positivity that I continued to get support from people around Europe even after my campaign ended, and for that, I am truly thankful to you and all Europeans. You are the reason why I am running again and I promise you, to do my best to get our voices, the voices of workers and farmers, heard in the Commission!
I have once again decided to start my campaign here, in my homeland, because I am truly proud to be Czech and I am home among Czechs. And I hope that every citizen of all other countries feel the same way about their background. Wherever I went I have seen amazing cultures that people deserve to be proud of. Individuals that do not love the people closest to them, people around them, are unable to love any people. They can love only themselves. And I feel like there is a candidate that does loves nothing more than himself. Who cares solely about hearing his own name and seeing his own face as many times as possible, he will go to such lengths as to plant his face on every subject he will come across and name it after himself. But I don't need to mention this candidate by name, he himself will make sure that you have heard of it as many times as possible.
I have promised before that I will at least briefly analyze the previous Premier Commisioner election and so I will do so now. After a disastrous term of Angela Merkel from EPA the election was won by a previously fairly unsuccessful candidate, the incumbent Dr. Walter Cocx. People have turned away from EPA and their candidate Peter Leeson who in turn now turned away from EPA. What a candidate! EPA picked him as their candidate, as their captain and he was the first to leave the sinking ship! The other candidate, François Le Berre, seemed like a man of some qualities and of some character, but sadly he lacked strength, when accused of being a left-wing politician, he didn't embrace his position, but instead tried to dissociate with it. It's a shame because those who are not proud of what they are can never succeed, that is why I always did and always will urge people I meet to be proud of themselves. I will say it now for everybody to hear, I am a left-wing candidate, I am a socialist candidate and I am a candidate defending the sovereign rights of nations.
Cocx won and his term was just as disastrous as Merkel's term. He tried to violate the separations of powers with his Sanctioning Powers Act, which the Council has stopped and amended his proposition, it went from a dangerous Act to a useless as the Council already had the powers to sanction and not a single santioning act was passed by this act so far. It is no wonder that Dr. Cocx, after embarrassing himself, decided to not seek re-election. But his term could have been very dangerous, if Dr. Cocx was a more capable man.
The European nightmare of Cocx premiership is coming to an end. And who caused the election of Cocx? It was EPA, with their incompetence, they endangered any possible reconciliation with our sisters and brothers in the UNSR, they endangered the unity and friendship of the people of Europe and now they called on Mr. Juncker to come back and return everything to the previous tracks, but you cant go backwards in time! It was the EPA's rule that caused the election of Cocx and their success couldn't lead to anything else but another, perhaps more capable, candidate like Cocx getting elected. This is dangerous and they must be stopped, for the sake of all Europeans!
I have briefly analyzed the previous election and why Dr. Cocx got elected and I explained why that is dangerous for the EU and for co-operation among nations. We need a Premier Comissioner who will promote co-operation. I fully support all policies of rapprochement with the UNSR, as a Premier Commissioner I would support member states in issuing their own foreign policy, and will not try to dictate them a uniform policy, the member states are able to solve this crisis, if the Commission will let them settle it and will support them in this noble endeavor. As I said during my previous run, I fully support every legislation that will fight tax avoidance, give more voice to the labor unions and will otherwise serve the working people. and my economic plan will help all member states of European Union to develop their productive forces or essential services.
My dear friends, I am sorry for talking so long, I will expand on my vision for free and inclusive Europe in the near future, but I am a woman of principles, so my principles are the same as they were previously, and I promise you I will fight for them according to my abilities. Let me once again thank you for your support, I love you all, Thank you!! I wish you a pleasant night, please, wish me a successful fight the time of Eurocrats is almost up and our time is approaching.
Promotional material based on previous message of Sofie Čikarová made by the Minister of Culture Karel Šín -
Second Rally in Terrafin City, Gullicken County, Reitzmag
"Greetings people of Terrafin City, how are you doing today? I must admit something to you, I sadly never had a chance to visit Reitzmag before, si this is my first time visiting your country and I must thank you for your warm welcome and say that your country is quite beautiful!
Many of you here are perhaps members of unions, and to you, our PEL platform gives voice. The governments need to listen to the unions, the policy, of some companies, of employing cheap labor while not employing citizens of the home country must end across Europe. Right to work is one of the core human rights that must be guaranteed by the European Union!
But there is one more thing that I want to talk about with you. The words of my oponent, Jean-Claude Juncker. Juncker, as many of you have probably already noticed, went to argue against the so called "dangerous kind of candidates, the anti-EU candidates", that seek to openly destroy the EU. Which seems particularly strange to me, because as of now, I haven't noticed any "anti-EU" candidate running in these elections, to my knowledge, there is no Premier Commissioner candidate nor Internal Affairs candidate that openly seeks to destroy the Union. Mr. Juncker seems to be fighting against something that doesn't exist. Why? Perhaps my other opponent, Mrs. Koline is right and it is because they lack any substance, perhaps Mr. Juncker will yet explain why he is fighting against somebody that doesn't exist.
