I submit for voting a change to the Caspian Treaty removing the following clause
Amendment I :
IX. Military vessels belonging to countries without a coastline on the Caspian Sea that enters the Caspian Sea may not travel outside the territorial waters of the United Duchies, or any country whose coastline on the Caspian Sea borders that of the United Duchies, except for humanitarian purposes.
The Caspian Sea Authority may, by a unanimous vote of the Caspian Council, choose to grant certain countries or specific vessels further naval access to the Caspian Sea.

We also propose the following amendment to the treaty :
Amendment II
IV. The Caspian Sea Authority recognizes that each member is entitled to 24 nautical miles of territorial waters from their contiguous coastline, and 200 nautical miles of Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

IV. The Caspian Sea Authority recognizes that the territorial waters of each member extends no further than 24 nautical miles from their contiguous coastline, or as otherwise prescribed by EU Law.
V. The Caspian Sea Authority also grants members exclusive rights to exploit natural resources within an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) extending no further than 200 nautical miles from their contiguous coastline.

We believe this is necessary to pass a wider freedom of navigation act in the EU Council that will benefit the wider European Union and bring the treaty in line with international norms.

Caspian Councillor for United Duchies