Imperial Palace Briefing Room - Press Releases from Inimicus
Imperial Foreign Officer Sarah Gladwell at the podium"Good evening. The Empire of Inimicus was shaken to the core last week following the news of the crash of Needletail one, the supersonic jet carrying His Imperial Majesty Emperor Artabanos. Although the Emperor was immediately airlifted to hospital, the nation held its breath awaiting news of His survival. The Imperial Government extends its gratitude to the doctors and nurses at Portus Inimici Imperial University Medical Centre, the rescue workers at the plane crash site, and, indeed, the Inimician People, for their resilience, their strength, their compassion, and their patience, in dealing with the most abhorrent and tragic accident this country has seen since the founding of the Empire.
The nation is united, as one, in their love for the Emperor, and as such, we are as one in our huge anxiety and worry as reports from the hopsital came through. Today, I am exceptionally pleased to be able to take away some of this anxiety: His Imperial Majesty Emperor Artabanos is alive, and will survive. The Emperor survived the initial crash and, although He lost consciousness, He did not require reanimation and His brain does not appear damaged. However, He has sustained extremely serious burns on much of His right side and has broken several ribs. Doctors are also currently assessing whether damage to the Emperor's lungs due to breathing in of thick smoke would warrant a partial or full transplant. Furthermore, it is as yet unclear whether fractures in the Emperor's back have led to nerve damage.
I think I can say with full confidence that the entire country, and indeed, the world, will join me in celebrating the Portus Inimici doctors' efforts, in wishing His Imperial Majesty well, and in calling for an outpouring of calmth, restraint, and civil obedience, in this time of national crisis. ARTABANOS, of the Centurians, Legatians, Quaestorians, Imperatorians, Rosarians, and Praestorians Supreme Emperor, Our Lord, Ruler of all Inimicians, Supreme Autocrat, PRAISE."
The Imperial Foreign Officer then took questions from the present media.
Richard Oxley, Nuntius Inimici: "Thank you, greatly, for your statement. The condition of His Imperial Majesty is of the utmost importance to us all. Questions have been asked, however, about the causes of the crash that endangered the Emperor's life. Could you tell us more about what you currently think happened to cause the plane to go down?"
S.G.: "It is not for me to comment at this time. The Imperial Transportation Safety Authority, or ITSA, has launched an official investigation under the close supervision of the Imperial Consulate. The ITSA has already announced it will report to Ralph Jaevons, Imperial Councillor, on a weekly basis. Ralph will then report to the National Imperial Council, whose proceedings you can, of course, all watch and listen to attentively."
R.O.: "The reason I asked, Foreign Officer, is because several people have come forward claiming they saw a projectile bring down Neeldetail One. Is this true?"
S.G.: "I am, of course, aware of these rumours, but they appear to me in the most critical way unlikely at best, and dangerous at worst. Needletail One was brought down over Inimician soil, hundreds of miles from the borders of any foreign country. The ITSA will conduct its investigations properly as always, and they will no doubt find out the source of this crash speedily, taking all, yes, all, potential causes into account."
Timura Adams, Palace Live: "Could you tell us who the Emperor's formal Deputy is at the present moment?"
S.G.: "As I understand, the National Imperial Council has currently assumed the Imperial Prerogative. Thank you, that will be all for today."
- topic:timeago_later,13 days
Basil Lawson, Imperial Councillor (left) and Jerome von Dommelsch, Constable-in-Chief, Imperial Transportation Safety Association, at the podiumB. Lawson: "Good afternoon. Mr Von Dommelsch and I have good news, and we have disturbing news. The good news, and what the Inimician and indeed the European press has been waiting to hear for weeks, is that His Imperial Majesty Emperor Artabanos has successfully passed the initial stages of his treatment at the Portus Inimici Imperial University Medical Centre, and will be allowed to revalidate at home as of tomorrow morning. The Inimician People, everyone who loved the Emperor personally, politically, and generally, as well as the wider international community, will no doubt join me in celebration of this utterly positive development, and in congratulating most warmly those doctors who attended to His Imperial Majesty. It is for that exact reason that His Excellency Vicarus Wilfred Cocx has empowered me to bestow the highest Inimician honour, the Grand Cross in the Imperial Order of Inimicus, on Dr Jhort Celdre, Dr Theo Hillman, Ms Nazmiye Fortuyn, and Mr Volchert Jongelen. Every single one of them, Heroes of the Inimician People. Jerome, over to you."
Lapel pin of a holder of the Grand Cross in the Imperial Order of InimicusJ. Dommelsch: "Thank you. The disturbing news concerns the initial findings of the Imperial Transportation Safety Association, or ITSA, in co-operation with the European Aviation Association, or EEA. As you will all be aware, several allegations are currently making the rounds on social media concerning the notion Needletail One was shot down rather than brought down by accident. In particular, the allegations combine eyewitness testimony from several different sources, and pinpoint the exact location from where the fateful projectile was launched from.
"Before I address these allegations, let me first stress that ITSA and the EEA have been working on the investigation into this disaster for twenty-six days, a fraction of a second in the relative time investigations such as these usually take. Not all the facts are on the table yet, however the Imperial Government nevertheless deemed it appropriate to discuss these allegations. ITSA have found the following: first, the remains of Needletail One show unmistakable, clear signs of the impact of a surface-to-air missile around the area above the starboard wing. Second: several human remains extracted from the wreckage show wounds compatible with the impact of metal particles contained in standard surface-to-air missiles, a type of metal not used in the structure of Needletail One. ITSA therefore consider the working hypothesis of a missile impact extremely plausible.
"However, I also want to stress that it is uncommon for aircraft to be able to continue to fly and successfully crash land after suffering a hit from a surface-to-air missile. If this missile hypothesis is to be believed, we must also assume the proximity detector on the missile in question was either miscalibrated or dysfunctional, or that the abnormally high speed of Needletail One, 1.8 mach at the time of impact, had an impact on the effectiveness of the surface-to-air missile used. We have so far been unable to determine the make of the missile in question, however ITSA scientists are currently hard at work on this.
"Similarly, the origin of the missile, where it was fired, is also not determined as yet. However, it appears likely that, due to the point of impact over the right wing, which was at the time of impact pointing northwards, the missile had an origin to the north of the plane's location. This does not say that the missile was fired from Inimicus's neighbour North Diessen, and I certainly do not aim to accuse anyone at this early stage of the investigation. I am merely reporting the findings of ITSA at the present moment in reponse to a clear public outcry for information. Thank you."
