Court Circular || The Kingdom of Montenbourg
19 November 2020
Bourgeon Palace
Her Majesty the Queen, Honorary President of MONCEF, Montenbourg's Children's Fund , held a working meeting with MONCEF, with the aim of deepening the work of this organization in the Europe and in Montenbourg in the advance of girls rights around the world.
Her Majesty The Queen is chairing a working meeting to address MONCEF response to the challenges faced by children i n Europe, speciffically on the topic of the erradication of Child Marriage. Upon her arrival at the State Room in Bourgeon Palace, where the meeting was held, Queen Victoria was received by the vice president of the MONCEF and Her Majesty's Minister of Education Jill Biden, and by the Councillor for Montenbourg in the European Council Emma Granger.
01 December 2020
Bourgeon Palace
Friends of Europe, sons of Montenbourg! Today, we heard a clear commitment and purpose to end child marriage in Europe. Thank you distinguished Councillors for coming together to date and end, once and for all, the harmful practice of child marriage across this beautiful region.
Let me emphasize that we cannot eliminate discriminatory cultural norms and attitudes that deny girls’ rights without the voices of young women, traditional leaders, faith-based organizations and the all sectors involved. On my name and on my Government's name I wish to extend a personal thank you to two young men and women who had this battle won the Councillor of @Inquista Edward Firoux and our Councillor Emma Granger.
"As 'fountain of honour' , I have the sole right of conferring titles of honour on deserving people from all walks of life, in public recognition of their merit, service or bravery. We have witness this honor in both of you, that's why I have now the honor to propose to you the following distinguishmen of the Most Excellent Order of the Montenbourg Empire in the name of this Kingdom:
- KME Edward Firoux of Inquista, Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the Montenbourg Empire.
- DME Emma Granger, Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the Montenbourg Empire.
May we walk on the path of strenght and committment of better days,
Victoria R
Queen of Montenbourg -
16 December 2020
Bourgeon Palace
Today, Her Majesty The Queen announced her intent to nominate the following individual to a key position in her Government's Foreign Office:
Her Royal Highness The Princess Catherine, Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Republic of @Nofoaga
24 December 2020
The Queen's Christmas Message
The Queen Victoria at the stairs of Borgensborg"Laudetur Iesus Christus! It is inevitable that I should seem a rather remote figure to many of you. A successor to the Kings and Queens of history; someone whose face may be familiar in newspapers and films but who never really touches your personal lives. But now at least for a few minutes I welcome you to the peace of my own home.
"Tonight, It’s a timely reminder of what positive things can be achieved when people set aside past differences and come together in the spirit of friendship and reconciliation. At Christmas, we become keenly aware of loved ones who have died, whatever the circumstances. Those who flee because of persecution and others finding a home. But, of course, we would not grieve if we did not love.
“The Christmas story retains its appeal since it doesn’t provide theoretical explanations for the puzzles of life; such as in the Caspian Sea, or in the complex political situations that arises from building, mantaining and sustaining a nation; Instead it’s about the birth of a child and the hope that birth 2,000 years ago brought to the world. Only a few people acknowledged Jesus when he was born. Now billions follow him.
“I believe his message of peace on earth and goodwill to all is never out of date. It can be heeded by everyone; it’s needed as much as ever.
“A very happy Christmas to you my fellow Montenbourgians and the people of Europe!.”
Victoria R
Queen of Montenbourg -
22 February 2021
Bourgeon Palace
Today, Her Majesty The Queen announced her congratulations to the newly elected Commissioners of the European Union:
"Today a true friend of Montenbourg Walter Cocx from @Inimicus became the next Premier Commissioner of our Union. I also want to extend a warm hug and special thanks to our friends from @Alkharya with Commissioner Birdane and from @Duxburian-Union with Commissioner Mitchell; At a time when the grave crises facing our human family call for far-sighted and united responses, I pray that your decisions will be guided by a concern for building a society marked by authentic justice and freedom.
For the better of Europe and the strenght of our special unity."
Victoria R
Queen of Montenbourg -
8 March 2021
Bourgeon Palace
Statement by Victoria, Queen of Montenbourg on International Women’s Day
Women’s history is Montenbourgian history — and world history. On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the achievements, contributions, and progress of women and girls in the Kingdom and around Europe.
My Government is committed to honoring women by investing in their opportunity, security, and wellbeing. I was proud to issue an Royal Order today establishing the Royal Gender Policy Council, to ensure that every domestic and foreign policy we pursue rests on a foundation of dignity and equity for women. My Government is also committed to ensuring that women are represented equally at all levels of the government which My Right and Honorable Prime Minister has included a record number of diverse women whom I’ve nominated to serve in Cabinet-level roles and appointed to senior-level positions.
