The Government of the Republic of Istkalen
Official Statement of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Trade and Commerce, and the Ministry of Labor and Employment
The government has unanimously approved the following measures, to be implemented by 6 June 2023, in order to lessen precarity in employment:
- the control of land and mines by their corresponding associations is to be affirmed
- the principle of local autonomy within the workers' associations is to be abolished. Local management boards are to be appointed by the national-level governing council of their corresponding associations, rather than be elected
- the local management boards of these associations, within the agriculture, forestry, and mining sectors, will have the authority to hire and fire workers, within guidelines set by the national government and with the directive of maintaining full, or close to full, employment
- caps on total employment are to be determined by the Ministry of Trade and Commerce rather than individual associations in the agriculture, forestry, and mining sectors
- workers' associations will be permitted to employ non-members to fulfill their duties; the association to which these workers belong to will have the obligation to appoint a council to represent them in labor disputes. These workers may be dismissed at-will.
- a national unemployment insurance fund will be established for all workers who may be dismissed; those who have been members of and contributed to such funds for one year may, if dismissed, draw a wage equivalent to 60% of their former salary for 180 days, or 540 if they enroll in a job training program.
Katharina Beck
Minister of AgricultureVistek Rikkalek
Minister of the InteriorMyriam Leclerc
Minister of Trade and CommerceMilrakas Isele
Minister of Labor and Employment -
Statement of the President of the Censorate
The Censorate of Istkalen has voted to remove Yasemin Demirkol and Kondres Uklertal from office due to their failure to contain the present crisis. It will temporarily take the place of the head of state and the head of government until such time as order is restored to the country.
Ursula Orlich
President of the Censorate of Istkalen -
This post is deleted! -
Statement from the State Protector of the Republic of Istkalen
A leader must know when to stand down. Given the current situation, I feel that, for me, the time is now.
I have tried to serve this country to the best of my abilities through these perilous few months - to bring it, from the depths of despair and chaos, back to prosperity and order. It is clear, now, that I have failed, and for this I will carry eternal shame. Nevertheless, I can at least say that I never shirked, never refused to put to the enormous task of governing this country all my abilities. Though it was not enough, throughout my term I did all that I could to keep my beloved country from death, and no one can deny that.
The military is at the doors. I do not intend to fight. It is in the best interest of the country that I hand power to them peacefully and legally, to maintain peace and the continuity of state. I wish them the best of luck in subduing these ungovernable people. With the most happiness I have felt in my fifty-one years, hereby resign this position, and transfer its powers and authority to the body calling itself the "National Salvation Council."
Good riddance!
Ursula Orlich
State Protector of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Istkalen
I cannot in good conscience lead a government which attempts to criminalize my own existence. I communicate to the National Salvation Council and the public my intention to resign in the case that the proposal for the restoration of an unequal age of consent and for the prohibition on manifestations of "sexual and gender deviance" is implemented.
There are few in this country outside of the military apart from me who have any desire to serve as its head of government, and few abroad who want to see a non-civilian take that office.
Kalju Ilves
Prime Minister of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the President of the National Assembly
The National Assembly has rejected, 495-0, all legislation proposed to it by the National Salvation Council.
Ilmaras Kalessed
President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the National Salvation Council
We accept the decision made by the National Assembly today to reject the reforms we laid before them. However, we believe that legislation of this nature, on these issues, is needed in order to maintain national integrity. The uncontrolled and unregulated economic and social environment that has and will prevail without them, in our belief, is causing the constant degradation of the country and the state that has become evident to all.
We order that the National Assembly create a committee of six members to negotiate new legislation on these topics in order to ensure that the nation is preserved. Negotiations will last two weeks following the creation of the committee, as a result of the urgent demand for reform in this country. If no solution is found by the end of these two weeks, we intend to pursue alternative paths that preserve the integrity of our institutions to ensure that action is taken on these issues.
Statement of the National Salvation Council
The unwillingness of the National Assembly to cooperate with our efforts for reform, as well as their extraordinary readiness to lie and to defend lies told by its leading members, saddens us greatly. We remain, however, committed to democracy.