- topic:timeago_later,30 days
August 31st 2020 - Resolution Condemning Action of Aggression by the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Reitzmag
WE, the National Imperial Councillors of the Empire of Inimicus, acting in the best interests of the State and the Inimician Peoples, having recognised the statement released by the Government of the Kingdom of Reitzmag in relation to the Madrid Pact between the Empire of Inimicus and the Kingdom of Spain,
- CONDEMN the words of the Government of the Kingdom Reitzmag and the heightened state of readiness of the Reitzmic armed forces;
- REAFFIRM the Empire of Inimicus's willingness and readiness to defend its ally, the Kingdom of Spain, and that the Madrid Accords provide for the common defence of both nations, though not any joint offensive actions;
- CONFIRM to the Kingdom of Reitzmag that no offensive action against any target, institution, or person, adhering or belonging to the Kingdom of Reitzmag has been drafted, planned, or otherwise discussed by any officials under the Imperial Great Seal;
- ORDER the Imperial Navy and the Imperial Border and Coast Guard to inspect any vessel carrying the flag of the Kingdom of Reitzmag and seize any military assets that may be contained therein; and furter ORDER the Imperial Border Force to inspect and search any vehicle originating from the Kingdom of Reitzmag and to seize the same.
- CALL UPON the Government of the Kingdom of Reitzmag to revert the military readiness of the armed forces of the Kingdom of Reitzmag immediately, in order for the measures contained in these presents to be consequently reverted.
RATIFIED and APPROVED with a unanimous vote of the National Imperial Councillors present at their sitting the 31st day of the 8th month, in the sixth year of His Imperial Majesty's reign.
Wilfred Cocx, Vicarius
Lord Christopher Strathclyde, Executive Representative Leader & Imperial Consul
Marquis Maximilian de Barrington, Imperial Consul
Sarah Gladwell, Imperial Foreign Officer
Boris Mancov, Imperial Defence Officer -
September 4th 2020 - Announcement of Sanctions and Restrictions agains the Confederacy of Eastern Haane
Imperial Consul and Executive Representative Leader Lord Christopher Strathclyde IC delivering this statement
"Good afternoon.
With horror the Empire of Inimicus, the Imperial Government, and the Imperial Consulate, have taken note of the recent events which unfolded in the Confederacy of Eastern Haane. Not only the protests related to the elections for the European Commission, which resulted in several deaths and widespread destruction and violence, including the burning of effigies of legitimate political candidates, concern us greatly, but also the announcement made by Josephine Areai, State Elder, unilaterally declaring the end of democratic representation in Eastern Haane, is a move the Imperial Government condemns as utterly deplorable. Furthermore, we condemn the actions of the government of the State of Haane-Keste, whose declaration of war agains the Confederal government threatens to further spiral the already disintegrated region into anarchy and bloodshed. The Empire calls on this administration cease all offensive military operations and find a diplomatic solution to the pervasive problems in Eastern Haane.
The Empire of Inimicus has not, does not, and will never, recognise the Soviet Republic of Eastern Haane. This illegitimate communist band of brothers is, from this moment, designated as a terrorist organisation, joining the UNSR and the so-called government of Neo-Venetia. Any individuals adhering to the Soviety Republic of Eastern Haane are subject to instantaneous arrest and imprisonment if encountered by any Imperial organisation or official.
We call upon the international community, of which the Empire of Inimicus intends to be an integral part, to act now, resolutely and in united fashion against yet another source of mass destabilisation in our region. Military action must, in this case, not be universally shunned. We call for the creation of a coalition intended to stop the violence in Eastern Haane and keep the various legitimate and illegitimate governments in the area from massacring and killing as they have done in the past, and continue to do. The full force of the Imperial Armed Forces is available to stop the bloodshed, if our international partners make their military apparatuses available, too.
As of this moment, the following sanctions and restrictions against individuals and organisations within Eastern Haane are in effect:
- The Imperial Government is issuing a total and complete travel ban to any territory of the Confederacy of Eastern Haane, includinig the State of Haane-Keste. No Inimician Passport holder should travel to these areas, and any citizens of the aforementioned states will be denied entry into Inimicus, should they attempt this, and will be subject to temporary detention and questioning.
- Any citizens of the Confederacy of Eastern Haane or the State of Haane-Keste currently residing in Inimicus are called to report to their local law enforcement organisation for questioning. Any who do not comply with these regulations risk a fine of up to f 1,000.
- The Imperial Government will also detain any commercial vessels or vehicles from Eastern Haane or Haane-Keste immediately. The Imperial Government reserves the right to confiscate any suspicious materials found in these vessels or vehicles. Furthermore, a complete and total embargo of any trade or commerce originating from Eastern Haane or Haane-Keste is hereby announced.
- Finally, the Imperial Government is blacklisting the following individuals, issuing arrest warrants for all of them to answer for crimes against humanity, crimes against peace, as well as war crimes: Eva van der Bijl, Josephine Areai, and the Patriarch of the United Apostolic Churches of Haane and Keste.
The Imperial Government asks other nations of good faith and moral character to take similar appropriate steps, and to join us in a coalition of nations with the final and only goal of ending the violence in Eastern Haane once and for all.
In the name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Artabanos of Inimicus. PRAISE BE."
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Artabanos delivers His first statement post-tragedy
"Afternoon all. I'm very happy to see all of you lovely journalists here - I have missed these occasions drastically over the last few months.
Let me just start simply. I am back. The Empire is back. Inimicus is back. The attempt on my life has left me physically scarred, but mentally more ready to lead My country than I ever have been. I am keen, and with Me the Empire, to get involved, to get stuck in, with the international community once again. As I expressed in the National Imperial Council meeting of Monday last, my thanks go to all those Imperial officials who have maintained an extraordinary level of stability and internationalism during the time of crisis our Nation faced this summer, in particular Vicarius Wilfred Cocx. His adminisration demonstrated once and for all that the times of turmoil in Inimicus are in the past, and continued the Great Peace era which has seen Inimicus thrive for the last four years.
Today I intend to update you with several Imperial Government announcements, including communiqués surrounding the investigation into the attempt on My life, tensions between the Empire and Spain on the one hand, and Reitzmag on the other, and the Imperial Government's stance on the situations in Eastern Haane and Neo-Venetia.
Before I progress to the business of the day, however, I would like to officially announce that I will be holding a return-to-the-nation banquet at the Imperial Palace on Wednesday 16th September, to which the European royalty, heads of state, and heads of government, will all be invited. Please look out for official correspondence on this very shortly.
Attack Investigation
It will no doubt please everyone listening to Me today that the investigation into the fateful events leading to My prolonged absence have been progressing extremely smoothly, and my thanks goes out to everyone working at the Imperial Transportation Safety Association (ITSA), the Imperial Guard Investigation Unit (IG-IU), and the European Aviation Authority, for their immense effort so far. I would also like to take this opportunity to officially apologise to the Confederal government of North Diessen, which was unjustly blamed by early findings into the attack. The Imperial Government regrets any confusion caused and hopes for a swift restoration of the cordial relations our two countries have always enjoyed.
