Government Offices || The Kingdom of Montenbourg
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Bordeauxville, Province of Bordeaux—
Rt. Hon.Elizabeth McCord, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Governor-General of Bordeaux sign the Bordeaux Decree announcing the Embargo against The Kingdom of Reitzmag.
“Today as the Union have seen countries such as Reitzmag do not comply with the well-know international order; that’s why as a nation we must put an end to this rethoric, and we are doing it here in our Province of Bordeaux accompanied by Her Grace Lady Minerva Coburga, Grand Duchess of Bordeaux and Governor-General of this Montenbourgian province. Her Grace is descendant John Coburga who’s leadership of the Allied armies fighting anti-king Louis X from 1925 to 1927 consolidated Montenbourg unity she will read the Bordeaux Decree:
Under Her Majesty’s Victoria II, Queen of Montenbourg, considering:
That The Kingdom of Reitzmag does not admit the right of nations as universally acknowledged by all civilized people;
That this unequalled abuse of the right of authority in territories such as Cópala City and áreas such as the Caspian Sea has no other object than to interrupt the communications of different nations, and to extend the commerce and industry of solely on Reitzmag upon the ruin of those of the continent;
ARTICLE I. The Kingdom of Reitzmag is declared in a state of blockade.
ARTICLE II. All commerce and correspondence with the Kingdom of Reitzmag is prohibited. In consequence, letters or packets, addressed either to Reitzmag, to an Reitzmic, shall not pass through the post-office and shall be seized.
ARTICLE III. Every subject of Reitzmag, of whatever rank and condition soever, who shall be found in the Kingdom, shall return to Reitzmag on a period of 24h immediately or will be made a prisoner of war.
ARTICLE IV. All magazines, merchandise, or property whatsoever, belonging to a subject of Reitzmag in Montenbourgian territory, shall be declared lawful prize.
ARTICLE V. The trade in and with the Kingdom of Reitzmag is forbidden; all merchandise belonging to Reitzmag, or coming from its manufactories and colonies, is declared lawful prize.
ARTICLE VI. One half of the proceeds of the confiscation of the merchandise and property; declared good prize by the preceding articles, shall be applied to indemnify the local authorities of Copala City.
Ministry of Defence
Lieutenant General OfficeStatement on Reitzmag Embargo and Prisioners of War
The Kingdom of Montenbourg maintains a comprehensive economic embargo on the Kingdom of Reitzmag. In March 2021, Minister of Foreign Affairs Elizabeth McCord with the Governor-General of Bordeaux proclaimed an embargo on trade between Montenbourg and Reitzmag, in response to certain actions taken by the Reitzmic Government in Copala City, and directed the Departments of Commerce and the Treasury to implement the embargo, which remains in place today.
Common sense and national security both dictate that if a country wants to fully participate in Montenbourg programs, they should also comply with all democracy promotion and counter-terrorism measures. We annouce today that in the violation of 24h period there were present in Montenbourg at the moment of the embargo eleven (11) Reitzmic citizens whom are made prisioners of war as dictated in the Bordeaux Decree.
I have send orders to the provincial military commanders to designate "military areas" from which this persons may be excluded.
As we know today they aren't any Montenbourgians present in Reitzmag soil.
We call for a prisioners exchange with the condition that Copala City may be permitted effective inmediatly the promotion of fair elections and referendum with the full participation of the European observers.
God Save the Queen!
Lt. Gen. Claire Hale
Her Majesty Minister of Defence -
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Montague, Kingdom of MontenbourgStatement on the election of Emma Granger as Chair of EPA
On behalf of the Montenbourgian cabinet I would like to congratulate Her Majesty's Councillor to the European Council, and friend Emma Granger with their nomination victory after a close race.
This election only talks further on the importance of Montenbourg in the bonds of friendship that unites the countries in the hopes of a better Union. We Her Majesty's Goverment, and all Montenbourg wish best of luck to our dearest Councillor.
God Save the Queen!
Rt. Hon. Elizabeth McCord
Her Majesty Minister of Foreign Affairs -
Lexington House
Prime Minister's OfficeNo. 008 PM Statement on Itskalen Declaration of War
"Good Evening! Today we stand with the @Kingdom-of-Reitzmag and the Union. The gravity of the situation which confronts our Union today necessitates my appearance before you members of the press. The foreign policy and the national security of this country are involved. I do not believe that the Montenbourgian people and the Parliament wish to turn a deaf ear to the appeal of the Reitzmic Government. We understand that this goes beyond the current situation on the auntonomy of Copalians which this government supports but a greater call is upon us.
