RTD 24
Sanctions on Reitzmag kick in
The first ships and planes from and to Reitzmag were denied entry to the Baltic canal and Duchian airspace today. The sanctions kicked in as the state refused to comply with conditions that it sign a treaty and agree to stop island building in the Caspian outside of its territorial waters. The move has caused businesses to reduce imports from Reitzmag also as port restrictions started applying also with extra paperwork required to import from Reitzmag to prove it was essential for business with no alternatives.Experts predict that the Reitzmag economy could drop by 8% or more this year should Reitzmag not resolve its issues with its Caspian neighbours as Pravoslavya and North Diessan restrictions and sanctions also kicked in including airspace restrictions. Ships bound for Copala are to be allowed through as long as Copala introduces customs checks on Reitzmag border in line with the previous agreement. The government said in a statement "We have been forced to introduce these sanctions due to the arrogant selfish attitude of the Reitzmag government who have decided their pride is worth more to them than good relations with their neighbours. We have offered multiple chances to negotiate , sign agreements and get on a good footing with us and their neighbours , they have refused all reasonable attempts to negotiate. I call on them to sign the reasonable treaty proposed for the sake of their businesses and citizens , f they really care abotu their citizens rather than their pride they will sign to end this crisis. We will implement stage 2 of sanctions if there is no signing of the treaty within a month."
Protests erupt in Duchies from Far-Leaft activists
Far left protests have erupted across the nation as arrests of far left leaders and activists continue. Hundreds more have been arrested in the last few days in what has been described as a "witch hunt" by far-left media and activists. The government however have denied this is the case statin they are only arresting those linked to terror ort supporting terror or those linked to people or organisations supporting terror. They cited they also arrest far right extremists for similar reasons but that the scale of the problem there is lower at the moment.Protests have grown to thousands with red tunic protests in all major cities throughout the Duchies. The protests have attracted 10's of thousands with hundreds of thousands supporting the red tunic movement on social media. It is however suspected that the protest movement is being infiltrated by intelligence service DISS though this has not been confirmed nor denied by government.
Amended National Security Act for Safety of the Public passed into lawToday the National Security Act for Safety of the Public 2021 passed into law as the government sped up its passage. The act passed 333-317 in the House of Commons. The debate was shorterned and a vote to expediate the vote for its ascension was passed. The act was passed in an emergency session.
The Imperial Senate debate lasted 5 hours at which the vote was took at the end without any amendments being proposed. The act passed the Imperial Senate 250 to 100 with religious groups abstaining from voting as they often do outside of social and welfare issues. The acts passage means that "smart CCTV" zones could be seen as soon as June with new photo and fingerprinting systems becoming operational from as early as June also. Staff will be trained on the new border control systems. A facial recognition database using ID photos which are already updated on every application will be operational by May at least partially. The government have vowed to protect the public while critics warn this is the potential beginning of a "police state".It is expected the first systems will be implemented around major landmarks, transport hubs and in busy city centre districts with high streets being next on he priority list.
Developments with over 300 homes per hectare to get tax relief
The United Duchies government today announced a new package of support for cities to densify and become greener. The government announced in a key reform that developments with 300 homes per hectare will be zero rated for tax purposes as long as a 40% affordable housing quota is met. The move should cut cost of building such developments and per unit costs of housing providing much needed affordable housing.The policy will apply to all major urban areas and regional town centres. Approval will still be in the hands of local councils and the Duchies.In other reforms extra money will be made available to pedestrianise more streets and introduce extra bike lanes in urban areas and there will be support packages to introduce new on demand transit in rural areas to more efficiently use resources while making public transit and option Duchies wide. The moves are expected to reduce to car journeys with an aim to reduce car travel to only 35% of journeys within the Duchies. While cars are still recognised as necessary by the government they want to reduce car usage to reduce congestion while avoiding significantly increase road space to preserve nature within the country and make more livable environments devoted to people. The government have announced taxes will rise to pay for the changes however they have said in a statement "We believe that in the long term money will be saved by avoiding a climate crisis which could cost hundreds of billions of Euros or even trillions of Euros in adaptations .We would much rather take the cheaper and less risky long term option." It is also understood the government will reduce the government surplus temporarily to pay for future proofed green infrastructure.