ITSA and IG-IU have now conclusively determined that the cause of My crash was a surface-to-air projectile fired from within the territory of Neo-Venetia. More to the point, ample evidence suggests the launch was organised, conducted, and finalised by so-called 'official' elements within Neo-Venetia, adhering to the communist regime that overthrew the legitimate government earlier this year. IG-IU has, furthermore, identified twelve suspects with direct involvement in the horrendous events of last summer - so as to not compromise their investigation, I shall not give any further details of these suspects at present. Discussions are currently ongoing with Inimicus's regional partners about possible arrest warrants and operations to bring these twelve to justice in Inimician Courts.
Regional Instability
Now, this brings me to the wider regional instability that has developed during my absence. Not only Neo-Venetia and Icholasen have succumbed to communist coups, but the recent outbreak of violence in Eastern Haane is deeply troubling. Imperial Consul and Executive Representative Leader Lord Christopher Strathclyde updated you all this week about the steps the Imperial Government is taking to safeguard its interests abroad in relation to the Eastern Haanean situtation, so I will not repeat any of these steps now. I would, however, like to echo the statement by the government of the Republiic of Marlborya, whose readiness and willingness to intervene in Eastern Haane is to be applauded.
The Imperial Government stands ready to prevent more nations from falling into the hands of communists and autocrats. We hope other nations will join us in this quest. Furthermore, I hope the currently ongoing Commission elections will result in officials elected to these important posts which are tough on rogue states, rather than those who flirt with them.
Madrid Pact and Reitzmic Aggression
The topic of unstable, rogue-ish states brings me to Reitzmag. I was immensely pleased to hear the Imperial Foreign Office recently came to an understanding with the Kingdom of Spain, whereby our two nations will provide for a common defensive structure and joint military training exercises. Furthermore, Inimicus has been exempt from any Sound taxes on its commercial vessels in return for a supply of Eurofighter Typhoon jets.
Such a beneficial agreement was then soured by an overly aggressive response from the Kingdom of Reitzmag, which proceeded to alert its military in response to the signing of the Madrid Accords and Pact. This is completely unacceptable. A National Imperial Council resolution condemning these actions was published in this space last week, and I would like to reiterate their call for the Reitzmic government to back down immediately.
The warmongering of the Kingdom of Reitzmag can only lead to suffering in the future. They must stop. Neither the Empire nor Spain has any intention of offensive operations. But let Reitzmag be warned: if the Empire observes any offensive action made against its territory, its officials, or its Armed Forces, we will not relent until the full force of the Imperial Armed Forces is brought to bear against Reitzmag. An aggressive action against either the Empire or Spain will be answered with total retaliation.
Talk has also been doing the rounds around Reitzmag potentially acquiring land in North Diessen, Inimicus's northern neighbour, to allow its military to pass into the Persian Gulf. I am not one to tell the Confederal Government of North Diessen what to do: they are entirely free to choose their own course. However, let it be known that until relations between Inimicus and Reitzmag normalise and the Reitzmic government ceases to spread its warmongering and aggressive rhetoric, the Imperial Navy will unrelentingly blockade any Reitzmic ships intending to pass the Persian Gulf.
Thank you, I will hopefully see you all soon."
- topic:timeago_later,27 days
Imperial Defence Officer Boris Mancov
"Thank you all for coming. The statement I have for you today will be short, but, unfortunately, not sweet. I'm sure you have all heard or read the announcement from the government of the Kingdom of Reitzmag this morning, declaring Reitzmic operations in Eastern Haane "a success". Reitzmic forces will now begin to evacuate the zones of Eastern Haane they forcefully and illegally occupied.
"The Imperial Government would not, in any good faith, call the temporary occupation of another nation's capital, watching the public crucifixion of one of its former leaders, displacing over 200,000 people, and then withdrawing without having achieved a single beneficial thing for peace, a success. What Reitzmag did was not a success. What is was, was a crime. Without consulting any of its neighbours or partners in the region, Reitzmag invaded a sovereign nation, occupied its capital, wrought havoc for a week, and then, just, left.
"The Imperial Government is convinced in its cause and in its need to establish the No-Fly Zone announced in co-operation with the other three Assembled Powers - we are, furthermore, convinced that the establishment of the NFZ is not coincidentally timed with the withdrawal of Reitzmag from the region. It is evident beyond doubt that the Four Assembled Powers forced Reitzmag's hand in this move, and, therefore, the true victory belongs to us. The four of us.
"I can also reveal that representatives from the Kingdom of Reitzmag attempted to host talks with the Four Assembled Powers on the establishment on the NFZ and its enforcement, and deliberately excluded any Fremetian and Inimician representatives from taking part. Indeed, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor attempted to engage in constructive talks by video conference, and was then, rudely, dismissed. This is among the grossest insults any nation has ever levied against the Empire. Furthermore, I can reveal that Reitzmag explicitly requested no Inimician aircraft be involved in escorting Reitzmic forces to inspection hubs or back to where they belong.
"The Empire has never been in a situation where a strongly-armed nation has performed such explicitly hostile actions and voiced such explicitly hostile words againt it. It is with this in mind that the Imperial Government will reinforce the sanctions established against the Kingdom of Reitzmag by Act of National Imperial Council on August 31st 2020. Additional measures and advice will include:
- The immediate suspension of any and every diplomatic relations between the Empire of Inimicus and the Kingdom of Reitzmag. Imperial Representation in the Kingdom of Reitzmag will end in exactly 12 hours following the release of this statement;
- All Inimician nationals are strongly, strongly advised to leave the Kingdom of Reitzmag at the earliest opportunity. The Imperial Government will aim to charter flights to evacuate its citizens currently in the Kingdom of Reitzmag. Nationals of other countries with ties to Inimician nationals in Reitzmag are also advised to vacate the country as soon as possible - given the Kingdom of Reitzmag's record in ruthless and arbitrary measures for the sake of 'national security';
- Effective immediately, all visas extended to nationals of the Kingdom of Reitzmag remaining in Inimicus have been cancelled - no further applications will be considered for the time being. All Reitzmic nationals in Inimicus are reminded to report to their local law enforcement station within 24 hours, or face a fine of up to f 1,000 and/or imprisonment. Do not attempt to hide. The Imperial Guard will find you.
- Any commercial, military, or civilian vessels or vehicles carrying the Reitzmic flag or a licence originating from the Kingdom of Reitzmag will be immediately detained upon attempting to enter the Empire or being found at any internal checkpoint within the boundaries of the Empire.
- Measures relating to the seizing of any Reitzmic military assets found within the territorial or nautical bounds of the Empire will remain in place, and will futher be extended to international waters.
- Companies, trusts, affiliates, or other bodies containing, holding, investing, or otherwise involving assets related to or owned by the government of the Kingdom of Reitzmag will lose their operating licence in the Empire effective 5th October 2020, 6am Inimician Standard Time. Assets owned by the government of the Kingdom of Reitzmag present in the Empire are hereby seized by the Imperial Government.
"These measures will remain in place until at least 31st October 2020, or until such time as the Kingdom of Reitzmag ceases its aggressive and dismissive rhetoric towards the Empire. These measures may be extended at any time if the Kingdom of Reitzmag continues to upset the order of nations in the region. The Imperial Government calls upon other like-minded nations to diplomatically isolate the Kingdom of Reitzmag for its shameful, criminal, and anti-human conduct over the last few weeks."