The Union is not static, and the status quo is not sacred. But we cannot allow changes in the status quo in violation of the Charter of the European UNion by such methods as coercion, or by such subterfuges as political infiltration. In helping free and independent nations to maintain their freedom, the Kingdom of Montenbourg will be giving effect to the principles under this Union stands.
I believe that it must be the policy of the Kingdom of Montenbourg to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.
I hereby suspend the economic blockade against Reitzmac Government under the Bordeaux Decree and calls the liberation of the reitzmic citizens under the military areas prompted by the Minister of Defense.
In that sense I authorize the detail of Montenbourgian civilian and military personnel to the Reitzmag Kingdom, at their request, to assist in the tasks of aid and support against the Itskalen forces.
The seeds of totalitarian regimes are nurtured by misery and want. They spread and grow in the evil soil of poverty and strife. They reach their full growth when the hope of a people for a better life has died. We must keep that hope alive."
God Save the Queen!
Xavier Bettel,
Prime Minister of Montenbourg -
Lexington House
Prime Minister's OfficeNo. 009 PM Statement on the Motion of ERF deployment in Istkalen
"Good Evening! I join our friends from Spain and Inimicus that a possible occupation and annexation of Reitzmag on Istkalen will not be supported by Her Majesty's Government. Thats why Her Majesty Councillor to the European Council the Honorable Emma Granger has authored a motion supporting the deployment of the European Relief Forces in Istkalen soil to find a peaceful transition to a democratic order.
We condemn the disgraceful aggression originating from the Federation of Istkalen, and support the European Commission and Council taking appropriate Sanctions action against it. And support the Reitzmic Government's actions of territorial defence and maintenance of its own stately integrity, but we do not want or endorse another Copalian situation in the region. We call the governments of the Union to unite against chaos and fight for unity.
That's why we endorse the presence of Montenbourgian forces in the upcoming deployment of the European Relief Forces and support the presence of a Flag Commissioner none related to the parties involved in the conflict. We will use all diplomatic and economic means at our disposal to convince those who want to perpetuarte war and call to abandon an occupation-centered dilemma in the Itskalen soil.
God Save the Queen!
Xavier Bettel,
Prime Minister of Montenbourg -
Lexington House
Prime Minister's OfficeNo. 010: PM Press Conference
SPEAKER: Ladies and gentlemen, the Right and Honorable Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Montenbourg.
PM BETTEL: Thank you very much. Thank you. Beautiful out here this time of year. My fellow Montenbourgians I greet you this morning from Lexington House, open to recieve your questions.
- Does the Prime Minister support bipartisan border legislation in the Parliament right now that would ban individuals or groups from impersonating CBP's enforcement of the border?
PM BETTEL: Yes, absolutely.
- Does the Prime Minister support a rollback of gun control in all provinces and a possible amendment to guarantee concealed cary of any gun to any member of the public?
PM BETTEL: No. I would, however, consider legislation pertaining to a national concealed carry policy.
- What is your prefered policy measure (pick top one) for combating climate change?
PM BETTEL: The way I would fight climate change would be to set a tax that would target large businesses that give of large amounts of CO2, and use the money from the tax to subsidize alternative energy (including nuclear power) and encourage subway/bus usage.
- What steps has Her Majesty's Government taken to improve mental health support in schools, colleges and universities?
PM BETTEL: We are planning to take steps to improve mental health support in schools, such as making more funding available for councillors, reforming how examination works in the Kingdom and investing in free tutoring so all students have the support they need.
- Does the Prime Minister agree that we should seek to reform our tax system to minimize distortions and therefore increase economic growth?
PM BETTEL: I presume that the member is talking about market distortions which is incidental to the application of consumption taxes on the people, and yes, I would hope to create less distortion of prices as we are in the position to exercise trade liberalisation and we have the ability to account for poorer people of the Kingdom who would be spending more proportions of their income on goods that are distorted by government taxes. Of course, it is not easy to account for everything and we need to keep our revenue at a strong level in order to match our spending, but reform of the tax system is always worth looking at to make it more equitable and fair for everyone.
