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Members of the European Commission

  • RE: RTD 24

    alt text
    Moderate security pledges
    The Moderate Party today unveiled its security policy going forward for the Duchies. The party has been on a journey since the Red Attacks and terrorist attacks in the last few years in the Duchies. The party stopped the rollback of the smart CCTV system.

    The party pledged the following policies:

    1. Increasing smart cctv network to at least 7 million Smart CCTV facial recognition cameras within 3 years from election and creation of a unified Duchies Guard smart CCTV network.
    2. Linking up private CCTV cameras in publically accessible places into a Duchies Guard smart CCTV network.
    3. Installation of smart CCTV cameras into all sensitive locations for national security.
    4. Incentivise residents to ingetrate private CCTV feeds facing public streets and corridors into a Duchies Guard smart CCTV network.
    5. Increase policing around the nation by boosting police officer numbers by at least25% over 4 years.

    The policies have been opposed by the Liberal Party who described the policies as "an assualt on liberty and privacy of all Duchians totally disproportionate to the threat from crime and violence" and pledging to remove smart CCTV at the first chance it gets. Meanwhile the Moderate Party rebuffed this statement saying "We believe smart CCTV expansion is a vital tool in our crime fighting arsenal. We believe that the safety and security benefits it brings to the public cannot be overstated." The PSD are officially supportive of a "smart CCTV policy with safeguards" while Unus support more security and tougher sentencing than the Moderate Policy with Unus saying "Just increasing smart CCTV is not enough. We need to increase background checks on immigrants , stop politically correct policing and institute a random stop and search policy with no right to refuse the stop and search and requirement for all citizens to identify themselves to police when asked. The Moderate Party and the UoD are frankly weak on this issue."

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: RTD 24

    Election poll of polls 24/07/2024

    Party % Seats Now % of Seats now Projected Seats Increase Decrease % of Seats Projection Seat % Change
    The left 0.37% 29 3.57% 2 -27 0.27% -3.30%
    IUAC 0.09% 1 0.12% 0 -1 0.00% -0.12%
    PSD*: 22.41% 158 19.46% 169 11 22.53% 3.08%
    Liberal Party*: 9.10% 102 12.56% 68 -34 9.07% -3.49%
    Moderate Party*: 34.32% 232 28.57% 258 26 34.40% 5.83%
    Union of Democrats: 0.15% 111 13.67% 1 -110 0.13% -13.54%
    Unus 17.83% 90 11.08% 134 44 17.87% 6.78%
    AFD 15.73% 88 10.84% 118 30 15.73% 4.90%
    Total: 100.00% 812 100.00% 750 -62 100.00% -
    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: Feeling the Caribbean Breeze

    Alberto laughed when Fornithias mentioned how often he eats Iberian Ham, as he found it funny. He wanted to clarify that, despite the strange arrival the Sertians had performed, there had been no inconvenients: «The creative entry has not been an inconvenient to anyone, Mr. Cranst. The Gibraltarean Government even told me you gave them less trouble than some ships do when going through the Strait!», Feijóo added, laughing.

    Then, the Spanish President proceeded to address the immigration topic: «I am pretty aware of the Sertian potential, and specially of its capabilities to go through an industrial revolution. Spain is open to any investment in the region, I must say, and certain enterprises like Iberdrola are interested in bringing clean sources of energy into the island. You know, useful things for everyone that also save the planet. But as we both know, we need to adapt to the Caribbean needs, and it is known by mostly everyone in Spain that there is a slower rythym there than here. I can see why many new soliders choose Sertia as their destinarion, and the feedback we are receiving is good, right General Brown?». Carlos then nodded at the question the President asked, and smiled.