Boris Mancov, Imperial Defence Officer
- topic:timeago_later,2 months
"Thank you all for coming. I'm sure you will have heard the sad and distressing news originating from Czech Slavia over the last few days. From the apparent breakdown of what was left of democracy in the country to the assassination by bombing of several important government figures, it appears Czech Slavia is fast descending down a dark and dangerous path we have seen other countries in this region follow over the past few years. While it is well-known that the Empire and the Imperial Government is in no way a supporter of communist regimes and will never aid or give harbour to international communism, the suffering of the people of Czech Slavia is not something the Imperial Government welcomes. Furthermore, we certainly do not want this suffering to extend to our own citizens.
It is with this in mind that the National Imperial Council, in conjunction with the Imperial Government, has today decided on the following sanctions and restrictions against the state of Czech Slavia, until the situation in the area is demistified and a clear authority and rule of law is re-established:
- All diplomatic relations between the Empire of Inimicus and Czech Slavia are hereby suspended with immediate effect.
- All Inimician nationals currently residing in or visiting Czech Slavia are strongly advised to return to the Empire at the earliest opportunity. The Imperial Government will organise charter flights to evacuate its citizens from major airports in the country. If you are in Czech Slavia presently, please contact the Imperial Foreign Office on 0110 3333, or use the IFO app.
- Visa applications for nationals of Czech Slavia are hereby suspended. Czech citizens currently residing in Inimicus will, for the moment, be allowed to continue residence -- however, they must report to their local law enforecement office within 48 hours, or face a fine of up to f 1,000.
- Any commercial, military, or civilian vessels or vehicles carrying a flag or licence originating from Czech Slavia will be immediately detained upon attempting to enter the Empire or being found at any internal checkpoint within the boundaries of the Empire.
- Any military or government assets discovered within the territorial or nautical borders of the Empire, or by any Imperial Navy vessel or troop in international waters, shall be seized with immediate effect and retained until such time as diplomatic relations are restored.
- Companies, trusts, affiliates, or other bodies containing, holding, investing, or otherwise involving assets related to or owned by the government of Czech Slavia will lose their operating licence in the Empire effective 15th December 2020, 6am Inimician Standard Time. Assets owned by the government of Czech Slavia present in the Empire are hereby seized by the Imperial Government.
"These measures are not taken light-heartedly, and it is My sincere hope that they shall be of short duration. We wish the people of Czech Slavia, and the legitimate authorities of that country, all the best in resolving this crisis. The Empire will always be ready to give aid to those in sincere need, and will not shun from bringing justice to those who would breach the international rule of law. Thank you."
ARTABANOS: of the Centurians, Legatians, Quaestorians, Imperatorians, Rosarians, Praestorians, and Diutians Supreme Emperor; Our Lord, Ruler of all Inimicians, Supreme Autocrat; Defender of the Inimician Faith; Duke of the District of Telum; Commander of the Inimician Armed Forces; Grand Cross in the Imperial Order of Inimicus; Lord of the Supreme Ordene of Icholasen; PRAISE!
- topic:timeago_later,8 days
Imperial Defence Officer Boris Mancov
"Welcome, all. I have been authorised by His Imperial Majesty Emperor Artabanos to inform you and the wider European Community of Inimician military movements in the Caspian Sea. As you will no doubt have read, the Confederal government of North Diessen formally requested Imperial military assistance over rising tensions due to Reitzmic island-building in the Caspian sea. The Empire, bound by treaty obligation under the Treaty of Telum, and seeking to contain the increasingly hostile expansion of the Kingdom of Reitzmag, has accepted this request.
It is with this in mind that I can confirm the Imperial Navy's Third Fleet made its way through the Caspian Canal last weekend, and is currently patrolling the North Diessenian coast. Our friends in the United Duchies were informed of Imperial intentions beforehand, and were kept fully updated throughout our passage through the Canal. The aim of the Imperial Navy in the Caspian is simple: to protect our allies and friends in North Diessen, to fend off any possible Reitzmic aggression, and where necessary, assist in the total and complete destruction of the illegal and aggressive Reitzmic islands built in the Caspian.
Although I cannot inform you of the exact scale of our operations in and around North Diessen for the sake of national security, I will warn the Kingdom of Reitzmag and its expansionist, devious government, that several other units from the Imperial Naval Air Arm, the Imperial Air Force, and the Army, are currently making their way to several key bases in North Diessen, to assist and train our friends there. I caution Prime Minister Bridges and his untrustworthy government to stand down in the face of what he must realise is overwhelming political and military force from a growing coalition of nations, or face the consequences.
The Empire levied tough sanctions against assets, persons, and vehicles and vessels of the Kingdom of Reitzmag in successive Acts of National Imperial Council and Imperial Decrees of August 31st, September 7th, and October 4th. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor has always been clear that these measures are meant as temporary restrictions and that diplomatic solutions must be found to resolve the disputes between Reitzmag and other nations in the region, including the Empire. However, it is clear that Prime Minister Bridges has no intention of diplomacy. His conduct in a recent summit between Caspian nations demonstrates as much. It is with sadness, then, that I hereby announce the indefinite extension of all sanctions and measures the Empire has levied against the Kingdom of Reitzmag.
Furthermore, the Empire will expell all nationals of the Kingdom of Reitzmag still present in Inimicus, beginning today. We cannot compromise the safety of our nation and our allies in these difficult times. Nationals of the Kingdom of Reitzmag who attempt to evade deportation will face fines of up to f 10,000, prison, or both. The Imperial Government will furthermore extend the seizure of all assets of the government of the Kingdom of Reitzmag present within the boundaries of the Empire indefinitely, and all vehicles or vessels under the Reitzmic flag encountered by any Imperial military or law enforcement personnel shall be instantly seized and taken with indefinite duration. I can also confirm that to the knowledge of the Imperial Defence Office and Imperial Foreign Office, no Inimician nationals remain resident in the Kingdom of Reitzmag.
The Empire has never taken such drastic steps against a foreign nation. However, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor deemed these steps necessary and appropriate -- and I share His assessment. We can no longer stand idly by as a rogue state once again threatens to drag our region down into bloodshed. To Prime Minister Bridges, I say: stand down. For the sake of your citizens, stand down. Stand down, or be stood down. The Empire further calls upon like-minded nations, and particularly those involved in the current crisis, such as the United Duchies and Pravoslaviya, to enact similar measures. Thank you, and good day."
In the Name of His Imperial Majesty ARTABANOS: of the Centurians, Legatians, Quaestorians, Imperatorians, Rosarians, Praestorians, and Diutians Supreme Emperor; Our Lord, Ruler of all Inimicians, Supreme Autocrat; Defender of the Inimician Faith; Duke of the District of Telum; Commander of the Inimician Armed Forces; Grand Cross in the Imperial Order of Inimicus; Lord of the Supreme Ordene of Icholasen; PRAISE!
