I Will Have Order
Part 1

Telum Capital Defence Command
Headquarters of the Imperial Armed Forces
Strategic Meeting of the Imperial Defence Council
Operation Takedown [IC Secret]
- H.I.M. Emperor Artabanos

- Imperial Defence Officer Boris Mancov

- By secret video link: North Diessen's Minister for National Defence Ekrem Mueller

- Chief of the General Staff Vice Admiral John Bauer

- Legate for Terra Domini Air Marshal Hugh Donnell

Artabanos: "Gentlemen, welcome. As you will be aware, the Imperial Government has finally received a formal request from the Confederacy of North Diessen for military assistance. Our long months of work have come to fruition. Boris, how is the situation in Reuland?"
Mancov: "The State of Reuland borders the Inimician northeast, but cross-frontier roads and passages are infrequent, the border mostly consists of mountanous terrain. Imperial Guard operatives in Reuland have so far managed to sneak across uncaught, and we have no expectation this will change with the de facto independence of the State. Reuland's State authorities have put the weapons we provided to good use, and as far as we are aware the secessionist government now controls most if not all of the major Reuland cities and military supply points."
Artabanos: "Very well. Admiral Bauer, recap what our actions will be once we offer our help."
Bauer: "As we extensively discussed, Your Imperial Majesty, the Imperial Armed Forces (IAF) will enter North Diessen by rail, air, and road, where they will link with Diessen Defence Force units and co-ordinate with them. We currently have the 1st Mountain Brigade, 1st and 2nd Special Air Squadrons, 2nd Army Corps, as well as the 1st and 2nd Air Mobile Brigades, 3rd Fleet, and 2nd Submarine Squadron to participate, of course backed up by several other corps to remain in the Empire. At the time time, our Special Force Command and the 3rd Special Air Squadron will immediately commence covert operations in Reuland from the Fugit Mountain Assault Command in Terra Dominus. Significant IAF presence will be directed towards the Diessenian capital, Het Goor, and towards major Diessenian Defence Force bases, which I have indicated on the map in front of you."
Mancov: "Just to but in here, Vice Admiral: we are currently talking about the first phase of Operation Takedown, correct?"
Bauer: "Correct. Phase One will see IAF units deployed against the Inimician-armed rebels in Reuland. Ironic, perhaps, but necessary. At the time time, our Logistics Command will gain valuable information about Diessenian Defence Force structures and operations, making these much easier to sever in Phase Two. The 3rd Fleet and 2nd Submarine Squadron will pass through the Caspian Canal and into Diessenian waters, however, progress will be deliberately slow, making it unlikely they will reach all the way to Reuland's shores before the rebels are defeated, according to plan, in just a few days. We are estimating our vessels to be in position off the coast closest to Het Goor, carrying units of the amphibious assault command of the 2nd Imperial Guard brigade."
Artabanos: "So, Phase One to last, what, three days?"
Bauer: "Three to four. We are to meet again here once our objectives have been completed."
Artabanos: "How do we transition from Phase One to Phase Two?"
Bauer: "To most people, it will not be a noticeable change. Our brigades have been extensively trained in covert operations and are expected to apprehend most Diessenian Defence Force units without fighting. Not that there are many DDF units to arrest -- we are likely to outnumber them two-to-one at least. At the same time, the Imperial Guard will make its way under the cover of darkness to the government quarter in Het Goor, apprehending President Inge Pekcan and her confidantes, and installing Mueller into office."
Artabanos: "Ekrem -- objections?"
Mueller: "None. Apologies for whispering, I am the face of anti-Reuland resistance here at home. If caught conspiring, my sentence would be worse than death. How long could we maintain such a, well, covert invasion, from being noticed, Vice Admiral?"
Bauer: "Not for long, which is why Operation Takedown, Phase 2 will take no more than 12 hours. President Pekcan's demise will be put down to infiltration by Reuland's paramilitaries, and the Imperial Guard presence there as a countermeasure. Pekcan is to be 'wounded', and Mueller is to take over as a temporary measure at first. Obviously, in the long term, our other planning will have to take care of that."
Mueller: "Perfect, thank you."
Artabanos: "Follwing the successful conclusion of Operation Takedown, I will award Mueller with the Grand Cross of the Order of the Empire, and make him an Associate Member of the Imperial Defence Council, an Honourary Citizen of the Empire, and allow him a personal Imperial Guard detachment to escort him wherever he goes."
Mancov: "Excellent. We look forward to having you as an ally, Ekrem."
Artabanos: "Gentlemen, perfect. Start time for Phase One of Operation Takedown is 1800 hrs today. Thank you."
Walking from the Situation Room, Artabanos thought "What a way to celebrate the Empire's 10-year anniversary. Adding three new territories to its dominion." His nerves began to rise, and He had a swift drink before exiting the lift and going about His day.