Czech News Media
Česká tisková kancelář
Results of the 22 - 23 legislative and European Commission elections
The Czech legislative election and the European Commission Elections held on Friday 22 and Saturday 23 were without any major complications, from few voting places there were reports of arguments between the members of the People's Militias and the Worker's Militias but the elections were undisturbed. Out of the 39 370 149 total eligible voters 34 338 644 voted in the elections, a turnout of 87,22%. 362 013 votes were invalid.
Czech Legislative Elections
The Socialist Republican Party won the election with 70,89% of the votes (24 084 754 votes), which is an increase of 5,09% from the National Front result in 2017 and the largest share of the votes of the party since the adoption of multi-party system. The SRP won 294 mandates in the National Assembly.
The Alliance of Independent Mayors and Civic Democrats received 9,85% of the votes (3 347 028 votes) and won 40 mandates making it the second largest subject in the National Assembly.
The Party of the Democratic Left received 6,84% of the votes (2 323 139 votes) and won 28 mandates, more then the Social Democratic Party of Czech Slavia from which the PDL split.
The Communist Party of Czech Slavia (2021) received 5,56% of the votes (1 887 657 votes) and won 23 mandates.
The Social Democratic Party of Czech Slavia was the last party to pass the 5% threshold with 5,34% of the votes (1 815 287 votes), which is a decrease of 2,57% from the National Front of Labour result in 2017. The SDPCS won 22 mandates in the National Assembly.
The Green Party received 1,26% of the votes (429 302), a slight increase from the 2017 result, and failed to pass the 5% threshold. Other political subject received 0,26% of the votes.
This is the first time since 12 December 2020 that no seats in the National Assembly will be vacant. The current Speaker of the Parliament Antonín Smetana from the SRP, expressed happiness over the result and over the fact that the election were without any larger issues and that there will be no more vacant seats. According to him the Socialist Republican Party succeed thanks to closely following the leadership of the Wise Leader President Reiserová which always puts the people in the centre. Smetana promised that the Socialist Republicans will continue to follow President Reiserová and working for the working men and women. He also thanked all the voters, candidates of the SRP, volunteers, members of the electoral commissions and members of the People's Militias for ensuring the safety at the polling places. In the election headquarters of the SRP members of the party celebrated by chanting "long live to the Socialist Republican Party" and "long live to President Reiserová"
Leader of the Alliance of Independent Mayors and Civic Democrats Vít Sršeň accused the Socialist Republican Party of using unfair practices to win the election.
Leader of the Social Democratic Party of Czech Slavia, Alois Jelen announced that he won't defend his office of the leader of the party at the next party meeting.
Premier Commissioner Election
Sofie Čikarová (PEL) from Czech Slavia won the election with 76,83% of the votes (26 104 804 votes), followed by Jean-Claude Jucker (EPA) from Spain with 13,06% of the votes (4 437 528 votes) and Harish Desai (ELSS) from the United Duchies with 9,09% of the votes (3 089 757 votes). Ville Niniistö (Independent) from Mennrimiak placed fourth with 0,52% of the votes (175 409 votes) and Kittichat Thongthang (Independent) from Ruthund placed fifth with 0,50% of the votes (169 133 votes).
Internal Affairs Commissioner Election
Ilmaras Kalessed (PEL) from Istkalen won the election with 64,50% of the votes (21 913 401 votes), followed by Joseph Biden (Independent) from Reitzmag with 20,33% of the votes (6 908 747 votes), Sebastian Piñera Echenique (Independent) from Gania with 9,91% of the votes (3 367 289 votes) and Sanna Marin (Independent) from Mennrimiak with 2,64% of the votes ( 896 581 votes). Paul-Gabrielle Muzhare (EPA) from Nofoaga placed fifth with 1,41% of the votes (478 470 votes), Kittichat Thongthang (Independent) from Ruthund placed sixth with 0,64% of the votes (217 325 votes) and Margaret Thatcher (Independent) from Brickston placed seventh with 0,57% of the votes (194 818 votes).
Foreign Affairs Commissioner Election
Pekka Haavisto (Independent) from Mennrimiak received 21 402 317 votes (62,99%).