- topic:timeago_later,2 months
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Artabanos
"Colleagues, friends, peoples of Inimicus and Europe, thank you for tuning in. Today I want to give you an update on the recent, horrifying news that one of Inimicus's most respectable politicians, Maximillian de Barrington, was found attempting to escape Inimicus for Neo-Venetia last week. We have been subject to an intense amount of speculation over the last few days, including about My role in De Barrington's journey from the steering hut of the state to a prison cell. Today, I will elucidate all.
"To come to the point directly: the Imperial Guard Investigation Unit has evidence and reason to believe De Barrington offered, gave, and was paid for, information regarding the test flight of Needletail One, the crash of which resulted in the deaths of several high-ranking Inimician statespeople and, nearly, My Own death. Specifically, it is currently believed that De Barrington informed Neo-Venetian junta authorities about the plotted course of the supersonic jet and its scheduled departure time.
"I was first informed of this evidence several weeks ago, and confronted De Barrington early last week. He sternly denied all allegations, but phone and internet taps then uncovered his liaison with Neo-Venetian authorities. I then forced him to step down from the National Imperial Council, Inimicus's highest decision-making body, and as Imperial Consul. It was clear, however, that De Barrington no longer felt safe, and attempted to escape to his newfound friends. Unfortunately for him, the Imperial Guard Investigation Unit traced him during his journey south, and finally arrested him in tandem with Provincial law enforcement in Terra Diutius.
"De Barrington will now stand trial for High Treason, Treason against My Imperial Self, and the leaking of state secrets, in the Imperial Crown Court. You will understand that this has been a shocking development for everyone involved, not least of all Myself, as I had placed full faith into a man evidently devoid of any moral compass. Therefore, I am hereby announcing that De Barrington will be stripped of his title as Marquis, will no longer sit on the benches of the House of Nobles, and will be barred from ever serving in any Inimician public office again, whether national, provincial, or local.
"This development also shows the sheer ruthlessness of the Neo-Venetian junta regime, whose armies stand just miles from the Inimician capital and whose record of assassination attempts on world leaders speaks volumes about their intentions. The Empire calls upon all like-minded, peaceful nations, to come to our aid with all haste and seriousness -- we cannot, must not, allow rogue regimes to destabilise our administrations in such a way. I particularly call upon nations in the region, including the United Duchies, the Kingdom of Angleter, the Duxburian Union, and the Confederacy of North Diessen, to decide on a concrete action plan for finally, once and for all, handling the terrorists who now hold the reins in Neo-Venetia. Otherwise, and I say this to friendly leaders across the region, your plane, your car, your train, might be their next target."
ARTABANOS: of the Centurians, Legatians, Quaestorians, Imperatorians, Rosarians, Praestorians, and Diutians Supreme Emperor; Our Lord, Ruler of all Inimicians, Supreme Autocrat; Defender of the Inimician Faith; Duke of the District of Telum; Commander of the Inimician Armed Forces; Grand Cross in the Imperial Order of Inimicus; Lord of the Supreme Ordene of Icholasen; PRAISE!
Imperial Foreign Officer Sarah Gladwell
RE: United Duchies Bombings, Syndical Union
"Greetings, I think I can speak for everyone in the Imperial Government when I offer my sincerest condolences to those who have lost their lives in recent bombing attacks in the United Duchies, Reitzmag, and Spain. We have all been shaken by the horrific violence that once again appears to emanate from the territories now known as the Syndical Union. Press releases from the United Duchies claim Inimician nationals were among those sadly killed by the violence in their country -- the Imperial Government cannot confirm or deny the veracity of this statement at present. We are still looking into the stituation. If you have any family, friends, or acquaintances residing in the United Duchies, temporarily or permanently, please attempt to contact them. If you fail to reach them in any way, please inform the Imperial Foreign Office using the newly established helpline, 08899-1122.
"Unlike the United Duchies, a partner of the Imperial Government, our residents and citizens have not been permitted to travel to Reitzmag or the Syndical Union for several months now. We are therefore confident no Inimician nationals remain in either of these states. The Imperial Guard Anti-Terror Command (IGATC) further estimates the danger of Syndical terrorism in Inimicus to be negligible. IGATC will continue to carry out its diligent work in full co-operation with all Imperial agencies to ensure the safety of us all. Nevertheless, I urge all good-hearted Inimician citizens and foreign nationals residing in Inimicus to remain vigilant at all times, and to report suspicious activity to IGATC by calling 444 or through
"The Imperial government did not shun taking action when the situation last spiralled out of control in Eastern Haane, what is now the Syndical Union. As an integral part of the Four Assembled Powers, Inimician military forces aided the maintenance of a no-fly zone and offered humanitarian assistance. Let me say today that the Imperial Government would once again be prepared to assist military operations in the Syndical Union in tandem with other European nations. The cost of inaction, it now appears, can be measured in innocent people's lives. Thank you."
- topic:timeago_later,19 days
As rumours have already circulatd, during the early hours of March 3rd, Inimician Special Forces were deployed inside territory controlled by the Neo-Venetian coupists, the Social Republican Army. These detachments were supported by substantial air and ground force assistance, and acted on intelligence gathered over several months. I now owe it to you, the Inimician People, and our European partners and neighbours, to explain our actions.
Let me first confirm that our actions were taken with full consent and support of our Angleteric neighbours, whose territory Neo-Venetia truly is, and the Imperial Army would not have taken any action whatsoever if there had been any objections from the side of the Apostolic Crown. The Empire does not consider its actions to have been taken against a foreign state, but rather against a designated terrorist organisation.
The details of the operation are as follows:
The first part of Operation Jackdaw involved naval-based infiltration of the Speaker's residence in Neo-Venetia City, where detachments of the Imperial Army's Special Force Command were flown from elements of the 2nd Fleet by helicopter. The central goal of this operation was the capture of Dominic Dalfarra and Marco Brookfield, both named suspects in the assassination attempt against myself. Unfortunately, heavy resistance by Social Republican Army fighters, as well as surface-to-air installations, led to additional Imperial Air Force detachments being sent in, and to targeted missile strikes from Imperial Navy submarines on anti-air sites throughout the city. It is yet unclear how many casualties resulted from this on the side of the SRA, but six Inimician operatives are confirmed dead, with a further four missing. Dalfarra and Brookfield were successfully extracted and are currently in custody in Portus Inimici.
Operation Jackdaw's second arm took place near the Inimician-Venetian border, and involved infiltration of a minor SRA camp by Special Forces operatives. Again, resistance was heavier than expected, leading to an Imperial Army land convoy being deployed to aid extraction of suspects Lando Ambrogio and Peter Zan, both high-ranking SRA officers. Although the extraction was a success, twelve Special Forces Command operatives were killed, while sixteen Imperial Army soldiers were wounded, with a further two missing.
