Emma Granger for Internal Affairs Commissioner | Forward Together
Acts by Councillor Granger at the EU Council
Emma Granger's Campaign: Day 1
1st Rally
31-05-2021The crowds where huge, people from all over Europe gathered at the Europa Plaza, to see an icon. Then applausses, Emma arrived with a group of women to the atrium; in the background singer Rachel Platten singing Fight Song.
"Thank you! Oh, thank you all! Thank you so very, very much. It is wonderful to be here with all of you."
The crowd shouted on excitement
"Our Union is not a state. It is an act. And what I mean is that this Union is not guaranteed. It is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it, to guard it and never take it for granted; as we have done through out the years as a councillor. And I say we, because we the women have prove that we are not taken for granted, we have a voice in the affairs of this Union."
The crowd erupted in thunderstorming applause
And yes, a strong voice that push our political system which is so paralyzed by gridlock, skepticism, and fear that most Europeans have lost confidence that anything can actually get done. And they’ve lost trust in the ability of both the Council and our Commissioners to change course. Not to populists, skeptics or people who want to stay-and-say-nothing but to changemakers.
At our best, that’s what we progressives do. We’re problem solvers, not deniers. We don’t hide from change, we harness it. The European Progressive Alliance does not copy, does not block and does not hide anything. We work together. Now, there may be some new voices in the Internal Affairs trail, but they’re all singing the same old song…a song called “Yesterday.”
The crowd applauded Granger words
Meeting today’s challenges requires every element of power, including skillful diplomacy, economic influence, and building partnerships to improve lives around the Union with people, not just their governments. Where they the people, have a voice in the manners that happen in their states. And yes, I’ll always seek common ground with friend and opponent alike. But I’ll also stand my ground when I must, to defend the interest written in our European Constitution.
A round of applause took place
For the men and women out there I will say this to you for years, you marched and organized for equality and justice, for our lives, and for our planet. And then, you supported us and delivered a clear message. You chose hope, unity, decency, science, and, yes, truth. Under the Reproductive Act no parent in this Union feels ashamed to talk about periods with their adolescent children.
A round of applause took place
The way we treat and value girls and women is reflected by how we responds to them in their greatest hour of need as we have done under the Child Marriage Act which said a big NO to young wives and and big YES to childhood.
A big round of applause took place
That’s something I did as Councillor and it’s something I will deliver as your next Internal Affairs Commissioner. Let's go forward together!
A thunderstorming applause took place while Granger waved the audience, signed autographs and took photos with them
Emma Granger's Campaign: Day 2
2nd Rally
Port Beauharnais, Nofoaga
01-06-2021Emma Granger visited Nofoaga capital city this morning, where she entered a local school supported by the Montenbourgian government, teaching the importance of climate change to young boys and girls by protecting their local mangroves.
The crowd chanted a local song about preserving the earth
"Good Morning Nofoaga! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this campaign. And today I want to address a situation that affects the lives of not only the boys and girls who live near this mangroves but the whole union; Climate Change. For as long as we’re alive, and the younger you are the more you have on the line, you know our adult lives are going to be dominated by the increased severity and frequency of weather and even crazy chain reactions that happen, as you have seen here in Nofoaga. But also as you the nofoganese people have showed us we must channel all of our energies into a common project — one that unifies every Nofoganese and European, from big cities to rural communities, around this urgent threat and seizes the tremendous opportunity of a new era of climate action."
The crowd erupted in applauses
"We need to save our planet, and we need to let the future generations enjoy our planet as we are enjoying it. If we do it together, we will save our planet. That's why I wholeheartly support the Bergen Climate Change Conference and the agenda mantained by Commissioner Birdane for a common agreement to take action against Climate Change. What our friend Juncker and candidate for Premier call the Green New Deal."
The crowd erupted in applauses
"A bold and achievable Green New Deal. I have a question for those who say that is something not needed, you want to tell people that their concern and their desire for a good soil to live is elitist? tell that to the people of Nofoaga.
The crowd erupted in applauses
"Dense mangrove forests lessen the power of waves before they hit coastal areas. And they are lossing soil because of inaction. Climate Change should not be a partisan issue, it should be a forward vision. Nofoaga, this is not our only you fight, is our fight. Let's get things done together!