Česká tisková kancelář
Czech National Democracy re-registered
Czech National Democracy was re-registered as a political party in Czech Slavia. The party has been suspended since December 2020. The former leader of the party, Klára Zbouralová, is however still suspected of attempting a coup against the Republic and is currently living in Leagio. The current leader of the party is Karla Rašínová.
Rašínová issued a statement following the re-registration expressing dissatisfaction with achieving re-registration after the legislative election and accusing the Socialist Republican Party of silencing the nationalist opposition before the election. Zbouralová issued a statement from Leagio accusing the SRP of political repression.
With the re-registration of the CND, the Civic Forum remains the only political subject that was not re-registered after being suspended in December 2020.
Rudé právo (Newspaper of the Socialist Republican Party)
The Mother of the Nation listens to the people, answers their demands to become a President for life
The Architect of Socialism Albína Reiserová attended a meeting of the Socialist Association of Single Parents, of which the President is the Honorary Chairwoman, sponsored by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health. Reiserová was welcomed by the comrades of the Socialist Association of Single Parents with joy and chants.
Albína Reiserová called the meeting very motivating, she said she was most moved by a speech of comrade Anna Jelínková a young single mother that serves in the People's Militias and by an encounter with an elderly comrade Mojmír Kopecký. Both moments will be shown on Reiserová's Moments tomorrow.
We bring you the speech of comrade Jelínková:
"Dear comrades, I am proud to stand here today in the uniform of a militiawoman as it is a great pride for me and all my sisters and brothers in uniform to defend socialism in our Motherland. In the history of our country there has never been a Party that would do more for the people than the Socialist Republican Party. Despite being a single mother I am never on my own with my child. The Government always supports me, like all the single mothers. Due to benefits provided to me I never have to worry about having enough money to feed my child nor do I have to worry about losing the roof over my head or my job, I am supported in every step I take to ensure that my child can live a happy and healthy childhood with access to quality education.
But these things are not universaly granted around the world, in many places a single parent or even a poor pair can't afford to have a baby. And if the woman in those countries becomes pregnant she is put before the choice of having the baby and living in poverty or having an abortion. In some countries, even in the European Union women even lack the right to get a safe abortion and in order to not economically destroy themselves, along with their baby, they have to get an abortion illegally, with all the health risks. Because of a religious oppression women are stripped of their rights and have to choose between bringing their child into a life of misery and poverty or risking their own health just to get an abortion. On the other hand some of the countries in Europe let drugs destroy the future of many talented young people striking them into a miserable life of addiction, now this comrades, this is what I call a murder! And not only a murder on an individual but on the entire nation as many talents that would have been useful to the nation get crushed.
This is why I decided to join the People's Militias, because all my happiness, strength and life were given to me by the Socialist Republican Party. If I lived elsewhere or if anti-people groups got a grip on power in this country, I quite possibly would not be able to provide a satisfactory living for my baby. And I want my kid to live in a socialist society too, without an existential threat looming over head. In a prosperous society without drugs and the oppression of women. For that I swear that I will do all that I can to protect the workers control of the state without giving up an inch of it. Long live the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia, Long live the Socialist Republican Party, Long live comrade President Reiserová!"
Mojmír Kopecký was born in 1933 to a single mother who died when he was just four years old in an a factory accident, due to low safety standards maintained by the private owner. Comrade Kopecký has since been an orphan who later joined the predecessor party of the SRP, and enthusiastically took part in the building of socialism. President Reiserová shook his hand and expressed her deep admiration for him. He informed the President that he always was and always will be loyal to the party and that never in his life has he valued any politician as much as her. He explained that he values the Wise Leader for her defense of the revolution, her diplomatic abilities, mainly the improvement of relations of Inquista which has brought many opportunities to Czech Slavia and improving the perception of Czech Slavia in the European Union to such a level that a Czech candidate was twice elected for the position of Premier Commissioner and her leadership of the SRP which brought it a great victory in the legislative election in October. Lastly comrade Kopecký added that he would like for Albína Reiserová to become a President for life.
This proposition met with a long standing ovation and chanting from the Socialist Association of Single Parents members. After the ovation Albína Reiserová responded with great humility to the members of the Association: "Dear comrades, as a President of a Democratic Republic where all power belongs to the people, I decide that I will accept your demand." Her response met with another long standing ovation.