In total, the Imperial Air Force lost two aircraft, including one attack helicopter in Neo-Venetia City, and 18 operatives and soldiers. Our thoughts and support are, of course, with the families and friends of those who perished for their country.
The motivation for Operation Jackdaw was simple: to bring to justice those who continuously attempted to escape it. All four suspects are in custody, and will be tried at a sitting of the Imperial Crown Court in due course. Let this be a warning sign to those in Neo-Venetia who thought the Empire was not a force to be reckoned with. All arms of the Imperial Armed Forces combined to provide overwhelming firepower and military skill, and we will not shun to bring the full might of the Empire down on the SRA if it continues to defame and defile our Empire, the Imperial Great Seal, and Me personally.
The Imperial Government will publish a full document detailing the intelligence operations that led to these raids on its website, keeping any sensitive information confidential. We hope our allies and partners in the region will support us as we bring suspected assassins and their allies to trial, to face the power of justice. We are more than willing to share more detailed intelligence on operations in Neo-Venetia with our friends and partners, should they so wish.
Thank you.
ARTABANOS: of the Centurians, Legatians, Quaestorians, Imperatorians, Rosarians, Praestorians, and Diutians Supreme Emperor; Our Lord, Ruler of all Inimicians, Supreme Autocrat; Defender of the Inimician Faith; Duke of the District of Telum; Commander of the Inimician Armed Forces; Grand Cross in the Imperial Order of Inimicus; Lord of the Supreme Ordene of Icholasen; PRAISE!
As you will be aware, the newly elected President of the Commonwealth of Leagio was nearly assassinated this week. It goes without saying that the hearts of all Inimicians are with her and with her people. Personally, I know what she must be going through, having been nearly assassinated myself this past year. The experience is gruelling: that someone out there despises you and your ideals to such a degree they would be willing to wield a weapon and end your life, well, that is something she will never forget.
There is another reason why the President's case and mine are closely intertwined, and it was hinted at in the recent statement by the Leagoian government. It is the Imperial Government's belief that the act in Leagio last week is tied directly to the near-fatal crash that was intended to end my life last summer. Specifically, the Imperial Government has become aware that Sir Augustus Barrington, fugitive criminal and key suspect in the Needletail One crash, is currently hiding in Leagio, and may be in touch with several high-level criminal syndicates.
It is with this in mind that a delegation of the Imperial Government, led by Imperial Consul Lord Christopher Strathclyde and People's Tribune Lynda Cocx, and accompanied by investigation teams of the Imperial Guard, will be travelling to Leagio this afternoon in an effort to assist the search for Barrington and the criminals that nearly ended the lives of two heads of state. A joint statement from the Inimician and Leagioian government is to be made shortly.
I'm sure the whole Union will join us in wishing the Leagioian president well, and the Imperial Guard and intelligence agencies from Leagio all the strength as they attempt to catch these rats.
ARTABANOS: of the Centurians, Legatians, Quaestorians, Imperatorians, Rosarians, Praestorians, and Diutians Supreme Emperor; Our Lord, Ruler of all Inimicians, Supreme Autocrat; Defender of the Inimician Faith; Duke of the District of Telum; Commander of the Inimician Armed Forces; Grand Cross in the Imperial Order of Inimicus; Lord of the Supreme Ordene of Icholasen; PRAISE!
- topic:timeago_later,15 days
The Apostolic Crown of Angleter confirmed this week that Angleteric forces have begun an invasion of Neo-Venetia, a territory rightfully considered core Angleteric lands. This invasion follows a raid by the Imperial Armed Forces earlier this month in which several suspected criminals at the highest levels of the Neo-Venetian administration.
The Imperial Government offers its full and unwavering support for the Angleteric operations in the area. The communist regime of Neo-Venetia must fall, and it is clear the ruling clans there do not listen to reason or negotiation. The Imperial Armed Forces are in the highest state of preparation to prevent any armed insurgents from fleeing the conflict into Angleter. Since the Apostolic Crown has assured it will host any and all refugees originating from this conflict, and as the Imperial Government considers Neo-Venetians Angleteric subjects, the Imperial Government will aim to relocate any unarmed refugees back to Angleter.
The Imperial Government remains open to any Angleteric requests for assistance in whatever way necessary, whether it be militarily, diplomatically, or intelligence-wise. We hope other nations in the region, including our allies in the Treaty of Telum, Spain, the United Duchies, and the Confederacy of North Diessen, will also send their support. I am confident we will all await the timely fall of the disgusting Neo-Venetian regime that has brought such misery to so many.
ARTABANOS: of the Centurians, Legatians, Quaestorians, Imperatorians, Rosarians, Praestorians, and Diutians Supreme Emperor; Our Lord, Ruler of all Inimicians, Supreme Autocrat; Defender of the Inimician Faith; Duke of the District of Telum; Commander of the Inimician Armed Forces; Grand Cross in the Imperial Order of Inimicus; Lord of the Supreme Ordene of Icholasen; PRAISE!
- topic:timeago_later,20 days
Imperial Foreign Officer Sarah Gladwell, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Bundesaußenbeauftragte/Dışişleri Bakanlığı) Arnum Blauberg
Re: Reitzmic Invasion of Istkalen
"The Imperial Government of Inimicus and the Confederal Government of North Diessen, bound together in friendship and need, recognising the right of all nations of self-defence and territorial integrity, yet further recognising that unilateral occupation of territory of sovereign states shall always be condemned, make the following announcement.
Our governments utterly and completely condemn the disgraceful aggression originating from the Federation of Istkalen, and support the European Commission and Council taking appropriate Sanctions action against it. We support the Reitzmic Government's actions of territorial defence and maintenance of its own stately integrity, and send our condolences to those Reitzmic families whose members will never come home again.
Nevertheless, our governments cannot, do not, and will never support the unilateral annexation of territory of the Federation of Istkalen by the Kingdom of Reitzmag. Simon Bridges and his government are well-known aggressors, imperialists, and conquerors. The recent Caspian crisis is evidence of this. Our governments will stand resolutely against any attempt by Reitzmag to unilaterally annex parts of Istkalen's territory, which belongs first and foremost to the Istkalen people.
Our governments call upon European institutions and nations in the region to intervene. The Archrepublic of Vayinaod is a true friend of the peoples of Inimicus and North Diessen, and would no doubt conduct itself wisely and with the wishes of other nations in mind. The European Commission, meanwhile, must facilitate inter-governmental dialogue, and must call upon Reitzmag to abdicate the responsibility of transitioning Istkalen to their form of democracy.
The Empire of Inimicus and the Confederacy of North Diessen have purposefully been reluctant to intervene in the current crisis, and continue to be hesitant to resort to arms. However, we will use all diplomatic and economic means at our disposal to convince Simon Bridges and the warmongering government of the Kingdom of Reitzmag to abandon its occupation-centered, ruthless policy. To Mr Bridges, we say: you have defended your homeland, now act with respect for those you defeated."