    «However, and as you may be aware of, I cannot force anyone to move into Sertia, Mr. Cranst. Yet, there are certain ways to make the move to Sertia more attractive than it is right now. Maybe some tax deductions for those willing to move there and work might be useful, at least for the first year, whatever you can afford. Also, we could increase conectivity between Spain and Sertia, with more flights between our nations. Sadly, ferries are not over the table, due to the long distance between us. It is also important to mention that there is free movement and trade between our nations, thanks to the agreements that Spain signed with Nofoaga and that were then taken by the CCCC once your nation and Nofoaga unified certain political matters, so that is also an advantage. Have you thought on something else? Is this okay to you?», Feijóo inquired.

    Then, Feijóo put another topic over the table, as he thought that using turns to speak about the topics on the agenda was the best way to handle a summit: «I believe I have introduced you before, but in case I haven't, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Benedicto, the Director-General of the Spanish Space Agency. He is accompaning us today as he wanted to meet the Sertian astronaut that alongside the two Spanish astronauts and the Nofoagan astronaut, is going to be on that rocket that we will launch from Sertia to the Moon. He also insisted on allowing him to explain to you some mission details», Feijóo said.

    Francisco then started to speak: «Mr. Cranst, first allow me to express my gratitude on behalf of the whole AEE for allowing Spain to build a spaceport in Sertia, as well as for the trust you Government has deposited on us. That said, it is an honour to meet you, as it is to meet the astronaut that will represent your country in this adventure, and as President Feijóo said, I wanted to give you some details of our Mission to the Moon. As you might have already seen on the news, the mission will take place on January 2025. I can now tell you that we will make our first attempt on January 11th, and if weather conditions allow us, that will be the start date. On January 15th, we expect that the crew lands in the Moon, placing the Spanish, Nofoagan, Sertian and the Spanish Space Agency flags, as well as a commemorative flag designed for the occasion. The day after, on January 16th, after approximately 20 hours on the Moon and performing some tests and collecting some rocks, the crew will take off from the Moon. They are expected to land on January 19th in any sea of the European Union, but our intention is that they land somewhere where we will not be disturbed, that is, the Atlantic or the Pacific Oceans. If you want to know anything more, make any objections or add anything, your comments are really welcomed», Francisco said, proceeding to drink some water from his glass.

    posted in Politics and Incidents
  • RE: Duchian Broadcast Media

    News TV channels

    Channel /Syndicate Channel Broadcaster Language Focus Free to Watch/Listen Adverts
    RTD 24 RTD English News and current affairs Y N
    RTD 24 Deutsch RTD German News and current affairs Y N
    RTD 24 Dutch RTD Dutch News and current affairs Y N
    RTD Parliament RTD English Parliamentary Proceedings Y N
    RTD Parliament Deutsch RTD German Parliamentary Proceedings Y N
    RTD Parliament Dutch RTD Dutch Parliamentary Proceedings Y N
    RTI 24 RTI English News and Current Affairs Y Y
    RTI D24 RTI German News and Current Affairs Y Y
    ART 24 ART English News and politics Y Y
    ART D24 ART German News and politics Y Y
    CNN Warner Bros Discovery Inc. English News Y Y
    CBN 24 CBN English News and Politics N N
    CBN D24 CBN English News and Politics N N
    CBN 24 Dutch CBN Dutch News N N
    CBN Supseaxe Dutch CBN Dutch Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    CBN Cair Para Senate CBN English Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    CBN Supseaxe Senate CBN English Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    CBN Doornevale Senate CBN English Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    CBN Aranvale Senate CBN English Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    CBN Cair Para Senat CBN German Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    CBN Supseaxe Senat CBN German Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    CBN Doornevale Senat CBN German Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    CBN Aranvale Senat CBN German Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    EBS 24 EBS English News and Politics N N
    EBS D24 EBS German News and Politics N N
    EBS 24 Dutch EBS Dutch News and Politics N N
    EBS Albion Senate EBS English Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    EBS Baltica Senate EBS English Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    EBS Albion Senat EBS German Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    EBS Baltica Senat EBS German Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    RTW 24 RTW English News and Politics N N
    FRW 24 RTW German News and Politics N N
    RTW Senate RTW English Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    FRW Senat RTW German Parliamentary Proceedings N N
    CBC News CBC English News Y N
    KBS International KBS Korean News N Y
    Yonhap News Yonhap Korean News N Y
    Arirang News Arirang Korean News N Y
    BBC News(International) BBC English News Y N
    Aba samācāra Surya Media Hindi News N Y
    Baagh caubīsa Baagh Media Hindi News N Y
    CNBC NBCUniversal English News N Y
    LBC News 24 Leagioan Broadcasting Company English News Y N
    Palico News Palico News English News Y Y
    Canal Internacional Canal Spanish News Y N
    TVE Internacional TVE Spanish News Y N
    EU News EU News English News Y Y
    posted in The European Factbook
  • Duchian Broadcast Media