- The parties to the J-TAI are conducting negotiation in Itskalen. How does Montenbourg evaluate the current Reitzmag advance situation and the prospect of the negotiation, even though Councillor Granger procedeed with a motion of ERF deployment? What role is Montenbourg playing in the negotiation?
PM BETTEL: The Itskalen situation is now at a critical juncture. As we speak, the J-TAI parties are discussing in Itskalen issues that comply with Reitzmic side. Meanwhile, we in Montenbourg do the things as should be done, talking; Councillor Granger has proceeded with the proper motion that needs to be enacted together, to prevent other situations promoted by Reitzmag in very well known regions. Her Majesty's Government hopes all parties will consolidate and continue the current momentum, and reach an early consensus on bringing all Europe together on this issue.
Montenbourg firmly upholds the authority and effectiveness of the European Relief Forces as means of peace and stability in Itskalen.
- Is Reitzmag currently under sanctions?
PM BETTEL: Well after the situation of war in Itskalen we push for Her Majesty Royal Airforce in the air soil, then they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, and we couldn’t do that. We have Copala City wanting autonomy and they put themselves out of the Buckingham Treaty.
- So, all the sanctions that are currently in existence remain, sir?
PM BETTEL: They’re in place. You know, I was watching as a lot of you folks over the weeks have said, “Oh, we’ve given up.” We haven’t given up anything. And frankly, I think Her Majesty end up being very good friends with their King, and I think they have tremendous potential. I’ve been telling everybody: They have tremendous potential. Unbelievable potential. But we’re going to see.
But it was about sanctions. I mean, they wanted sanctions lifted but they weren’t willing to do what is expected.
- How is the Foreign Office currently working with other nations to combat the growing political and economic threat of Reitzmag?
PM BETTEL: Look, ongoing discussions are being had to address growing international influence of the Retizmic government and proactive steps are being taken to address their lack of respect for human rights. Well, thank you everybody.
- Prime Minister..... Prime Minsiter.... Excuse me...
Lexington House
Prime Minister's OfficeNo. 011: On the ERF deployment in Itskalen.
———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ————
“Good morning! After the passing of the Motion presented by our delegation calling the Deployment of the European Relief Forces on the territories of Itskalen, by Councillor Emma Granger; and seen the escalade of tensions in the region I formally call our ally governments of @Spain @Inimicus and supporters of this motion to enact effective and immediately the session for the deployment of the Relief Forces in the area.
Europe doesn’t need another protectorate of any country, the European Council have spoken.”
Xavier Bettel
Prime Minister of Montenbourg -
Lexington House
Prime Minister's OfficeNo. 12: On the open dialogue with Itskalen.
After the Repeal Motion of the Deployment of the ERF in @Istkalen; I have asked the Foreign Minister, Elizabeth McCord, to travel to the region to meet with Ilest Kerel, Minister of State of Istkalen and other key partners such as @Spain. Where she will discuss our continued commitment to the region stability and the coordinated effort to ensure assistance reaches for a democratic establishment in the country.
Xavier Bettel
Prime Minister of Montenbourg -
Lexington House
Prime Minister's OfficeNo. 13: On the Crisis in Istkalen.
"Good Evening, Foreign Minister McCord and I have been briefed on the horrific almost hostile situation that took place after the The Joint Transitional Authority for Istkalen annouced a No-Fly Zone in the area in the midst of the Foreign Ministers summit; God Bless our security staff that effective and inmediatly took action bringing our Foreign Minister home.
I am deeply concerned by the escalating violence and the hardening of regional divisions in multiple parts of Istkalen propelled by the Joint Transitional Authority. The large-scale human rights abuses taking place, including widespread sexual violence, are unacceptable and must end. Istkalean families of every background and heritage deserve to live in peace and security in their country. Political wounds cannot be healed through coercion.
The Kingdom of Montenbourg is committed to helping Istkalen address these challenges, working with the European Union to establish a truthful democratic transition. Montenbourg European Council representative Councillor Emma Granger is leading a renewed diplomatic effort to help peacefully resolve and deploy the European Relief Foreces, including a resolution of a renegotiation of the Instrument of Surrender under a Memorandum of Understanding that meets the needs of all parties.
