Apostolic Kingdom of Angleter - War List
Official Nation name: The Apostolic Kingdom of Angleter
Conventional Nation name(s): Angleter
Population: 148,815,000
EURO GDP: €7,971,664,775,040
NS Economy Description: Frightening
Defense Spending as % of Budget: 11%
Arms Manufacturing: 38,558.71
Producer Tier?: Omega
Producer Slot if applicable: France
Army (total personnel): 647,500
Air Force (total personnel): 427,000
Navy (total personnel): 3,855
Strategic Forces (total personnel): 5,200Total military personnel: 1,083,555
Army (Total Tanks and Artillery): 900
Air Force (Total Aircraft): 1,787
Navy (Total Ships): 8
Strategic Forces (Total Launchers): 20
Total ICs available: 174,427.23
Total ICs used: 132,105
Total upkeep cost: 22,075Defense Spending as % of Euro GDP: 3.31%
Defense Spending in Euros: €264,210,000,000
Motorised Infantry: 60
Mechanised Infantry: 60
Airborne°: 10
Special Forces°: 30
Armour (15 Main Battle Tanks or 20 Secondary Battle Tanks per Unit): 30
Artillery (15 Artillery or Anti-Air Pieces): 30
Headquarters/Logistics Unit: 44Air
Fighter. Superiority ♦: 175
Fighter, Multi-Role ♦: 550
Fighter, Strike ♦: 125
Attack ♦: 150
Helicopter, Transport: 60
Helicopter, Multi-Use/Utility ♦: 30
Helicopter, Attack: 70
Tanker: 120
Drone, Attack ♦°: 60
Drone, Reconnaissance ♦°: 200
Bomber ♦: 60
Bomber, Heavy: 20
Strategic Bomber ♦°: 30
Air Maintenance/Logistics Unit: 122Total Amount of Stealth Upgrades: 415
Patrol Boat: 7
Corvette: 1
Frigate: 0
Destroyer: 0
Cruiser: 0
Transport/Auxiliary Support Ship: 0
Amphibious Assault Carrier: 0
Helicarrier: 0
Aircraft Carrier, Light: 0
Aircraft Carrier, Standard: 0
Supercarrier: 0
Attack Submarine, Diesel (SSK): 0
Attack Submarine, Nuclear° (SSN): 0
Cruise Missile Submarine, Nuclear° (SSGN): 0
Ballistic Missile Submarine, Nuclear° (SSBN): 0
Shore Support/Maintenance Unit: 2Ground-based superweapons
ICBM silo°: 10
Mobile ICBM launcher°: 10
Ballistic Missiles: 1500
Conventional Ballistic Warheads: 8750
Strategic Nuclear Warheads: 3960
Strategic Biological Warheads: 0
Strategic Chemical Warheads: 0
Strategic Force Support Unit: 4Technologies
Satellites°: Yes
Military Satellite Network°: Yes
Space programme: Yes
Space research programme°: Yes
Nuclear technology: Yes
Nuclear weapons°: Yes
Biological weapons: Yes
Chemical weapons: Yes
Drone Technology °: Yes