Speaker of the National Assembly Antonín Smetana announced that following the demands of the masses the SRP will vote for a Referendum on extending Reiserová's term limit to life. The referendum will be held on 17-18 December.
The opposition and extra-parliamentary Parties already announced their disagreement with the Referendum. All the opposition parties issued a common statement accusing the Referendum as being undemocratic and accused the Mother of the Nation of trying to restrict any presidential elections in which she could have opponents.
We urge all the Socialist Republican Party members and supporters to publicly display their support for President Reiserová's term limit being expended to life. Forward left, not a step back!
Rudé právo (Newspaper of the Socialist Republican Party) for foreign readers
What is Socialist Republicanism
Socialist Republicanism is a brilliant and original contribution of Albína Reiserová, Leader of the Progressive Mankind, to the national and international thought, influenced by by the philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, that is leading the people of Czech Slavia towards highly developed socialism and prosperity.
Socialist Republicanism recognises the masses of working people as the driving force of historical progress. It also recognises the relation between a parent and their children as eternal and natural and for the working people to be successful in their fight against their class enemy it is essential that this relation is established between them and the Great Leader from their ranks. The role of the Great Leader is to guide the workers' masses to maturity and success, which would otherwise not be possible, as a parent guides their children. The Great Leader, the Parent of the Nation, must be chosen by the people themselves for the establishment of this relation.
Czech Socialist Republicanism is a path towards prosperity suited for the conditions and realities of Czech Slavia, it doesn't claim to be a path best suited at all times for people of all countries. It promotes co-operation and brotherhood between people around the world in order to achieve prosperity, regardless of their selected path.
Česká tisková kancelář
The Parliament passes a motions for democratization of the armed forces and the law enforcement
Yesterday, the parliament has passed motion proposed by the Government abolishing all military and police ranks and making the military and police commanders electable by the active soldiers or police officers respectively. The position of commander-in-chief remains unchanged. The Government of President Reiserová has stated that this step is crucial in democratizing the armed forces and the law enforcement in accordance with the Socialist Republican principles and that the security conditions allow for this democratization to be undertaken.
In addition to these changes the Parliament also passed motions to increase the political education of the soldiers, in order increase their morale and include firearm training into a mandatory education. All able-bodied, healthy citizens will be required to undertake firearm training after they reach 21 years of age. The Government has stated that the defense of revolution is a duty of every citizen and mandatory firearm training will ensure that all citizens will have the necessary capabilities to defend it.
The laws will pass into effect on 1 January 2022. All sections of the military and law enforcement will hold the elections for their commanders before this date.
Česká tisková kancelář
Albína Reiserová becomes President for Life
A Referendum on extending President Reiserová's term limit to life was held on 17-18 December without any major complications. Out of the 40 723 316 total eligible voters 38 613 848 voted in the Referendum, a 94,82% turnout. 407 084 votes were invalid. The referendum resulted in 91.46% of the votes cast in favor of the extension of President Reiserová's term limit.
Should the term limit of President Albína Reiserová be extended to life? Votes % Yes 34 945 026 91.46% No 3 261 738 8.54% Invalid votes 407 084 - Total votes 38 613 848 100% Eligible voters/turnout 40 723 316 94,82%
The opposition parties expressed their concern about the elections, accusing the Socialist Republican Party of unfair campaign practices, spreading misinformation, intimidation of the voters, buying of votes. Alexandra Kovářová and Klára Zbouralová, former political leaders currently living abroad and suspected of attempting a coup in the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia, issued a join statement condemning the referendum and accusing the Socialist Republican Party of widespread election fraud.
The Socialist Republican Party has announced that a celebration of the Referendum result will be held on 22 December along with the celebration of the 100th years of the Party. The Leader of the Progressive Mankind herself has thanked all of those who cast their votes in the Referendum and those who voted in favor of extending her term limit in particular. She had also expressed happiness over the high turnout. The President for Life has refused to comment on the accusation made by the opposition parties saying that that all the power in the state belongs to the working people and their decision is what matters to her.
Česká tisková kancelář
President for Life Pardons number of non-violent criminals
President Reiserová has pardoned 12 individuals who have committed a non-violent crime, among them the former head of the intelligence agency and high ranking official of the SRP Karolína Vicanová who was found guilty of planning a coup and abusing her powers. All the pardoned individuals expressed their gratitude towards the President for Life and regret over their actions. They have all also praised the justice system in Czech Slavia and conditions in prison.
