James Mizrachi-Roscoe- For a EU that works
My name is James Mizrachi-Roscoe. I have the skills to run big institutions and make good decisions and delegate effectively. These are skills you learn quickly when you previously ran a business as large as my families business.I love Europe and the EU and all of the European people. Within the EU is a wealth of talen and untapped potential just waiting to explode however there is one thing that holds them back , the people in charge and the structures running the EU. The EU can be so much more, the EU can be an incubator of innovation and localised projects unlocking growth and development across Europe and the EU can be a force to solve the global problems in climate and the economy that we face today however it will not do so while it remains a centralised institution with all decision making powers in three comissioners who are stretched thin and while forces that are enemies of the peoples interests fight tooth and nail to stop any form of European cooperation.
This must change and that is why I am running this election. My platform will be a simple one that is easy to understand and crucially effective. I propose the following proposals:
1.Work to harmonise trade and business law in Europe , build on the sucess of the European Patent and now Trademark system by extending harmonisation of this kind to the Copyright system and beyond make the the EU agencies a central point to register and protect your ideas and in setting minimum standards for trade throughout the EU.
2. Reform the EU to make it more effective. Trust local decision making more and delegate more functions and application approvals to either regional or national offices so that decision making can be made in a more localised context and its not just dependent on 3 central comissioners and their offices. Work to make the commission more of a guiding office that sets overall aims and targets and leaves how it is achieved up to the local institutions and offices. Each region needs different solutions at present vague top down decisions wreck the efficiency of the EU and delivery of targets.
3. Work to make a better EU for all that is consultative of its member states and works with all member states taking into account all views in decision making. Only when all feel listened to will the EU truly prosper as an organisation.
4. Make the EU the most important and central institution in multi-national politics. I believe that while alliances such as ECON, Telum , EECO ,Euro 3 and those sorts of cooperation's are good its embarrassing for the EU when they provide more value to countries than the EU does and have more direct impact on peoples lives. We need the EU to have more power in more policy areas with more law and cooperation in more areas to counter this. We need to defeat the obstructionists who wish to stop the EU becoming more relevent to the European people. -
Rally Duxburian Union
When we stand together playsCrowd applauds as James Mizrachi-Roscoe enters stage:
Fellow Europeans today. I come to you not as a Duchian, not as some self interested nationalist, not some power hungry corrupt elite official but as a fellow European who actually supports the EU unlike many professsed EU lovers who claim to love the EU yet undermine it at every term in budgets and in cutting back agencies promoting cooperation. My record is clear I support the EU and oppose attacks on it , I have opposed the cutting of the ESA budget, supported reforms that would bring the EU closer to you the people and opposed savage budget cuts and proposed reforms to actually make the EU work.Now today the EU is a good idea , an organisation with great potential to transform Europe but yet it doesn't . Its not the EU leading trade simiplification as it should but ECON, Euro 3 and Telum alliances by nations. Its not the EU leading development but nations and the Green European Fund . Its not the EU leading on climate change but efforts by some nations. And why is this?
Why is it that the EU despite its potential and its budget cannot effect change like it should? It is simple its because its being undermined , you have a commissioner cutting the budget while contributions rise or remain stable , you have budgets effectively cutting the ESA to nothing so it can't achieve anything in Space. You have a centralisation of power and denial of projects in the EDA that have no idea about local cultures and instead judge projects solely from their own culture despite evidence that things like bikelanes and cycle super highways and pedestrianisation efforts cut congestion while approving highways in Svarna Surya. All while supposedly being pro-green and sustainable development. You have decisions taking months and applications that cost so much small projects in the millions cannot justify using the EDA while the same people in charge complain that nations coming up with their own schemes in frustration just to get something done is somehow undermining the EU not their opposition to reform that is necessary and silly decision making. These stop the EU from being truly great, you saw that with the failure of the Azrekko EDA application here where it was rejected and rescued by a non-EU organisation.
I ask you which corporation or company makes every decision with three commissioners? Which company accepts inactive leaders who do nothing and take months and even up to 6 months on simple decisions overrunning their time for application responses? Yet we accept all of this in the EU a supposedly professionally run organisation with hundreds of billions in the budget that can barely get 30% of its EDA budget out due to inefficiency and centralisation. So I've outlined the problem but who cares? And why does it matter?
It matters because it means the EU is unnecessary in many peoples eyes and that is dangerous. We have to argue daily in United Duchies with out right who want to leave. We argue for the vision and the idea of unity among Europeans but what happens when thats no longer enough, nations can and will leave , I warn you unless change happens the EU will collapse. But what kind of change do we need?