The crowd erupted in applauses and chanted local songs about the Earth as a common home
Emma Granger's Campaign: Day 2
3rd Rally
Kazmurbirha, Ruthund
01-06-2021After a long flight from the Caribbean to the north of Europe; Emma was invited by the Ruthenish high officials and members of the Montenbourgian-Ruthund Chamber of Commerce to a Midsummer Ball in honor of the New Year festivities in the nation.
The crowd chanted and applauded, as Emma approached to do a toast
"I'm so thankful for the warm welcome by our northern neighbors, in a Union full of complex threats, our security and leadership depends on all old element of power a strong and principled diplomacy. And today a dance is perhaps one of the strongest tools to find common dialogue and cultural bonds before the signing of any act. That is what unity is about, finding common balls to dance and finding ways to better negotiate. Thank you for this invitation and a big toast for Ruthund!"
In the background Tale as Old as Time
Emma Granger's Campaign: Day 3
4th Rally
Madrid, Kingdom of Spain
02-06-2021Thousands gathered in the capital city of Madrid for the annual Gay Pride March. Emma, was fascinated by the speech that Juncker gave on the rally in Montenbourg. Granger was invited by the mayor of the city of Madrid to pronouce her speech; soon the motorcade advanced towards the platform where thousands waved their pride flags and shouted in favor of the candidate.
"Hola España! Que día más bello para celebrar!."
the crowd erupted shouting and applausses
"We live through times when hate and fear seem stronger. But this march is proof that history remembers. Because Love should never mean having to live in fear. Love has no gender - compassion has no religion - character has no race.
A thunderstorming applause took place
"I’ve been fighting alongside you and others for equal rights and I’m just getting warmed up. That’s a promise, from one woman to another. Being gay is not a European invention. It is a human reality. Yesterday I heard my friend and candidate for Premier, Juncker, saying that the European Union needs to assure basic human rights are accomplished, and if that means that non-tolerant people hate us because we are tolerant, then it's worth to protect millions than just a few; and indeed it its! I pledged to press a new generation of discussions to protect the gay and lesbian community, including penalties on child welfare agencies that discriminate against them, nondiscrimination protections in the military for transgender individuals and laws to help prevent violence against transgender people, many of whom are female minorities.
A thunderstorming applause took place
"We only can achive this by talking, by sitting down and face the reality and simple truth: Love is Love!
A thunderstorming applause took place; as she walked through the stage and waved the public
The Mayor of Madrid said "I want to thank Emma for her wonderful work defending the rights of LGBT+ across the Union. On behalf of the City of Madrid and the organizers of this Pride March we give you this award."
A thunderstorming applause took place
"Madrid, los llevo en mi corazón! Gracias mil! Avancemos juntos!"
Emma Granger's Campaign: Day 4
5th Rally
Telum, Empire of Inimicus
10-06-2021As she arrives at the Plaza Hotel Convention Center, the audience chanted her name. An Imperial Delegation received the candidate. Emma walked up the stage, where she recieved a rose from a Inmician girl called Uma, with the audience cheering and clapping.
A big round of applause took place while some were cheering
"Good morning Telum, the land of our most iconic Emperor of this Union and soil of our current Premier. Thank you very much for this warm welcome to a beautiful city like this, it's a pleasure to campaign here. And Uma, what a beautiful Rose, delicate but not fragile, because her redness irradiates it's beauty. As every beauty it needs protection, such as our Union. Europe's security, is a matter for every single of us, the Europeans to take care of that rose."
The crowd erupted in a loud applause
"The architects of fear have converted conspiracy theories, like the speech of nationalism or elitism, into an instrument for them to advance their agenda. We see this in the speeches of many candidates who say that if your go with the EPA or with Granger you are not on our side, you are either on ours or not...my European friends that is the speech of division. That is the "malarkey", that is the us versus them rethoric. And I as many of us who are gathered here today are sick and tired of that."