In my heart is a very special rememberance of the women in @Alkharya, The United Duchies, and Union of Syndicates which are passing through tumoltous times and happen to be in positions of courage.
Elevating the status of women and girls around the Union is the right thing to do — it is a matter of justice, fairness, and decency, and it will lead to a better, more secure, and more prosperous world for us all. On International Women’s Day, let us recommit to the principle that our nation, and the world, is at its best when the possibilities for all of our women and girls are limitless.
Victoria R
Queen of Montenbourg -
19th March 2021
The Princess of Strasbourg visits Royaume-de-France International Airport in Nofoaga to celebrate opening of Delta Airlines.
HRH Catherine, Princess of Strasbourg and Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Nofoaga visited the France International Airport for the opening of the new line Montenbourg - Nofoaga. And the newly renovated airport. The Queen’s sister was accompanied by a Nofoganese delegation and senior members of Delta Airlines.
The Princess of Strasbourg also heard more about Flying Start, a charity partnership with Royal Relief that aims to help children and young people secure better chances in life.
25th March 2021
Montenbourg Embassy in Port Beauharnais, Nofoaga
The Princess of Strasbourg hosts at the Montenbourg Embassy in Nofoaga a Gala Night in favor of Protect Nofoaga Against Climat Change movement.
Residence Embassy of Montenbourg in Nofoaga.- HRH Catherine, Princess of Strasbourg and Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Nofoaga hosted a Gala Night in favor Protect Nofoaga Against Climat Change movement; accompained by Government officials and members of the private sector Her Highness brought together nineteen Montenbourg brands and retailers to donate over 650,000 EMUs to the movement in the fight against global warming in @Nofoaga.
Her Royal Highness stated "This funds shall help Nofoaga in the extraction of coastal mangrove forests help protect communities and habitats from storm surges, but sea-level rise could wipe them out. Montenbourg will always lend a hand to this Caribbean island."
27 March 2021
Bourgeon Palace—
Statement by Victoria, Queen of Montenbourg on Passover.
Prince Philip and I send our best wishes to everyone celebrating Passover in the Kingdom of Montenbourg, and around the Union.
It’s a story of recognition that our own rights are bound up with the rights of our neighbors, and that none of us is free until all of us are free.
Though this celebration is Jewish, its message is universal. This year, it resonates anew for a generation that has seen a terrible crisis leaving empty chairs at too many of our nation’s tables, one that knows the oppression and injustice of our Union all too well.
As we close our Seders with the familiar refrain, “Nexts year in Jerusalem,” we will now offer an additional prayer: Next year I with peace. Next year, together for a better Union.
Queen of Montenbourg -
4 April 2021
Bourgeon Palace
Statement by Victoria, Queen of Montenbourg on Easter.
The traditions of Holy Week take us on a journey from sorrow to salvation, reminding us that with faith, hope, and love, anything is possible. And today, as spring returns, we see hope all around us.
Many religions have festivals which celebrate light overcoming darkness. Such occasions are often accompanied by the lighting of candles. They seem to speak to every culture, and appeal to people of all faiths, and of none. They are lit on birthday cakes and to mark family anniversaries, when we gather happily around a source of light. It unites us.
This Easter, I wish you health, hope, joy, and the peace of God, which passes all understanding.
Victoria R
Queen of Montenbourg
[Royal Postcard sended to the Embassies present in Montenbourg] -
..Court Circular...
20 April 2021
Bourgeon Palace
HRH Princess Catherine recovering
His Royal Highness Princess Catherine underwent an operation for a miscarriage situation in the early morning hours of Tuesday, at Bosco University Hospital in Montague. After the recent days of hospitalization and treatment in the intensive care unit, it is the doctors’ assessment that Princess Catherine will not have any physical effects or other injuries as a result of the miscarriage.
The Queen and the Royal Family would like to express thanks for the support and the many warm greetings they have received over the past few days. It means a great deal. Her Majesty The Queen also expresses warm thanks for all of the sympathy that has been shown to the royal family.
..Court Circular...
22 April 2021Bourgeon Palace
Call with King George of Reitzmag
Her Majesty The Queen of Montenbourg, Victoria the First, this morning held a Phone call with His Majesty George of @Kingdom-of-Reitzmag about the ongoing conflict with Itskalen.
Her Majesty The Queen extended her condolences of the Retizmic loses and called for unity in purpose of intend for commonality.
