Government Offices || The Kingdom of Montenbourg
Declarations of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the shootings in Reitzmag
Elizabeth McCord on the Foreign Office Press RoomForeign Office, Montenbourg.- "I am deeply shocked by the attack that killed two people in a shooting in the Reitzmag city of Hampton. This is yet another tragedy, whose fascist nature, if confirmed, is unacceptable in a fully democratic Europe.
It is with great emotion and compassion for the victims and their families that I express our sincerest condolences and our strong solidarity with the Reitzmag authorities.
We are under a campaign, and we as members of the European Progressive Alliance support the fight against crime and terrorism and emphasize that progress in fighting terrorism and crime in the EU must be consolidated. There must be effective cooperation and coordination between Member States with regard to law enforcement, intelligence and judicial matters. This act is an independent situation that must never be associated with who we are as progressives.
Only together, we can ensure a peaceful and united Europe. "
Rt. Hon. Elizabeth McCord
His Majesty Minister of Foreign Affairs -
Statement by the Prime Minister on the wedding of His Royal Highness Victoria, Princess of Strasbourg and Lord Philip.The Prime Minister, Xavier Bettel, today issued the following statement on the wedding of the Princess of Strasbourg and Lord Philip:
“Today, Montenbourgians joined in celebration as Princess Victoria and Lord Philip married at All Saints Cathedral.
“To celebrate their union, Montenbourg will donate $50,000 to Jumpstart, a Montenbourgian charity dedicated to making play and sports more accessible to children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Since 2005, Jumpstart has helped more than 1.6 million children of all abilities get out on the field and be part of a team.
“Gauthier and I congratulate the newlyweds on behalf of the Government of Montenbourg. We wish Their Royal Highnesses a lifetime of happiness, and all the best as they start this new chapter together.”
Declarations of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the Declaration of Agression by Reitzmag.
Elizabeth McCord on the Foreign Office Press RoomForeign Office, Montenbourg.- Good morning, everyone. His Majesty's Foreign Office is shocked by the recent declarations of the Kingdom of Reitzmag in relation to the Madrid Pact between the Empire of Inimicus and the Kingdom of Spain. This declarations are an act of agression that our Kingdom would not be silenced. We are prepared to exercise all of our diplomatic options to ensure this agression to stop. And we extend a hand in friendship with our friends @Inimicus and @Spain that we also condemn this declaration by the @Kingdom-of-Reitzmag.
From this moment the Montenbourg Reitzmag Free Trade Agreement MRFTA, is hereby suspended. His Majesty's Royal Navy and Airforce are hereby instructed that:
Suspend all business and touristic travel from the Kingdom of Reitzmag to Montenbourg.
No aircraft going to or coming from the Kingdom of Reitzmag are allowed to enter the Kingdom of Montenbourg airspace.
The Montague Bay will be closed to any kind of vessel with the Kingdom of Reitzmag naval ensing. The same conditions for aircraft will be set for vessels trying to enter the Montenbourg national waters.
Its imperatory that the @Kingdom-of-Reitzmag retract it's declarations and comply with peace within the Union.
Rt. Hon. Elizabeth McCord
His Majesty Minister of Foreign Affairs -
Foreign Office
Bureau of Counterterrorism
Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. FTO designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to get out of the terrorism business.
From this moment the Kingdom of Montenbourg recognize the following organization as terrorist cells:
- Sons of Jacob.
- New Gilead-Copala Party.
- Communist Party of Icholasen.
- the movement of the United Nicolezian Socialist Republics.
The Kingdom will proceed to disrupt the financial support network for terrorists and terrorist organizations by His Majesty's government to designate and block the assets of foreign individuals and entities that commit, or pose a significant risk of committing, acts of terrorism. In addition, because of the pervasiveness and expansiveness of the financial foundations of foreign terrorists, authorizes the government to block the assets of individuals and entities that provide support, services, or assistance to, or otherwise associate with, terrorists and terrorist organizations designated under this list, as well as their subsidiaries, front organizations, agents, and associates.