    Duchian Broadcast Media:
    TV and Radio:
    TV and Radio are regulated media . All TV news channels must maintain impartiality and invite all political parties on to any panels. Content may not show political bias on tv or radio towards any one party or political organisation. If these are not followed the broadcast license may be removed , any rights to an office in the country may be removed or fines may be levied against the organisation for every offense against impartiality. The main organisations are as follows:

    Media Organisations: Region: TV Channels Radio Stations Public or Private: Free to Air Ratings % Average: Households Reach Reach %:
    RTD Nationwide 28 22 Public Funded Yes 21.90% 114,868,755 100.00%
    CBN Cair Para, Supseaxe,Doornevale and Aranvale 22 14 Public Funded Yes 7.50% 57,807,906 50.33%
    EBS Baltica, Albion 11 8 Public Funded Yes 6.80% 29,661,105 25.50%
    RTW Westseaxna 13 9 Public Funded Yes 7.20% 26,789,990 23.32%
    RTI Nationwide 18 0 Private Yes 12.50% 114,868,755 100.00%
    ART Nationwide 16 0 Private Yes 9.60% 114,868,755 100.00%
    Roscoes Media Nationwide 23 0 Private No 7.80% 114,868,755 100.00%
    DiTV Nationwide 9 0 Private Yes 2.10% 114,868,755 100.00%
    Disney Inc Nationwide 10 4 Private No 2.32% 114,868,755 100.00%
    Warner Bros Discovery Inc. Nationwide 16 0 Private No 3.02% 114,868,755 100.00%
    Paramount Global Nationwide 24 0 Private Mix 6.90% 114,868,755 100.00%
    Ziggo Nationwide 7 0 Private No 3.10% 114,868,755 100.00%
    Telecable Nationwide 6 0 Private No 1.70% 114,868,755 100.00%
    NBC Universal Nationwide 5 0 Private No 2.90% 114,868,755 100.00%
    NRG Nationwide 0 13 Private Yes - 114,868,755 100.00%
    GRG Nationwide 0 19 Private Yes - 114,868,755 100.00%
    Other Nationwide 434 23 Private - 4.66% 114,868,755 100.00%
    Total: - 642 112 - - 100.00% 114,868,755 100.00%

    Newspapers and Political Magazines:
    The United Duchies media requires newspapers be impartial and objective. To this end they must present all viewpoints .Newspapers may not favour a political party though religious newspapers may promote a certain religious point of view. To get a newspaper license the newspaper must agree to these conditions . Foreign ownership of newspapers is not allowed under law.Newspapers may host oppinion pieces but must have opinion pieces divided equally between all political parties.Failure to follow these rules will lead to potential closure or financial fines and sanctions per offense.

    Any partisan publications must avoid the use of the word news in any description of it and outwardly state its political bias. They may also not be sold in the newspaper section but instead in the magazine section.