Česká tisková kancelář
New development plan for Prague approved
The ministries of health, transport, regional development and education, the Capital City of Prague and other regions have approved a new development plan for Prague. The plan includes building a large modern hospital, a preschool, an elementary school and a park alongside new transport infrastructure in Prague. Fulfilment of the plan requires demolition of a number of housing buildings. Around 7 000 inhabitants will be affected. Those affected will assigned housing in various other municipalities in other regions of the Democratic Republic and in few cases housing in Prague.
A new district intended to provide housing mostly for families with children wishing to relocate into Prague is also planned to be constructed. The new district of Prague should be able to provide housing for around 19 000 people.
The new development plan is to enter execution phrase immediately after approval. The project is estimated to be mostly finished by September 2022. Due to the expenses the work on the large development project of the town of Rudolfov was stopped until the end of January. The Alliance of Independent Mayors and Civic Democrats has called for a demonstration against the plan, claiming that the Socialist Republican Party is using development as a cover for forced resettlement of the supporters of the opposition parties which perform well in the districts that are to be effected by the demolition of housing units. The Minister of Health Zuzana Saková called the AIMCD enemies of health and progress for opposing the development of public healthcare.
Česká tisková kancelář
The Extraordinary People's Court disbanded following the trials with Alexandra Kovářová, Klára Zbouralová and Michal Plachta
Earlier in February the Republic of Istkalen, at the request of the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia extradited Alexandra Kovářová, Klára Zbouralová and Michal Plachta. All the defendants were charged with treason and attempting a coup, and all three pledged innocence. The Court found all the defendants guilty of all the crimes. All the defendants were sentenced to twenty five years in prison and penal labour in the Rare Earth Metals mining industry.
Since December 2020 all of the putschists were residing in foreign countries. In January 2022 Klára Zbouralová and Michal Plachta visited Alexandra Kovářová in the Kingdom of Spain to coordinate their actions, but left the country, reportedly due to safety concerns.
Following the sentencing of the putschists, the Office of the President of the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia issued a statement calling the situation in Czech Slavia as fully stabilized and thus called for the dissolution of the Extraordinary People's Court as its mission has been fulfilled. All of the present members of the National Assembly voted in favour of disbanding the Extraordinary People's Court yesterday.
Civic Forum was re-registered as a political party after the sentencing of Kovářová and is currently led by Jan Zavadil.
Martina Šampalíková elected as a Chairwoman of the Social Democratic Party of Czech Slavia, replacing Alois Jelen
The Social Democratic Party of Czech Slavia elected Martina Šampalíková as its new Chairwoman, replacing Alois Jelen. Jelen announced he won't defend his leadership position following the 2021 legislative election in which the SDPCS received 5,34% of the votes and won 22 mandates, a decrease of 8 mandates from the 2017 legislative election.
Šampalíková criticized the leadership of Alois Jelen for passivity towards the ruling Socialist Republican Party and inability to present the SDPCS as an effective opposition to the Government. Šampalíková called for a more hostile stance towards the Government of Albína Reiserová, accusing it of totalitarianism. On the other hand Šampalíková proposed closer cooperation with the Party of the Democratic Left, led by Petr Hájek, a former member of the SDPCS, which received 6,84% of the votes and won 28 mandates in the 2021 legislative election. Jelen was criticized by Šampalíková for his antagonism towards the PDL and inability to attract the nationalist voters to the Social Democratic Party.
Martina Šmapalíková, Chairwoman of the Social Democratic Party of Czech Slavia
The National Assembly approves amendment of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia to include Albína Reiserová thought in the Preamble of the Constitution as a guiding principle of the Democratic Republic
Yesterday the National Assembly approved the proposition by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia to include Albína Reiserová Thought in the Preamble of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia as a guiding principle of the Democratic Republic. All parliamentarians from the Socialist Republican Party voted for the proposition while parliamentarians from the opposition parties all voted against the proposition.