But Mr. Juncker has a habit of focusing on non-existing things, he talks about "Copala City-Reitzmag conflict" as about a conflict that needs the EU interference to solve. I don't see any conflict there that would require EU involvement. If there are any problems, they are the affairs of Reitzmag, not the European Union, Reitzmag is a sovereign country, you are capable of handling any of your inner affairs. But from Juncker's words, it seems that he aims to violate your sovereignty, that he, and other high ranking EU bureaucrats consider Copala City to be their affair. To that I say no! It is the people who the land belongs to, it doesn't belong to few bureaucrats siting in Europolis. Juncker wants to employ the old colonial ways, of taking people's land and treating it as if it were his own, that is something that PEL continues to stand against. Copala City was Reitzmic, is Reitzmic and will be Reitzmic! And with your help, we can get a Commission that respects that, a Commission that won't stand against the nations sovereignty, and a Commission that will hear your voices and won't try to silence them. Let's together show the Eurocrats to not stick their noses where they don't belong!
Thank you all for coming here and listening to me, I am sorry that I couldn't stay here for longer, I wish you a pleasant rest of the day. Take care!"
Third Rally in Trondheim, Trøndelag, Fremet
"My dear friends, I am delighted to once again visit your country, this time I picked the capital, but please send my warm greetings to the amazing residents of Èze, where I had the fortune to spend a short but very pleasant couple of hours back in August last year. Last election, you, people of Fremet said enough to Europe for the wealthy and voted for the ideals of better Europe, for a left-wing candidate. I ask you to not lose your hope and continue to fight for a better, more equal, inclusive Europe. There is a chance to elect a left-wing candidate to the position of the Premier Commissioner, if we all continue fighting for what we know is right, I ask you to please stand with me during these elections and I promise you, I will always stand with you.
Allow me to talk about something else for a moment, because I must mention that there is not only a chance to elect a left-wing Premier Commisioner but there is also a fantastic left-wing Internal Affairs Commissioner candidate. I have the enormous honor to run alongside comrade Piane Daggot, a woman of excellent character, with bright mind and a big heart. There is no doubt in my mind that she is the best choice for Internal Affair Commissioner, not just in these current elections but in a long time. If we at PEL didn't have comrade Paine we would probably have to make her up, she is just honestly amazing. I am sure you will soon have a chance to meet her and she will tell you about herself much better than I could, I just want to ask all of you, that consider giving me you vote, which I very much appreciate, to also consider voting for her. An almost entirely left-wing Commission could achieve so much and getting it is so close.
But back to this Premier Commissioner election. I don't know if you all had the chance to hear the program of my oponent Mrs. Koline? One of her big aims is to redirect money from projects like ESA and investing them into the development of infrastructure, productive forces and essential services, like healthcare. She stresses out the importance of solidarity. And I fully agree with Mrs. Koline, I hope many of you agree with her. But, perhaps some of you think this sounds fairly similar, like if you heard these propositions before, and you would be right. People of Europe had a chance to hear that propositions before, because I was the one who proposed them!
Back when I was first running, this was one of my priorities, and as I said, nothing has changed since then, I still consider this to be my priority. I will strengthen the economy of member states, increase employment, reduce supply chain length and reduce CO2 emissions. I said these investments should be in a form of subsidies and should only be used for projects that will further develop productive forces or essential services like education and healthcare. The subsidies could also be denied to states that would misuse them, which I consider sensible. Now Mrs. Koline calls this a step "Towards a "Union with Purpose", well in that case, it must be Čikarová who wants to work towards a Union with Purpose, it must be Daggot who wants to work "Towards a Union with Purpose". Yet, Mrs. Koline never mentioned that it was Čikarová before her who proposed this policy. I want to ask Mrs. Koline this: if there is a candidate who wants to work "Towards a Union with Purpose" who wanted to work towards it even in previous election and who announced her candidacy in this election before her, than what purpose does running against such candidate have? That is a question she should most importantly answer to herself.
But outside work, which I believe is a right of every human being,there is also one fundamental right I need to talk about, the right to life. War is the biggest violation of that right, many times war is a horrible crime, destroying lives of families, leaving parents without their children and orphans mourning their parents. I am a candidate of peace. I was very extremely happy to hear that the Staatsoberhaupt Whoopi Gaarder met with the Nicoleizian Korojaunu, comrade Sanders. This once against shows that member states ARE capable of handling their own affairs, their own foreign relations and that the EU has no right to meddle in those affairs. I thank the wise Whoopi Gaarder for her bravery and work towards peace and I hope I will also have a chance to meet with her. If I am elected, I will always encourage member states in peaceful endeavor and to follow in your example. I promise you, that I will never get in a way of rapprochement, I will support it with all my power, so that Fremetians and Nicolezians might finally stand as friends and enjoy their lives together, instead of throwing it away in a senseless war.