    Newspapers: Average Sales Price Owner Type of Media Stance Language Circulation Marketshare
    DuchiesTimes 2.00 Times and Mail Group Newspaper Neutral English 407,771 1.48%
    Duchies Mail 1.30 Times and Mail Group Newspaper Neutral English 625,463 2.27%
    Die Presse 1.60 Times and Mail Group Newspaper Neutral German 213,456 0.77%
    Trouw 1.80 Time and Mail Group Newspaper Neutral Dutch 198,623 0.72%
    Duchies Telegraph 2.00 News Duchies Group Newspaper Neutral English 294,277 1.07%
    Blick 2.00 News Duchies Group Newspaper Neutral German 198,765 0.72%
    Dux Post 1.40 The Post and Courier Group Newspaper Neutral English 835,757 3.03%
    De Telegraaf 1.65 The Post and Courier Group Newspaper Neutral Dutch 224,560 0.81%
    Kurier 2.00 The Post and Courier Group Newspaper Neutral German 203,456 0.74%
    The Independent 2.00 Independent Group Newspaper Neutral English 224,967 0.82%
    Der Bund 2.00 Independent Group Newspaper Neutral German 145,678 0.53%
    Business Times 2.50 Business Times Group Political Magazine Capitalist English 259,612 0.94%
    WirtschaftsBlatt 2.50 Business Times Group Political Magazine Capitalist German 210,234 0.76%
    De Tijd 2.50 Business Times Group Political Magazine Capitalist Dutch 140,350 0.51%
    Financial Telegragh 2.50 - Political Magazine Capitalist English 194,280 0.70%
    The i 0.85 Independent Group Political Magazine Liberal English 505,367 1.83%
    Able Times 0.75 - Newspaper Disability news English 194,135 0.70%
    Socialist Star 1.25 Socialist Press Group Political Magazine Left Wing English 792,803 2.88%
    Volksstimme 1.25 Socialist Press Group Political Magazine Left Wing German 102,475 0.37%
    The Courier 0.75 The Post and Courier Group Newspaper Neutral English 805,569 2.92%
    Christian Post 1.25 - Newspaper Christian English 152,770 0.55%
    Orthodox Post 1.15 - Newspaper Orthodox English 141,990 0.51%
    Hope Times 1.00 Hope Media Newspaper Christian English 105,691 0.38%
    Metro 0.00 Times and Mail Group Newspaper Neutral English 1,431,610 5.19%
    Morning Standards 0.00 News Duchies Group Newspaper Neutral English 1,355,991 4.92%
    Express Post 0.75 News Duchies Group Political Magazine Populist English 1,069,532 3.88%
    De Standaard 0.85 News Duchies Group Political Magazine Populist Dutch 310,203 1.13%
    Stimme 1.00 Alternative Press Group Newspaper German langauge/German Speaking World German 304,223 1.10%
    20 Minuten 0.00 Alternative Press Group Newspaper Commuter Newspaper German 1,210,234 4.39%
    De Volkskrant 1.10 Alternative Press Group Newspaper Dutch interest Dutch 201,024 0.73%
    Sawt Alhaqiqa 1.00 - Newspaper Islamic Arabic 101,409 0.37%
    Alnabiu Alyawmiu 1.00 - Newspaper Islamic Arabic 116,765 0.42%
    Jewish Star 1.00 - Newspaper Reform Judaism Hebrew 175,686 0.64%
    Yated Duchies 1.00 - Newspaper Orthodox/Haredi Hebrew 79,148 0.29%
    National Cryer 0.90 National Duchies Press Newspaper Neutral English 808,309 2.93%
    Der Tagesspiegel 1.50 National Duchies Press Newspaper Neutral German 189,756 0.69%
    Algemeen Dagblad 1.15 National Duchies Press Newspaper Neutral Dutch 320,340 1.16%
    Cair Para Times 1.50 National Duchies Press Newspaper Neutral English 571,973 2.07%
    Gouda Post 1.50 The Post and Courier Group Newspaper Neutral English 332,029 1.20%
    Northern Journal 1.10 Northern Media Group Political Magazine Leaning Centre Right English 519,539 1.88%
    Salvation Post 0.00 ICS Church Newspaper ICS English 1,415,256 5.13%
    Christian Today 1.00 - Newspaper Pentecostal/Charismatic English 36,546 0.13%
    The Messenger 1.00 Northern Media Group Newspaper Catholic English 346,827 1.26%
    Only Good News 1.00 Alternative Press Group Newspaper Only good news reported English 469,590 1.70%
    First News 1.40 Alternative Press Group Newspaper Child Focused English 125,807 0.46%
    Duchian Patriot 0.85 PMG Political Magazine National Conservative English 466,341 1.69%
    Täglich Alles 0.80 PMG Political Magazine National Conservative German 346,460 1.26%
    Other Newspapers/Local - - - - - 8,090,875 29.34%
    Total/Average 1.26 - - 27,573,523 100.00%
    posted in The European Factbook
  • RE: The Wind Rose