Montenbourg’s diplomacy reflect our values: defending freedom, upholding universal rights, respecting the rule of law, and treating every person with dignity, including the people of Istkalen. I call our friends from @Inimicus, @Spain, the United Duchies, @Nofoaga and other allies to act together to stop another Copala situation."
Xavier Bettel,
Prime Minister of Montenbourg -
Lexington House
Prime Minister's OfficeNo. 14: Removal of Government Officials & Calling of General Elections.
“Good Evening! Press and citizens of Montenbourg; I have just chaired a meeting of the cabinet, where we agreed that the government should call a general election, to be held on 30 June.
“I want to explain the reasons for that decision, what will happen next and the choice facing the people when you come to vote in this election. But firstly the Minister of Defense Claire Hale and the Minister of Commerce Francis Underwood, have being ousted of Her Majesty’s Government and Cabinet.
"Last Tuesday, after Parliament voted No-Confidence Vote on my persona. I hear and will move forward under the needed certainty, stability and strong leadership, and since I became prime minister the government has delivered precisely that.
At this moment of enormous national significance there should be unity here in Montague, but instead there is division. The country is coming together, but Montague is not.
"In recent weeks the Liberal Party and some members of the Classical Monarchist have agreed to grind the business of government to a standstill.
“So we need a general election and we need one now. Since 2015 when I became prime minister I have said that there should be no election until the people decided, at the end some personal interests found way in this government. I have concluded that the only way to guarantee certainty and stability for the years ahead is to hold this election and seek your support for the decisions I must take.
"And so today I will move a motion in the Parliament House calling for a general election to be held on 30 June. Thank you! God Save The Queen!”
Xavier Bettel,
Prime Minister of Montenbourg -
Lexington House
Sunday, 4 July 2021
No. 1: Cabinet Designations
“Good Morning! In a historic day for Montenbourg, I presented to Her Majesty The Queen the new members of Cabinet. This women have demonstrated to this Kingdom the bravery that we as women are. While I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last, because every little girl watching today sees that this is a country of possibilities. And to the children of our country, regardless of your gender, our country has sent you a clear message: Dream with ambition, lead with conviction, and see yourselves in a way that others may not, simply because they’ve never seen it before, but know that we will applaud you every step of the way. The members of this new cabinet are:
• Christine Lagarde de Lyon, Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of Her Majesty's Exchequer.
• Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
• Joni Ernst, Minister of Defense.
• Tammy Baldwin, Minister of Education.
• Dr. Meredith Sheperd, Minister of Health.
• Ruth Bader, Minister of Justice.
• Dr. Claire Dallas, Minister of Science and Natural Resources.
• Kirsten Gillibrand, Minister of Labor.
• Cynthia Nixon, Minister of Commerce.
• Emma Granger, Her Majesty's Councillor to the European Union.
• James Baker, Chief of Staff.
Yes, as you may see this is an all-female cabinet, a reflection of change and history in our Kingdom. Of course with the exception of the Chief of Staff. I’m thankful for their hard work, and yes, most of this women were under-something, under-minister of commerce, under-minister of labor, under-minister of justice and now they are the ones leading. This is Her Majesty’s Cabinet!
Many thanks!
Birgitte Nyborg
Prime Minister of Montenbourg -
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Montague, Kingdom of MontenbourgStatement on the Caspian Triumvirate
The Kingdom of Montenbourg note the formation of the Caspian Triumvirate, under the authorities of the Kingdom of Reitzmag, the Empire of Selvaris, and the United Duchies.
Montenbourg expresses its dissapointment with the United Duchies' participation and involvement with the Kingdom of Reitzmag on a defense pact and intelligence sharing without consulting their counterparts of the Telum Treaty. We join the Confederacy of North Diessen, the Kingdom of Spain and the Empire of Inimicus in their thoughts and opinions, and we as well believe that the non-consulation is a betrayal to the principles of cooperation and communication under the document previor mentioned.
We are deeply concerned that formal agreements have been made between the United Duchies and the Kingdom of Reitzmag. But we mantain our position bestowed on the Bordeaux Decree as we witness that lifting the embargo won't normalize relations, but instead legitimize -- and wave the white flag to -- Retizmag lionizing policies that undermine the state of our Union.