Rt. Hon. Elizabeth McCord
His Majesty Minister of Foreign Affairs -
Foreign Office
Bureau of Counterterrorism
Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. FTO designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to get out of the terrorism business.
From this moment the Kingdom of Montenbourg recognize the following organization as terrorist cells:
- Sons of Jacob.
- New Gilead-Copala Party.
- Communist Party of Icholasen.
- the movement of the United Nicolezian Socialist Republics.
- The People's Defense Forces Eastern Haane.
- People's Militia of Eastern Haane.
The Kingdom will proceed to disrupt the financial support network for terrorists and terrorist organizations by His Majesty's government to designate and block the assets of foreign individuals and entities that commit, or pose a significant risk of committing, acts of terrorism. In addition, because of the pervasiveness and expansiveness of the financial foundations of foreign terrorists, authorizes the government to block the assets of individuals and entities that provide support, services, or assistance to, or otherwise associate with, terrorists and terrorist organizations designated under this list, as well as their subsidiaries, front organizations, agents, and associates.
Rt. Hon. Elizabeth McCord
His Majesty Minister of Foreign Affairs -
Declarations of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the situation in Eastern Haane.
Elizabeth McCord on Lexington House Press RoomLexington House, Montenbourg.- Good Evening, His Majesty's government under the direction of our Prime Minister, as promised, has maintained the closest surveillance of the Communist military buildup on Eastern Haane. Within the past week, unmistakable evidence has established the fact that a series of offensive sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned territory. The purpose of these bases can be none other than to provide a strike capability against the interests of our Union.
His Majesty's Government hereby authorizes the implementation of economic blockade against @eastern-haane. Any nation, who trades or facilitates movement with the named nation will not be welcomed by the Kingdom. His Majesty's Royal Navy and Airforce are hereby instructed that:
Suspend all business and touristic travel from Eastern Haane to Montenbourg.
No aircraft going to or coming from Eastern Haane are allowed to enter the Kingdom of Montenbourg airspace.
The Montague Bay will be closed to any kind of vessel withEastern Haane naval ensing. The same conditions for aircraft will be set for vessels trying to enter the Montenbourg national airspace.
Visas issued to Eastern Haanean citizens are hereby void, any new applications will no longer be accepted until further notice.
Any citizen or national of Eastern Haane that is still the Kingdom of Montenbourg have one week counting today to report to the Ministry of the Interior to fill out a request for refugee asylum within the Kingdom of Montenbourg. After the week this nationals will hereby be put in facilitation centers.
His Majesty's Government confirms that there are no Montenbourgians in Eastern Haane, this declaration has been delayed because we were ensuring a safe return to home for our nationals. We call our Union to put a stop to this situation a we will mantain you posted on further moves.
Rt. Hon. Elizabeth McCord
His Majesty Minister of Foreign Affairs -
Xavier Bettel on Lexington House Press Room.September 8, 2020
Monatgue, MontenbourgThe Prime Minister, Xavier Bettel, today issued the following statement on Labour Day:
“Since 1894 on Labour Day, we have celebrated Montenbourgian workers and the generations of labour activists who have made our workplaces safer, more equitable, and more just. It is because of Montenbourg's labour movement that we can depend on benefits and protections like universal health care, fair wages, and paid vacations.
“Today, we continue to support workers, who are the backbone of our country and our economy. Thanks in part to the hard work and advocacy of unions and workers from across Montenbourg, we have taken action to protect collective bargaining rights, strengthen the Montenbourg Pension Plan, and make workplaces safer for all. We have also made groundbreaking investments in skills training, from helping young people gain their first work experience through the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, to providing workers with financial support to improve their skills or learn new ones through the Montenbourg Training Credit.
“Montenbourgian workers have always been at the heart of our success and they will continue to be at the core of Montnbourg economic miracle, as we work together to build an economy that is resilient, green, and equitable for everyone.