    «His concessions are dangerous, and I share the sentiment of him always being anxious about everything. Just look at that CCTV policy of his, with facial recognition, it reminds me to some utopic novels about dictatorships. At least the United Duchies remains democratic, for now...», Alberto said. «I also believe that Simon Bridges would be more dangerous outside of the European Union than inside it, and if it were to be a nuclear Reitzmag, I doubt certain powers would allow it. Spain would not, that is for sure: any nation that does not lie under the ENAA's regulations is a threat to us, and to regional peace. But they seem to be leaving soon over the Right to Divorce recognition, so I doubt they are authorised considering the ENAA does not like erratic behaviours».

    Feijóo then decided to address the request from the Istkalenian Prime Minister: «The Kingdom of Spain is open to increase its military coordination with Istkalen, as it is to sell arms and our many military products. Our Defence Ministers will be able to sort that out: tell the team at the Ministry to send us a list, and we will get into it. I am glad that you agree with the sentiment that Minister Mordaunt and I share, and I believe that even if the current international order may be falling, it is our duty to avoid its defeat to lies. Correct me if I am wrong, but some rumours have arrived to Moncloa recently about certain wish of the Istkalenian Government to join the Treaty of Telum. Are these rumours correct or are they just rumours? By the way, for the delivery of the equipment, we could just get them into Istkalen through the Inimican base if needed. Pretty sure Emperor Artabanos will authorise it, mostly to the strong ties between both nations».

    «I also wanted to speak about trade. In the last summit between our nations, my team has notified me that President Aguilar and President Rikkalek agreed on free trade in the electronics sectors, as well as lower controls on the exports of cobalt and uranium to Spain. They agreed to talk about lumber on a future summit that never happened, but first I wanted to know if these agreements are still in place -the President said, stopping to drink some water- If they are, which I guess they are as we have not received any notification stating the opposite, I would like to reaffirm my Government's compromise with those agreements. I was wondering about what else Istkalen has to offer in exports, and if you would be interested on any Spanish products. Furthermore, would it be possible to explore some sort of extra supply of REM from Istkalen? We actually receive our REM from Czech Slavia, which is of amazing quality, I must confess. But the military is pushing to get another secret source of REM, for the sake of diversification», Alberto explained. During Aguilar's Presidency, the former President had created a national reserve of those materials, which received new amounts every month. Getting to know if Istkalen was willing to supply REM to Spain in secret was important to continue with those plans.

    posted in Politics and Incidents
  • RE: Spain News Media


    A digital nomad, in the Canary Islands

    The Spanish Government has announced the creation of a new type of visa for digital nomads, which will allow freelancers and remote workers from nations with no free movement agreements with Spain to live and work in the country for up to five years, starting August 1st, using exclusively computer telematics and telecommunication media and systems; making it the first country of the European Union to have these types of visas available. According to Minister of Industry, Trade, Tourism and Energy, Thierry Breton; the introduction of this new type of visa will make Spain one of the "most attractive destinations" for nomads.