Minimum density standards set in cities and urban areas
Today the government announced its new plan to deal with transport, mobility and population growth issues while protecting existing green spaces and land. The government announced that a further 10% of land in the country would be protected bringing Greenbelt, Rural Belt and national parks to 90.1% of the countries land. The plan however acknowledged this could increase house prices if no other action is taken.The government announced as a second part of the plan to set a minimum density of 1,500 houses per sq km in urban suburbs 2,000 per sq km in Urban centres and 1,000 houses per sq km equivalent in rural towns to reduce land wastage and also densify cities and towns enough to make more public transport viable. The move is also designed to increase affordable housing.The government announced that a new 50% affordable housing target will be implemented meaning at least 50% of all new housing should be classed as affordable housing on the average median wage. The government in a statement said " We recognise the need to balance population growth and environmental protection,. We must preserve the green space we have left while providing more affordable housing and increasing access to finance for the working class to buy homes. We believe densification and more ideally sized homes and increased flat building will play a role in this process." It is believed there is considerations to put a further 7% of the countries land area in some sort of protected status.Critics of the policy however have raised concerns that further increase in protected land could raise house and real estate prices that are already some of the highest in the EU.
BREAKING NEWS:Councilllour James Mizrachi-Abbott in recovery
News has just come out from Europolis that James Mizrachi-Roscoe is in recovery after over a week in critical condition fighting for his life in hospital. James office staff and his family have said "We are thankful to all the great hospital staff who have made it possible for him to recover however he still has a long road ahead. We have discussed with James about his circumstances and it has been agreed he should focus on his recovery. He will take some work emails and calls however he shall not be retuning to the chamber until he has made more of a recovery." It is expected he will return to the European Council in 2 -4 weeks . The government in a statement wished him a speedy recovery. -
Anti-Trans bill passes in Albion
The anti-trans Sex Specific Spaces Act has passed in Albion today. The act passed as of today will force trans females to use the bathroom of their birth sex that is on the national ID card as well as allow sex specific spaces to ban trans people from accessing their spaces and services. The act has been supported by Conservatives who have argued it is needed to "protect women from rape and violence". This however has been disputed by Stonewall Duchies who have pointed out research into the matter shows no increase in women's safety where such policies are in place.The bill has cased outrage in the liberal provinces of supseaxe and West Baltica and among LGBT groups and supporters of LGBT rights including the ICS church. The ICS church announced that would not follow the law and would allow trans women in the womens bathroom while protests have erupted in Arrynfort as well as throughout the country. The "Fuck Transphobia" campaign has started to trend with it trending to number one on Twitter and Pogo. Parties on the left and centre as well as the Union of Democrats outside of the Albion and northern duchies opposed the act and have joined in protests.
First fingerprint and photo ID immigration and Smart CCTV zones operational
The first smart integrated immigration systems and smart CCTV zones in the Duchies have been activated and are now in operation. The system went live todays at Goudadam, Porterdam and Cair Para Airports with it expected to go live at other airports within 2 months. The government have thanked companies for their remarkable speed in providing the systems with them saying "We thank our suppliers for their great support in boosting our national security in record time".From today on arrival at the airport visitors will be put on an Ogo managed database for 1 month or up to 3 years if they choose to keep details on system to use e-passport gates. This will then be connected to the smart cctv networks and fingerprint database.The first smart cctv zones have been implemented in Goudadam, Portderdam, Brummagem and Cair Para. The zone is operating in the city centres for the moment though it will expand.If you want to know more you can watch the Panorama TV episode on our RTDPlayer. The system has come across sustained criticism from privacy advocates , the systems are expected to be in all city centres and border entry points by 6 months. Mobile systems will be dispatched to all border points within 6 months.