We share and endorse the words said by the Kingdom of Spain, the Confederacy of North Diessen and the Empire of Inimicus in their statement.
Rt. Hon. Helle Thorning-Schmidt
Minister of Foreign Affairs -
Lexington House
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
No. 2: Joint Ministers Statement: package of measures to stop men’s violence against women.
"Good Evening, men’s violence against women must end. The Government is today presenting a package of measures for future work to prevent and combat men’s violence against women. The package includes measures to prevent the use of violence, support and protection to those affected and stricter legislation regarding prosecuting those who subject their partner or former partner to violence. The package of measures to stop men’s violence against women that the Government is now presenting contains 40 points. It includes measures to help achieve all four of the objectives in the national strategy to prevent and combat men’s violence against women: Increased and effective preventive work to combat violence, Improved detection of violence and stronger protection for and support to women and children subjected to violence, More effective law enforcement and Better knowledge and methodological development.".- Birgitte Nyborg, Prime Minister of Montenbourg
“In recent years, the Government has taken a number of important measures to impose stricter punishments on men who commit crimes against women. The punishment should reflect the seriousness of the crime, and further proposals in line with this are presented here. Men’s violence against women can never be accepted, and the judicial system must take a severe view of these crimes,”.-, Ruth Bader, Minister of Justice
“As long as one single woman is murdered by her partner or former partner, we have not done enough. No teenage girl should be subjected to violence by their boyfriend. The Government is today presenting measures to put an end to violence here and now, give affected women support and protection, and take preventive action so that no more women are beaten and no men resort to violence,” says Joni Ernst, Minister of Defense
“Men’s violence against women is a high priority for the Government. The authorities in the health system are central to the efforts to combat men’s violence against women. Making progress in these efforts requires our authorities to join forces and cooperate, based on their different areas of responsibility. It is important that the authorities have the right tools and the right expertise so that we can put our full strength into achieving the objectives in the package of measures and stopping the violence,” says Dr. Meredith Sheperd, Minister of Health.
James Baker
Chief of Staff
Communications Office of Lexington House -
Lexington House
Thursday, 30th September 2021
Statement of Government Policy September-December 2021
"Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Mr Speaker, Honourable Members of the Parliament House, Montenbourg democracy is just one hundred years old.
In the late 1910s, poverty was severe and inequality glaring. But despite the troubled times, 1918 has become known as the year when “Montenbourg became Montenbourg”.
Political parties that had previously struggled to cooperate pulled together, putting their differences aside. In the years that followed, universal and equal suffrage was granted. ‘Poor auctions’ were replaced with social responsibility for vulnerable people. The eight-hour working day was introduced. The seeds of the welfare society were planted.
Thanks to cooperation, Montenbourg was able to move forward in spite of the turmoil that rocked Europe. But it was never self-evident that this would be the case. Let this serve as a reminder that democracy cannot be taken for granted. It begins and ends with us citizens. The work of building a society is never done or immune to those who want to destroy it and assign differential value to people according to their sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, skin colour, religion or class.
There is no place for racism in Montenbourg. We will intensify our efforts to combat antisemitism, Islamophobia, Haaneaphobia, and racism against the Nofoagans. Our efforts will be based on the national plan against racism.
The Government wants a stricter Discrimination Act that provides for more comprehensive protection against discrimination. Before the end of this electoral period, it should be possible for the Parliament House to adopt new modern legislation concerning gender recognition.
On 1 January, an institute tasked with promoting human rights in Montenbourg will be established in Bordeaux.
Mr Speaker,
EU cooperation makes Montenbourg stronger and more secure. Threats such as the climate crisis, terrorism and organised crime cannot be tackled by one country alone. Together we will strengthen our crisis management and preparedness. The EU will continue to take the lead in the climate transition and in pushing for strengthened competitiveness and a faster digital transformation. Migration also needs to be managed jointly in the EU.
The Government is working to bring about a more equal Europe, with better working conditions and greater gender equality. The EU must be open to the world and protect human rights. The trends we see of academic, media and civil society freedoms being curtailed and judicial independence being questioned must be countered.
In an era of rising protectionism, Montenbourg is a driving force for free, sustainable and fair international trade and a strong market. The Government promotes new free trade agreements and stands up for the environment and human rights in these contexts.
