A year of reign: President Okonkwo Cyryl Lavoie
President Okonkwo Cyryl Lavoie, above
Brickston Democratic Union Party
Okonkwo Cyryl Lavoie is the current president of Brickston (as of 16/07/2021 in DD/MM/YY format). He was born on the 28th of June, but the year of his birth is not known. Some figures estimate him to be in the age range of 45-75.State of Brickston before Lavoie's rule
Before Okonkwo Cyryl Lavoie's reign, the country had been following a protectionism trade policy, where regional products are preferred over international ones. The country had been recovering from the radical Maduro Communist Revolution (1912-1937).
Poverty rates declined over time, but the country was not making sufficient progress.
Background of Mr. Lavoie
Mr. Lavoie was born in the town of Schmedeswurtherwester (present-day Lavoiewuschmedes). His parents couldn't afford to send him to school, as they had spent all their money to buy a home. Okonkwo's father worked in a sawmill and his mother was a basket weaver. Okonkwo had 2 brothers; Elias and Felix, both of which were younger than him (by 2 and 6 years respectively).
Okonkwo got offered a scholarship despite not having a history of education. He was offered a scholarship by the University of New Amsterdam. Mr. Lavoie recalls his life by saying, "I had a secret stash of textbooks which I used to get from my friends, whose families were richer than my family was."
President Lavoie took a science degree but moved on to take more subjects as the scholarship allowed him to do so. He received recognition while peeking through a 12th Grade math class. He could do calculus, unlike students in the class. He was 10 years old!
He finally took up politics and decided to be a politician.
Current Background
Name: Okonkwo Cyryl Lavoie
Age: Not Specified
Estimated Net Worth: D¥13.7 billion dollars, 4th richest in Brickston
Titles: Politician, Entrepreneur, Investor
Brickston President Index Ranking and Rating (BPIRR): 2nd, 0.978Chronology
1972: Minister of Agriculture
1976: Mayor of Wersent
1979: Forms his own political party, where he is the president
1981: 27 seats in House of Representatives
1984: 45 seats in House of Representatives
1987: Major Opposition, 63 seats
1990: Major Opposition, 67 seats
1993: Majority, comes into power
1997: Officially the President of the Republic of Brickston