“On this Labour Day, all Montenbourg owe a debt of gratitude to our workers we thank you. We thank the food processors and the warehouse and grocery store workers that kept the shelves stocked. We also say thank you to the nurses and health care workers for keeping us healthy, and to the transit employees that have ensured essential workers could still get to their jobs safely. And as we move into the fall and towards the most difficult school year in recent decades, we also thank Montenbourg's child care and education workers for their ongoing hard work.
“Together, we will continue to support our workers, create well paying middle class jobs, and build a fairer and more resilient Montenbourg. On behalf of His Majesty's Government of Montenbourg, I wish all Montenbourgians a safe and happy Labour Day.”
The Rt. Hon. Xavier Bettel
Prime Minister of The Kingdom of Montenbourg -
Prime Minister's congtatulations and Judge Bourgeon's Remarks
Judge Clarisse Bourgeon at the terrace of Lexington House.September 22, 2020
Montague, MontenbourgThe Prime Minister, Xavier Bettel, today issued the following statement on the remarks of Justice Bourgeon appointment at the European Court of Justice:
"Please be seated. I wish you all a good afternoon, and I thank the members of the European Council and other interested Europeans and Montenbourgians who are here. Today our nation celebrates the appointment of our dearest woman in the Royal Court, Clarisse Bourgeon. First, in her years on the bench, she has genuinely distinguished herself as one of our nation's best judges, progressive in outlook, wise in judgment, balanced and fair in her opinions. Second, over the course of a lifetime in her pioneering work in behalf of the women of this country, she has compiled a truly historic record of achievement in the finest traditions of Montenbourgian law and citizenship."
"And, finally, I believe that in the years ahead, she will be able to be a force for consensus-building on the European Court, just as she has been on the Royal Court, so that our judges can become an instrument of our common unity in the expression of their fidelity to the European Constitution."
"Judge Bourgeon has also proven herself to be a healer, what attorneys call a moderate. Time and again, her moral imagination has cooled the fires of her colleagues' discord, ensuring that the right of jurists to dissent ennobles the law without entangling the court. That, I believe, describes Judge Bourgeon, and those I, too, believe are the qualities of a great justice. If, as I believe, the measure of a person's values can best be measured by examining the life the person lives, then Judge Bourgeon's values are the very ones the represent the best in Montenbourg."
The following are the declarations of Justice Clarisse Bourgeon, appointee of the European Court of Justice:
"Right and honorable Prime Minister, I am grateful beyond measure for the confidence His Majesty, you and the people of Montenbourg have placed in me. Applausses I care a lot about this responsibility, not only because I am a lawyer, but because I used to teach constitutional law and I served my country as Royal Court member. I know well how the European Court affects the lives of all Europeans personally and deeply. I know clearly that a European Court justice should have the heart and spirit, the talent and discipline, the knowledge, common sense, and wisdom to translate the hopes of the European people as presented in the cases before it into an enduring body of constitutional law, constitutional law that will preserve our most cherished values that are enshrined in that our European Constitution and at the same time enable the people of Europe to move forward. Thank You."
Remarks by Prime Minister on Eastern Haane
PM Xavier Bettel at the terrace of Lexington HouseSeptember 29, 2020
Montague, MontenbourgThe Eastern Haane regime has used perception as a ploy to gain time and advantage. As our colleagues from @Fremet has said "We are witnessing a complete, total breakdown of the social order and the very fabric of one's perception of existence." It has uniformly defied our Union resolutions. The situation has a history of reckless aggression and It has a deep hatred of Europe and our friends. And this is a harbor for terrorists. As our friends from @Inquista said "The situation in Eastern Haane truly seems to have reached a incomprehensible level of violence and brutality. It's very apparent that it will be impossible for Eastern Haane to establish its own government or any sense of stability, and in the lieu of such stability, widespread atrocities are being committed." We also agree with the three conditions proposed by our Inquistan friends, only together we shall act.