United Duchies to discuss options regarding Menrimmiak law
Today the government is said to be in contact with Mennrimiaks government concerning the new laws in Mennrimiak specifically aimed at Duchian companies. The foreign minister has said "We are concerned at these targeted unfair laws and restrictions on our businesses who have done nothing wrong. This law hurts both the United Duchies and Mennrimiak as our businesses operate as some of the most ethical ,green and workerfriendly companies in the world a model which many use abroad. They also offer some of the best wages in many instances a prime example being Roscoes.The restrictions are unnecessary and counter productive and will only cost Mennrimiak citizens high paying jobs that are good quality and remove an ethical good option for Mennri consumers.We are going to make it clear a solution needs to be found or we need to consider laws in the Duchies and the option of putting Mennrimiak on the list of countries that are risky business environments to operate in."The moves in Mennrimiak have garnered criticism within the Duchies business community who have denied that companies in United Duchies are abusing their power or acting monopolistic.The United Duchies Business Association said in a statement "Our members support a competitive market and are following all relevent laws on competition and marketshare as well as green and labour regulations. The laws targeting Duchian compaies are unwarranted and unfair. They are also bad for Mennrimiak as they reduce investment from our member companies many of which would expand further in Mennrimiak or enter if they could freely. Many have expressed concerns over the laws impact on business stability and investment security , we urge Mennrimiak not to close their market off to good quality foreign investment with high paying jobs and to not go through with laws that will harm their economy and their citizens living standards."
Some in the government have called for similar restrictions on Mennrimiak companies in the Duchian market though the government have confirmed at this time they have no interest in doing so as they want an equal business environment for all companies from all countries that are not under sanction and historically the country has maintained that no one country should be targeted in business law unless there are sanctions in place on the said country.
AGGA brought by Spadi of Inquista
Today AGGA announced they had agreed to be purchased by Spadi. The move comes to boost efficiencies , enable lower prices and better pricing for the company to compete with Roscoes more effectively. Spadi is already a significant part of the Duchies market with an 8.00% marketshare though it has a more significant international market than AGGA which is mainly domestic in scope. The deal is to be looked into by the competition watchdog in order to make sure it does not negatively affect the consumer and lead to a market that is uncompetitive though it would be expected to pass since the combined Spadi Duchies company would make up 19.1% of the market behind Roscoes 30.6% in the groceries market and well short of the 35% marketshare that would trigger a mass sell off requirement though in some local areas they may be required to dispose of stores to get a deal through.The new company is expected to launch a significant price war with Roscoes and introduce more own brands as own brands continue to rise in demand and marketshre as Duchians turn away from brands. The move will also give access to factories , processing plants and dairies in the Duchies for the company.
James Mizrachi-Abbott released from hospital
Councillour James Mizrachi-Abbott has officially been released from hospital in Europolis having recovered from the attack on him and the councillours in the European Council where he defended councillours from an attack with the aim to kill them an action for which many have deemed him a hero. His condition has improved significantly and he appears to have fully recovered. He was seen going out of hospital with his family and gave an interview saying "I would like to thank the people of the Duchies and Europe for their support and well wishes for my family during this very difficult time for my family. As you may know it has been difficult for all my family with my sons , nephews and nieces involved as victims of attacks themselves as well as myself in the parliament.It is only through public support aqnd support of our friends we have got through this and we will repay that suppport.I will be returning to my duties as an elected official and representing my country again in the chamber. I will be attending sessions from as soon as tomorrow and make sure the Duchies gets its representation from its elected official. I will also be looking at the current acts with the aim of bringing justice to the UNSR and the scourge of left wing terrorists on this continent from extremist governments. I believe Europe must root out and destroy left wing terrorist groups and organisations with vigour while maintaining freedom for those on the left , I will also talk to my own government about my concerns about potential political arrests going on , I understand the need to be tough indeed my family has suffered from these extremists but we must also protect the cherished values of democracy, liberty and freedom of association as long as its not with terrorists."
He is expected to support a sanctions motion on UNSR and reform of the sanctioning powers act but oppose the Duchies government stance on association with left-wing governments.He wants to see evidence government officials were directly linked or involved with the groups in question,
Dr Wakefield jailed for life for abuse as he is found guilty of 20 counts of Autistic Conversion
Dr Wakefield a prominent autism service provider has been jailed for 204 years for abuse today for practising ABA.The doctor was caught in a sting operation where a family posed as a family who needed help with their childs autism. Dr Wakefield reccomended his own ABA services and even conducted a fist session.His offices were then raided in 2020 and files found confirming he had at least 34 clients on file , it is suspected he has performed ABA on many other clients in the past. The judge in sentencing said "You Mr Wakefield are a disgusting man. You have clearly broke our law by offering Autistic Conversion services in the form of ABA which is clearly recognised as abuse under the law. Whats more is you have done so on innocent children many of whom may eventually need therapy to reverse the damage you have done.You also clearly knew it was illegal as you hid files and told parents not to mention the ABA and to just say they were getting help with social skills. You and your clinic conspired to hide this from the authorities. Therefore I have no qualms in sentencing you to 204 years in jail in which no doubt you will die in prison. I wish that you serve your justice for your terrible abuse until you die , your victims deserve no less."