Signed, on behalf of:
ARTABANOS: of the Centurians, Legatians, Quaestorians, Imperatorians, Rosarians, Praestorians, and Diutians Supreme Emperor; Our Lord, Ruler of all Inimicians, Supreme Autocrat; Defender of the Inimician Faith; Duke of the District of Telum; Commander of the Inimician Armed Forces; Grand Cross in the Imperial Order of Inimicus; Lord of the Supreme Ordene of Icholasen; PRAISE!The Government of the Confederacy of North Diessen, Het Goor
- topic:timeago_later,about a month
Imperial Foreign Officer Sarah Gladwell
On the Renewed Tumult in Istkalen
Since September 4th 2020, relations between Istkalen and the Empire of Inimicus were completely shut down after widespread murder, violence, and destruction. Among other measures, no Inimicians are currently allowed to travel to Istkalen, or vice versa, any vessels or vehicles registered in Istklalen will be automatically seized by Imperial authorities, and any citizens of Istkalen encountered by the same authorities are subject to detention, interrogation, and expulsion. These measures remain in effect, especially following the Vardo-Reitzmic occupation of Istkalen.
The Imperial Government has been clear in its stance that, while it supports Reitzmic and Vardic defence of their own territory, this does not extend to the right of full invasion and part-annexation of Istkalen territory. The invasion had no support. The continued occupation has no support.
The Imperial Government condemns in the strongest sense the de facto expulsion of the Montenbourgian Foreign Minister from Istkalen, in the middle of summit talks. While the Imperial Government would not have advised our Montenbourgian friends to engage with anyone from Istkalen in the first place, we will take whatever action is necessary to defend our allies. I send this warning not only to whatever authority currently handles the reins in Istkalen, but also to the Joint Transitional Authority: mistreating a friend of the Emperor is akin to mistreating the Emperor himself, and shall be met wtih appropriate response.
The Imperial Government remains convinced that a complete shutdown of relations, travel, and trade, with any authority in Istkalen remains the best course of action. We will not negotiate or engage with any Istkalen authority. We will not negotiate or engage with the Transitional Authority. We certainly will not engage with Ms Van der Bijl, who, as per the announcement by Imperial Consul Lord Christopher Strathclyde on 4th September last year, remains on the Imperial Government's list of wanted individuals.
In the Name of His Imperial Majesty ARTABANOS: of the Centurians, Legatians, Quaestorians, Imperatorians, Rosarians, Praestorians, and Diutians Supreme Emperor; Our Lord, Ruler of all Inimicians, Supreme Autocrat; Defender of the Inimician Faith; Duke of the District of Telum; Commander of the Inimician Armed Forces; Grand Cross in the Imperial Order of Inimicus; Lord of the Supreme Ordene of Icholasen; PRAISE!
- topic:timeago_later,3 months
Resolution of the National Imperial Council of the Empire of Inimicus Concerning Travel Advice to and from the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern
WE, the National Imperial Councillors of the Empire of Inimicus, empowered under the Imperial Great Seal and the Constitution of the Empire of Inimicus, acting in the best interests of the State and the Inimician Peoples, having recognised the statement released by the Customary Logistics Council of the Six Unions of Gadallad and Aspern,
- ADVISE all Inimician nationals and permanent residents to leave the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern as soon as practicable via the nearest airport or seaport, such travel being allowed by the Customary Logistics Council ordinance;
- FURTHER ADVISE all Inimician nationals and permanent residents unable to leave the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern to adhere to the rules set out by the Customary Logistics Council. Imperial diplomatic assistance in case of arrest will be severely limited;
- ORDER the Imperial Border Force to refuse entry to the Empire of Inimicus to any and all citizens from the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern, and to detain or deport such citizens upon arrival into the Empire;
- FURTHER ORDER the Imperial Armed Forces to inspect and escort to a safe location any and all vessels, aircraft, or vehicle, registered to, or commanded or crewed by any citizen of, the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern;
- FURTHER ORDER the Imperial Border Guard to deploy enhanced screening of all Inimician citizens arriving from the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern;
- AUTHORISE the Imperial Guard Anti-Terror Command to move to Enhanced Surveillance of any and all citizens of the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern with temporary or permanent residence in the Empire of Inimicus;
- ANNOUNCE that these measures shall remain in place until such time as the ordinance from the Customary Logistics Council of the Six Unions of Gadalland and Aspern expires, and We have received appropriate confirmation from the same that safety concerns for foreign nationals have been mitigated.
RATIFIED and APPROVED with a majority vote of the National Imperial Councillors present at their sitting the 23rd day of the 8th month, in the seventh year of His Imperial Majesty's reign.
Wilfred Cocx, Vicarius
Sarah Gladwell, Imperial Foreign Officer - topic:timeago_later,2 months
Imperial Defence Officer Baris Mancov
The Imperial First Fleet, currently present in the Strait of Adventuranza to assist our allies in Spain, has recently detected the approach of a large Reitzmic force clearly intent on entering the Strait's waters.
Imperial relations with Reitzmag were normalising in the last few months, following initial struggles over Caspian island-building and what the Imperial government saw as neo-colonialist actions in Istkalen and beyond. Nevertheless, the Imperial government aimed to work closely with Reitzmag as it found its way in the international community.
Today, that steady, careful build-up of trust has been completely and utterly shattered.
Once again, Reitzmag is poking its fingers into matters it has no reason to be concerned with. It is making intentionally aggressive and projecting moves into carefully balanced situations of grave international importance. Reitzmic warships' presence in the Strait of Adventuranza would amount to a dangerous provocation at best, and an open declaration of armed hostility at worst.
The Imperial Navy will not stand idly by as an armed fleet belonging to a nation thousands of miles away with no business in these regions except provocation attempts to cross into extremely contentious territory. We call upon the Reitzmic government to fully explain its intentions in the region and, perhaps more importantly, immediately withdraw its fleet and refrain from entering the Strait.
Given the Reitzmic government's track record, however, my hopes of any sensible, peaceful solution are extremely slim. We know Simon Bridges' rash, erratic behaviour has no limits and may turn and twist completely at any moment.
Therefore, I am today announcing that the majority of the Imperial Third Fleet has been making its way to the Strait of Adventuranza with utmost speed and haste. We have further dispatched contingents of the Imperial Naval Air Squadron to our bases in Spain, accompanied by other units of the Imperial Air Force, in particular, a large contingent of attack drones.
I would urge our allies in the Kingdom of Spain to come to a diplomatic solution with the government of Yosai as soon as possible to avoid bloodshed over these waters. That said, the Imperial Armed Forces will not shun from defending our allies at whatever cost. To Reitzmag, I say: back down. Your presence would be inconvenient, dangerous, and worthless. Get lost, or bring it on.
