Government has given no guidance to affected parties since the sanctions came into force.
Chaos followed the enforcement of Rolling Sanctions Act 2021 on Friday at midnight as those affected scrambled to make plans to return to their country. The most affected were those subject to individual sanctions, and the government has given no guidance for persons subject to individual sanctions or persons from countries subjected to sanctions.
Nationals of Sharifistan, Syrnaseria, and Precia have been allowed to remain in Gadalland and Aspern provided they are residing or visiting legally. However, the narrow list of exemptions to the newly enforced law has forced many to change plans, and no new permits or visas are being awarded. Nationals from sanctioned countries may stay if they have a visitor’s permit or other travel permission, they are deemed essential, they have direct family, they are refugees or they are citizens of Nofoaga.
The most widely infuriating part about this new law, according to a NS6 poll, is the rules for sanctioned individuals. The law states that “high ranking officials” from Precia and Istkalen are prohibited from entering Gadalland and Aspern at all costs. From last Friday, they have a week, or 168 hours, to leave Gadalland and Aspern from an approved port of entry and head directly for their country of nationality. Under this rule, refugees who fall under the rather vague umbrella of “high ranking” are to be sent back to their country of nationality. There are thought to be about 10,000-15,000 escaped government workers from Precia in Gadalland and Aspern as refugees who will be forced to return to the fascist state.
“We cannot, and we will not tolerate individuals who may well be spies remaining in Sertia from a hostile state,” said CLC general manager Goordon Dreb. “These states must be sent the message that these illegal activities committed by these people in Gadalland and Aspern are unacceptable.”
While Iskalen didn’t make the list of official sanctioned countries, the government approved, along extremely partisan lines, individual sanctions for any government staff worker coming to Gadalland and Aspern from the Istkalenian Territory. It is unclear what is meant by that wording in the law.
“This is absolutely ridiculous,” remarked Terry Halensót, Council Member 5 who voted against the bill. “We’ve barely even thought about having a summit with EU member nations, or how we’re going to achieve the Climate Accord goals and instead we’re resorting to un-Vernidian punishments such as banishment.
This law comes about a week after the notorious CLC meeting that ended in a shouting match over how to respond to the Istkalenian crisis, as well as a longer movement by the Tríante Party to curb immigration. Proponents of the new law say it will condemn the actions of "unsavoury" governments, and critics say it will harm the Sertian position within the EU, as well as trade with potential partners such as the Istkalenian state.
“It is an inhumane, unjust, confusing and poorly worded, and completely unnecessary law, and to be honest I feel we've ruined our relations with some countries by banishing their diplomats and foreign officials. We should focus on making agreements, not enemies.”
The government has yet to publish any guidance for sanctioned parties, leaving many affected people confounded and unsure what to do. Sanction notifications were sent out on Friday at 00:00 when the law went into effect.
The list of sanctioned countries will be reviewed the last day of each month.