I thank you all so much for listening, I hope you enjoyed listening to me as much as I enjoyed talking to you. I would also love to hear your stories, so feel free to tell me anything, I want to hear you. Have a wonderful night full of great dreams. If you will help me and support me, we shall make those dreams a reality soon. Thank you!"
Fourth Rally in Cesae Vauvra, Icholasen
"Greetings, comrades, sisters and brothers, so good to be here again! Sadly I must start with something I regret, but I can't stand in your country for very long and I also don't have a time to meet with such inspiration figures like comrade Laucre and comrade Foxx that stood here with me last time. At least I send them my greetings from here. I still hope to once again meet with comrade Lallana once I go to Inquista. However, I still decided to visit you again, you without a voice, silenced by the hands of Eurocrats who try to strangle you at every opportunity, who are too afraid of voices of the sovereign people. But I am not afraid, and I am not afraid to say that silencing you is a crime committed by the European Union! Just like in the previous elections, other candidates choose to ignore you, as long as they don't need your voice, you don't matter to them. But you do matter, and you matter to me!
But the future before us appears bright. More and more voices across Europe are calling for ending the shameful condemnation of Nicoleizian revolution, the walls of lies of Eurocrats are crumbling as people all over Europe demand peace and co-operation, and as more and more of them want to protect their national sovereigny. If I am elected I promise you to work towards finally repealing that shameful act, and as I said many times before work towards helping not only Icholasen, but all other countries in developing their economies, because the money belong to the workers, not projects that won't help the workers and certainly not the pockets of few businessmen, politicians and bureaucrats!
As I said before my speech was rather short, and I am so sorry for that, however the time progresses quickly and with that I need to be on the move. Those who ignore the march of time are destined to stay behind, such is the future of the condemnation act and Mr. Juncker, all we can do is wave at them as we pass them, going to the glorious future. Have a wonderful and a productive day comrades!"
Fifth Rally in Kazmurbirha, Ruthund
"Joda edonnotuz people of Kazmurbirha and all of Ruthund! I hope you can pardon my pronunciation. I just want to first tell you that when comrade president Reiserová returned from your country she had nothing but praise for it. And I can fully understand her. The proud mountains standing tall and the proud people standing even taller. And you have certainly much to be proud of, your unique culture and your work ethic which allowed you to bring your nation to economic prosperity, it weren't nice words from Europolis that brought you prosperity, it was your own brain and muscle that did so.
I would also like to give few moments to the words of my oponent Dr. Koline. I must say that I am quite worried for her, until this point it was just Mr. Juncker who fought a vigorous battle against a non-existing specter, now it seems that the Dr. Koline started fighting against the non-existent too. When I was in Trondheim, talking to with the wonderful people of Fremet I mentioned that, and I quote: "One of her" meaning Dr. Koline "big aims is to redirect money from projects like ESA and investing them into the development of infrastructure, productive forces and essential services, like healthcare."
I got that information from a speech made by Dr. Koline in which she has said, again I quote: "I will work as to re-direct money being spent on purposes beyond frivolous - the ESA, for example, which has long ago overstepped its bounds - into investment into infrastructure for the people across Europe" she said she will work to redirect money from ESA, I mentioned that that is her aim. I didn't make that up, she has said that. Dr. Koline as a response started fighting against some specter, not against something I have said, but against something I didn't say."Ms. Čikarová, one of my opponents in this election, has made several accusations regarding my policies. Not a single one of them is true. I do not propose the destruction of the ESA or the ECB, and recognize both as needed institutions." That is with what Dr. Koline responded with. Dr. Koline I never claimed that you aim to destroy ESA, and neither do I aim to destroy it. I have just said what you aim to accomplish if elected, you yourself have said it, I have just repeated it and I have not added anything to it. And it is what I have proposed before, that is just a fact. Dr. Koline could have admitted that, instead she went ahead to spread misinformations. Perhaps she forgot what she wants to accomplish, which is something the Premier Commissioner shouldn't do, perhaps she is simply lying to save her face, a very bad quality that the Premier Commissioner shouldn't have, or perhaps she has made an honest mistake. If it was an honest mistake I can understand that, but she should show enough decency to apologize. I don't know why she is spreading misinformation and it is up to her if she will show decency or arrogance.