We stand with the declarations of our Premier Comissioner Merkel, and the use of The European Relief Force as proposed by our Internal Commissioner Juncker from @Spain.
The Kingdom of Montenbourg and other nations did nothing to deserve or invite this threat. But we will do everything to defeat it. Instead of drifting along toward tragedy, we will set a course toward safety. Before the day of horror can come, before it is too late to act, this danger will be removed.
The Kingdom of Montenbourg has the sovereign authority to use force in assuring its own national security. That duty falls on her Majesty The Queen, as Commander-in-Chief, our Majesty Queen Victoria has authorized the deployment of military personel only to preserve Montenbourgian neutrality, this meaning that will only act under the agreements of The European Relief Force.
That is the future we choose. Free nations have a duty to defend our people by uniting against the violent. And tonight, as we have done before, Europe and our allies accept that responsibility.
Rt. Hon. Xavier Bettel
Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Montenbourg -
Remarks by Minister of Defense on Eastern Haane
Lieutenant General Claire Hale at the Montague AirportSeptember 30, 2020
Montague Airport, MontenbourgThe Ministry of Defense has authorized His Majesty's navy, army and Royal Air force in the aid of our allies in @Inimicus, @Inquista @Spain and others on the European Coalition in the Eastern Haane's intervention.
In total Montenbourg will deploy 5,200 military personnel.
- 1,733 His Majesty's Army under thirty land rover wolf model, and four ARJUN MBT tanks.
- 1,733 His Majesty's Navy under three F125 Baden-Württemberg-class and one CVN-65.
- 1,733 His Majesty's Royal Airforce under fifteen M-346 Master and fourteen 111A Raven.
Lt. Gen. Claire Hale
Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Montenbourg -
Prime Minister’s itinerary for Friday, October 2, 2020
Montague, Montebourg
Note: All times localPrivate meetings.
- 5:00 p.m. The Prime Minister will make an announcement and hold a media availability. Member of the Queen’s Privy Council and European Councillor Emma Granger, Minister of Defense and Lieutenant General Claire Hale will be in attendance.
Room 200
Lexington House
144 Central Street -
Ministry for Foreign Affairs lifts travel ban to Reitzmag
Elizabeth McCord on Lexington House Press RoomLexington House, Montenbourg.- The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has decided to lift the advice against travel to the @Kingdom-of-Reitzmag The decision comes into force on 13 October.
"We understand that the premises that happened in the situation of the past August are no longer agressive, and Reitzmag has retracted its declarations. We believe in peace and unity, not division. Always fighting for a better Europe, we shall stand."
From this moment the Montenbourg Reitzmag Free Trade Agreement MRFTA, is hereby continued.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes Alkharya to the Union.
Office Statement
The Kingdom of Montenbourg extends a warm welcome to the Union to @Alkharya . On behalf of Her Majesty's Government we look forward to work together for a better Union.
Foreign Affairs: Sustainable migration policy for the long term
Office Statement
- This is a summary of the report Sustainable migration policy for the long term submitted by the Cross-party Committee of Inquiry on Migration to Minister for Foreign Affairs Elizabeth McCord 13 October 2020.
-Temporary residence permits as a general rule
The Committee proposes that as a general rule, residence permits granted to persons in need of protection should be temporary at the time of the initial decision. The Committee proposes that aliens admitted to Montenbourg as part of a decision issued by the Government on the transfer to Montenbourg of persons in need of protection (resettlement) be exempt from the general rule and be granted permanent residence permits immediately.
-Work permits may be granted to persons in need of protection
The Committee concludes that work permits may be granted to persons in need of protection who receive temporary residence permits, and that no legislative amendments are necessary in this regard.
-Duration of initial residence permits for refugees
The Committee proposes that initial residence permits granted to refugees should be temporary and valid for three years, unless compelling considerations of national security or public order require a shorter period of validity. The period of validity must not be shorter than one year.
