4 Sept 2020, 00:06

The death is without end: Wave of terrorism kills unknown number of people

The massacre in Kiel was believed to have been the final death throe of the previous instability. This has been shown to be untrue. Dissatisfied with commission candidates, many took to the streets. in almost all major cities. What began as peaceful calls for abstention became increasingly violent.

Mobs, like those of the previous attack but exponentially larger, began to attack our cities.

Polling booths, open that day, were ransacked. Voters and officials were viciously murdered. There have been reports of crucifixions in some areas. Ballots themselves were torn apart and burned in public squares as drunken revelers, screaming a number of violent slogans, danced around them, occasionally ululating. Effigies of a number of European politicians were constructed in these areas before being set alight or upturned. The offices of local governments were stormed, those working within, including a number of politicians, forced out before being shot to death. This fate has befallen the members of at least five cantonal legislatures as well. The national legislature remains besieged in Kiel.

Random acts of violence apart from these have been common. Stores have been ransacked, their workers killed; apartment buildings have been bombed or set on fire as exits were blocked.

In the countryside, large swathes of land are on fire as well. A number of collective farms have been razed; the same has occurred to a number of towns. Those in the area at the time have vanished entirely; many suspect that they are dead.

Meanwhile, the Patriarch of the United Apostolic Churches of Haane and Keste announced that the day was one of 'revelation' and 'rebirth,' leading a number of priests to begin to call parish members to their churches for the administration of the 'Sacrament of the Most Holy Truth,' which involves the consumption of the drug ievonuia. This resulted in a great deal of public disorder which have only served to further worsen tensions. The number of people affected by this announcement is unknown; the Patriarch has refused to rescind his declaration.