Tarek : I will ask you and Wirth this once more will you criticise Duchies and Reitzmag governments for the rogue regimes many in European countries rightly believe they are? Or are you going to continue licking the Duchians boots and being weak and letting them get away with these terrible actions they took?

Controversial posts made by BrumBrum
RE: Commission Debate, Dec 2022
RE: [Discussion] Declaration of Independence and Copala City
In response to Tusk I in no way believe or imply that Copalas government have promoted violence, quite the contrary they have been against it. I merely meant that Reitzmag should work with Copala Cities government rather than militarily occupying it and suspending autonomy and work with the Copalan government on the roadmap to a referendum if that is what is desired by the Copalans.
James Mizrachi-Roscoe
Councillour for United Duchies -
RE: Tarek for Internal Comissioner
A statement on the undemocratic and illegitimate election I am part of
I would like to make a statement about the disgusting undemocratic nature of my essential crowning. It is unbelievable one could possibly even believe it is democratic to win in what is essentially and an undemocratic crowning with only one choice on the ballot. I fully back my countries position to not vote in protest of this lack of choice.This is the sort of election that even undemocratic hellholes such as Svarna Surya would not allow having at least a paper opposition. Tin pot dictatorships have elections with more official choices. That is not a healthy place for European Union democracy. I will be working with the European Councillor from the Duchies to get an emergency amendment tabled that elections can only take place once a quorum of minimum of two candidates for the position is met in the election to allow a true choice , and in circumstances where there is not enough running the position is held vacant until such a time the requirement is met and the new leader elected. I will of course serve any term crowned or not to save the waste of resources but will focus on a two pronged strategy of ensuring such a circumstance cannot happen again both by law but also by making sure activity is heightened by increasing participation by EU countries in the EU. We cannot accept or tolerate the status quo of the EU having the same legitimacy and status of elections as that of tin-pot dictatorships and must fight to restore real democracy and legitimacy to EU procedures.