A small gathering of communist activists, not affiliated with the Communist Party of Czech Slavia, which they criticize for, what they perceive as, nationalist and conservative stances, protested against the Amendment in front of the seat of the National Assembly while the voting on the proposed Amendment took place. The activists criticized the President for Life and her Government for being devoid of any ideology, convictions or principles and disputed that Albína Reiserová Thought would be a coherent principle that could guide the state.
The parliamentary opposition parties as well as number of extra-parliamentary movements called for demonstrations against the Amendment in the following weeks and months.
Česká tisková kancelář
Heřman Švestka replaces Antonín Smetana as the Speaker of the National Assembly
Yesterday Antonín Smetana resigned from the position of the Speaker of the National Assembly and from the position of Representative in the NAtional Assembly for health-related reasons. The Minister of Finance Heřman Švestka was elected by the National Assembly as the new Speaker of the National Assembly and the Minister of Health Zuzana Saková was elected as the first Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly.
The Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia bans its citizens from operating private businesses in foreign states
The President for Life Albína Reiserová signed a legislation barring the citizens of the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia from operating private businesses in foreign states and owning stocks in companies operating in foreign states. Current owners of businesses or stocks operating in foreign states have four months to sell their assets located outside Czech Slavia. Otherwise those assets will face nationalization and their sale will be administered by the respective state-owned companies. Members of the Socialist Republican Party have also been urged by the Party to sell their assets outside of the Democratic Republic in three months. Currently only a limited number of companies own assets outside Czech Slavia, but their amount, and the amount of companies planning to expend into foreign states, has been on a rise in the last two months.
The ministries of Finance and Industry and Trade issued statements calling the legislation significant for motivating Czech business owners to invest more into Czech Slavia and thus contribute greatly to building of socialism in the Democratic Republic. Representative and the Leader of the Alliance of Independent Mayors and Civic Democrats Vít Sršeň criticized the legislation as an another attack on private ownership and hypothesized that the Socialist Republican Party started to fear business owners becoming more independent on the SRP. According to him, the legislation has a goal of stomping out potential dissent and further subjugating the business owners. He also criticized the legislation as slowing down the economic rise. Other opposition parties also expressed negative attitude toward the legislation and the fact of how quickly and without any discussion it was approved by the National Assembly and signed by the President for Life.
The funeral of Mojmír Kopecký
A funeral for Mojmír Kopecký, a longtime member of the Socialist Republican Party and its predecessor, who first proposed extending the term limit of President Albína Reiserová to life at a meeting of the Socialist Association of Single Parents, was held yesterday. Kopecký died on April 20th after suffering a stroke at the age of 89. His funeral was attended by representatives of the Government, including President for Life Reiserová, National Assembly and the Socialist Republican Party. President Reiserová was among those who carried his coffin.
Reiserová praised the life accomplishment of Kopecký and his lifelong loyalty and dedication to the Socialist Republican Party. She has called Kopecký an inspiration for herself as well as for millions of Czechs working for the benefit of the Democratic Republic and the humanity.
Česká tisková kancelář
The Ministry of Defense announces carrying out first successful nuclear weapon test, end of Project Morana
The Ministry of Defense of the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia has announced today that the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia have carried out first successful nuclear weapon test in the South Moravian Region at 21:30. Project Morana to develop nuclear weapons started on has thus been declared a success. The Government has announced that a military parade will be held on December 19 to celebrate the success of the Czech nation in nuclear weapons development.
The National Assembly announces a referendum to allow the Government to appoint Councillors directly
Following the proposition to repel the Elected and Accountable Council Act made by the Premier Commissioner Joseph Biden the National Assembly announced that an advisory referendum will be held on July 24 to allow the Government to directly appoint the Councillors to replace the current system of direct elections of the Councillors, if the repel of the Act is to pass through the European Council. The Office of the President of the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia has issued a statement ensuring the citizens that if the proposal is to pass through the Council, the Government will abide be the results of the referendum.
Česká tisková kancelář
Former Premier Commissioner of the European Union Sofie Čikarová appointed as European Councillor of Czech Slavia
Former Premier Commissioner of the European Union Sofie Čikarová was appointed as European Councillor of Czech Slavia yesterday by the Government, replacing Václav Kohout. This is the first time Czech Councillor is appointed by the Government, following the repeal of the Elected and Accountable Act by the Council of the European Union, the advisory referendum to allow the Government to directly appoint the Councillors to replace the current system of direct elections of the Councillors and the subsequent adoption of related legislative act by the National Assembly. The Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia is the first member state of the European Union to change the system of selecting European Councillor. The reform was carried out to give the Government a say in affairs of the Union.