She has also clarified that she views subsidizing development of productive forces as "wasteful", now you, proud men and women of labour, you know just as important your industry and agriculture truly is subsidizing it is the direct opposite of being wasteful. It was your work which has developed the nation, it is work which can help other countries too. But I will talk more about that in the near future.
For now I want to say this. Your beautiful country finds itself before a difficult path as your king has remarked. To tend the flame, you will certainly need to make many choices. But the prerequisite to make such choices is to have a Commission that won't try to force its ways on you, a Commission that will let you follow the path you yourself will set. This is a guarantee I, and PEL, can give you. If I am elected I will never try to force Ruthund off its selected path, I will never seek to restrict it. The current Commission already tried to restrict who can the Ruthends trade with and our two nations stood against that, let's elect a new Commission that will let you trade with other countries if you desire so.
Dear friends, the Ruthenish New Year is nigh, let us all work together to ensure that the year starts right and is a successful one, thank you!"
Sixth Rally in Belogradchik, Pravoslaviya
"Good evening wonderful people of Pravoslaviya! Your country is well known to me, and all those who value freedom, as a country of great principles. Whenever there is an attempt from Europolis to violate the sovereigny of any member state, your country stands as firm as a rock to oppose it. A great respect for other countries is what you all show and I desire a commission that will show the same respect towards you.
But first, let me please accept the apology of Dr. Koline. Dr. Koline was brave enough to admit that she made a mistake and I accept her apology, after all it is human to make mistakes. This also shows us that when we lead our campaign with decency and dignity, we can expect dignity from our oponents. It is true that she did not apologize for everything, she let out a part where she accused me of accusing her of something I didn't accuse her of, but that is ok, perhaps she just made another mistake, making mistakes is human. Perhaps the Premier Commissioner should not make as many mistakes, but that is up to those who will vote to decide. She claims that her aims are not similar to mine, which I proposed during my first run, well let us observe them.
Dr. Koline realizes that Alkharya may require help, and if the help is not provided, we may head toward a dire situation, she also realizes that Juncker's empty words are not going to solve anything, those things I of course agree with But let us look at the third point of her proposition: "Invest in certain aspects of Alkharyan reconstruction.... The European Union should thus set aside a certain sum of money as for low-interest loans to enterprises in Alkharya..." This is in her proposition. But wait a minute, wasn't it Dr. Koline who called subsidization of productive forces simply throwing money at the target which is "unwise and certainly not financially sound"? Yes it was. But now she is proposing exactly that, for subsidies may involve loans, loans free of interest and low-interest loans. I think the situation must be always judged individually to decide for the best form of subsidies. Dr. Koline you are proposing exacly what I am and what I was proposing before your candidacy. But can Dr. Koline admit that? Perhaps she could but she chooses not to, so she doesn't have to answer to herself what purpose does her candidacy have.
And it is most correct that if we do not help Alkharya, if they need it, the situation may get dire. We all surely want the member states to remain stable and peaceful, and the best way towards that is through employment. If we have and unstable member state, a member state where unrest is high, we can expect people escaping that place. And the Eurocrats will surely act quickly to pass another, horrible Refugee Protection Act, to send the migrants towards countries like Pravoslaviya, countries that have done nothing wrong, which have never caused any unrest anywhere. And the Eurocrats will call for those countries to show "solidarity". Well that is not solidarity, solidarity can't be forced! The Eurocrats want the ordinary people to share misery while they share all the wealth and power. I on the other hand want the ordinary people to have the power, the power to govern their country as they please. And a Europe of stable, peaceful, happy countries, which the citizens do not have to leave, but where they want to live and stay. That is why I believe it is necessary to provide subsidies for the needed programs, we all have much more to gain from that.
Both Juncker and Koline try to bring ideology into it. Yes I am a left-wing candidate, and we may disagree on some things, but I don't want to force my opinions upon you, I don't want you to conform to one set of rules, I want to talk with you, listen to you to know what you want. I want you to pick your own path for yourself and I want to co-operate with your elected Councillor, my former oponent, Mr. Trympov. My current oponent, Mr. Juncker on the other hand said he wants to ignore the Council, that is an addition his well known agenda of ignoring the sovereigny of the member states.
My dear friends, don't let them divide us. We are the ones who stand to protect the rights of the member states and we have a unique opportunity to finally take our rights back. But for that we must form a great United Front against globalism, a front of various opinions, but with love for freedom at its centre. Another Europe is possible, and if we remain unified, it is inevitable. Thank you!"
Final Rally in Saint Dominico, Inquista
Bishop Karinn Lallana took to the podium first and introduced Sofie Čikarová.
