Parties and Platform:
Clan Socialist Party(Páirtí Sóisialach Chlann):
Leader:Róise Ní Fiannachta MacLuinge
Stance:Centre Left/Left
Develop Free trade deals with socialist powers in Europe
Oppose any privatisation in key economic sectors
Support increased role of government in society and the economy
Social Poilicy:
Oppose any measures to legalise hatred and discrimination towards LGBT and Women
Support increased access to sexual health services in Strathae
Increase proportion of men in politics in and leadership roles in Strathae
Increase penalties for hate speech
Introduce policy of life in prison for killing any animals without a permit
Border and Law enforcement:
Maintain current immigration policy of citizenship after 25 consecutive years of marriage
Increase border force budget to and citizenship department budget to increase border security
The Alternative/An rogha eile:
Leader:Searlait Mhic Cuairt Sgot
Develop Free trade deals to boost economy
Liberalise transport Sector by allow private competition while maintaining state owned companies in form clan owned co-operative companies
Increase access to work residency visas to maintain pool of labour for companies and co-operatives
Move to a fairer more democratic system while maintaing importance of Clan voting
Social Poilicy:
Allow increased freedom of religion in Strathae
Loosen hate speech laws to allow religious views to be expressed in a reasonable manner
Provide support to those shunned in traditional and orthodox Breizhighist communities
Promote end of shunning and increased tolerance for diversity of oppinion in Strathae
Increase proportion of men in politics in and leadership roles in Strathae
Border and Law enforcement:
Give citizenship to anyone who has lived in the country for 20 year
Foreign Policy
Pursue free trade agreements throughout EU
Work with other countries to counter climate change threat within Bergen framework
Maintain a foreign policy of supporting countries who embrace democracy and liberty
Party of Tradition(Páirtí an Traidisiúin):
Leader:Blair Gobnet McLucais
Develop Free trade deals to boost economy
Liberalise transport Sectory
Provide loans to small businesses at discounted rate in order to provide oppurtunity
Social Poilicy:
Ban any religious head coverings within Strathae
Increase restrictions on hate speech with instant deportation for hate speech
Ban import of religious garments that are oppressive into Strathae
Kick out any immigrants who show discrimination or hatred towards the LGBT or women
Introduce policy of life in prison for killing any animals without a permit
Introduce new anti-cult laws targeted at Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Judaism and Islam to protect against foreign cults
Border and Law enforcement:
Increase lenghth of marriage required for citizenship to 30 years
Increase background checks on immigrants
Ban immigration for people from most bigoted countries
Make social media responsible for taking down any hate speech on their website within 4 days
Foreign Policy
Increase Trade relations throughout the EU
Work with other countries to counter climate change threat
Maintain a neutral diplomatic foreign policy