The new Councillor expressed gratitude to the Government, the people, the Socialist Republican Party and President for Life for putting their trust in her and hope for productive work with her colleagues for the benefit of the European Union. She swore to dutifully uphold and protect the interests of the Democratic Republic. As her priorities she stated safeguarding the safety of the Union and creation of standards of humane treatment of prisoners.
Česká Tisková Kancelář
The Government puts a halt of most construction projects until the end of the year
The Government of the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia has announced a halt of most of public construction projects and that no new large public construction projects will be started until the end of the current year. The Government argued that such step is necessary in order to avoid accumulating a large deficit after the expensive development projects in Rudolfov and Prague.
To address the issue of budget balance, the Government has also decided to offer a large quantity of older manufacturing plants and of empty properties for sale to foreign companies specializing in manufacturing components for fishing ships. An offer to sell the properties was made to companies such as Spanish Astilleros Amado and Astilleros del Ulla or Duchian companies Duchy Marine Systems and Wolff Marine, all of which are already active in Czech Slavia. The properties were however also offered to companies from Reitzmag, which currently have the biggest share on the fishing ships manufacturing market out of all foreign companies, Elthize, Leagio, Inquista, Inimicus, Yosai, Fremet, Vayinaod, the Duxburian Union or the United Kingdom.
The Government has also asked associations of friends of Czech Slavia in foreign countries to launch public donations for Czech Slavia, to take part in further developing socialism in the country.
Czech archaeologists claim to find evidence that the island of Dována was inhabited by Slavic populace during the early medieval ages
Archaeologists in the Moravian-Silesian region have found ancient Slavic jewelry in the lake of Mostařanka, presumably from the island of Dována, which is located on the lake. According to the archaeologists, this proves the theory that the island was once inhabited by Slavic population and may have been an important site for the pagan religion of the old Slavs. As Dována is not controlled by the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia further archaeological research directly on the island is currently impossible.
In light of the discovery, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has declared its intention to sponsor a pan-European Slavic Congress on how to properly address the issue of the "lost child of the Slavic family".
Česká tisková kancelář
The Civic Forum and the Alliance of Independent Mayors and Civic Democrats debate uniting following the October municipal elections
In an official statement the Civic Forum and the Alliance of Independent Mayors and Civic Democrats also declared their intention to discuss merger of the two parties. This came following the 2022 municipal elections which took place at the beginning of the month. The Socialist Republican Party managed to win in the capital city Prague, first time it or its predecessor parties won in the city since 1990, with 45,83% of the vote, winning 33 out of the 65 mandates. The CF and the AIMCD are the only other two parties represented with 24,25% and 22,12% of the vote, winning 17 and 15 mandates respectively. When added together however the CF and the AIMCD, with combined vote share of 46,37%, got more votes than the SRP, but due to the D'Hondt Method used the SRP won more mandates than the two parties combined. The CF and the AIMCD accused the SRP of spreading disinformation, voter intimidation and electoral fraud as well as criticizing the usage of the D'Hondt method, which they consider unfair. At the same time, they declared to recognize their failure to unite for the election in Prague, motivating both parties to seek negotiations for a potential merging.
Demonstrations in Prague and other cities and towns across the Democratic Republic expected
The Czech National Democracy and the Communist Party of Czech Slavia announced a demonstration to take place on 14 November demanding the recognition of the Dována Island as part of the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia. According to Czechoslavonic archeologists the island used to be inhabited by a Slavic population in the Middle Ages and served as an important religious site for the pagan religion of the old Slavs. The conclusion of the Government sponsored pan-European Slavic Congress in Prague says that given that Dována rightfully belongs within the borders of Slavdom and the proximity of Czech Slavia, as a Slavic nation, leaves no doubt that the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia has the sole legitimate and legal claim to the island.
The leader of the CND, Karla Rašínová claims that her party wasn't re-registered prior to the 2021 legislative election so that the SRP and the Government could ignore the patriotic voices and the wishes of the Czech nation and people, but that her party is ready to take to the streets to make those voices be heard.