..Court Circular...
29 April 2021Bourgeon Palace
Borg Concert in celebration of the unity of the Realm
On Thurday, 29 April 2021, Her Majesty The Queen holds the Borg Concert, an event rich in tradition which this year pays tribute to the unity of the Realm.
Throughout the years, Her Majesty The Queen and Prince Philip have held concerts in the Palace Church at the Bourgeon Palace to which various groups from society have been invited. This year, The Queen wishes to recognize some of the persons who make a contribution to the unity of the Realm; Her Majesty invites a wide range of representatives from the Realm to a concert and following dinner in the Dome Hall at Bourgeon Palace.
The Realm has a wide geographical spread, and, through generations, and shared history in which friendships and families have been intertwined. The evening will therefore be a recognition of the united Realm.
3 May, 2021
Bourgeon Palace
The Queen's Message on World Press Freedom Day
"Journalists and media workers are crucial to helping us make informed decisions. As Europe battles the uprising of false information, those decisions can make the difference between life and death. Today, we thank the media for providing facts and analysis; for holding leaders – in every sector – accountable; and for speaking truth to power.
On World Press Freedom Day, I call on governments, friends and others to use everything we can, especially the powerful instrument of the media, to build and strengthen the common good of our Europe."
Victoria R.
Queen of Montenbourg -
4 May, 2021
Bourgeon Palace
"It was with great sadness that I heard of the train derailment earlier today in Montague City. The Duke of Montague, and the entire Royal Family, join me in sending our thoughts and prayers to the families of those who have died and those who have been injured. Our thanks go out to the emergency services for their response and dedication."
Victoria R.
Queen of Montenbourg -
Sunday, 20th June.
Bourgeon Palace————————————— ———— ———— ———— —
Her Majesty was present at a Military Ceremony in the Quadrangle of Bourgeon Palace this morning to mark The Queen's Official Birthday at which The Queen's Colour of F Company Guards was Paraded, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Viscount David Marsham (Commanding Officer, 1st Battalion Guards).
The troops on Parade received Her Majesty with a Royal Salute.
The Bands of the Guards Division played a selection of music during the Ceremony, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Clare Hale.
Major General Christopher Ghika (Major General Commanding Household Division) was present.
Her Majesty witnessed a fly-past by the Red Arrows of the Royal Air Force, led by Squadron Leader Thomas Bould, Royal Air Force, to mark the official celebration of The Queen's Birthday.
A Royal Salute was fired by The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery from the East Lawn at Bourgeon Palace, under the command of Major Kloster Flood.
23 June, 2021
Bourgeon Palace
The Queen Statement on the Volcanic Eruption in Nofoaga
“I have been saddened by the destruction and major disruption caused by volcanic eruptions in recent days, and my thoughts are with the many people and families who have been evacuated from their homes, and whose livelihoods have been affected. My sister and Ambassador in the lands of the Caribbean has briefed me on the stands of our delegation.
I send my thanks to the emergency services and all those involved in the relief effort. We stand with you. My prayers will remain with the people of Nofoaga at this very difficult time.”
Victoria R.
Queen of Montenbourg -
5th July 2021
Bourgeon Palace
The Queen receives Prime Minister Birgitte Nyborg in Bourgeon Palace
The Queen today received The Rt. Hon. Birgitte Nyborg MP, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Montenbourg and Head of Her Majesty's Government in Royal Audience at Bourgeon Palace.
Victoria R.
Queen of Montenbourg -
5th July 2021
Bourgeon Palace
The Queen meeting with the Duchess of Bordeaux and the Viscount of Downton.
Her Majesty The Queen met Her Grace Duchess of Bordeaux, Governor-General of the Province of Bordeaux, Lady Minerva and the Viscount of Downton, Lord Robert Crawley at Bourgeon Palace this evening.
The Queen welcomed Bordeaux’s action to on tackling education desertion and encouraged a summer grand ball at the Borgensborg, the monarch summer residence, on late July.
12th July 2021
Bourgeon Palace
The Queen’s itinerary for Monday, July 12, 2021
Private meetings.
11:00 a.m. The Queen will meet with Minister of Commerce Cynthia Nixon.
1:15 p.m. The Queen and the Mayor of Montague will visit the CT - Bowen Maintenance Facility to visit prisioners.
2:30 p.m. The Queen, along with the Minister of Health Dr. Meredith Sheperd, will meet with volunteers from the Win Cancer campaign, a movement aimed at rallying Montenbourgians and encouraging understanding Cancer.