    To apply for this type of visa, interested individuals shall submit their application at their nearest Spanish embassy or consulate. The first step to be able to request this visa is showing that the work you do can be done remotely and working for a company that has been in business for at least one year. When it comes to self-employed citizens willing to become digital nomads in Spain, they have to show that you are well-established and have a steady stream of clients. In addition, they can work with Spain-based companies as long as it doesn't make up more than 20% of your overall workload. The Spanish Government has set other requirements for these nomads, such as holding a bachelor's or master's degree from a legitimate university, college, or business school, or have at least three years of relevant work experience in their current professional field; being financially stable (with an income of 2,280€ per month or 30,840€ per year) and having a clean criminal record. The application fee is 80€ and if they are approved, nomads will have to apply for their NIF and NIE. Taxation for these nomads is also attractive: these non-residents will be subject to a 24% tax rate, applicable up to 600,000€ per year, with any earning above this amount being taxed at a 48%.

    Many regions are already expecting a growth in their foreign residents stats, specially the well-known Spanish tourist hotspots, like Andalucía, the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands; or some quieter places, like the Spanish Micronesia, Puerto Rico or the islands that belong to Portugalia. In San Juan (Puerto Rico), citizens are not concerned about the arrival of these wealthy workers: «if their arrival contributes to the well-being of our island, and to tackle down housing prices while improving our public services, we will welcome them with open hands», said Juliana, a 30-year old woman with a child. In the Spanish Micronesia, where space is severely limited, the hotels are expected to receive the bigger influx of digital nomads: «we are eager to see if this new visas bring some more dynamism to the local economy, while having higher incomes», says Asou, the owner of a little hostel in the main island of the region.

    posted in European News Consortium
  • RE: Feeling the Caribbean Breeze

    «Mr. Cranst! Welcome to the Palacio de la Moncloa, it is an honour to meet you», Alberto said while both leaders shook hands. Cranst had disembarked in Gibraltar, and the roadtrip to Madrid had been long. Then, both proceeded to the Salón Tapiès, where two glasses of water and a cooled room thanks to air conditioning awaited. After the press left them alone, the members of both delegations entered the room, with Feijóo and Fornithias greeting them: on the Spanish side, the President was joined by General Carlos Brown, the Agencia Espacial Española Director-General, Francisco-Javier Benedicto Ruiz; and the Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Esteban González Pons; who joined at the last minute after Moncloa received information about the presence of the Sertian Councillor, Éduditalle Dína.

    Once everyone has been greeted, and all sat down, Feijóo proceeded to talk: «I believe this is the first time I see this room so crowded, -he laughed slightly- and I am very glad that this happens alongside our Sertian friends and allies. Before we start dealing with the several topics we have in our agendas, I wanted to personally convey you my Government's and I personal commitment with the Caribbean and its interests. We will never let your nation down, Mr. Cranst. Do you like Iberian Ham, by the way? I told my attendants about the idea of gifting you and your family a leg of Jamón, so if you like it, we can personally leave it on the tallship and you could enjoy it on your way back to Sertia». After that, the President smiled.

    «Now, let's get into business, shouldn't we?», asked Feijóo. «I would like you to go first, Mr. Cranst. What topics would you like to discuss?», inquired the President once more.

    posted in Politics and Incidents

    My excuses for the delay. Voting on the amendments has concluded. The voting results are the following:

    • With 1 vote FOR and 2 votes AGAINST, Amendment I has FAILED.
    • With 2 votes FOR and 1 vote AGAINST, Amendment II has PASSED.

    The proposal has been updated accordingly.

    Final voting begins NOW and will last until 09:46 GMT on July 25th, 2024.

    On behalf of the Kingdom of Spain, I vote FOR this Budget.

    Donald Tusk
    Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain

    posted in European Council
  • RE: EU Quality Standard Scheme Act

    Debate begins NOW and will continue until 09:45 GMT on July 25th, 2024.

    Donald Tusk
    Council Speaker and Councillor for Spain

    posted in European Council