-Duration of extensions of residence permits for refugees
The Committee proposes that where subsequent residence permits are granted to refugees, the new permits should also be temporary. The new permits should be valid for two years. If certain requirements are met, the Committee proposes that permanent residence permits may be granted upon application.
-Citizenship for certain stateless aliens
The Committee proposes the introduction of a possibility to grant Montenbourgian citizenship to an alien who has been granted a temporary residence permit on grounds of a need for protection, exceptionally distressing circumstances or impediments to enforcement, or on grounds of personal ties to such a person, if they were born in Montenbourg, have been stateless since birth, have been habitually resident in Montenbourg for the last five years or for a total of ten years, and have not attained the age of 21.
The Committee concludes that there is a need for safe and legal channels into Montenbourg, but that the possibilities for Montenbourg to use national measures to ensure that a greater proportion of people coming to Montenbourg do so through safe and legal channels are limited.
The Committee concludes that Montenbourg should strive to ensure the further development of international cooperation for the resettlement of quota refugees, and its expansion to ensure that more countries admit quota refugees or increase their quotas.
Furthermore, the Committee concludes that Montenbourg should continue to support the development of a joint European resettlement scheme and other EU initiatives for safe and legal channels.
Office Statement
- The Kingdom of Montenbourg no longer seeks participation in the Treaty of Victoria for the creation of the Allied Defense Organization. The Minister of Foreign Affairs extends the desist effective immediatly due to the longement of the talks and the nowhere of the discussions.
Ministry for Foreign Affairs celebrates signing of Treaty of Finisterre
The Minister of Foreign Affairs at Galicia.Galicia, Spain.- "The Kingdom of Montenbourg celebrates along with @Spain, @Inquista, @Icholasen, @Vayinaod, @Fremet and @Leagio this historic day. Europe will look forward to us as an example of unity and friendship. An new economic union has been born; we are more than proud to be part of the founders." Said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Elizabeth McCord, to the press.
The Treaty is introducing the EMU, which will be the new common currency; under the Bank of Europe. Talks and Treaty's signature took place in Finisterre's castle, located in the Autonomous Community of Galicia.
PM Remarks on Austrian Elections
Lexington House.- The Prime Minister of Montenbourg made a call to the newly elected-President of @Austria"Just spoke to former Assemblymember Werner Kogler where I congratulated him on his political victory. Great things are in store for the future Austrian-Montenbourg partnership. I look forward to work together!"
PM Xavier Bettel
Ministry for Foreign Affairs celebrates update of the MINFTA
The Minister of Foreign Affairs at the signing ceremony with Inquista officials.Lexington House, Montenbourg-. Today the Kingdom of Montenbourg updated its trade deal with the Most Blessed State of @Inquista under the leadership of it's Archbishop Mikaela Kligenberg and the Prime Minister of Montenbourg Xavier Bettel.
The new MINFTA "Montenboourg-Inquista Trade Deal" includes a visa-free travel between their respective states, the elimination of all existing custom duties and tariffs between their respective states, and also commit to cooperate and collaborate in humanitarian relief efforts in Dromund Kaas and Eastern Haane. An official humanitarian partnership between the Most Blessed State of Inquista and the Kingdom of Montenbourg will be created in relation to Dromund Kaas and Eastern Haane which will one of the keys of this update.
"Inquista is a brother nation, a always friend and a forever partner of the Kingdom of Montenbourg. Only together we can strive for a better Europe." Said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Elizabeth McCord, accompained by a Inquistan delegation for the formal signing of the document at the east side of Lexington House. As part of the Royal Visit hosted by Her Majesty The Queen to the Archbishop of Inquista.
Here an excerpt of the document:
- The Most Blessed State of Inquista and the Kingdom of Montenbourg will hereby agree to:
Eliminate all existing custom duties and tariffs between their respective states.