The investigation came about after Positive about Autism a charity heavily supported by Roscoes got multiple reports of the service being offered. They then arranged a sting operation with the Goudadam police in early 2020. The police have thanked Positve about Autism for bringing the matter to their attention and have warned this sentence serves as a lesson to those who would abuse neurodivergents rights.
Reitzmag sanctions lifted as Reitzmag signs Caspian Treaty and starts removal of islands
Today the Reitzmag sanctions have been lifted with the first ships to and from Reitzmag allowed through the Baltic Canal and the first planes from Reitzmag airlines allowed to fly through Duchian airspace. The sacntions were said to have worked by experts by rionging Reitzmag to the table for an agreement. The sanctions were lifted after all Caspian nations involved signed the new Caspian Treaty. The Treaty sets a 24 nautical miles of territorial waters and 200 nautical miles of EEZ.The treaty also establishes a new Caspian Council t manage the Caspian outside of EEZ's and regulate island building outside of terratorial waters. The new council will have wide ranging powers over fishing , environmental protection and resource exploitation. The treaty also garuntees equal access to the canal for treaty members outside of sanctioning or unless vessels are going to and from sanctioned countries by United Duchies and the Caspian unless it is a prohibited good for safety, environmental protection or good running of the canal. Each member gets one representitive on the council with Copala City getting a non-voting member. The United Duchies prime minister John Peter Key has hailed the treaty as a "new dawn in Caspian relations and cooperation that will ensure peace, prosperity and protection of the Caspian through join custodianship of the Caspian".
Reitzmag free trade treaty reinstated
Today the Reitzmag free trade treaty has been reinstated following approval from parliament and the High Duke and being approved by the courts the process was sped UD as no disagreement was raised in parliament. The move to reinstate the free trade treaty follows the easing of relations with Reitzmag following resolution of the Caspian crises. The treaty reinstatement also restarts co-operation programmes in science education and cultural exchanges.It is hopes Reitzmag businesses will use United Duchies as a base to get access to the SAN area and other countries where United Duchies has free trade treaties with. The business climate advisory was also lifted though the government made clear it wishes to see stability over a longer term,, Roscoes has suggested it may enter the Reitzmag market and is in talks with Reitzmag suppliers so it can meet its target of 70% local products as soon as possible if it enters. It pledged it would offer the highest wages of any supermarket in the country and have the best labour and union practises of any supermarket in Reitzmag. Other companies are showing interest in the market now restrictions on businesses overall have been lifted though caution is still likely to be the default state.
Inquista joins Telum Treaty
Today the Telum Treaty members welcomed The Most Blesse State of Inquista was welcomed to the Treaty of Telum and Southern Association of nations. The nation signed the treaty early in the week and is to be integrated with immediate effect into the free trade zone.Within 6 months roaming will be free in Inquista for mobile customers of Telum Treaty nations and defense co-operation will deepen over the next year. The bloc is now by far the most economically powerful in the EU making up over 50% of the GDP of the entire European Union. The zone is expected to boost income of companies within all Telum Treaty nations as they get access to more free trade agreements.The move is also said to boost security through joint defence , military co-operation and law enforcement and intelligence co-operation. The government welcomed Inuista into the treaty saying in a statement "Today we enter a new age of relations between Inquista and the United Duchies.We have always had a special relationship and links but today we take the step further and become brothers in the Treaty of Telum. I am confident our co-operation in defence, economy and on science and education will help us prosper and become ever more innovative and secure through co-operation." All parties in the country are supportive of the move so far with no opposition noted.
