European Agricultural Fund Act 2022
*Proposed by Premier Commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker (Spain) :: Passed (7-0), 26 August 2022 :: Unamended
This Act shall create the European Agricultural Fund, which aims to provide economic assistance to workers of the farming and fishing industries.
I. Subsidies will be allocated by a committee known as the European Agricultural Board, which will be formed by an independent committee consisting of four independent experts and a Director, the latter being appointed by the Internal Affairs Commissioner.
II. The Director of the European Agricultural Board will appoint four independent experts.
III. These experts must have different countries of origin than one another.
III. Farmers and fishers will fill in their applications to their country’s Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing or equivalent institution, or their responsible union or cooperative, which will send the application to the European Agricultural Board.
IV. Subsidies will be directly given to workers of the farming and fishing industries, without any intervention from member states.SECTION II. REQUISITES FOR OBTAINING SUBSIDIES
I. To receive subsidies from the European Agricultural Fund, farmers should meet the following requisites:
(i.) Look after their farmland and meet the food-safety, environmental and animal welfare standards of their country of origin.
(iii.) Provide proof of their farming activity and a simple description of it
II. To receive subsidies from the European Agricultural fund, fishers should meet the following requisites:
(i.) Guarantee food security through the transport chain, providing a certificate from their country of origin that proves it.
(ii.) Cooperate in the goal to provide the marine environment with sustainability and protection, through a signed compromise.
(iii.) Provide proof of their fishing activity and a simple description of itSECTION III. FUNDING DECISION
I. The European Agricultural Board will make decisions based on simple majority votes, either accepting or rejecting applications.
II. Decisions by the board are final and non-negotiable. If any details of the application are changed, the board could either not present additional funding or reject the application.
III. Decisions made by the board will follow the strict criteria of requisites named in Section II of this act.
IV. The European Agricultural Board will have a month to answer the application.
V. Workers of the farming or fishing industries that obtain the subsidy and do not comply with any of these requirements may be denied a subsidy the following year and mandated to pay back the previous subsidy with a 2.5% interest rate.
VI. Vigilance on complying with the requirements will be done by member states, who shall then report any incident(s) to the European Agricultural Board if found. -