Create and enforce a labour code that, at the very least, prohibits gender and sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace, creates a minimum workplace safety standard, and prohibits the exploitation of minor children.
Ban chloride and sulfur pollutants, and the dumping of chemical and manufacturing byproduct in fresh and salt waters.
Commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Existing levels of green house gas emissions must be reduced by 20% by 2030.
Commit to increasing existing levels of investment in green infrastructure technology by 100% by 2030.
Allow the Inquistan Orthodox Church to freely create and fund Inquistan Orthodox faith schools in the Kingdom Montenbourg. Institutions relating to the Inquistan Orthodox Church shall be tax exempt in the Kingdom of Montenbourg.
Allow the Kingdom of Montenbourg to establish a Theological Institute for Inter-Religious Dialogue and Exchange in the Most Blessed State of Inquista. Institutions relating to the Church of Montenbourg shall be tax exempt in Inquista.
Establish a communication and information link between the intelligence and secret services of their respective states.
Institute visa-free travel between their respective states.
Commit to nuclear non-proliferation and condemn the use of nuclear weapons. Any state or party that detonates nuclear weapons will be immediately condemned by the Most Blessed State of Inquista and the Kingdom of Montenbourg.
Commit to cooperate and collaborate in humanitarian relief efforts in Dromund Kaas and Eastern Haane. An official humanitarian partnership between the Most Blessed State of Inquista and the Kingdom of Montenbourg will be created in relation to Dromund Kaas and Eastern Haane.
- This declaration is a binding document and must be ratified by the relevant government instruments of the Most Blessed State of Inquista and the Kingdom of Montenbourg.
Minister of Defense on Eastern Haane
The Minister of Defense Lt. Claire Hale on the steps of Lexington House.Lexington House.- The Minister of Defense Lieutenant General Claire Hale delivered a speech on the success of the Eastern Haane mission by the European Relief Force:
"Today Her Majesty's Government congratulates the nations of the Four Assembled Powers and the European Union on their success of delivering a formal end to the disastrous situation in Eastern Haane. On behalf of Her Majesty's Government we salute commander Harriet Copala for her role as a woman and leader in this fruitful mission. Also the ardous commitment of the Internal Affairs Commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker on his delivery.
On the following days, Her Majesty's Prime Minister will deliver a motion and a set of course in the primary role of Montenbourg in the democratic process of Eastern Haane with our active humanitarian role in the Inquista-Montenbourg Relief Fund. And continue our commitment with peace and institutionality across Europe.
God Save The Queen!"
Lexington HouseMontague, The Kingdom of Montenbourg
No. 001 - Combatting the Death Penalty Abroad
Her Majesty's administration is dedicated to protecting the most basic rights of all people, both in the Kingdom of Montenbourg and abroad. There is not a doubt in my mind that is the objective truth is that the death penalty in all its form is a blatant disrespect of basic human decency.
Several countries with which our country has formed extradition agreements still have and actively use the death penalty on their citizens. It is time for the Kingdom to follow the example our peers have set and refuse to send the accused to their deaths.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs is hereby instructed to immediately undertake a review of all current extradition agreements between the Kingdom and other countries and begin the process of amending said agreements to meet the reflect the following standards:
- The Kingdom of Montenbourg shall not extradite an individual who would, by law, face the death penalty should they be found guilty;
- The Kingdom of Montenbourg shall extradite an individual who could, by law, face the death penalty should they be found guilty under the strict understanding that said individual shall not face the death penalty under any circumstance; and
- Refusal to operate under such terms shall be considered a violation of any such extradition agreement and reason for the Kingdom of Montenbourg to declare such agreement null and void.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, per their discretion under Code §3186, is hereby directed to not grant any extradition request which would result in the individual involved being sent to a country wherein they could, by law, face the death penalty should they be found guilty.
God Save The Queen!
Xavier Bettel,
Prime Minister of Montenbourg