In order to pursue the stabilization of the country in the fastest possible way, we will again put before the National Assembly the reforms proposed on the 8th of June. Though they will be permitted to freely accept or reject the economic provisions, rejection of those laws regulating expression and cultural funding will result in the dissolution of the Assembly and the immediate calling of new elections so that a more cooperative and popular legislature may take office.
We would also like to address the threats made by many major politicians against us. Due to the unstable state of the country, any attempt to resign will be seen and treated as treason. Furthermore, resignation will immediately trigger new elections, as it reflects an unwillingness to further cooperate with the reform process and a need for renewal.
Statement of the President of the National Assembly
The National Assembly has voted, as ordered, on the five bills proposed by the National Salvation Council.
The first, the Decree-Law 15/2023, on the legalization and registration of cooperatives, failed, with 251 votes against and 244 in favor.
The second, the Decree-Law 16/2023, on the reorganization of healthcare and education, failed, with 251 votes against and 244 in favor.
The third, the Decree-Law 17/2023, on changes to direct transfer payments, subsidies, and employment laws, passed, with 412 in favor and 83 against.
The fourth, the Decree-Law 18/2023, on new restrictions on cultural subsidies and on publications, passed, with 292 in favor and 203 against.
The fifth, the Decree-Law 19/2023, on new restrictions on manifestations of sexual and gender deviance and on the age of consent, passed, with 292 in favor and 203 against.
Ilmaras Kalessed
President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the National Salvation Council
It deeply saddens us to take this move. We did not expect to have to use our power in such a way when we began this effort to save this country. Yet, because of the refusal of the National Assembly and the government to collaborate with our efforts, we are forced to do so.
We have uncovered a two-fold plot to undermine our power. A number of politicians, former and present, have conspired to undermine the reform process in order to maintain their own power and the division of the country. They have sought, at every level, to promote foreign deviances in this country, including among the most vulnerable, the children; to protect the foreign deviants that sowed discontent and that we sought to root out; to defend the infiltration of this country by foreign exploiters and corrupters; and now, to bring down the legal government of this country to install a protectorate.
We have taken them into custody, and are further investigating their machinations to discover the other members of their cabal.
Here, before the people, are their ignominious names and positions.
- Ilmaras Kalessed, President of the National Assembly
- Riina Kruus, Second President of the National Assembly
- Katharina Beck, Third President of the National Assembly
- Kalju Ilves, Prime Minister
- Kuseli Virejane, Interior Minister
- Írenet Isteresskemar, Foreign Minister
- Yasemin Demirkol, Minister of Public Distribution
- Liris Vesek, Minister of Public Works
- Kondres Uklertal, Minister of Environmental Protection
- Inge Meier, Member of the National Assembly
- Lauri Laakonen, Member of the National Assembly
- Ursula Korhonen, Member of the National Assembly
- Makketis Íkalsser, Member of the National Assembly
- Eliise Raadik, Member of the National Assembly
- Elizabeth Íkrat, Member of the National Assembly
- Marianne Seguy, Member of the National Assembly
- Kaisa Malk, private citizen
- Vistek Rikkalek, private citizen
We will make a final note. Vistek Rikkalek is, ultimately, the head of the House of Kareskenet. To condemn him entirely is against the will of the heavens. His soul, at the same time, is too close to that of the nation to be corrupted. Our intention with him is not to shut him away but instead to conduct a process of biological reeducation and cleaning that will ensure that he takes his proper role in regards to the country.
Statement of the Ministries of Culture, Education, the Interior, and Justice
In accordance with the Decree-Laws 18/2023 and 19/2023 and the directions of the National Salvation Council, a number of new regulations on education and on culture will come into effect immediately, as follows:
schools, libraries, museums, and other registered cultural and educational institutions will be required to surrender to the government all cultural works of foreign or partially foreign origin, all works in foreign languages, all works deemed modernistic as defined by the Decree Law 18/2023, and all works that reference deviancy as defined by the Decree-Law 19/2023. Surrendered works will be returned only to tertiary educational institutions at a later date after inspection for the sole usage of staff and students for whom viewing of said works is absolutely required as a part of their studies, of their research, and/or of their teaching, as defined by the Decree-Law 18/2023.