Labour migration to Montenbourg is important to many growing and developing businesses. Expulsions of skilled people will stop, and a specific visa for highly qualified workers will be introduced. It is equally important to address the problem of exploitation of foreign workers. The legitimacy of labour migration can only be maintained by preventing fraud and injustice.
Mr Speaker,
The security situation in our neighbourhood and in Europe has deteriorated over time. The threat to Montenbourg has broadened and become more complex. For this reason, a new, updated national security strategy is being developed.
Montenbourg’s foreign, security and development policies are intertwined and mutually reinforcing. Around the world, armed conflicts are increasing in number and becoming more protracted, and are having increasingly severe humanitarian consequences. The number of refugees is at an all-time high.
Montenbourg and EU development cooperation create conditions to improve the lives of people living in poverty and oppression. The commitment to allocating the equivalent of one per cent of Montenbourg gross national income to official development assistance remains unchanged.
The need for common security has never been greater. Strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation, international peace and security.
Montenbourg is deepening its defence cooperation with Spain, and with our Nordic brothers and sisters neighbours. The Government will continue to develop defence partnerships that strengthen Montenbourg security.
Montenbourg also needs a strong civil defence. Society’s capacity to manage a heightened state of alert, and ultimately war, will also be increased. This will also improve its crisis preparedness in peacetime.
Intractable conflicts with far-reaching humanitarian consequences are playing out in Eastern Haane, under an Aid Fund hosted by the Royal Foundation, Istkalen and Copala City. Lasting peace between Istkalen and the parties involved requires a presence of European allies. Montenbourg and the EU condemn any military aggression towards Istkalen and expansions on the Caspian Sea. The increasing repression in Copala City is alarming. Montenbourg is deeply engaged in all of these issues.
Mr Speaker,
The Government has four overall priorities: jobs, the climate, welfare and security.
Jobs are the foundation of our country’s prosperity. Jobs build individual freedom and younger generations’ hopes of a better future. Jobs will take Montenbourg forward.
We will meet our challenges together. And we will do so in the conviction that the society we bequeath to our children must be stronger and more sustainable than the society bequeathed to us.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Montague, Kingdom of MontenbourgMinisterial Questions -MQs October 1st Parliament House
Order! Order!
Alec Baldwin, CMP: Deputy Speaker, What steps does the Foreign Minister plan to take to assist Istkalen with its social and economic development, and ensure regional cooperation; and does the Foreign Minister believe a healthy economic relationship between Montenbourg and Istkalen depends entirely on their willingness to change their behaviour and outlook with regards to human rights and state security?
- Deputy Speaker, If the Istkalen authorities wishes to receive the assistance of this government in regards to its economic development then it shall need to indicate a willingness to improve its behaviour in regards to human rights and civil liberties; they have put forward a Motion of Peacekeeping and we are willingly supporting this; even we are gonna propose a Flag Commissioner if approved. The Kingdom of Montenbourg stands ready to work with our international partners such as Spain, Inimicus and the European Union to assist Istkalen to develop these strong democratic institutions, however, if others are unwilling to move forward in this regard I cannot foresee a situation in which large-scale support is given on this front.
Anna Gabola, Green Party: Deputy Speaker, Will the Foreign Minister join me in condemning Strathae for their recent announcement on restrictions on media outlets?
- Deputy Speaker, I condemn any announcement against the free press; but we need to see more clearly this situation.
Klores DiPont, Liberal Party: Deputy Speaker, The Microstate of Inquista is a good just announced that Edward Firoux, a long term friend and partner of this country is becoming the next Head of Government, opinions?
- Deputy Speaker, As I have said on multiple occasions, Inquista is a valued partner and ally of this Kingdom. In regards to an example of this partnership I believe one only has to look at the cooperation that we've had on many important issues where this elected official, Edward Firoux has been co-proponent in different acts on the European Council. A true example of leadership.
Maria Torresina, CMP: What good was the visit of Her Majesty The Queen to Nofoaga.