"The people of Europe are tired and exhausted. Eurocrats in Europolis continue to tread on our backs, and they continue to stir division among the working people of our world. We reject their division, and we reject their constant stoking of war and conflict, and we shall embrace peace and harmony. Peace and harmony with the UNSR. Peace and harmony between our sovereign and sisterly nations. Now is the time to say enough is enough, and now is the moment to seize the winds of change. There is no better candidate for Premier Commissioner than Sofie Cikarova, who is a champion of the working class people, and a champion of continental peace and unity. I give Comrade Cikarova my full endorsement, and I hope that you please support her in the upcoming Commission elections. It is my great honour to welcome Comrade Cikarova to Inquista and to this stage tonight! Saint Dominico, please give a warm welcome to the one and only... Sofierce!"
After the intruduction Sofie Čikarová herself took to the podium and began her speech.
"Thank you comrade bishop Lallana for your introduction and thank you people of Inquista for coming here to attend this final rally. I hope Simon who has written a really nice article about me in the past and showed his ability to think critically is here today, if not I am sending my warm greetings to him. I very well remember the previous rally I held here and I remember the extremely nice welcome I received from you and when I announced my candidacy in the current election there was no doubt in my mind, that I want to spend my last moments of campaigning among you again!As this is the last rally I want to talk about positive things, so I will try to limit talking about the other candidates. Instead Let us once again look what we have accomplished and what we yet have to accomplish. We, together, have managed to maintain the wonderful unity of the European left a great challenge to the status quo. We have managed to lead our campaign in a way that produced much positivity, I'll say more about that soon. And we managed to stay true to our principles, never backing down from them. Before us remains a great task of creating an Inclusive United Front of all socialist, social democrats, reformists, progressives but also liberals, conservatives and patriots that love their freedom and are willing to fight for it. No more shall we remain divided, if we unify our voices into one the Eurocrats' grip on power will surely crumble.
And by winning the elections our job isn't that, it has only started, it will be up to us all to create a Europe that our children may be proud of. A peaceful Europe of sovereign, co-operating member states. A Europe where work is the right of every European, where sensible projects, that will increase the well-being of everyone, are supported instead of wasteful projects that only benefit a selected few. It will be up to us to ensure a successful end to the current crises and prevent new crises. But I am certain that together we can and will win and we will achieve our goals!
And while my opponent Juncker is too focused fighting against things that don't exist and my other opponent Koline in addition to fighting the non-existent also has to fight against her own past mistakes, we focus on fighting unemployment and poverty, issues that do exist and trouble many ordinary Europeans.
I said that I will return to the positivity which we manage to create with our campaign, so now I want to say a few sentences about that. Oftentimes during my campaigns, both past and current I talked about pride. For pride is a beautiful emotion and in the people I have met, I always saw a lot of qualities to be proud of. With all the difficulties that many of you had to face during your life and overcome you are all truly wonderful people, it would hurt me immensely if some of you were not proud of yourself, proud of your work, your families, your ability to make the lives of others better.. you have certainly made my life much better and you continue doing so. That is the positivity that you have shown to me and we show to each other. I am not a great painter, not even in our Czech pro-people art, but I still made something for you, that I would be glad if you kept. So, let's walk together, with straight spines, and win these elections!
A painting made by Čikarová for the people of Saint DominicoNow I can't stay here with you, but after comrade Daggot finishes her speech I am going to go down the podium, to you, and I ask you that we all hold our hands and sing The Internationale together. Thank you so, so much!"
- topic:timeago_later,9 days
- topic:timeago_later,4 months
Launch event, Rally in Prague, Czech Slavia
"Good evening comrades, workers and farmers, friends. I am glad finally join you again in these important moment, not only as a Premier Commissioner, not only as a candidate running for re-election but also as a Socialist Republican to fully support the Socialist Republican Party in the national elections. We shall be victorious together and the immortal ideas of equality, justice, prosperity and freedom will triumph both in our beloved Motherland as well as in Europe!
In the last Commission elections we managed to overcome all odds, break the chains and achieve a resounding victory over the reaction. Yet these Commission elections are of no lesser importance. During my turn we have laid the first stone towards a just Europe, with passing the creation of the European Development Agency and starting the dialogue between the two sides of the conflict in Icholasen. We have restrained the European Union from interfering in internal affairs of its member states against their wishes and this policy has proven to be effective. I plan to get into the details later during my campaign, and plan this solely as an short overall evaluation as I sadly lack time, even though it tears my heart to leave you so soon. We have laid down the necessary foundation for a just Union, now there lies a great task before us, to continue building on these foundations. To make sure that our work wasn't in vain, that it doesn't get demolished but that we are allowed to continue building.