On 20 November another demonstration is planned by the SDP, CF, AIMCD and CND to adress what those parties perceive as low quality of public healthcare and education compared to other member states of the Union. While these political subjects have different plans on how to improve the quality of healthcare and education, they share the opinion that allowing private sector into the spheres of healthcare and education would help to improve it.
The Minister of Health Zuzana Saková and the Minister of Education František Weisser issued a joint comment on the matter, stating that human health and education are not commodities to be sold and made profit of and that there are no plans of allowing private sector into those spheres. The ministries recognized the prevalence of some issues in public healthcare and education, and assured citizens that these issues will be addressed with the economic development allowing to invest more funds to these spheres.
The Government urges private sector to invest into and help develop eco-tourism industry
The Minister of Regional Development Lubomír Mejzlík urged private sector to invest into and help develop the Czech eco-tourism industry., "Tourism became an important part of Czech economy, yet the standards of our hospitality industry aren't comparable to standards in other member states of the Union. This has the consequence of us not being fully able to utilize the potential that lies within the tourism sector, but it also severely limits our options for green transition as we have to rely on less sustainable industry methods in order to continue further developing our economy. This is why we must explore the option of developing our eco-tourism sector in co-operation with the private sector." the Minister said.
A large number of state and municipality owned hotels, that were failing to meet state quotas, will be privatized during the upcoming month. In addition to that a number of number of subsidies are planned for those who will abide by the ecological requirements. Foreign companies and individuals were invited to take part, bring their expertize and help develop the eco-tourism sector. If the plan to develop the sector will meet or exceed the expectations a number of regulations is planned for other industries to transition to more sustainable methods.
Czech News Agency
Possible botulism outbreak in Moravian town of Moravský Krumlov
Since Saturday 12. 11. 2022, 15 people from the town of Moravský Krumlov and its surroundings have shown signs and symptoms of botulism. All the people reported eating canned potatoes or products containing canned potatoes. While the result of the tests for botulism are not yet known the Government issued a statement warning all citizens and tourists from eating any canned potatoes, follow safety measures while canning food and contact emergency services if they start having symptoms of botulism. All 15 people have been transported to a hospital in the city of Brno and will be visited by President Albína Reiserová and Minister of Health Zuzana Saková on Tuesday. A notice has been shared by the Ministry of Health with other Ministries in all Member States of the European Union, to be wary of canned products made in the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia and warn their citizens of the potential danger of botulism.
Czech News Agency
Laboratory tests confirm the suspected outbreak of botulism, none of the patiens are in critical condition. Demand for portraits of the President for Life rises rapidly.
The results of the laboratory test confirmed that there was a botulism outbreak in the town of Moravský Krumlov with 11 people out of 15 original patients testing positive. Two more patients with signs of botulism were admitted into a hospital and are waiting for the results of their tests.
While the breathing muscles of four patients were paralyzed and they required a mechanical assistance with breathing none of the patients are currently in critical condition. It is still estimated that full recovery of some patients will take months. Patients and the hospital staff expressed their belief that deaths were avoided also because of the presence of the portraits of the Paramount Leader Albína Reiserová in the hospital rooms and expressed their gratitude to her. The medical experts expressed that their presence might have really have an effect on the ability of the patients to combat the illness, as the "comforting presence and oversight" of the President for Life helped the patiens overcome stress, which would otherwise weaken their immunity system, and filled them with optimism. Following this statement, the demand for the portraits of President Reiserová rose by 5 000%, according to some, this spike in demand is caused by a number of people believing that her portrait will have positive influence on their overall health. Petitions seeking to place the President's portraits in a number of public spaces have also began collecting signatures form the public.
Representatives of Christian Churches sned a letter to the Archbishop of Inquista in protest of the Government's plan to demolish the Church of John the Baptist in Kroměříž
Following the publication of the plan to demolish the Roman Catholic Church of John the Baptist in the town of Kroměříž, representatives of the Roman Catholic Church in Czech Slavia, the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, the Czechoslavonic Hussite Church, the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands, the Inquistan Orthodox Church in Czech Slavia and other Christian Churches has sent a join letter the the Archbishop of Inquista, Mikaela Kligenberg, to voice their disagreement with the plan and ask her to support their cause on the basis of Christian solidarity and love. The joint letter notes and welcomes the good relations between the Most Blessed State and the Democratic Republic and underlines the potential for improving the status of the Christian minority in Czech Slavia.