private individuals who come into contact with children on a regular basis, as defined by the Decree-Law 18/2023, will be required to surrender to the government all cultural works of foreign or partially foreign origin, all works in foreign languages, all works deemed modernistic as defined by the Decree Law 18/2023, and all works that reference deviance as defined by the Decree-Law 19/2023.
private individuals who do not come into contact with children on a regular basis who possess cultural works of foreign or partially foreign origin, works in foreign languages, all works deemed modernistic as defined by the Decree Law 18/2023, and/or works that reference deviance as defined by the Decree-Law 19/2023, will be required to apply for a license from the Ministry of Culture to continue possessing said works. During the application period, it is strictly forbidden to consume the works in any way or to allow any other persons to consume the works, in part or in whole. Individuals who are denied a license will be required to surrender to the government all said works; individuals given a license will be permitted to consume the works themselves, but will be forbidden to allow other persons to consume them without explicit government permission.
institutions and/or individuals that publish material deemed modernistic, of foreign or partially foreign origin, in foreign languages, and/or referencing deviance, are to cease publication of this material. Contributors to the creation and publication of this material will be required to surrender themselves to the state for questioning; failure to do so will result in arrest. Institutions dedicated solely to the publication of such material are to be banned permanently.
educational institutions will be prohibited from conducting education in foreign languages, in subjects relating to deviance, and in non-Kitetois culture or cultural concepts, with the exception of certain programs in tertiary educational institutions defined by the Decree Laws 18/2023 and 19/2023.
A number of restrictions on public behavior will also come into effect immediately, in accordance with Decree-Laws 18/2023 and 19/2023 and further directions of the National Salvation Council, as follows:
- to openly proclaim that one is inclined towards deviancy, and/or to support such proclamations, is to be prohibited
- to exist as an individual who proclaims that he or she is inclined towards deviancy is to be prohibited
- to defend the existence of individuals who proclaim themselves to be inclined towards deviancy is to be prohibited
- to instruct a legal minor in foreign languages, foreign culture, and/or foreign cultural concepts is to be prohibited.
- to publically use or display foreign languages, foreign culture, and/or foreign cultural concepts, outside of specific educational contexts proscribed by Decree-Law 18/2023, is to be prohibited
- to hold public demonstrations criticizing Decree-Laws 18/2023 and 19/2023, or defending what they criminalize, is to be prohibited until the dissolution of the National Salvation Council.
Under the Decree-Law 20/2023, cases regarding high treason, insurrection, or infractions of Decree-Laws 18/2023 and 19/2023 will be tried by a system of military tribunals, which will operate under the following regulations:
- one tribunal will exist for every five wards
- each tribunal will consist of five individuals, appointed by the National Salvation Council or by a proxy
- the accused must represent themselves, and will have five minutes to defend themselves before the tribunal
- immediately after the defense period, the tribunal will come to a decision, by majority vote, on the guilt of the accused and on the appropriate sentence within 120 minutes
- decisions may not be appealed by the accused until the dissolution of the National Salvation Council
Further details are given in the Journal of the Republic of Istkalen.
Liros Ikomar
Minister of CultureSebastian Saar
Minister of EducationEliise Sepp
Acting Interior MinisterElspeth Oskon
Minister of JusticeIndras Uskeled
Acting Prime Minister -
Statement of the National Salvation Council
The situation in Istkalen has changed dramatically over the course of the past week. As a result of the recent psychotic episode of the former General and President Makketis Mindrestek, public confidence in our ability to carry out further reform has dropped dramatically, while the continued integrity of the state is now, again, at risk.
In order to maintain continued order, we have taken a number of measures to calm unrest and prevent an incident which could jeapordize the existence of the Istkalenic state. The political parties and trade unions have been temporarily dissolved, and their leaders taken into preventative detention; the National Assembly has been suspended, with its legislative power now concentrated in our body.
However, facing unrest at home and opposition abroad, we believe that, while the process of stabilization we begun must continue, we must begin, early, the process of returning power to a civilian government, in order to restore the legitimacy of the state. We have therefore appointed Lance Kareskenet, an experienced lawyer and civil servant, as the Helétek of the Republic of Istkalen; he will hold all necessary powers to reconstruct and restore the state institutions that have been degraded by the instability of the past six months.