The last election we have taken a first step towards prosperity, the road is hard and long, and it will be far from finished in the next four months, but we must remain vigilant and keep moving forward and if we do reaching the goal is certain. If we, however, turn back and start returning, if the candidates of the big business are able to seize the power from the people, they will destroy the four months of progress in few days and they will take you even farther away from reaching the end of the road. That is something we can't allow! We must not give up, we must continue fighting and reject their empty promises, reject their return and the return to the past. Their words can't feed us, yet their shackles can bound us if we let them. To prevent this, we must keep moving forward and keep the Commission red!
Comrades, I thank you for your time, it was such a pleasure seeing you here. Every day in Europolis I think of you, as I think of our brothers and sisters in other countries. I can't wait to meet with them soon, to talk with them and to listen to them, as I could talk and listen to you. I promise you, that I will never stop fighting for you and with you. Good night!
Promotional material based on previous message of Sofie Čikarová -
Second Rally in Port Beauharnais, Nofoaga
"Dear people of Nofoaga, being among you I feel humbled. Humbled by the enormous power of nature and yet even greater power of your determination and will. Few had to endure as much suffering as you did, losing your homes and your loved ones yet in face of it all, you still showed the incredible strength to continue facing forward and to start rebuilding your dear homeland. By that you have shown a great example to the entire world. Allow me, as Premier Commissioner, to also express my thanks towards all the international friends that offered you their help in this dire situation. Thank you!
I have come here to talk about the newly created European Development Agency and why it is crucial to have a Commission that puts the people first.
As you all surely know, I have proposed the creation of the European Development Agency in order to assist member states with their development which also includes assisting the member states with rebuilding their country if it was affected by a natural disaster, such as your country, or armed conflict. It is my conviction that the EDA will be able to assist you as much as possible even though the basic necessities might have already been secured. But in order to provide the necessary assistance a Commission that is willing to assist the member states is required. So far we have created the structure for effective assistance, now it is up to us to put this structure to use and to protect it. I promise you that I will see that the Agency works as it is supposed to, but can you trust the words of those, who change their policies as often as they change their clothes?
My oponent, Mr. Juncker has negated himself so many times, just the last elections he pushed for EU intervention into Reitzmic affairs, now he claims that he won't allow breaching of Reitzmic sovereignty. His position on Icholasen has seen many turns depending on to who he was speaking. He now swears to use all available mechanisms to help your country, but where is the guarantee he won't just turn his back on this policy as he has done on other policies and negate himself once more? The candidates of PEL are always consistent in their policies. You can rest assured we won't change our policies and that we are ready to use mechanism for assistance that we have created as we have promised to do!
I ask you, noble people of Nofoaga to trust the EDA. I am aware that Mrs. Paul-Gabrielle Muzhare, now a candidate for the position of Internal Affairs Commissioner, was the only one who abstained on the establishment of the EDA while others voted for it.Perhaps some of you too have some reservations so assure you, as I stand here before you, that the EDA will work and will be able to assist you. Do not let this be stolen from you!
Thank you all for listening to me, if any of you wants to ask or talk about something I will be happy to listen to you, I am here for you. Once again thank you!"
Third Rally in the City of Azrekko, Duxburian Union
"Many warm greetings to you, I thank you for allowing me to come among you, this is the first time visiting your city and the Duxburian Union as a whole. I will be brief and honest. Last Commission election you have put your trust in me for my program, which included not increasing the budget of the European Union and I have stayed true to my program. At the contrary the representatives of the EPA in the Council fought for increasing the budget in order to increase their own wages, going against the past promises of Mr. Juncker, who also argued for the budget staying the same. I have also pushed for the creation of the European Development Agency and recently I have learned that your City has requested a subsidy from the Agency to develop a large source of renewable energy. A noble goal that has my full support, however and it pains me to say this, personally I don't see this project gaining such a large subsidy from the Agency, precisely because we haven't increased the budget. I am still for assisting your City as much as possible and I expect a deliberation to take place among the Commissioners about how much are we capable of assisting the City in the phase 1 development of the "Solaris Azrekko" solar energy farm. I suspect that in the future a hard debate awaits us about the future budget. If we aim to increase the capabilities of the institutions of the Union, larger founding will be necessary, if we aim at not increasing the budget the capabilities of those institutions will remain limited. I hope in that time the residents of Azrekko won't be excluded from that debate and their voices will be heard.
So far you could have seen that the solution of the PEL candidates to Global Warming has been a positive motivation, not a leash. I don't want to force you into a certain direction you should take your economy, and if the elimination of fossil fuel sources of energy, or elimination of any other sector, comes at the cost of people losing jobs then I am against their elimination in that moment and will be until the moment that secure employment can be obtained by the workers in those sectors. I can't talk about the policies of my opponents in this regard right now, with what is publicly known, but if we are to take anything from the history we know it were the Commissions run by EPA and independents that tried to force you out of certain sectors of economy by a leash, while me and Daggott didn't and I don't intend to start. The former establishment has already shown they don't care if you are forced out of your work by their rules, it won't affect them and in fact they tried to reward themselves for it, by raising their wages as I already said and what I successfully fought against.