The Church of John the Baptist was built between the years 1737 – 1768 and aside of serving the Christians in the city, it is also an important historical building, and the patriotic cause of protecting the Czech cultural heritage has always been dear to the Czech clergy. This clearly disproves all allegations made by representatives of the League of Militant Godless and other figures, that clergy is going against the interests of the Czech nation. On the contrary, we say that destroying cultural heritage goes against the interests of the nation.
Even more shocking are the reports that the baroque Church will allegedly be replaced by a parking lot for the newly constructed Yosainese Ashuji Mall. This example serves as a demonstration of the dangers of replacing spiritualism with materialism, when places of worship of the Protector of the weak are being replaced with places of worship of consumerism. The Church of John the Baptist would be only one of the many victims in a campaign to demolish Churches and Synagogues to make more place for serving mamon.
Alongside the request to negotiate with the Czechoslavonic government an prevent the demolition of the Church, the representatives of the Christian Churches also request negotiations on further investigation into trials against the clergy that took place during the period of cult of personality and following periods, stop to the anti-religious campaign and to the policy of putting officers of the secret police into places of worship during sermons, Church restitution, allowing of religious education, recognition of Christ as a real historical figure in education a fact that is recognized by historians around the globe and recognition of Easter and Christmas as national holidays. The letter also notes the positive role of the President for Life Reiserová in popularizing Christmas in her previous acting career.
Apart from the joint letter, Christian Churches announced demonstrations in Kroměříž, Prague, Brno, Ostrava and Olomouc against the demolition.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Rudé právo (Newspaper of the Socialist Republican Party)
The Czechoslavonic People's Army serves as a great example for society
Since the democratization of the armed forces and law enforcement has been passed by the National Council both forces have noted positive developments. Reports conducted by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior indicate decrease of opportunism and careerism in leadership of both forces, The soldiers and policemen know from experience who to trust to be dedicated to motherland and revolution and who to elect as officers. In its functioning, both forces moved closer to the functioning of the Socialist Republican Party, as is fitting for organized and armed proletariat.
The members of the armed forces recently proved their high effectiveness with working on the successful moving of the Church of John the Baptist in Kroměříž. For this deed a raise in wages and pensions for the service members has been approved by the parliament.
Now with tensions on the rise in Europe and representatives of states openly talking about a war it is important to note that the People's Army is keeping peace for the people of Czech Slavia and is prepared to destroy all that would dare disturb this peace. May their determination and loyalty serve as an inspiration to all Czechs.
Česká tisková kancelář
Courts to be democratized
Yesterday the National Council has approved the Government's proposal to democratize the nation's judiciary by making the election of all judges direct. Until now the regional and Supreme Court judges have been elected indirectly by local authorities or the National Assembly, but following the Government's evaluation of the effects of democratization of the armed forces and law enforcement, it has proposed the democratization reform of the judiciary. The judges will now be elected by all eligible voters in the regions they will serve or by all eligible voters in case of the Supreme Court. All members of the parliament from the SRP voted for the reform, while none of the opposition members of the parliament have supported it.
Former Head of State of Istkalen, Vistek Rikkalek, awarded the Order of Friendship
The President for Life Albína Reiserová has awarded the Order of Friendship to the former Head of State of Istkalen Vistek Rikkalek. According to her, this is due to his continuos efforts to deepen the relations between Czech Slavia and Istkalen during his term in office. This includes attending Czech ceremonies, seeking co-operation between rare earth metals producers, signing the Kirelesile Agreement (which the Democratic Republic of Czech Slavia signed but never ratified) or deepening cultural and education co-operation. According to polls Vistek Rikkalek used to be the second most positively perceived foreign leader by population of Czech Slavia nearing the end of his term.
The President for Life has invited Rikkalek to a ceremony to accept the award from her hands. "There will be no shellfish at the ceremony." the Leader of the Progressive Mankind remarked quickly on her way to the gym, in reference to the former Head of State's inability to consume shellfish.