The crowd erupted in a loud applause
"When I think about the challenges that we’re facing, I don’t think any one person has all the answers. I think we have to listen to each other and respect each other and celebrate our diversity, because that makes us smarter as well as stronger. But as everything, if it transforms into "I'am the one who will save this, everything is wrong" it has to stop.
The crowd erupted in a loud applause
"Why? Simple, if we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. And that's why we need tools that help defend what is written in our constitution and take what many in this campaign cherish to say but don't do, take action. Taking real action is putting tools such as the Sanctions Act."
The crowd erupted in a loud applause
"But let me be real clear with those who transform our words; I do not imply, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies, or ideologies; Every European nation has the right, to say whatever they wish, as long as we can counter them by rational argument in our Council. Suppression is not the way."
the crowd erupted shouting and applausses
"And yes, we should together as a Union claim that any country actively practicing intolerance against their people, supressing their human rights, going against the press, and against other nations places itself outside the law. Those who preach and act the tenets of these discredited ideologies and countries only contribute to the continued suffering of the people who live under these cruel systems. And as a Union we need tools that condemn and sanction those behaviors."
A thunderstorming applause took place
"Repealing the Sanctioning Powers Act would be a huge mistake and, hear me well, it could risk the whole European Union range of action. We all want a better European Union, but we need a Europe that takes action and say big "NO" to bullies."
A thunderstorming applause took place
Emma Granger's Campaign: Day 5
6th Rally
Prague, Czech Slavia (Virtual)
11-06-2021Zoom call started along with the members of the Czech National Social Party and the Civic Forum
ALOIS ADAMCIK: Emma joins us now from Europolis, hello. We hear you, thank you! what is your message to Czechs today?
EMMA: "Thank you Adamcik for hosting us and thanks to the members of the Czech National Social Party and the Civic Forum. I emulate the good tools of other candidates of being virtually with you. Well, as you know, I stand with every Czech citizen and their righteous struggle for freedom."
"You are true patriots who fight under the common umbrella of dialogue the horrors of communism to find freedom. Now many candidates wish to impose the same system, in the Union as a whole. That's why this election coming up is a very important one. I appreciate you’re all being your great leaders. And I appreciate you being here."
"EPA is the party of freedom. Others fortune on a speech of chaos and disunity. They tear down Acts under the speech of less and put a face on others who think different as elitism and they think it’s good."
"Our campaign and the EPA are building the largest grassroots movement in European history because we will always put Europe first for every European. You’ve seen the crimes and you’ve seen the corruption. You’ve seen the hunger and the suffering, You have protested and protested with respect, but loudly, and you have prayed for the day we can now see which is just ahead — the day when all of the people of this region will at last be free. We have to support your political movements and bring a culture of dialogue."
"The socialists have done all of the same things that totalitarians, communists, have done everywhere they have had a chance to rule bringing appeasement, poverty, hyperinflation, shortages of food and medicine. And the spread of conspiratist theories who only fuel hate."
"I'm here to proclaim that a new day is coming for Czechs, you are standing for freedom and democracy, and I'm standing right by your side as a councillor and future Internal Affairs Commissioner. That's my message, now let's go forward together."
A big round of applause took place
Emma Granger’s concession speech full transcript: Internal Affairs Commissioner
At the Royal Convention Center in Montenbourg“Thank you so very much for being here. I love you all, too. Last night I congratulated Premier Commissioner Čikarová and Internal Affairs Commissioner Daggott and offered them, women to women, to work on behalf of our Union.
“This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for, and I'm sorry we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our Union.
“But I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign that we built together. This vast, diverse, creative, unruly, energized campaign. You represent the best of Europe, and being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life.
“….I want you to remember this.
“Our campaign was never about one person, or even one election. It was about the country we love and building a Union that is hopeful, inclusive, and big-hearted. We have seen that our Union is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in Europe, and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this result and then look to the future. Our democratic principles enshrines the peaceful transfer of power. Just as the right to love.
“We don't just respect that. We cherish it. It also enshrines the rule of law; the principle we are all equal in rights and dignity; freedom of worship and expression. We respect and cherish these values, too, and we must defend them.
“Because, you know, I believe we are stronger together and we will go forward together. And you should never, ever regret fighting for that!”
Aplausses Aplausses