[[EDITED 4th NOV 2021 -- PHRASING]]
- topic:timeago_later,about a month
Joint Statement between the Kingdom of Spain, the Union of Duxburian Dominions, the Empire of Inimicus, the Most Blessed State of Inquista and the Confederacy of North Diessen, on the joint departure of Telum Treaty and the creation of a new Treaty between said states
The Governments of the Kingdom of Spain, the Union of Duxburian Dominions, the Empire of Inimicus, the Most Blessed State of Inquista and the Confederacy of North Diessen wish to communicate their inmediate and joint departure from the current Treaty of Telum. We believe all trust to keep going with the current treaty has been lost, and that we, the signatory nations of this statement, need to head towards a different view of our common policy and cooperation for the years to come. This has not been an easy decision to make for us, however we believe that the path we are taking today will open a new era for prosperity, progress and cooperation in the South of the European Union.
We, the nations, think that the United Duchies has, during the last few months, been looking and more interested in non-Telum nations, while letting apart those nations that were supposed to be their most important allies. The formation of the Caspian Triumvirate, the continued lack of support towards Treaty members or their null interest on strengthening the relation with signatory states are three of the main reasons to break up this Treaty. Nonetheless, we would like to communicate the Government at Cair Para that this departure from the Treaty of Telum does not mean that relationships between the five nations and the United Duchies are broken. We are still willing to have excellent relationships with Cair Para and work for that trust to be restaured over the years to come.
Therefore, the Kingdom of Spain, the Union of Duxburian Dominions, the Empire of Inimicus, the Most Blessed State of Inquista and the Confederacy of North Diessen hereby announce that, since today, a new Treaty of Telum has been established between us. The new Treaty will be identical to the previous one, with no sections, articles or clauses amended. We all hope this new treaty opens a new era between our nations, with cooperation, trust and progress being some of the many pillars of this new treaty.
Jesús Aguilar
President of the Kingdom of SpainDante Maximillian
Steward of the Duxburian UnionEmperor Artabanos
Emperor of the Empire of InimicusMikaela Kligenberg
Archbishop of InquistaEkrem Mueller
President of the Confederacy of North Diessen - topic:timeago_later,26 days
End of Year Address by His Imperial Majesty Emperor Artabanos
A tumuluous and eventful year passes. A year in which the story of our nation, of our Empire, evolved, perhaps like never before.
Stories, including our collective, national story, give meaning to our lives. By relating epics and legends to one another, our communities first took hold and evolved culture. Still, our common story glues each Inimician together into one wholesome collective.
Nevertheless, each Inimician has their own story to tell, for each Inimician has the freedom to be different, to take individual views on the world and our place in it.
We are free to think and believe what we will, free to shape our own world view and express our opinions. This freedom we thank, first and foremost, to the heroes of the Inimician Revolution, whose 10-year anniversary we celebrated this autumn.
During My journeys across our Empire this year, many of you told Me your story. It was, after all, a year full of individual heroism, of pride, of concern, of anger.
Stories of courage and persistence are told by our brave soldiers -- those utterly heroic women and men who brought the most calcified of criminals to Inimicus from the clutches of terrorism in Neo-Venetia. Similarly impressive narratives are told by those who served in North Diessen, where we defended our friends and allies with unrelenting resolve. From the bottom of My heart, I thank our servicewomen and men for their dedication this year.
Inimicians also told of ambition and pride this year. Through our common effort, an Inimician once again assumed the prestigious role of Premier Commissioner. Dr Walter Cocx, whose efforts to defend our region are testament of his proud Inimician character, put our Empire back in the centre of the world stage. It is up to us, all individual Inimicians, to ensure it remains there.
Nevertheless, stories of anger and grief also accompanied the passing of this year. I spoke to groups of demonstrators protesting the Needletail One court case. And while opinions naturally varied, every person I spoke to shared in the common grief about those we lost on that fateful day, and the common anger at those who perpetrated this heinous deed.
The story of the cleansing of Inimician governance from inside infiltrators was one of tension, sadness, and yet one of irrevocable resolve. Together, we will continue to make our government effective, resolute, and representative of our Empire. That, after all, is what each Inimician truly deserves.
Inimicus nevertheless told a story of adaptibility and resilience, when we came together to support our friends to the north in a common goal of connecting the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea. From the depths of internal strife we bounced back to the heights of international diplomacy. In 2022, we will see the completion of this monumental canal, and together with our friends in the renewed Telum Treaty, we will achieve even more than we did in 2021.
Inimicians certainly have no lack of stories this year. Nevertheless, those who threaten us from outside endanger our ability to listen, to exchange ideas, to live peacefully. In regards to this, I call upon you all to unite, to stand together, to connect with your fellow citizens.
And it is in this unity, perhaps, that the roots of our common story for 2022 takes hold.
For I have seen, time and again, from younger and older Inimicians, the willingness to contribute to our nation's wealth, success, and strength. From rebels at our doorstep to high-level maneuvering in straits hundreds of miles away, Inimicians stand together. We choose for a perspective that works, for a common undertaking to protect our way of life. And this, too, is a part of our story -- and a major part at that.
We made history in 2021. May we make history in 2022.
I wish each and every one of you, wherever you may be and whatever your personal circumstances are, a happy new year.
ARTABANOS: of the Centurians, Legatians, Quaestorians, Imperatorians, Rosarians, Praestorians, and Diutians Supreme Emperor; Our Lord, Ruler of all Inimicians, Supreme Autocrat; Defender of the Inimician Faith; Duke of the District of Telum; Commander of the Inimician Armed Forces; Grand Cross in the Imperial Order of Inimicus; Lord of the Supreme Ordene of Icholasen; PRAISE!
- topic:timeago_later,22 days
Statement on Anastasia City
Imperial Foreign Officer Sarah GladwellThe Imperial Government has once again been shocked by renewed tumult abroad, although this time, much closer to its own borders than was previously the case. With horror, we watch events in Anastasia City unfold, events which appear to involve underground explosions and armed insurgencies. Much remains unclear about what has gone on and what the Duchian response to these apparent disasters will contain.
Nevertheless, the Imperial Government will not sit idly by as a potentially harmful force emerges just across the sea from the Emperor's territories. With this in mind, I am using my authority under the Great Imperial Seal and the Constitution of the Empire of Inimcus to announce a temporary ban on any and all entry of individuals from the United Duchies. Individuals with ties to Anastasia City who currently reside in the Empire of Inimicus are asked to report themselves to local law enforcement. Those who do not turn themselves in will be found, rest assured.
I have also asked Imperial Defence Officer Mancov to dispatch elements of the Imperial Navy's Second Fleet to international waters close to Anastasia City to monitor the situation, to prevent any insurgents from escaping, and to support the United Duchies coastguard.
The Imperial Government further questions, and has always questioned, the establishment of Anastasia City so close to its own borders. Perhaps, and we would work with the Duchian government on this, it is time to find the inhabitants of this troubled place a new home. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor has asked me to express His willingness to house the vast majority of Anastasia City residents within the Empire, and His readiness for prompt dialogue with involved parties.