We need to stop depending on three comissioners who even when competent and active cannot possibly do everything needed to make the EU work . When I was CEO of Roscoes I did not make every decision. I did not decide how many sausage rolls as store in a rural town ordered or whether each individual got the christmas shift off. Imagine if I tried it would be chaos , every person in business and charities knows delegation is how you run things, so what do we need to do in the EU. We need to run it like a professional organisation, delegate the powers to those who know best , set central goals and criteria then have local boards of agriculture , development and in each area of expertise that can make decisions taking into account a local context. Yes these will need oversight , yes with budgets allocated by population we would need anti-corruption checks but for goodness sake let local expertise decide the efficient use of funding and reduce the god damn paperwork , it should not take 6 months to decide on a project . We need this reform for Europe to work.
Secondly we need more laws and regulations to harmonise trading standards throughout the EU . It is ridiculous we have over 20 different product standards in 20 different markets that companies have to apply for over 20 different trademarks throughout Europe that companies have to know over 20 different import and export documents . All this does is drive up cost and make trade harder for no good reason. If elected I would push for radical simplification of trade. I would seek 1 common product standard for Europe, 1 safety standard for Europe and 1 trademark application relevent throughout Europe. I would design a system that allows yes opt outs but shows the clear benefits of aligning to the one strong European standards with a single quality mark for minimum standards in Europe.
I would give each agency its own local national boards with their own budgets and have them make local decisions and report 6 monthly to the EU to prevent corruption and subject to a yearly inspection while allowing effective local decision making that takes into account local conditions that a central commissioner could not possibly understand. I would trust people to know their own nations needs not try this failed top down approach we currently have.
I would work to create a consultative framework for the member states to have input into the common standards and laws in Europe. In short I would make the EU work and actually be able to deliver not have this over dependence on the centre. We love the EU and I think most Europeans love the EU dream and vision of unity , working together and distributing resources according to need and helping give those nations with less a leg up to equalise development for us all but it cannot achieve because those in charge undermine it with their need to make all decisions. There are those who want to hog all the power for themselves and let me tell you I am not one of those, in fact I want to unleash the power to the people and let those who know your needs best the local experts make the decisions. I don't want to be studying the minutia of some proposal for a business hub in DU or some local street market scheme in Spain for example. I want the local experts to make those decisions with guidelines. So you have a choice this election vote for the same inefficiency mess and long term collapse of the EU as people get more and more fed up or vote for REAL change , vote for REAL power, REAL unity and an EU that actually works for you and the people. Let us vote to defeat the obstructionists trying to hold onto power in the centre at the expense of the ordinary working man and the people of Europe. We cannot continue down this dark path for the Union of selfishness and power grabbing at the centre of the EU. We cannot continue with inactive commissioners who do nothing for you , so vote for the change that can truly deliver.
I pledge within 1 month of me entering office if elected three of the following acts will be put into the European Council:
1.Reform of the EDA to give more power to national experts to make decision making quicker and more efficient with allocations to be be given to nations based on population
2. A new act for a new European Union wide copyright act to set standards for a European wide copyright that allows companies to apply for one single European copyright rather than applying for a copyright in each nation or trade bloc.
3. An act to develop a single minimum European quality and safety standards with all nations having input into the standards with a equal vote for each nation in the process. The act will also include a mark allowing the product to be sold EU wide so companies only have to have a product tested once to be able sell it throughout Europe. This will make trade easier and product costs lower for the average European. -
My Plan for Europe
1:Harmonise business and trade regulations by putting forward a European Copyright Act for a unified European Copyright system , a unified minimum quality standards with its own testing mark to show products comply with minimum standards and other trade harmonisation policies such as possible development of a European free trade area for nations who want to join.
2. Reform the bureaucracy of the EU to bring it closer to the nations and the people in all aspects. Have all agencies budgets allocated by population and economic need to panels in member states that make the decisions on how to give grants based on local knowledge within a framework of rules set out by a comissioner. I will have a central pot for bigger projects totalling over 2 billion Euros a year (or possibly lower) that will voted for in the current way though would seek to have national panels have input into this and being on hand to provide advice.
3. Use some of the funds of the EDA to develop a proposal for a European Electric Super Connector grid made up of several regional supergrids. I will develop this concept further based on detailed input by nation states and experts. This super gride will strengthen the grid for renewables in Europe providing greater stability in the grids combined with a scheme to help roll out home batteries , battery storage facilities and vehicle to grid storage continent wide. This will reduce the cost of electricity continent wide and allow a stable zero carbon energy grid. I will look at options to fully develop the grid by 2035, 2040 or 2050 with detailed proposals outlining costs and benefits of each proposal .
4. I will hold a meeting with all European nations and call a convention on constitutional reform of the EU to get input from the nations and reform the EU to make sure it actually works reforming the current broken system that has led to paralysis and a feeling of anger and feeling ignored from the people of Europe towards the EU. I will work with nations to fix this system in a way that most European nations can agree on. My premiership will be a premiership of cooperation and progress.I recognise my premiership will essentially be a crowning rather than a truly democratic will of the people and nations of Europe. This must guide how I interact with the nations and people of the EU, I will not win by fair democratic means but a crowning of being the only choice on the ballot. Therefore it is only fair I consult the nations on the direction they want me to take moving forward.