Now Mr. Desai on the other hand thinks you shouldn't receive a single Euro from the EU no matter what happens. For him you are tainted by the original sin of being born into a rich country. From what he has said so far it seems that even if the people of Duxburian Union got affected by a disaster the EU shouldn't assist you and that you should be forced to rely on a form of foreign aid in case of emergency. I have nothing against foreign aid but I am convinced that the EU should have capabilities of assisting its member states in their development and guarantee the absence of favoritism and that we should treat each other as equals. Not to say that Mr. Desai took it upon himself to promote an organization funded by his home country, and compare it with the EDA, despite the fact that EDA is about funding development unlike the organization he promoted.
I hope I was able to explain that the candidates of PEL are the only one that want to fight for you and will maintain and will do the most it can in order to assist you. Now if you agree I would much appreciate it if you could give me a tour across your city and show me its industry. Thank you for sacrificing your time and listening to me and glory to your work!"
Fourth Rally in Nyetthem, Vayinaod
"Greetings, sisters and brothers, I am very exited to be here in the north! I come before you, despite the fact that you do not vote for the Commissioners directly, to thank you for all your support. Now those thanks also of course belong to your representatives who had put their trust in me in the last election, but I prefer to come directly to the people.
Since I was elected I tried to achieve as much of my goals as possible and one of my main goals was the creation of the European Development Agency. Now after the Agency was established it is my goal to make sure that the Agency functions properly and that the Commission treats all the requests equally and objectively, avoiding any favoritism, allowing for quick and effective passing of needed subsidies. I stand resolutely against any attempts to destroy the Agency, which has gained strong support in the Council, by those who aim to paralyze the entire Union making it effectively useless, as well as any attempts to parasite off the Agency! If I am re-elected I guarantee that the EDA will function as it was intended!
My second aim was not to violate the sovereignty of the member states and the results of that policy show that it is the correct policy. The threat of potentially nuclear conflict, which could be especially devastating for your beautiful country due to its closeness with Fremet, is much lower than before I was elected as the two sides of the conflict in Icholasen now sit behind a table and are talking in Europolis and it is a great achievement to say that I sponsored those talks. Now of course we have yet to wait for the results of those talks, but we are on the right direction. This is already a great victory for peace, it is a shame that some of the candidates in these election see keeping the peace and our work towards keeping the peace as nothing, but we do not do those policies for those candidates, but for ourselves and our children, so they may live in safety.
Aside from continuing the successful policies and defending the achievements we have so far achieved together, making sure that future people's Commissioners won't have to start all over again. I will focus on giving voice to the workers, to people like you standing here, making sure that you are protected across Europe as there would be no life without work. I will be however honest and say that I am not yet certain about the exact details and will have to further consult this issue for example with the next Internal Affairs Commissioner.
Now my dear, my rally is almost at its end but since it is my first time in Vayinaod and I am not sure how well are you familiar with Czech culture I have decided to bring you some "Moravské koláče" for you to try. I did not make them so I direct all my thanks, and you should too, to the noble bakers who did and overall to the noble workers all over the world. I hope you'll like them and if not that you will forgive me from bringing them here. If you are allergic please ask my assistance for allergens. Thank you very much, I will join you shortly at the tables, if you want to discuss anything."
Moravské koláče
Meeting with the National Imperial Council, Telum, Inimicus
"Noble ladies and gentlemen, Councillors, I thank you for welcoming me here today. Four months ago His Imperial Majesty has demonstrated a great wisdom and understanding and his true statesmanship when he decided for a compromise vote in the European Commission elections. As he himself stated over 80% of the citizens of the Empire supported this decision of voting for me in the Premier Commissioner election.
Since I was elected I have acted in accordance with my my principles and my steps seemingly resonated with the interests of the Empire of Inimicus and there never was a major noticeable clash between the Commission and the interests of Inimicus. While many of you might disagree with my approach to diplomacy I think there can be a little doubt that the Union has moved away from a threat of a nuclear armed conflict and towards a peaceful and harmonious resolution of the issues we have faced. As a Premier Commissioner I have never tried to intervene with the internal affairs of the Empire and I do not intend to start.