Charges dropped for over 5,400 Far Left Activists
Today the government of the Duchies revoked retroactively restrictions banning association with the Haahnean leadership finding no links with the government of Istaalken and Union of Syndicates territory. However they said there is still evidence of links to extremists in those countries. Anyone arrested for links to these governments and major parties in those states have been freed as of today.The Left was also found to be innocent of inistutional links to terrorist supporting governments and allowed once again to operate as a party. The party was however found to be a hotbed of extremism and it is expected there will be continuing monitoring. Charges have been brought against Leo McKulsky for links to terrorism and financing of terror organisations meaning The Left will have to find a new leader , new elections are expected to be held for the leadership position soon.65 out of 78 politicians in The Left have had charges against them dropped.
2,102 Far-Left Activists and Campaigners charged with Terrorism, Terrorist Links and Financing of Terrorism
Today the vast majority of far-left activists have been released after it was found they had no links to terrorism or supports of terrorism though 13 The Left officials and 250 members of The Left have been charged with crimes ranging from Terrorism, Links to Terrorism, Incitement of Terrorism or Financing of Terrorism. It has been confirmed at least one politician has been linked directly to the terror attacks that rocked the Duchies.The government and police have vowed to press ahead with charges and to push for the highest punishments possible under law in the courts.In a statement the police said "We have busted a significant terror ring and will be pressing for the highest sentences possible. We will get the justice the victims deserve and show that in the Duchies we will not tolerate extremism and terrorism of any sort be it far left or far right. Furthermore we will be vigilant for future threats and as part of these efforts we will be launching a hotline for public to confidentially report concerns about extremism on the 333 number.If you have any concerns call 333 and report it to police immediately, do not let a potential threat continue.Report any concerns you may have."
New joint Spanish-Duchian JNS80 Submarine unveiled
Today the United Duchies with the defence minister of Spain unveiled the jointly developed nuclear powered attack submarine the JSN80 submarine which is planned to be the backbone of both nations submarine fleets. The government refused to diverge most details for national security reasons but it is understood to be the most complex submarine of the nation to date. The submarine is alledged to e based around a newly developed nuclear engine , with a complement of over 30 being capable of 20 knots surfaced or 25 knots underwater. However these numbers have not been confirmed due to national security reasons.
The weaponry has been kept top secret. However it is expected the new fleet will boost security significantly for both nations. It is understood other Treaty of Telum members are eligible to buy the submarine.
Roscoes announce plans for fully automated check out stores
Roscoes have announced plans today to convert all stores to automated checkouts using either a scan and go system or a system of cameras and AI to track peoples purchases to allow them to buy using an app. They will be trialling both concepts in a plan agreed with the Roscoes Welfare Association and workers. Whichever is most successful will be implemented throughout all stores. However unlike other companies Roscoes claim this is not about cost savings with them saying in a statement "We have agreed a plan for more efficient use of our staff working in partnership with robots and automated check out systems to deliver a superior customer experience. We will keep about 10% of check out staff to help people with automated checkout for those who can't or struggle to use it. The other 90% will be redeployed to the shop floor where they will direct shoppers, suggest goods that may be of use , run free sample stands so customers can experience the full range of our products and of course stack shelfs and ensure the store is clean and tidy. We will be introducing limited robotics for stacking in the warehouse side of the business to aid productivity and free the staff at the back of the store to spend more time with customers who are our number 1 priority. We will not reduce staff by even a single percent as a result of this automation." The move is likely to be seen as a test of automation in the supermarket sector and innitially 20 stores will test out the concepts at full scale 10 for the scan and go and 10 for the camera and AI system. -
Government to devolve marriage law
The Duchies Government has announced today it intends to devolve marriage law to the Duchies in order to stop the rising tide of extremism in Duchies politics and the rise of the nationalist right. The government changes proposed in parliament shall state "Duchies decide the definition of marriage in their own Duchies and shall be able to decide on the issues of civil marriage as long as a Civil Alternative is available to religious marriage." The law would allow Duchies to outlaw the conducting of gay marriage and non-religious marriage as long as an equal alternative is available in law.The law would return all social rights issues to the Duchies. There are concerns this breaking of EU law could harm relations and cause international legal issues though the government has said people can still marry in other duchies and have their marriages recognised.Campaigners have called for the law proposal to be scrapped saying it will lead to a return of discrimination in the Duchies. However supporters of the law have said it will reduce extremism by allowing duchies to tailor laws to their cultures.