IC Secret
Rats infected with Yersinia pestis have died and plague was confirmed to be the cause of death. Pneumonic plague proved to be highly contagious among the rat population. After further considerations of past usage of bubonic plague with minimal success, deployment through releasing infected fleas has been ruled out. Aerosolised version of Yersinia pestis capable of surviving outside the laboratory has been produced successfully.
In case of necessity to protect the Democratic Republic, its socialist and democratic system and its population, Yersinia pestis suspended in airborne droplets is to be disseminated through cruise missiles.
The danger of pneumonic plague spreading into the borders of the Democratic Republic require sufficient preparation for suitable treatment and prevention of the spread of the disease. The Institute recommended to the Ministry of Health to establish a chain of communication and command between health institutions and administrative institutions to allow for accurate and high quality data regarding the potential spread of the disease and prevent overcrowding and overwhelming certain hospitals. To produce and store sufficient ammount of antibiotics, provide medical staff with further training on handling the pneumonic plague and prepare easily understandable training materials available to all citizens, regarding proper behaviour during plague outbreak to be distributed if necessary. To create a registry of individuals crucial for the functioning of the state, treating the infected and maintaining the war capabilities of the Democratic Republic in cases where lock downs might become necessary. Such measures are predicted to allow for minimization of the spread of the disease and loss of life. The recommendations were accepted. Furthermore, if Yersinia pestis is to be released by the Democratic Republic it is advised to immediately close the borders to minimize the threat of the disease spreading.
Until these measures are fully implemented small-size manufacturing of the weaponized Yersinia pestis is to begin immediately. Manufacturing of sufficient amount of missiles to be filed with the weapon is to begin immediately. Following the full implementation of those measures, the manufacturing is to be increased to medium-size.
Given the high mortality, contagiousness of the disease and difficulty of recognizing the disease based of symptoms early, the weaponized pneumonic plague is to be used as a last resort weapon, before the deployment of nuclear weapons. The Institute recommends drafting a combined biological-nuclear warfare strategies, targeting important centres, with the aim of disruption of potential enemy communication, complicating the response to the spread of diseases leading to increased panic and quick debilitation of nuclear states. At the same ties strategies must be prepared to overcome disruptions of communication of the Democratic Republic.
Scientific-Reaserch Biological Institute