Noble Councillors, I believe you are familiar with me and with what I stand for in these elections as I did in the previous ones and there is no need for their introduction. You know what to expect from me and from the PEL candidates. We are people of principles just like you, and principled people might sometimes disagree with each other, but they treat each other with respect. On the other hand the candidates of EPA demonstrate that they are the candidates of business interests, they are able to say what is needed in order to appease and get in power, but as soon as they do not need you they will get rid of you and change their stance. My oponent Juncker is a prime example of a politician without any real convictions, a politician that's
not trustworthy and that is capable of betraying you if it becomes beneficial to him and the European elite he is desperate to bring back. My other opponents have displayed little of their stances or offer only illogical solutions that have little chance of being realized.For these reasons, I ask you to reflect the earlier compromise that was made by His Imperial Majesty and reflect the wishes of the people who wanted me to be elected and to strengthen the harmonious and prosperous society in this way. I ask you to continue the struggle for a just Europe and support me.
Ladies and Gentlemen I wish you a successful and happy celebration of the 10 year Empire Anniversary and I thank you for listening to me. I will now depart to thank those who support me and explore the sights of this city. Goodbye."
Final Rally in Saint Dominico, Inquista
Councillor Karinn Lallana took to the podium first and introduced Sofie Čikarová.
"Hello, Saint Dominico! I am so excited to be with you all here today, speaking on behalf of our amazing guest of honour, who was last here only just four months ago. What started as a moment mere months ago, has now transformed into a movement.
Four months ago, Inquista took a chance. Our beautiful city took a chance on change, we took a chance on a new direction, and we took a chance on a Europe that would prioritise people, not profits. It was in that last election, that Inquistans finally decided to tear off the shackles of the bourgeoisie. It was a historic decision; one which was not only made by Inquistans, but by many of our fellow European comrades, which ultimately resulted in the European Union electing our very first PEL Commissioners to the European Commission. Now is our chance to keep this movement going, and ensuring that we re-elect those who are helping drive this change we all so desire.
Our great Premier Commissioner has had her work cut out for her. Years of previous Commission mismanagement, coupled with current political in-fighting, partisan attempts to block the Commission’s work, and misogynistic and relentless personal attacks, have all made governing the European Commission very challenging. Despite this, our Premier Commissioner has remained steadfast, focused, and unbothered, and she has successfully delivered on all her promises, and she has very diligently put the needs of the European people at the centre of all her work.
With a new European budget in hand, our Premier has put more money into critical European institutions which work for our health, our well-being, our arts and our culture, and less money into the hands of politicians and their political aides. It was a historic, people’s budget. Moreover, it put money into the Premier’s newly-created agency, the European Development Agency. The EDA will drive infrastructure growth across the Union, putting development at the forefront of the current Commission’s progressive agenda. The EDA has already proven itself as an immediate success, with the demands of projects currently requesting more money than what was ever expected!Our glorious Premier knows that this progress is only just the beginning, and she would never dream of resting on her laurels. There is still so much to do, and so much more that needs to be achieved. Saint Dominico, it is more important than ever that we vote to secure the future of this people’s movement. It is important that we continue to carry out what we started. Inquista, please join me in welcoming and supporting our esteemed Premier Commissioner, Sofie Čikarová!”
After the introduction the Premier Commissioner Sofie Čikarová herself took to the podium and began her speech.
"Thank you for the introduction comrade Lallana and thanks to you, people of Inquista for once again welcoming me here in Saint Dominico. It has become our tradition to mark the ending of our campaign together here and I at first must send greetings to many places I have visited in the past but couldn't visit these elections warm greetings to Fremet, Ruthund, Pravoslaviya, Reitzmag but also to all other corners of our Union. For the first time I have not been among our comrades in Icholasen but let me assure you that my dedication to the people of Icholasen is as strong as ever!
As comrade Lallana stated we have begun our road towards a just Union. As I promised you four months ago we now finally have the ability to support all sensible projects across Europe, we have created tools to fight unemployment, environmental challenges and poverty. Now it is up to us to overcome these issues together and guarantee that these tools remain in the right hands and get used properly and to ensure that the people will be the one benefiting from them, instead of the few elites who are once again trying to grab onto power and seize it from the working people. It is also up to us to adopt other measures to protect the rights of a human being to work.
To achieve those goals we must maintain our Inclusive United Front that has triumphed over the oligarchs four months ago. We proved that if we fight together for our freedom and our rights, we will win. This United Front terrifies the elites for they know that as long as it exists the people will rule and for that reason they attempt to destroy it, but we must prove these elections that we stand firm as a wall and anybody who tries to lay divide us will end up smashing their heads against us! We won't let them divide us we have won in the past and we shall continue to win and keep the Commission red!
Dear brothers and sisters, this is the last time I come before you as a candidate. I hope this is not the last opportunity we have to see each other but regardless of the outcome of the elections I don't intend to run again any time in the future. But even then our work will not be done, as we continue on the road towards prosperity.
Simon I hope you are here today but even if you are not I am sending my greetings to you.
Thank you and for the last time as a candidate, goodbye. I hope we will see each other, under different circumstances, soon. I love you and stay proud of who you are!