Statement of the Head of State
As the Head of State of the Republic of Istkalen, I am tasked, in part, with ensuring the continued survival of the state. The significant disruption caused by the psychotic episode of former General Makketis Mindrestek, as well as the resulting mutiny within the armed forces, while permitting the re-establishment of a stable civilian government, has nevertheless severely undermined state integrity as well as international confidence in the country. Though order is currently being maintained through cooperation between the central government and the councils of mutineers which currently hold effective power over the Istkalenic military, a more permanent and lasting solution must be sought to restore the stability of the Republic.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Defense and with local people's committees, I have therefore, with the approval of the Istkalenic cabinet, taken the following measures to create and ensure control and stability within the armed forces:
- military officers known to the Istkalenic government to have collaborated with the former Gen. Mindrestek are to be relieved of duty with immediate effect, and will be taken into temporary detention
- the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Justice are to launch an inquiry into collaboration within the officerial corps of the Istkalenic armed forces with Mindrestek, as well as crimes against the Istkalenic population they may have been complicit with
- the councils of mutineers are to be recognized, and are directed to elect further, higher councils to ensure coordination and order within the Armed Forces as the officerial corps is being investigated and reorganized. These are to coordinate their operations with Istkalen's high military command until further notice
- local and regional people's committees are to supervise the councils of mutineers in order to ensure that they remain within the law and under the command of the Republic
Lance Kareskenet
Head of State of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the Prime Minister
As it was two years ago, Europe is again at the threshold of war. And though we are far from its potential theater, as we did two years ago, the government of Istkalen sees it as its responsibility to act. Centuries ago, we believed ourselves to have a mandate to rule all the Earth, to steward its people and its natural riches; though we no longer hold to this doctrine, we still believe that we are, as we were then, bound to act in the interests of the common good.
International law, as well as the agreement regulating the Strait of Gibraltar between Spain and Hellas, its rightful controllers, must be preserved, for these, in our eyes, form the framework of an international legal order whose existence is necessary to maintain peace and prosperity. The military provocations which threaten them, whether from Spain or Yosai, therefore must end. What legal disputes there are between these two states should be solved not by force but through the international institutions that exist to arbitrate them.
Istkalen will not be taking any hard measures at this time, but will continue to carefully monitor the situation in the Strait. Our government will, however, consider passing certain economic and political sanctions in the case of a significant military escalation.
We will not let the world be dragged into violent conflict; we will not let the stability and order that have prevailed now for years be shattered apart for the sake of power. Though our influence may be limited, we are nevertheless firmly committed to the maintenance of life and of harmony between the nations.
Kaisa Malk
Prime Minister of the Republic of Istkalen -
On the Proposals of the NSC
The National Salvation Council, in its role as Istkalen's interim legislature in this period of statebuilding, has informed the government of its intention to promulgate a new constitution, republican but also deeply authoritarian, if not totalitarian, in nature.
We cannot disclose the exact nature of the provisions contained within this constitution. Nevertheless, we feel bound to tell the public that the vast majority of them are, to us, and likely to them and to the international community as well, entirely unacceptable. So rigid and retrograde are they that they are essentially incompatible with a modern society. They demand a reversion to a social and economic order that has not been viable for centuries. They demand a reconstruction of the state and its relations with the outside world in a way that would almost certainly jeopardize the continued existence of Istkalen itself. They demand a complete reformation of the very idea of the Istkalenic nation, to be carried out in a way so barbaric that we doubt whether it has any parallel in the whole of human history. They seem taken out of some seventeenth century proclamation of some demented lord or king, so detatched from modern reality they are.
We have passively complied with the previous orders of the Council in hopes that they would, in return, deliver on their promises for a full transition to democratic and civilian government. We can do so no longer. The atrocity of a "constitution" they have written has proven to us that they never had any intention of delivering on their word. Further compliance is, to us, to merely hand over power to this deranged, genocidal clique of would-be feudal lords - and that we cannot, under any circumstances, allow.