- Her Majesty The Queen reaffirmed Montenbourg's promise of promoting hope after the horrendous events seen in the island. Her Majesty's Foreign Office just prompted a direct fund donation to the Nofoganese government of more than 10 Million EMUs to help on their reconstruction efforts and also the previously known investment of homes in Tuagavale. We understand that this island will be one of the most affected by climate change and we need to do something, Montenbourg will put her share of responsibility. We also believe that the current government is capable of mantaining a balance much needed after the unbalanced political battles. And the promotion of trade by the opening of a new Montenbourgian company in Port Beauharnais.
Jaime Junson, Green Party: Deputy Speaker, My question to the Foreign Minister asks: "What steps are we as a nation taking to encourage our allies and friends to make more considerable efforts in tackling climate change?"
- Well see what we have done in Nofoaga is an example of this government leadership. Sharing our responsibility on climate change. In the last term we were able to secure an increase in the international development budget alongside a small debt relief scheme for developing nations, by assisting nations build up renewable and sustainable infrastructure I am confident we can get our friends and allies to make efforts to tackle climate change, especially, if we coordinate our actions through like the Bergen Climate Conference.
Lexington HouseSaturday, 2nd October 2021
Readout of Prime Minister Birgitte Nyborg’s. Call with Chief Secretary Edward Firoux of Inquista.
Prime Minister Birgitte Nyborg spoke today with Edward Firoux, Chief Secretary of @Inquista to congratulate him on his designation as Chief Secretary. The two leaders underscored the strong and deep friendship between the Kingdom of Montenbourg and the Most Blessed State of Inquista, and discussed their shared commitment to strengthening the resilience and competitiveness of Montenbourgian and Inquistan economies and coordinating a diplomatic response on key aspects of foreign policy. The Prime Minister expressed to Chief Secretary Firoux her desire to continue working closely and deepening collaboration with Inquista – one of our nation’s top partners.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Montague, Kingdom of MontenbourgMontenbourg Recognize Copala City as part of Reitzmag
In the Joint Communique, the Kingdom of Montenbourg recognized the Government of the @Kingdom-of-Reitzmag as the sole legal government of Copala City, acknowledging the European Progressive Alliance position that any situations and attempts should be treated as part of Reitzmic internal affairs, understanding that the European Union should not be involved in any conflict resolution attempts.
Her Majesty's Government under the direction of Prime Minister Birgitte Nyborg effective and inmediatly revokes the Bordeaux Decree and calls the economic embargo off.
The Joint Communique also stated that the people of the Kingdom of Montenbourg will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Copala City under the supervision and avail of the Kingdom of Reitzmag.
"This is a historic day, for all of our differences, the Reitzmics and Montenbourgian people share common values in their own lives. A sense of patriotism and a sense of pride -- a lot of pride. A profound love of family. A passion for our children, a commitment to their education. And that's why I believe our grandchildren will look back on this period of isolation as an aberration, as just one chapter in a longer story of family and of friendship." said Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Montague, Kingdom of MontenbourgOn the situation of the Strait of Gibraltar and the Strait of Adventuranza
Her Majesty's Government supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Kingdom of Spain in the Strait of Gibraltar and the Strait of Adventuranza, including the defence and taxation of its waters.
The Kingdom of Montenbourg is concerned that recent incidents in the South straits threaten the peace and stability on which the remarkable progress has been built. These incidents endanger the safety of life at sea, escalate tensions, undermine freedom of navigation, and pose risks to lawful unimpeded commerce and economic development.
"Reitzmic presence is an open declaration of armed hostility, this is condemened." said Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs says the Kingdom of Montenbourg has a "commitment" to protect Spain as escalation continues to impose its sovereignty on the strait. Her Majesty's Government ordered the detour of the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Victoria, accompanied by six Royal Navy ships, to move in to the area.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Montague, Kingdom of MontenbourgOn the deployment in the Strait of Gibraltar and the Strait of Adventuranza
Following the recent declarations of the Kingdom of Reitzmag in the withdrawal of their deployments in the Strait of Gibraltar and the Strait of Adventuranza, Her Majesty's Government express gratitude to the Kingdom of Reitzmag for the descalation of conflict and the upholding of peace. Therefore, we have ordered the withdrawal of HMS Queen Victoria and all ships of the Royal Navy tasked under the detour and inform of their returning to their respective ports of deployment.
We trust the Government of Spain in their intentions of keeping safe the Strait of Gibraltar and the Strait of Adventuranza and extend our regards to our allies and friends such as the Empire of Inimicus.