The cooperation of the rightful civilian government of Istkalen with the NSC is therefore to end. There will be no further enforcement of their illegitimate decrees; they will be declared a terrorist organization, and their sympathizers both outside of and within our institutions will be hunted down without mercy.
Republican order must and will be maintained at all costs; we appeal to the workers, peasants, and soldiers of the country, organized in their own institutions, not to betray their country and sell it to these cockroaches but instead to remain firm in the defense of the Istkalenic state and nation
Kaisa Malk
Prime Minister of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the National Salvation Council on the Rebellion of the Jezebel-Swift Clique
The Arian Church of Reszelport Jezebel-Swift has declared its intention to march on Kirelesile in protest of attempts of the state to force it to moderate its activities and doctrine.
Though it is our responsibility to protect the integrity of the state, it is equally our responsibility to ensure peace and the safety of our citizens. To attack the forces of Jezebel-Swift would almost certainly lead to bloodshed and protracted civil war.
We have therefore chosen the path of peace. We will guarantee the Arian Church full independence in its operations, and near full-control over the German Territories, to which, as the Church has demanded, the city of Kirelesile will be attached. In order to prevent further confrontations, we have ordered the withdrawal of the Istkalenic military from all areas both west and south of Kirelesile.
This will be difficult for many Istkaleners to accept, we understand, but we see it as the only way forwards that preserves life and peace.
Statement of the Head of State
As a result of his opposition to the program of the National Revolution set out by the National Salvation Council - and thus his evident unwillingness to carry out the will of our country's highest decisionmaking body, his highest responsibility - Milrakas Ikoszer is to be removed, with immediate effect, as Prime Minister, and replaced with Elspeth Oskon, whose service in government and the opposition has proven to me her loyalty to the country, the state, and the implementation of our common political project.
Itani Virkonas
Head of State of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the President of the National Assembly
As per the Istkalenic constitution, I am the head of state until such time as the vacancies in Istkalen's co-presidency can be filled.
Acting in this role, I have determined that the government of Elspeth Oskon is untenable. It has no support in the National Assembly, and faces a rebellion from the ranks of the civil service that leaves it existing only in name. In order to ensure the integrity of the state, a rapid transition away from the excesses of the NSC period, and the resumption of regular governance in the aftermath of the 9 October mutiny, I am therefore announcing my intention to dismiss Elspeth Oskon as Prime Minister, and appoint Elizabeth Íkrat as formateur. Oskon will continue in her office until such time as a prospective government - which must be broad-based and reflect public opinion in its proposals - appears to have support in the National Assembly.
Ilmaras Kalessed
President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Istkalen -
Statement of the Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior
In order to protect republican institutions, in order to safeguard democracy, it is sometimes necessary to suppress. Though the rights to free expression and free association are and ought to remain sacrosanct, a line must be drawn when those rights begin to threaten the ability of others to enjoy them - and action taken when that line is violated.
We are, unfortunately, faced with one of the most extraordinary violations of this line in Istkalen's modern history - and thus duty-bound to break from our commitment to democracy and suppress the violators for the sake of that same democracy.
In Istkalen, there are presently operating two parties - the National Resurrection Movement and the National Union - that have as their central aim the propagation of hatred and the end of the Republic. They constantly provoke tension and rebellion in an effort to destabilize our already unstable society - all to discredit our nascent democracy and to legitimize their autocratic, if not totalitarian, ideals among the Istkalenic people.
This is unacceptable and dangerous. We are in the midst of one of the most crucial periods in our history, a period in which we may choose either between democracy or chaos - and these provocateurs, these foreign agents, seek to derail and overturn the clear choice the Istkalenic people made to pursue the former.
The Government has therefore made the decision to ban these two parties. They are to be dissolved, with immediate effect, and their leaders to be taken into custody; their organizers are ordered to stop their work and dissassociate themselves with each other and their poisonous ideology, at risk of arrest.
This decision will be enforced with haste and with fervor; no exceptions will be made, and no mercy shown. The cause of the Republic comes before all.
Elspeth Oskon
Prime MinisterLiris Vesek
Minister of the Interior